Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , February 23, 1900, p. 7

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s v THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY FEB j goo CHINA FEB 1 Ill reviewing find a very in crease over Our trade is not built on Rolling linos of at Cost Price and trying to the public wo can buy so much closer than other business men and that all lines sold equally cheap Our motto in now and always ho AND A Living Profit This year wo want to do still letter Our customers can always rely on getting full value for their money Out Spring Shoes will soon ho coming to hand The Styles and Quality are the best wo ever had especially the Shoe the most uptodate Ladys Find Shoo over shown in New market China and Glassware No Fall Caught Trout at Figures in Kegs or half Keg lots The Leading Grocer A SMITH SAVE MON By buying your Suits Early at Tailor Shop A full stock of Black and Blue Serges AQotter Pierce -oxo- Canadian Killed Wounded timber Also a Choice Lot of Fine Tweeds for 0 and PAMTS WC LUNDY J Buller Retreats never retreat but kep I UK forward their studio find B flno line of The quality of i heir work surpassed Canada SMITH NEWMARKET Metropolitan -C- Feb The War has received tho following despatch from Gen Duller by heavy artillery fire on front and lank and attacked on- their flank and rear the enemy made little resistance and wore driven across I have taken several camps a of am munition several waggons of stores and supplies and a few prisoners The weather has been intensely hot and ground traversed was exceedingly But energy and dash of the troops have been pleasant to see Our casualties are not I think many According to telegrams from Pre toria men of Wiltshire were captured by the Boers last in British retirement from Royal Canadians are in midst of the hard work involved in advanced of Lord Roberts column Wo loft with tho nineteenth brigade on division on Tuesday last and that day marched miles to drift There we were enabled to render in valuable services by hauling tho naval twelve pounders across the difficult drift On Friday wo marched on to and then on to whore we arrived on morning ninth brigade with Cana dians leffc last night by forced mar ches to catch the Highland brigade and the division are try ing to the Boor army After the Canadians left Klip kraal rear guard with a conyoy of wag gons of food was by a largo force of tbo enemy with two Our troops fought all morning until they ordered to abandon the waggons by Lord Roberts The Canadians had only left the place a few hours when attack was so we escaped the surprise Our men are standing the fatigue and the intense heat with great pluck and their enthusiasm is most conta gious Our long marches are enliven ed by Canadian Songs in both French and English and all our eager for a battle in which they can prove their mettle The heat and dust are dread ful but we are all well Feb The of convoy hearing provisions for the re lief column of the town slowly wind ing it way across the plain in the direction of Kirn barley was the gladest sight which had greeted the eyes of the besieged for four months The inhabitants had been on short rations for some time eating horse flesh and living in burrows under heaps of mine refuse Diminishing rations had been served out daily at oclock in the market square under the shell tire of the enemy whose guns opened on the square whenever the inhabitants assembled Throughout the siege Cecil Rhodes provided the natives work and food and thus kept them quiet Gen was so rapid and the heat so intense that many of his horses died of exhaustion At the crossing of the River the Boers bolted leaving their tents guns oxen waggons and large quan tities of ammunition in the hands of the British Moving northward the Boers again attempted to stem the ad vance but Gen French turned their flank and reached his gaol with losses seven men killed and wounded during three days from Wednesday Feb to Friday Feb After a nights rest at Gen Frenchs column pursued the Boers to surrounded the kopjes on which they were posted and shelled them till nightfall when the Boers fled leaving many dead General left a gun tents food and clothes at London Feb News has been received here that Gen Hart has oc cupied after a alight engage capturing prisoners London Feb The casualties among General forces in the fighting at Hussar Hill Mount Chris- to Hill and other places from Feb 15 to 18 were killed and 160 wounded With the casualties reported British losses in killed wounded and now aggregate Cape Colony Feb Details arrived hero with respect to the character of the British convoy at river It appears that the waggons were laagered near a drift and that the convoy 1800 Association enlargement of Division Court jurisdiction The was instructed to re turn a barrel of incandescent lamps to manufacturers for repair Finance Committee reported that the report of the Collector was there being to collect Treasurer was instructed to of to the Town Firemen Council adjourned followed by a meeting of the Fire Light Com shelling continued nil day mid eighty waggons wero containing provisions and Half of the drivers and leaders killed or are missing Feb The Cana dian contingent participated in Sun days battle under Generals KellyKenny and They made a forced match to intercept the retreating Boers and came up with the enemy at River which forded after marching all night Notwithstanding their fatiguo upon their long march and loss of sleep they forded river and at tacked tho enemy and were engaging the whole day the Boors offered a stubborn resistance Following are the Canadian casual ties From Manitoba and British Colum bia killed and wounded From London killed wounds and From Toronto- killed J T wounded Stewart J James Kennedy J Button Ward J McLaughlin From Ottawa J killed wounded From Quebec 1 killed wounded From New Brunswick killed wounded From Halifax wounded Following captured from Manitoba from Ottawa from Halifax and from Quebec An incomplete list of tho recent British casualties gives nine officers killed wounded and one missing Gen Hector McDonald was wounded On Sunday last General KellyKenny was at Klip Drift which the Boers had just crossed to the south of and was endeavoring to out flank the enemy and drive them into tho hands of General who with the Highland strong by a forced march of 20 miles had reached drift hut too late to prevent the Boers from crossing As Canadians on tho march on Saturday and had not more than or miles to march from their former position near the River it is certain that they must have come up with General Kelly- Kennys and engaged in the running fight with the Boer rear guard which was then going on near Klip Drift method of Boers in their retreat is to seize favorable ground with the rear guard 2000 strongwhile the main body under coyer of the such rear guard pushes on with bag gage and guns When the main body has retreated to a safe distance the rear guard follows slowly fighting the pursuing British every inch of the way until the time again comes to occupy another position which may cover the retreat lb was evidently in just suoh a fight as this that the Cana dian contingent lost killed wounded and nine missing It able that the remainder of the contin gent afterwards pressed on with the army under General who must have fully men in pursuit of the enemy It is reported that has been reinforced by men and the Boors are offering a stubborn resistance liUJiUW as Ontario burned The destruction was Governments low ballots wero examined at tho time of the protest at i Osgoodo Hall The destruction of them was not embanking to in- During the week Hon Mr Davis if iff X has given notice of the following bills VET respecting manufacture of spruce I r A I vX Winter Goods Council Regular meeting last even- ing Members all present Following bills passed breaking atone Smith Johnston toise stone- Can Gen Co supplies Insurance on Town Hall Corporation barn 860 for years Charity per Mayor duty on coal Packard drawing coal fixing hydrant cleaning snow to lots Mulroy cleaning snow to lots 20 I wood for Communication from Board of Health asking Council to pass a by law for vaccination was referred to ByLaw Committee with to prepare a bylaw in ac cordance therewith Communication from Town of Gait re purchase of Electric Light Hants and Assessment of various plants re ferred to the Fire Light Com also Boors with four guns The communication from Law Courts OLD PARSES f the Eha In RIFLE for the Era The session of Ontario Legisla ture begun with a recordbreaking pace and its motion in quite in with tho party which controls the Government of tin Province The speech in reply to the address from the throne has been before the repre sentatives for a few days the leaders hove expressed their approval mid dis approval and Government given notice of many hits pi legislation which will carved deep in future of Province That all the suggested reforms came from the Liberal tanks is a true statement and can bo proved by a casual glance at the records of the House That the Conservatives introduced legislation in days gone by small bits of legislation cannot bo denied hut not by Mr Whitney Whatever that gentlemans talents bo and ho is not devoid of talents he certainly not a habit of proposing legislation approaching session of the On tario Legislature will be one of the most important that has ever been held in province of Ontario speech from Throne was filled with notices of legislation of the very great est There never was such a speech from Throne with every line a volume It might be well to notice what government has suggested already this An policy in This policy enforces tho development of this of revenue within the province Mr Whitney in his speech criticized the government because the regulation being placed on lands yet to bo sold and not applying to lands al ready sold gave an advantage to those who held lands and tended to discour age development But tho government may establish equality as Mr Ross stated in his reply by placing a royal ty on all pulpwood granting however a rebate to all wood manufacture in Canada A similar policy has been adopted the development of nickel Roy alties will be removed from mines and in this way mining will be greatly en couraged new tract of land has been set aside for reforestation A measure for the improvement of pub lic highways The drainage of swamp The encouragement of cold storage rations in rural districts This will be by encouraging cold stor age depots formed by municipalities The colonisation of Northern Ontario Not one word of criticism was mode by Air Whitney in respect to this plank An act to encourage the ex ploration in the North Acts regard ing revenue elections and education Mr Ross in his address said further that had made a very important arrangement with the Rail- ways by which all roads which receiv ed subsidies in and which will receive subsidies in future shall carry settlers and settlers effects practically free This is a form of Government ownerships in railways which is cer tainly pleasant to see The Govern is not reaching out for money or taxes and their great object and simple aim the development of the Prov ince In sharp contrast was the speech by Mr Whitney who during a day and a night addressed the speaker Not one suggestion did he make not a bill has he given notice of He spoke about Government ownerships of railways but be made no definite statement He said the subject might be considered which was cer tainly a very safe thing to say Not a single charge did Mr Whitney make which Mr Ross did not back But on the irregularities of West did Mr Whitney speak and speak again That question was ex hausted months was brought up Mr Ross in his address appealed to the members of the Opposition to join him in the effort ho is making to stamp out bribery But Mr Whitney has given no an swer which would indicate as well as that it is an effort put down corruption that agitates the Opposition but a desire to the Governments The Conser vatives according to the courts pur chased more votes during tho last election than the Liberals Tho Gov- is making every possible effort to bring to justice the offenders in West Elgin A- commission has been appointed Its scope is wide its mm its able its correct Its work will bo successful Mr Ross showed how absurd was the charge of he Opposition the bal lots in West Elgin were intentionally and other cut on crown domain a bill to amend the Algon quin National Pork Act a bill to amend the Act to establish Forest Re serves a bill to amend the Act re specting Land Surveyors It may be noted also that de partment which foremost in the for ward movement of tho Ontario Gov ernment is the Crown Lands Depart ment Let up notice five of lead ing movements of speech They respecting mines pulp nickel and colonization Thefo are weighty questions and they must all be put to a successful issue by Mr Davis JUST OPENED Expenses Shoulci be Reduced To Editor of the Em writing laat weeks letter I have frequently if it was my idea that Jurors fees should ho reduced My answer is No The not paid any too much for their services If I thought otherwise I could not justify my action in bring- in a Bylaw granting them a mile on adjournment in addition to their statutory pay which is a mile for first trip and 200 per day Sundays included but think Jury Panels could be reduced Secondly I think Judges should make an effort to spend at least hours day trying jury cases until all jury are disposed of Thirdly The Courts of Oyer and Terminer and in York County should be held separately in many instances dozens of Crown Witnesses have been kept waiting for days for some big civil case to bo dis posed of His true the Crown has a right of procedure but how many times have we seen Crown prosecutors not ready and the trial Judge takes up some civil case that lasts two and sometimes four days during alt which time fifty or sixty Crown witnesses are drawing pay of which the County If the Government thinks Courts should be held together then they should assign two Judges the as the County Court Gener al Sessions are now held one to try civil the other to try criminal cases In the last year I returns for Clerk of tbo Peace Bull drew from the County in addition to what he received from private in dividuals Part of this sum is made up from 400 a day payable by the County granted him by a commission of Judges in revising fees of Counsel etc in addition to his fees for entering orders etc each day of the Session which must amount to at least per day Couldnt this per diem al lowance be either paid by the Govern ment or dispensed with remembering that the Coanty furnishes fuel light furniture free rent and stationery for the use of himself and lawpartners it he has any besides postage for all his correspondence Only one set of Jurors compose the County Court and General Sessions of the Peace They are served at time by the same Sheriffs Bailiff Why couldnt the expense of getting out the Summons for each Juror and the cost of double service be saved if one form of summons was out for Another matter that some County Councillors are debating is a different method of serving jurors Some ad vocate serving the notice by regis tered letter There are many other ways the expense of Courts could be reduced but until some pressure is brought upon the government or the matter taken up by the press or county councils or both we need peot but change because he officeholders have too strong a pull on the government whose appointees they are J Woodcock All the best makes in the following lines j- CARVERS IN AXD PEN AND POCKET KNIVES SCISSORS ALL AND a Fine line of TABLE KNIVES FORKS AND SPOONS We handle a Special Line which we warrant to be First Class our CRUMB TRAYS AND BRUSHES BREAD BOARDS AND KNIVES THE CELEBRATED BEARING CARPET SWEEPER We are celling for Co- Toronto of Fur Coats and Robes Highest Paid for J A ALLAH CO jrrocery Here for Bargains that are Bargains indeed We are through StockTaking and we find we are heavily loaded in some lines more especially Black Teas We are bound to clear them out regardless of cost 50c Ceylon Tea Indian Tea Blended Tea There is no fake in these Teas We acknowledge we are losing money on every pound we sell We dont believe in keeping goods too long we want the room worse than the goods Pur Ginger Toilet Soap cakes in a box of either Apple Bloom or Peach Bloom box Large bar Laundry Soap 10c Toilet Soap cake Good Salmon can Kippered Herring tin lbs Roll ed Wheat for lb jar Mustard A good hulk Coffee lb Peas can Tomatoes can Bitter Marmalade Oranges Dont miss these Tea Bargains They wont last long ed Wheat Wanted Bushels White Wheat Wanted Bushels Oats Wanted Bushels REMEMBER WE DO CHOPPING EVERY DAY H DENNE 0 tow do you Buy Where do you Buy And what do you Pay for your Clothing Boots Shoes Mens Furnishings and Groceries A- ifjAi Hundreds of our Customers answer and we Save Money Hundreds of others will give the same answer after once dealing with us We have the largest stock of Boots and Shoes in Town We have the largest stock of Mens Ready-to- Wear Clothing in Town We have the best selected stock of Mens Furnishings in Town We keep the most Stylish Hats and Caps Town and our Groceries are always fresh You may be among the WonevSaving people by buying your goods from Yd

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