Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 2, 1900, p. 4

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCH h Star Good people trust to tack to putt them through and are often disappointed Do not dillydally matters of health With it you can accomplish miracles With out it you are no good Keep the kidney and blood healthy by faultless blood purifier had la coy and foot I commenced treatment with and and In a abort time eared I troubled with and Impure blood A cut on my arm would not heal Hood recommended and after I bad taken three bottles I waa wall Street Toronto Ballot Samp She J JAOKSOKIKOP Best Advertising Medium Ub York County per lino for j y subsequent insertion pinions HPAC Inch 1 up aw AdvvrtWiiciiM with writ- ton liwiructlona and accord I will bo each mouth If Knr once month the be paid for at regular tor in the noon on WoIiitMdAyti Special for Notice farina ro Went mid Found etc A notice wilt Inserted for or collect lot ny fie fifty will be charged for auoha notice No execution to thin Robertson alary Main Street to Loan ood Farm t Solicitor Solicitor for Township of King Advice from Dominion capital load tit to conclusion that leforu close ballot in at last general election and subse quent known as will he abandoned in future and a mote one With a added cal culated to Kuurd the perpetra tion of f rami That present ballot unsatisfactory goes without A prepared from the Ottawa correspond ent of the Montreal covering spoiled ballots in twentyfive con stituencies at the general election ballot would bo a revelation to the general public With simple ballot by Mackenzie Administration in in Ontario there were only six spoil ed in the election of hut the use of existing ballot in the city at the lost general election the number spoiled reached a of And foregoing was not an isolated instance by any moans Wo are told that the same thing is shown greater or less extent in nearly all electoral divisions of coun try Indeed on thin point it is on the authority of a member that general election in not less than thirty thousand people were disfranchised through not having marked their ballots according to di rections This is an evil of mag nitude and calls for a remedy Of course a large number of improve- men and substitutes ate suggested but the plain and simple form brought into use the Mackenzie Administra tion is likely to be adopted Wo are told lite above correspondent how ever that there will be no lines inter secting it up ami down and cross be placed on top of the candt- dates name or within the white section that the name occupies As a check against fraud by substitu tion two counterfoils will bo attach to each ballot and the directions tho returning in thereto will lie so plain as to prove an effectual bar against imposition It will not interfere with existing ban of secrecy will enable scruti neers of candidates to bo assured that proper ballot finds its way into the ballotbox Altogether the re form foreshadowed by the changes proposed will be in right direction Im cation of Abolition of labor is rapidly becoming municipal circles throughout tho Province Globe There now no than Ontario who decided to this step or have already carried it out latest to are of Oaborne In Huron Co Perth In visited week by A Provincial Road At the meetings bold it elded to commute the labor at per day and to adopt of by Mr Campbell The -o- More I terribly from thirst it was im of Inter- to readers March num ber of bo Magazine on Methodism by Dr J Worn A Great by Roy If Adams illuBtroted- Methodism and by Itov J But nor to John not continues very important Canada During the Victorian with nnmeroua engraving Principal a well illustrated on Sorrows of Armenia and Dr Ham moll on that character Bar bo- Julio do editor has an illustrated on City of tho Dead Popular is Recent to Nobulii by Dr A oharacter study with a portrait and tribute to The the Prophets will bo read with interest aleo Tho Christian Bel once Delusion Is this a War and of short stories Ho been domand for edi tion of Meihodlst Wof irfsr that It has been found to print a second edition of the January number Hew sub- may count upon receiving It from beginning of year ft year for six months State Tuesday Fob Via Wednesday Fob One of the costliest actions of war occurred at Drift Sunday Feb Gen KellyKenny in bis pursuit of Gen caught bis rearguard at Klip Drift and the burghers to Boors laager at to surrender despite the fact Koodoos Band f he drift action be- that herein a ternWedeatufcrapwHli possible to transport water A heavy thunderstorm in the afternoon how- over considerably relieved their suffer ings Orange Free Fob The of the Transvaal has Saved Their Child Money in Court Ontario p etc managed and made Money to loan at lowest rates Iiannox St Chopping Barristers Conveyancers Si doors South of Post Newmarket Herbert Aurora win also ho at Newmarket on Saturday and Court rSolIcIiorafor J Ross Co Banker Aurora Funds Mil ess es Gratitude PJlftBBRT DUNN Dunn Arcade King West Tot onto lit Barrister Reformer Block Money to Loan PAINTING JOTB It le understood the Government has decided to establish a mining office at on the This is tbo centre of great and iron of that part of Ontario and the mainten ance of a tola there will be for the of the development of minerals This branch office will take of the mining affairs of thirty- three townships Its location is ftboat miles from Too House Paper Hanger experience in all branches of the business Full line of the latest designs In Paper Ask to see thorn door North of the Primary Church Street Paper Act Done promptly neatly and In I am also associated with a and Writer can be loft at Rlpoa Hardware Store at the residence of Mr J 8 Green head of Street Newmarket Bolton Practical Painter anger and House Corner Church Street Millards Lane and AUCTIONEERS Licensed Auctioneer for the Co of York sold on reason able A trial solicited Street Newmarket NEWMARKET WORKS LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Cull Before Ordering Five men have guilty of At North election in Mr Conservative waa Their ftto John Eden Roberts Michael and 3 We have no hesitation in that these men should be placed in the asms pen with bribers and of South Tory or Grit no different let to the This Extract of Malt so it is claimed by hotelmen baa been overdone by druggie w Under the Raise of being a on of medicine health restorer so it said droplet malt trade without paying be asked during the ens session of the Legislature to wind up this Extract of Malt trade over the counters of vendors and send to dealers The holders of licenses are in harmony with hotel men question j I Is Assembly corridors that a bill will be Introduced this lesion on petition from the County of Oxford asking for the abolition of some fees for school pxaminationa but why the expense of these examinations should be thrown upon the whole com- Is not quite clear The Oxford pe tition for abolition of the following fees Part first of Form for which la now paid Form Form III Form and for additional subjects to junior It is always regarded as a manly to Coring last session of Parliament Mr through his false against certain Methodist settlers on the them as wreckers Haying become alnoe that he take ho baa apologized to those concerned or their ea and also declared the fact on floor of Parliament where wrong accusation was made What ever may about matter or whatever construction may place upon Hon Gentlemans motives we have no hesitation in accepting this ac knowledgment as a manly act end that mutt commend itself and Little Girl wan Attacked with Heart Trouble and Doctors Said She Gould Not Will- fink Have Made Her Sound and as a Cricket From the Hun In ft comfortable farm home in near lives Mr a prosperous and most respected citizen In this pleas ant homo the heart of a father and mother beats with gratitude to Dr Williams Pink Pills because they firmly believe they saved tlio life of their little daughter A reporter of Sun having heard of the case drove but to Mr for the purpose of getting at facts and found both father and mother of the little girl very enthusiastic in their praise of the medicine that hag un questionably done so much to relievo suffering this country Said Mr we have good rea son for praising Dr Williams Pink Pills I think they are worth ten times their weight in gold When our little daughter Clara was eight years old she was stricken with what the doctors said was heart trou ble Up to that time she had been a strong healthy child The first symp toms shown were fainting spells and these would attack her without a mo ments warning Wo consulted a doc tor under whoso caro she was for a time but the treatment did her do good in fact she was growing worse Then we called in another doctor and ho frankly told us that he could hold out but little hope for her recovery Bv this time she was confined to bed And for three months she was as help less as ah infant In some of fainting spells she was attacked with convulsions Her appetite seemed en tirely gone and she was reduced to a Hying skeleton At this time I read the particulars of a cure through the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills which gave me hope and I determined that our little girl should try them I first got box and when they were used she seemed brighter Then I got Ave boxes and by the time she had finish them she was as sound a child as you could find in the neighborhood bright and lively as a cricket She has boon going to school for the past eighteen and has shown abso lutely no symptoms of the old trouble I attribute her euro entirely to the Williams Pink Pills and if anyone doubts the truth of this statement you can refer them either to myself or my wife Williams Pink Pills are just as valuable in the case of children as with adults and puny little ones would soon thrive and grow fat un der this treatment which has no equal for building up the blood and giving strength to brain body and nerves Bold by all dealers or sent post at box or six for 260 by addressing Dr Williams Medicine Co Bo not bo persuaded to try something else to bo just as good The Manitoba may open during week of March 12 gaii at daybreak mounted infan try driving Boer rearguard up river towards the main body whilst another body of mounted manoeuvred on right front and Hank of Boers British main body advanced to outflank the Boer laager the north bank of the river Gen KellyKenny having seized two drifts found Boers strongly enclos ed and ordered an attack with the Highland brigado on the left and Gen Knoxs brigade on the contro and right while including Canadian gent crossed the river and advanced along tbo north bank On both north and south banks ground level advance this was deadly and tho British loss was heavy The battlo was an exact of that at River Feb The graphic do- tails which are published morn ing of the fighting which took place at on Sunday show the nature of the resistance is making in the face of a anp- force commandant occupies entrenched in the bed of the River at Drift which is described as verit ably a dvuth trap Hero the Boers wore by British on Sunday the Highland Brigade being on the south bank of river and the brigades of division on the north bank British endeavored to attack the Boer but a stubborn was offered and they were unable to make headway against them while the burghers on the other bund could not leave the sheltering banks the river which formed a natural breastwork without exposing them selves to the shell fire of the British artillery The Highland Brigade suffered heavily and a at the men wore obliged to lie prone owing to the terrible Boer rifle firo The formed a part of the force which under General crossed river at the drift in a vain effort to reach enemys laager This little of troops fought gal lantly but was eventually compelled to fall back with loss Owing to the terrible effects of the British artillery fire on Mon day asked for an armistice which was refused He then sent an offer to surrender but afterwards with drew St he would fight to ho end Firing was resumed and a number of Boer waggons wore sot on fire by lyddite the being de scribed as terribly picturesque The British infantry suffering severely on Sunday owing to the advance being over fiat country devoid of cover and ibis has evidently influenced Lord Roberts in his decision not to again endeavor to carry tho Boor position by assault The battle was renewed on Monday and guns wore directed againaj the Boer position The losses wero heavy both sides Boer casualties estimated at A kopje held by the enemy was taken on Wednes day with prisoners During Monday night seven Boers attempted to break through the Brit ish lines hot were captured Their leader was killed and four of them were wounded The British now hold all the ground of Tugela On Tuesday the hauled a heavy waggon by hand from a high position on Monte hill The rifle brigade followed them and just as a team of horses were in- spanned they shot the animals The waggon was then abandoned and it fell into the hands of the British It was found to contain rounds of Mauser ammunition Following are farther details of tho fighting with forces As night fell after the terrific fight ing which lasted all day there was a cessation of fire Both sides tired and glad to rest The work the dead and wounded the men slept where they had fought the whole day was one of the most fear fully con tested in the history of the war The Boers were fighting for their Uvea and- the British them The mount ed infantry did good work and the Highland brigade fought steadily and sternly The whole force behaved well Sunday evening the cordon around the Boers was completely closed on side in silence A few came into estop during the night and confessed were of fight ing and that Gen was being urged to surrender fore cecums river bed All unheals rati taffer- entire force of Roberta sue rounding him and all his big sending in upon the Boor laager a hurricane of shell as has never before been witnessed The official report men killed at drift Sunday Fob including OS Highlanders and IB Canadians London Fob Englishmen feel something like pride in oven as a foe the Daily In a position covering a square mile hemmed in all sides a chain of from rifle maxim- and howitzer played on by deadly lyddite bursting in its own sickly green light his hastily built trenches by a stream of lead sweeping down the river from the north bank Gen elects to fight It is magnificent courage Ottawa Feb A cable was re- from Otter dated Kimberley Feb stating that the following men of his command wounded on Tuesday the Company Private Reginald Kid- Royal Private J Burton Holland no corps Com pany Downing St John Fusiliers Company Private A Parker Kings County Private w Adams Company reported after the engagement at on the has since reported The War Office publishes the fol lowing despatch from Roberts Feb Parties of recently arrived from Natal at tacked our outposts in force again yes terday They lost a good many killed and wounded and 100 prisoners in- eluding a Commandant and Field Cornets Our casualties were wounded men trilled S3 men wound ed men missing On the and officer and men wound ed men were wounded yesterday by Mauser bullets The nickel case is slit with four slits mak ing the projectile of the expan sive and explosive nature possible A wounded Boer brought to our hospit al yesterday had of the bullets in his pocket During the advance to and the relief of Khnherly the casu alties were officers killed wounded men killed wound ed Feb General position is more hopeless than over Our guns dominate the sloping ascents from river on all sides and by the rush of the Shropshire on Wednesday night up the river bed the Boers lost yards space in their cover Deserters say the British fire has been very deadly and affirm that himself is willing to surrender but is overborne by the young Boers from the Transvaal There are women and children with the Boer force Lord pro posed to let them out of danger but this suggestion as well as the proffer of medical aid has been rejected The kopje captured by the British last Wednesday when prisoner were taken is a most important stra tegical position Its position should enable us to any Boer rein forcements from the eastward Reliable news as to Gen Butlers advance on is published this morning The heavy fighting which was officially reported to occurred on Thursday Friday took place to the left of Sta tion and it was here in the rush on one of the Boer positions on Thursday night that Gen Wynne fell wounded Boers had been strongly rein forced but they were notwithstand ing compelled to fall back from their entrenchments in disorder- Boers still hold a splendid position on Kloof and they must be driven from it before the advance can be con tinued Tho following was received from Col dated Feb l well here The enemy actively pushing their trenches against us and treating us to much musketry and artillery fiie including incendiary shells at night but as we have taken all precautions no harm has resulted The enemy has been obliged to their big gun again owing to our ad vanced entrenchments being pushed forward They have mounted it due west of the whence they deliberately put two shells into camp of tho women and children Begins Tommy was reading the war new When ho finished ho came over to his mother and said Mamma how do wars begin Well the English hauled down the American flag and that the Amoricans Hero Tommys father intervened My dear lie said The would not Mother Excuse me they would Now dear who ever heard of such a thing Pray do not interrupt But you are giving Tommy a wrong idea am not sir You are madam wont allow you Ill call vou what I choose Vui I ever saw- sorry arc so Tommy going out Its all right I think I know how wars begin Colliers Weekly TO A COLD IN ONE PAY Take Laxative Quinine Tablets Alt druggists refund the money It falls to cure signature is on each box Mrs James of Sutton had a bad fall lost Thursday on the step in front of hard ware store resulting in concussion of of the spinal cord It will be a long time she will be able to be up A Life Ruined by Cocaine Which ho flrt In a Catarrh Remedy Ends his Life In an Insano Asylum The manager of concern In tells the pathetic story one of travellers a young man of great promise became addicted to the cocaine habit by remedy containing this dead drug in a fevi months he became a wreck and physically and Is now ending bis in ma Insane It is impossible to estimate the countless num ber of lives leing sacrificed to this dreadful habit as a result of using cocaine in a remedy Catarrh As a guarantee that Dr Chases Catarrh Is perfectly free from cocaine we the certificate of purity from Analyst Ilios of Toronto I have made a careful examination of Dr A Chases Catarrh Cure for ocainc or any of its from samples purchased In the open market none present Signed The efficiency of Dr Catarrh Cure radically curing the worst of chronic cat a Is too well known to need further comment a box blowers at all dealers Bates Co Toronto For coughs and colds Dr Syrup of to Sell or Boat Hay Croup No cornea so suddenly and trea cherously upon Us as croup Happy Is the who baa at hand Dr Ceases of Turpentine the dear one In the night coughing and for urea Hi Tula fatuous remedy is the stajdUy the homes of this us a prompt and certain care for coughs colds asthma and throat cents a bottle Family size CO 100 acres on the Town Line of I fin- bury half a mile from bearing of trees Good market Newmarket House for Bale acres to suit also Vacant I and J purchaser Enquire at Era On PtiKcwmarket either W acre with defeated Midland on Midland ice by to on Thursday night Midlands first defeat at home IMMENSE INCREASE in the sale of the Menthol Plas ter evidences the fact that it Is useful for all rheumatic lumbago and back pain in the Bides etc Da via Lawrence Co Ltd manufacturers Lawrence Co Ltd A doctor his offered to at tend to pixfy in Ihe of for no for 25 The Packet think the County Coun cil roust had the luck to hit upon doctors bargain day Cent for a Stomacb la what It means to the sufferer from Indigestion and all other complaints Dr Von Stans Tablets are nature panacea for the Ills theyre a purely vege table compound of them In a sod popular price enough to allow sverj- to enjoy good health- Sold by Lehman Deputy who has been on trial at Paris charged with inciting soldiera to at the time of the funeral of President Fame sentenced to five years banishment Children Cry for PAHS WITH A la Sara aid lor and DO cent OP IMITATIONS BUT ONLY THE PERRY DAVIS addressed to endorsed fur Construction or Wharf will be received at thla office Thursday lie next for the construction of a a on Co and apeci Heal Ion to be at the of A Gray In charge Works Confederation Building Ton id to on plication to the and at ibeDvparirnent or Works Ot tawa will not be considered unless made supplied and signed the actual of lenders An bank check payable the order the Honorable the Minister of Public Works three hundred dollar mils tender The clique party decline the coo tract or fail to complete the work contracted for and will returned In case of ac ceptance of tender The docs hind iraelf to ac cept the any tender By order J ROY Stcrettit of Works Ottawa February Inserting advertisement without authority from the Department will not tic paid for I To Men or even more to II tJ Cuitl iwt a Id Bag Carpet Weaving to inform the public that be baa moved to and that he fltill J hat Celebrated Iowa Co Loom with to date and that be la prepared to do Beat Work in Rag Carpet Weaving Call and Bend your ruga Early A sharp often a deep wound It a to Enjoy It A course in our College will be one of the most enjoyable exper iences of your life and the im portant and valuable knowledge gained will fit you for lucrative employment and give you the means of enjoyinx the best things of life Write for particulars You may enter any time No vaca tion Business TO It ON TO Qtrrard jr IM I u4fwfi Dr JuiJ CEORCE BROWS 1 1 Li a for 9 the lor fiririK holmest yurdruTbl nil J VT BALE OF- Farm Property There be Auction fit for by Public Principal pi- 4 J ft fioPth American Hotel In the Town of Newmarket Saturday March 3 at the hour or longer property on namely East half or North half of lot the first of Street of flit- County of of more or IMA The property on nod within iibout roll of the Town of Newmar ket On the premise to be two to- and There arc two and Mn6 of orchard The la a good clay locally known Lodge a one lluatou being and very The Ie will be hold subject to a bid TBHM Ten of money to to to the Vendor or tale and without For particular and of Ulft apply DUNCAN Solicitor Vendor fit v3 WtElir a

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