Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , February 23, 1900, p. 8

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THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY FEB If your liver Is of order fiick Heart bum of On rearing and tomorrow organs will regulated and foil will ho bright and ready any kind of work has been of others it HOODS told all 26 J EMULSION EMULSION moil of The EMULSION by EMULSION marvellous flesh produce and will you in A Polite DAVIS I CO Limited The Standard The Company liu now enter ed its year The following inures testify to its Stability ality Popularity lWUalwut Revenue Claims Paid 04000000 During year Polices were for has in Canada to over iceu Million Dollar BONUS YEAR Assure arid secure a shate of profits GEO HUNT District Inspector J A BAST EDO Agent THE YEARS TradC Marks DtIONfi injone ft and description mar acertaln our opinion free whether an fcvenwoaHpTobablr Patentable Handbook on ot fro Agency for A Co jctoi char in the Scientific weekly caution of any Journal Term a WfoarnioalhiL Sew York around the Hub AND FIND WORTHY AUItOUA was in one night last owing to a break in tho machinery at power house The annual dinner of the claimed damages Council Whitchurch Council met at Hills Hail Feb Mem all present Communion ion from Clerk of Mark- bam repairing damage by cedar on Raid opposite con Bill from Hill for 100 yard of grove York Ranger in to be given at the Queens on Friday night LEMON The quarterly board of circuit gave Rev Mr Bowks a unanimous invitation to remain hero nest year Carnival on Princess Rink hero Tuesday evening Emerson lost children from family have the sympathy of community The young people of this place and to the number of about met at the of Mr and Mrs and gave an oyster pre vious to the departure the family to Mount Albert where they are to reside They will be much missed in this Children Cry for CASTOR I a TWELFTH LINE ICING Many of our farmers scoured their ice for next summer a Another very pleasant evening was spent at Sundown Farm by crowd of young folks We are sorry to hear of very painful accident which happened to Mr Fuller while descending out of a haymow Ho his hold and fell breaking one at the and badly spraining the other Mr Ful ler will bo confined to his bed for some or weeks Mr- Frank Jackson is preparing to enlarge his barn and put a stone foundation under it Children Cry for CASTOR I A button Miss Bertha Wallace Uxbridgo is the guest of Miss Ethel Johnson for a few days North York Farmers Institute will meet in hall on Saturday ah at 130 p Mrs arrived home Saturday after a six to her brothers in The outlook for resuming the cheese factory this year was so poor that the shareholders decided to offer the entire plant for Kale Messrs and Corner received the contract for building bridge at the mouth of river for 208 the highest tender being THE PAGE for one lamb killed by doge presented Collectors report of uncollected taxes Also the Auditors report of the accounts of Both reports wore adopted by the Council SI was granted for improvements on provided Mark- ham Council expend a like amount Treasurer was instructed to pay bill of J as Hill and twothirds claim of Starr for lamb kill ed The was authorized to procure six copies the Municipal for tho use of Council A feyLaw was appointing Township officers for the current year A resolution was passed opposing the present agitation for Legislation requiring County Councils to build and maintain roads through the Counties and instructing the Clerk to forward a copy of said resolu tion to our Hon Representative Councillor Clark was instructed to repair hill on Con A at lot Council adjourned in meet at Hall on day April AFTER A COLD DRIVE a tea- spoonful of PainKiller mixed with a glass of hot water and be- a better stimulant than whiskey Avoid substitutes there le but one Killer Perry A number of Hamilton capitalists the promote rf bin hotel at Lake The hotel will cost about The British House of Commons passed the supplementary array esti mates by votes to THAT HACKING COUGH Is a warning not to bo lightly treat ed with absolute certainty all recent coughs and It In Manufactured by the pro prietors of Perry Davie man named was killed near by a tree fall ing on him while he was in tho woods A peculiar ported as having near Alton Wayne county a few ago It is described by who as of soow covetiog about four square mil directly of Eight inches of fell iu Outside of that territory the ground was- bare Those who saw it it came down in clouds and wayfarers who were on the road had to atop at the first farm house for fear of being buried alive on wUltv it mow Then Mt How much 1 rItT knew one to true iIic Jewel on felt tlial life ihcd pit J Of for hit iluinlifcJ at 1st A came up the mm Anit whlj ihtjVi to to rojtr lit but tint Which on en the Above the He the Detroit Free AN ACCIDENT TQ A Story of A War Solid Gold Best Gold KU Glasses We perfect satisfaction GLOBE OPTICAL GO Toronto Lessons in Painting J Pollock Art Graduate of Ontario Cor by Mala The item of ajarie in New York city mounts up to over than coat of many States with a thrown in batched with in 116 chicks out of Job Keiser has purchased the Ring- wood Hour mills and ie going to refit them at once Mrs John Martin had the misfor tune to fall on ice last and break several of her ribs Co grocers have assigned and George Smith of Newmarket were in town on Tues day There was a very poor attendance at the dinner given by Jewell the promoter of the Pork actory at the Queens hotel on Saturday Out of seventy five invitations only about twenty fivo accepted and were present most whom res idents lb is doubtful if any further success can now be made At about oclock on Thursday evening the fine new store together with the contents belonging to Fred of this town was badly dam aged by fire The building it seems was lighted by gas the gen erator being situated on the ground floor While the foreman of the store was putting some carbide in the gen erator gas being allowed to es cape became ignited setting the building on Five minutes after wards the firemen were on the scene and commenced to pour on water The and gas together caused an explosion destroying the beautiful plate glass windowa The fire spread rapidly throughout building but the firemen poured on tons of water and in losa than an hour it was com pletely out Nearly all the goods were more or loss damaged either by- fire or water and the lose estimated at about which it Is stated covered by insurance 5 i I and iiti You have uscI all sorts of cough reme dies but it does hot yield it is too deep seated It may wear itself out in time but it Is more liable to produce la grippe pneumonia or a seri ous throat affection You need something that will give you strength and build up the body will do this when everything else fails There is no doubt about it It nourishes strengthens builds up and makes the body strong and healthy not only to throw off this hard cough but to fortify the system against further If you are tun or emaciated you should certainly take this nourishing food It was hot villainously hot Bo was ibe tiring So were transport mules CuIdcsi stretcher coolies troops the poor Weeding wretches who were being put Into am So the available wa ter Bo were the knot of drummed tbvlr on the sides of of biscuit boxes on side of the railway embankment nod anathematized the war editors in general and press censor In partic ular But the very hottest thing of all was And the usually calm and urbane well tried representative of Dally was now swearing like a trooper or for matter of that like a thousand trooper lad he not lost bis pony and smashed bis camera Had not a staff officer ordered him 4 Fifteen paces behind staff If you please gentlemen And had be not fallen headlong Into a buffalo wallow thereby befouling his usually neat at tire and twisting bis ankle Around us was nothing but smoke and dust through which the midday sun glowed In a ball A few hundred yards to the northward on ei ther side of the Mm of railroad lay a long line of blue and brown clad hu manity from which a rattling sound as though millions of crackers were being Ignited En one continuous stream Then the laden air with sobbing screams the bal lets of the foe en me flying overhead occasionally alighting on the brown ann baked ground with dull or clanging loudly on Iron roof of station In whose rear we were dust begrimed and smoke stained taking shelter A Queer looking trio we boot ed spurred belted And worst of ft was wo had none of us broken our fast that day of Francisco Screamer remarked While we are waiting here we might an well bard tack To proportion i assented A big stone and a soon had a case and our teeth busy and when unearthed a tin of sardines from my hip pocket even forgot to swear further While thus engaged firing ceased there were a couple of bugle a series of yells from the American troops they rose from their rice ridge shelters and dashed forward In pursuit of fleeing foe Speedily we were follow ing in their wake pausing only now or then to look at a wounded man be ing borne rearward on a stretcher The advance line Is soon overtaken They have lost all eight of the fleet footed Filipinos and are now resting and awaiting a well earned meal Our notes fire soon jotted down and we proceed to Investigate a neighboring hamlet which after firing the gents have vacated Looks like hot work here Fa Id Agdon pointing to the church from which shell had gently removed a corner We acquiesce and proceed to Investi gate the Interior After leaving the church we enter the adjacent priests quarters and Boding them hie- proceed to camp there for night tour humble servant Is instal led as chef while and sally forth to annex a chicken or edible which comes By tblfl time a number of the victorious troops have entered tbe village and are looking about the place taking flections of with to make camping collecting seeking water eggs etc returns but- no It gets dark but the village Is with light of one or two build ings We ramble looking here making Inquiries there Still no sign of our Anyhow it In no secklug him further Is sure to turn up all right Ho after a pleasant little meal wo tarn In I must have been rtsdevpotue when something disturbed me What Is that t There standing at tlm foot of my bed Is a young native woman Naturally I spring to my feet awaking do so The mysterious damsel Rays something In Spanish What- It means neither nor my self can comprehend but how on earth did she get there insurgents have carried off all their women with tlTem and how our pres ent visitor have remained Is mystery- Is evidently anxious about for see how she is beckon I off After a brief consultation as to what to do we follow the through the door find Into hi- church- Shi tripj rtloujf the nor ami ivois Up to Hie Hilar nMe rl it JhtiL It was one of these experiment al put lacks on cow and fed her shav ings theory that it didnt matter what the cow ate lohg as Sit fed The questions of digestion and nourishment entered into calculations Its only a farmer that would try such an experiment with a cow But many a farmer feeds self regardless of digestion and nutri tion He might almost as eat shav ings for all the good he bis food The result is that the stomach grows weak the action of the organs of digestion and nutrition are impaired and the man suffers the miseries of dys pepsia and the agonies of nervousness To strengthen the stomach restore the activity of the organs of digestion sad nutrition and nourish the nerves Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery It is an unfailing remedy and has confidence of physicians as well as praise of thousands healed by its use In the strictest sense Golden Medical Discovery is a temperance medicine It contains neither intoxicants nor and free from alcohol as from opi um cocaine aud other dangerous drags Dont let a delude you for own profit There is no medicine for and blood as good as Golden Medical Discovery Do you of THIS SUMMER If you do write I LIMITED NEWMARKET And get prices of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and ALL W7BS7 Artistic Inside Woodwork i eta lay to you one bottle of your Golden Medical Discovery trie sound and years with dlMaw writes of McAdeu- Co My health Is worth the orld to me I will you long as I live A of pages given On receipt of stamps to pay customs and mailing we will send yon The Peoples Common Sense Medical Ad viser free Send onecent stamps for the paper covered edition or 50 for the same edition cloth bound Address Dr R Buffalo from descends a flight of steps jtaUlug a from some the nnd to round we at the bottom Ida heuiliumnd In a allied Ik evidently very seriously hurl looking deathly pale hut peacefully sleeping JVa way that ivv were tlnmderstrnck would be to put it faintly nor myself can apeak or lite for a tody she Is by Iter dress jewels She sat on of wood her fate on iter hands occasions giving to a sob How the weary hours passed that wlthAden and my self on our Injured friend I could Imrdly At length come be and went in of a after having agisted to up die steps leading from the crypt into church A doctor was soon and eame nil speed with me to the church His diagnosis was to effect must dlscovercd stair case by some accident bad fallen down It in darkness and injured bis bead It was Impossible to say bow severe such Injury be and lie had every hope of a rapid recovery bo would not try to give us any false An was on the our wounded friend placed side am Are started for town having kindly volunteered to do my In field during my brief The journey to town was speed mxoinplfohed I left En the bands of the good sisters of Sail Juan de hospital completely forgotten the and It was until I met at lotos some three days after that I gave her a thought Then learned that she had vanished as mysteriously as site had appeared 1 lie campaign went on Weeks passed The Insurgents were day by day be fug driven bad sot Out of the hospital and was In town and as season was la full awlajf nothing of Importance was taking place In country and my self were Also resting We were one evening sitting pit the hotel veran da walked up After a few words of greeting he said Well Im sorry to leave you but am off My wife joins me In Am bound for Cal cutta and thence by IS and home wife and myself ex- elaimed simultaneously my wife But we didnt know you were mar ried l I dont did But you remember the lady who me In the Well hanged It was who spoke was practically fouuded and stood staring at with all my eyes Then man aged to blurt out But bow did she get Into town I really couldnt tell you But she came and saw- me In hospital now sue ever found me the church dont know and linve not yet mus tered up Spanish to Inquire We were sorry to lose Ponsonby who was always a decent fellow Bat will have It that his brain was affected by the fall Into that curious crypt And Is probably right for If not why didnt In vite us to wedding Hongkong Telegraph Largest in Canada for the PAILS CLOTHES PINS Etc BICYCLES We construct and Repair all kinds on short The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET 5 If you are not a subscriber to the Era Send for a trial trip of months Shannon Cabinet manufactured by Ih l-liv- of Wtry When blood and are actually starred jnd prostration Feed with Dr A loodlend you will to new and Tigor of itrftct fii- on of ijiurc- of iui Dr A The Office Specialty Co limited Factory Newmarket 122 and Bay St 17U Notre Dame St Montreal P Q K2K The Leading Socialists of America YEARS IN DETROIT CUR EMISSIONS ten more evrt5ifV inceOf he nhtly a product of ft of They ft for life in vekneta or executes Method Titimtot will NO CURE- NO PAY oie ma lU till Our jca- ran no ik CURED You tod ex- Yon ana 1 ulsttaoe Write for loo Help Iluv yon an- Send lAveotlon or irJS I a f Highest KlCKAccAJuriiih to fe ftctl v aril DC pimples Bo your wo or bow loot you bed it i NEW TBEATMKSV Our ll fail Any and of any our ittc patentability of lo Patent Dt upon ci through us for fit patents taken out us Pat ft illustrated and widely jc- consulted by for sample copy FREE VICTOR J CO Attorney car it The thctf wormy velak to and tat sexual Tltam4 dent- drains or ewfl r yo PAY N NO CURES GUARANTEED I vitn nv for j K enable to calK SHELBY STREET IP J St- tinea To t3 Circled by IP- dvi FT if in J opc

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