Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 2, 1900, p. 5

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I ib THE NEWM E FRIDAY MARCH BAITS lULCOCKllUltHt General branch A General Business ntercst Allowed on Deposits AT 01ttiKr DRAFTS AT UK bought Sunday Prepared for the Era by pooling in March Mark 1 Junntrs Notes to Dp ftUtred door South Of to 10 mid to DIKTAT ft I the Church m gr IT firttiafaotlon Dp p Dentist Mill boat thftofllooof Dr Brad ford every Monday LICENSES Jackson of MARRIAGE LICENSES At Kit a Newmarket Papers Issued at private raaldericc JiMtrinJ IKBURANCE 4 t A for Companies Money to intortat si Rates Office Newmarket R R Ramsay Fir Agent bow on Farm and Isolated Town Property Shop Newmarket Simpson OruKtfiSta Bund Fancy Goods A of and Tuner of Pianos all String Instruments NEWMARKET I you Nice tnan anybody else a Cutler or too beat In country call on R or any I have biff eon fcmaj aora aound tome Blow some pome homely and Gomwk Text And ho healed many that wore ick Vorao Bon of God wae celt occupied Vcrfle in the word is its commendation VorBC A man may ho in but not Voroo Jesus is the dis turbing one in company Verso Baton must no oast out as well Evil would destroy what it cannot dominate Verso 20 Supremacy proves Verso highest grows out of Verso Spiritual experience should prepare for homo life Verso 90 The car of Jesus invites the of distress Verse The touch of Jesus relaxes the grip of suffering Verse 92 Religious may bar way of oarly blessing Verso Josua fills a ddop want in the human heart Verse There are times when is Vorso2i maintenance of Gods purpose the business of Gods son V6rsc22Tho words of Child of God must ho superlative Verso Evil always protests against goodness Verso evil prerogative of Gods children Verso Friendship with Jesus is compatible with physical pain Verse There is a where burdens may he left Verso Christ had and pow er over month Vereee and The truth of God needs enduring of God Orthodoxy may bo powerless and lifeless truth needs environment spec ial and kindred miracle of reveals both need and equipment Versos and bestows a now power and supremacy God given life is free from Sa tans control John III Tho God given lite has present pow or Satan Duke The God given life shall reign over Satan Ho Verso closely relates the home to the church Devotion to homo a fruit of religion Tim Consecration to business is of Chris tian faith Bo uplift of the Secular one pur pose of the incarnates I Cor Verses and The Christ life is hostile to works of Satan The manifestation of Christ was to put away sin John III The business of the was to overcome evil John The conduct of believer to be righteousness Cor 1 Vera The witness for God must be prepared by God Jesus gloriously illustrates this fact Matt Ill The disciples were forbidden other wise to apeak Luke Pentecost illustrates and demon strates the truth Acta Compound Recommonded by Rev Methodist Minister of Nova Scotia it Saves the of Gain in FIosli of Pounds in Three Weeks Amongst professional men who are active and ardent advocates of Celery Compound clergymen arc found who never weary in return- mending wonderful medicine to members of their churches who ailing sick and Clio true and honest clergyman who ha the lifegiving powers of Celery Compound who lias been from weakness of body to full health and vigor feels it a duty to to others of the only true health and strength builder world has over seen Mr Parks near the dark grave but rescued and saved by Celery Compound after failure of his doctors sendn the following let ter at was taken iek which compelled me to abandon my wolk and seek home and rail eon- suited doctoiK who it typhoid w slow fever I se verely from and cold chills duiin the day to this was nervous which weak of J me and reduced my I a This continued last winter my wife began to despair of as I took produced no good ami I gradually growing Through the influence of the Tyler I was to give Celery Compound a trial and I can truly it worked wonders first Initio ftreat relief and fivo bottles completely cured me I gained thirtytwo pounds in three weeks and am now and healthy I would the suffering every where to give Paines Compound a trial A Parry Sound locomotive over and killed a silver fox that was on the traok One of the employes pick ed it up and received for pelt ft afterwards changed hands for GENERAL DEBILITY AND A BUN DOWN STATE calls for a general tonic to system Such Is The Emulsion Builds you up increases your weight elves health Made by Davie Lawrence Co Ltd The paper manufacturers of the Dominion met in Montreal and decided to per cent The Royal Templar Grand Council of Ontario concluded its buai- at Milton and will next year in Toronto to Loan percent effected on Life Insurance by Davidson Commissioner for taking J Conveys ace and cat sentrorUefotlowio reliable and Globe Mutual Mount Money to Loan At per coat on by David Beat Es tate Conveyancer Marriage for the following Queen fiud Liverpool Mutual In Kir bo jttfo To ronto Office Old Office Corner of Main end Streets diseases V tnclsioa forever ftnd la ntfLL VIKGIUU SI pet DAVIS it CO We the undersigned do hereby agree to refand the money on a twenty- five cent bottle of Dr Wills English Pills if after using threefourths of contents of bottle they do not relieve Constipation and Headache We al so warrant that four bottles will per manently cure the most obstinate case of Constipation- or no pay Wills English Pills used Lehman Druggist Newmarket J B Druggist Oat Scotts Pharmacy Main St Newmarket that you cannot possibly be happy or successful unless you sleep soundly eat heartily and digest what you eat or to vfcl entity monthly ox pauses lnclocefulfcddrcWl6lampo AN AOUU EM Canton till In reply to a delegation from the Royal Templars and Dominion Alii of Manitoba promised to introduce a prohibition bill at first session of the legisla ture Department of Militia at Ottawa is flooded with offers from young men in all parts of country want to go to South Africa to AH the vacancies on the contingent holds out no hopes of any offers being accepted Black water Out Feb an eary hour yesterday morning very fire occurred at of Mr- Pasco Luke about three miles east of tips placo which three chil dren vero burned to death family wore propping to move THE LAND OF COOPER the I ij of rlpjilcd once with birch boats wake the bold Still oer Its outlet the lit ark wtfjw e4tli oer from dirk The form Which loot up bine and dim wait rljxisl To end bit Point plol And wave Council About of ltdi wll to woip Of then locking talcs will touch tin heart When Hi Kraok VorV Sua REUNION It Ho I Si long old fashioned room You arc very fortunate la having much furniture their guest reworked in fami lies It hut you seem to have a mine of It here and the If It la the china- He stopped fumbling at the doorknob proudly and walked across to the table deposited her burden There were a pitcher cups and a platter with a dull red pattern over them It Is be cried Or course carc- knew It as os the pa per told about It and wanted to find the other pieces There are more up hut is all could bring at once There was some mere conversation end search Id the family Bible and the mm departed Khnlra to the door then slammed It bard and ran hack to where her sister was watting and drop ped Into the old rocker and began to rock violently to and fro We arc somebody she announced Yes I have heard of the reunion but I cant say I fee called upon to go remarked she let the printed slip fall Into her lap l never felt very proud of the blood anyway Mother would stick It Into my name but must say the folks Ive seen bearing thai name werent any thing very remarkable And now therell be a whole gang of them a whole of Josslyus She sniffed scornfully No I really dont feel colled upon to go to their old she repeated decisively I dont suppose you do Amelia agreed Of course there wouldnt be anybody yon ever knew or would want know- It aint us if It were fathers family Kim Ira reared her head proudly- 1 soy not she answered emphat ically Why there are coventors and senators and lawyers anil and every- iltlng in grandfathers ancestors that if your nervous system needs toning you will be miser- able yourself and make those you come in contact with mis erable that in Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Wis you have a that has yet tailed to cure any disease caused by im poverished blood such as Pale Greenish or Sallow Complexion Nervous Weakness Loss Appetite Dyspepsia and Stomach Disorders Head achy Depression of Spirits Lack of Energy Dark Circles under the Eyes Pain the Back Kidney and liver Disorders and Catarrh Wrbw- fro WlUUfcu Co Toronto Bo by J I HARRIET COX I we ore big somebodies Amelia We coo be Daughters of the devolution Colonial nod Descendants of die May flower and and She was fairly out of breath Id cool off a little If I were you her sister suggested Kind of alow up cant you Kim Ire and tell toe all about You know couldnt go Of course not you poor dear El- leaned forward and kissed tenderly But youre a Just the same Amelia and youve the looks any one there I always said you had you know There was a lot there and at flret I felt kind of queer And you bad to tell all you knew about your ancestors to a man and he had a lot of papers and seemed to know everybody and be said I was very descended Ilia i you of course too only you werent there and he was talking about me be Introduced me to a woman and said I not hear hut It made her extra nice to Die nod she took around and Intro duced me to most everybody and they wan an Hue a looking set of folks as ever see even if I do say It end relations Theyve been having a dreadful time straightening feme records try ing to trace some pattern that was on some that came over In the May flower ami was used In Knglttnd before that A lot of the sons had had whole sets made like Et It bad got all scattered round and when they came to describe It came across all or a sudden of that box of crockery up in the that grandfather gave us and we didnt ever use twas so old and cracked Ho I up nod told eta about Right out afore everybody Amelia gasped Of course Wasnt as much a Joss as any of cm even If ray Inst name My middle name Is any way and a persons middle name just as much their own as their last Well they were dreadfully Interest ed and I told em lots of things didnt seem to know I guess they was glad 1 came That man didnt seem to more half believe we bad the china so I just brought out to see for himself I guess the aint Impostors He could see for himself She turned head that man worth she To her sister Impressively Three million dollars and bos a big swell and he but one piece of- the with the pattern on It and that came to through at aunty- She glanced at the table Theres more up in attte she said as she clasped hands Amelia moved laboriously across the room took up the cups and wiped them carefully with a fine towel Then she took the teapot off the stove Wo might have a cup of tea In them tc night she suggested I suppose we could use quite often only proper that we should use the family china Bhe sipped tea slowly Ive ordered a Dew set of cards she announced with a furtive glance at her sister and theyre going to read There was a silence for a moment And ordered some for you too Amelia she added because we are both Josslyns you know Atlanta Constitution might have among all Josslyps- Amelia suggested pur Imp just a or In of tbe family shook her head decisively Do nut Sarah pile dec mled end Uncle Job nilfJ I be tree This she spoke In a whisper Amelia nodded- And did you ever see such a tot of nobodies In all your life as you used to see i the funerals and weddings You felt as If youd got to apologize to your for them Ancestors Indeed You neednt try to tell me they ever had any ancestor at all any of theui She took up the paper glanced It through again It Is proposed to gather together all the genealogical lore and traditions to separate tradition from fact and Anal ly to publish a book la which shall be a complete history of fam ily from Adam to the present genera To do this ft Is necessary that all branches of the family be represented and ft Is earnestly requested that as far as possible all persons In whom flows any drop of the Josslyn blood gather at this reunion contribute their share to the fund of Informa tion 1 suppose might go she thoughtfully after a few moments pause Of course Im not called upon to but It wouldnt hurt me any and might it kind of Interesting just to look on She looked Inquiringly at her sister I would if were you Amelia re plied promptly Id go If I bad the chance Its a dreadful thing to be ao lame Sho sighed dismally I eposo youd like to hear about It remarked I might go on your account so as to amuse you talking about It afterward It mightnt- be so very bad because Im not very much Josslyn you know They always said I favored fathers side anyhow were all dark and grand father used to say be didnt believe Id a drop of blood In me at all You got It all Amelia You ought to be the one to go but seeing you cant I spose I will Youll be glad to have me wont you Amelia Amelia sat by the little side window and peered anxiously out The train had come some time She bad heard its whistle and seen long puffs of smoke over marshes and she knew It ought to be time for sister to appear I never knew to be so long com before she murmured fretfully to herself Maybe shes stopped at to get some eggs 1 hope she hasnt because brought some over Just after she went There was a sudden peal at front doorbell Amelia rose and hobbled to the door My she exclaimed as raa face confronted her Then she dropped her voice as saw a strange man her sisters side U forgot my latchkey you said airily or I wouldnt have troubled you Amelia This Is our cous in Bradford Hes come to see the and has got to go back on next train so well hare to hurry You take Into the dining room while I go and get It We nave to very careful of It you see because we think so much of It be explained to the stronger departed toward the Attic- Amelia led the way silently to the dining room The parlor was cold had evidently reasoned that out and then too the dining return wm the best piste to show vidua of just what was china phe PILES Anal iiaHitd the and have not wed Dr Chips Ointment this announce ment will wove of great benefit to you provided you profit by advice procure thij remedy delay In Europe or America It never known to fall cure piles of amy dcicripiioa first application the will absolutely rid ihe this torturing and not a town or village In Canada Chase Pot made neighbor about It Fear It in Ointment la worlds greatest cure for itching It is invaluable to women as a for tea to which are subject It drives away and and beautifies akin It stands as ibe only cure for piles at all Co Toronto favorite tewed for croup asthma and Is Dr and aU a The medicinal property of each of this list of herbs and barks is a specific for some particular disorder the human system The combination of all these curative properties in one tablet pro duces a remedy for all diseases of the Liver Stomach Blood or Kidneys which for quick and permanent results has never been equaled JUMPER J SAT MS H0 WlCXlt JISH LIVER WOftT DOCK WOBMWOO0 ELECAMPANE mm S is natures grandest remedy It contains min eral substance no morphine opium or other false stimulant Every box is registered and num bered and contains a guarantee that in case a purchaser is not cured after using one box as directed the price of the medicine will be refunded Our Native Herbs is sold in tablets also in powdered form at a box containing day treatment If you cant get it at your drug gists we will mail it to you on receipt of THE BUSS CO Montreal Canada filDTw g Winter Dry FOR Goods OR Clothing Without first examining our new stock and prices We have some good bargains Every Week or two Cheap J The Leading House Sharon Universal tec Tne only Hrro thai This feature Is fa vsJuableon or WJa Cultivator New Sectional Spring fitted with and desired thietle cutterd if draft beat ffloat operated work under tbe axle and within the wheel line See the New Spring Lift CELEBRATED and Drills to well and favorably specie for are now over in among ibefiruiens of country We the of Farm ate lor In Addition to the above call special mention New Victoria Binder wo- 14 Oxford Clipper Frontcut Mower our and Tooth Harrows and and Ratchet Damp It will amply repay all intending to sce placing orders for our Catalogue THE Co Ltd Iiipersoll Out RIFLE INN

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