Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , February 23, 1900, p. 5

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r THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY FEB r900 V l ONTARIO CAPITAL REST MEAD tOl0KfO en Manager branch- General Banking Business nterest Allowed on Deposits at bates DRAFTS ISSUED AT BtorllDK American DratM School Lesson THR BY at Nazareth Fob Luke promptly attended to MEDICAL -T- Dp the late flret of Office am OUloo opposite the will he at lb of Brad ford Monday LICENHliB layman Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At Pup tamed private if INSURANCE J J Agent for Mr Money to iiitoroflt Current Hates The Pa iris Universal Exposition Ramsay Five Agent Hates on and Isolated Town Property Shop Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS Simpson Main St and Fancy Goods mi ft Poacher of Tuner of Pianos all String If you Buggy than haft a slick Cutter or the best- Roues In call on fl or have some small some sound aome cripples some slow some aomo Dice and some very homely ones and they are all for sale fioyy to Loan AUK per cent flratolaw security also loaua by J Conveyancer and Ileal Agent o Liverpool and London and Globe Mutual Block Money to Loan At per cent on PlretotfiAa Barm Scourlfry by David for taking vita Heal Es tate Conveyancer Marriage Agent for following Queen and Liverpool CI Qoro Mutual In also for Confederation To Corner of Main aid Streets unto His own and own received Him not may judge a mim by hie cuntom of life word lion ora Veto The Spirit on is fjualincation for tiorvico The day of in year of Grace Jesus has over been in public eye The ear or heads of the word tor Verso The children of God of Draco should apeak Vcrao 23 world has over nought after eigne The popular verdict is not always a true estimate worth Verso Society bos been without needy ones Gods ways have souio- people Verse Witnesses to Gods or have been in every eye The gracious words of have provoked jealouHy Verse 2D The convicted heart may hate tho word more than the sin re vealed Verso Man is animated un til his work is done Verses and The Sons place is In Fathers- and business Verso K von Bon of God needed a power to do Gods Will Verses and Heaven is not indifferent to mans many burdens Verse 22 Inspired words should be uttered in an inspired tone Verses and Appreciative words may come from a hostile heart Versos and Jesus Christ is infallible heart reader Verses and Gods so interpretation of worlds experience Verso No power can harm or hinder the man on Gods business Verses and 17 day and house have claims on Gods children everyday life should- flow out of the Lords Day living Great thoughts alone can sanctify common duties Gods claim should be sacred ly honored Verse and 19 Gods word in Gods house should have our atten tion To know the mind of God lifes highest duty Proper environment will help us to understand divine things To know and do His will eternity to time VorseslSand Gods Spirit is the motive and qualifying power for scripture exposition Natural eyes need added power fully to see the natural world To know spiritual things the Holy Spirit is needed Tlie Spirit of God alone can reveal the mind Verses and Gods messen ger must be independent of human opinion The bar of judgment is not human opinion Loyally to standard is the only safety Fear of man must give place to fear of God Verse Gods anointed servant will- not swerve because men oppose God is the absolute commander xn chief Gods word is the final appeal in human conduct Abandonment to God means safety from men Part Of valor la discretion the bettor part of the of la prevention Disease In Imparities Of blood parities the blood People who take it at say they are healthy the year round It Is because medicine expels puri ties and the blood rich health- AH liver Ilia are cured by Hoods PUl ALWAYS KEEP 0 SmKUk HO KIND OF Oft OR THAT THE BOTTLE BEARS THE FERRY A ftON FOB Dis trict in county to their own and aurroundtnjf Willi to pay yearly eekly tmfloymtnt with final opportunities envelope A IarkCuxton Crowded out last week It is quite that in South will he in the midst the fray before they return to this country They are of the right spirit willing and anxious to fight and will certainly the country- It is a question in some minds as to the effort that is being put forth for the comfort of our Cana dian troops If it will have a ten dency to become so great as to form the principal inducement in that way it may reduce the spirit of loyalty that should exist in every breast Children Cry for A Specialty for the Eta m The Canadian Commission of the Paris Kxhibition has to- gather a representation of pro ducts of country that will he a credit to Dominion and astonish the whole world fact that ex- at this exhibition will have to compete with the world has caused most caroful selection of exhibits and the preparing of them in most uptodate methods The latest discoveries im proved plans of production and highest classed articles to ho found all go to makeup most complete ex hibit ever produced in this country manufacturers throughout CariUda have had an unusually busy ea- which to some extent has delayed the production of suitable exhibit and in some cases have caused and important firms to decline to pro pure exhibit not having time and material to the extra articles This is a Kood proof of the tide prosperity which Canada is enjoying but this country though passing through one of the most prosperous periods since confederation must look forward to the time and that in near future when there will be still greater demands for the products of Canada as the markets of the world open up In tins exhibition opens on the loth of April next all exhibits for will bo shown as Canadian products but to describe Chow proper ly wo will hove to take each province separately British Columbia Government assisted very largely in securing a very line ox hi hit of minerals and sections of trees so well known to far west One specimen of fir tree measured feet in diameter The exhibit from Manitoba and the Northwest Territories will bo ex- and consists principally of grains grasses and a collection of birds and beasts The prairie grasses and mosses when properly arranged will present to the view of the home seek ers a grand view A large of Manitoba No 1 hard wheat will be exhibited a peculiar way A frame is being built in of a fountain with pans one below the other increasing in size until bottom one emptier into a large bin which forms the basin of fountain A number of small buckets will be arranged in the four the frame to elevate the grain unseen to the top of the fountain and from there runs through a spout into the top basin this full it gradu ally falls to the next and so on around the basin evenly till it reaches the bot tom This will give the of a fountain the wheat will be always in motion The elevator buckets are controlled by a small electric dynamo The Province of Ontario will be well represented by manufactured articles of every description An effort has been made to prepare the exhibits so that they will be wholly of Canadian production and the material to be of local production The agricultural machinery will perhaps form toe moat important part of the exhibit machines are specially designed sev eral of them being nickel plated and the woodwork having a polished fin ish The space for this exhibit is much limited as compared the capabilities of the country but a very good idea of this immense indus try can ie derived from the exhibit From Ontario also a very large and exhibit of musical instruments some of in operation contributing making special arrangements for the finishing of their instruments in the best possible manner Province of Quebec and the Maritime Provinces are sending a very largo and exhibit of var ious articles sent from the above mentioned prov inces remainder of the exhibits are collected from the different parts of the The minerals are the expensive This collection alone which consists of everything from the refined gold to the rude rock from which it is taken fills four ears and will make the finest display of miner ever sent out of Canada Although the bicycle industry of Canada is reduced to the output two or three concerns yet the exhibit will be complete in every particular and not only include every make of wheel in existence but the latest im proved automobiles Probably the most interesting ex hibit will be that of forestry This is complete in several ways as it not only contains sections of every Canada but shows the wood as prepared for use by our factories for many purposes Each section of tree is cut from the trunk about three feet in length and allows the bark Half of this section is cut out and the sur face plained finished to a polish showing appearance the materi al when derated and also grain of wood In addition to this there specimens of material as used in every kind of from a shoe- peg to a savlog Then in connection with this exhibit is a collection of photographs showing the cutting of trees the lumber woods of our coun try and the sending of them to the mill of these photos are fram ed in a different kind of wood and re presents tho wood grown in the local ity tho picture was taken Every kind of food product will be there canned and otherwise there being arrangements made to supply fresh fruit during the summer every two weeks and keeping them in Paris in cold storage They can be put up fresh daily and thus present a hand some appearance showing the delicious fruit that can produced in this and in what excellent condi tion it can laid down in Pans The shelves on which the fruit will bo shown will of and the back ground looking Urns adding much to the beauty of the exhibit The canned goods are in cold storage at Montreal now are being care fully selected and forwaded to Paris by an expert The educational exhibit represent ing most complete educational system on the continent will he of great interest School furniture of all kinds samples of improved maps show ing the latest discoveries and advance ments will bo among the collection Besides these there will he photo graphs of the leading universities institutes public and separate schools of country and their curriculumn showing the work and the plans of education Sum pits of kindergarten work will al so accompany the exhibit from some schools Photos are to be in a uni form ante A very large and representative ex hibit of carriages and harness will meet the of the on looker carriages are the very best made in Canada in many cases the manufac turers have employed special artists to finish their vehicles geological exhibit of fish and game be very interesting as it comprises almost every of bird and boast that or rare and they be mounted in the very best The exhibit of stoves and heating show a in this line of industry and will make a very handsome display the miscellaneous exhibits thei am many interesting features There are boots and shne lasts and modern improved pegging machines with samples the manufactured article Several large canoe firms are exhibiting their wares wholly of Canadian woods and handsomely dec orated Appliances for the keeping and rearing of bees and samples of honey extractors will form a very in teresting collection there will also be sample of honey in all its stages A largo arch of tobacco is to be built of that article- It will have drapery made of the leaf tobacco and the interior of the pyramid will be made up of the different kinds of to bacco in the various stages of the man ufacture As the Government are paying all ocean and other charges and provid ing the space it affords the Cana dian manufacturer a grand opportuni ty of his trade as well as the resources of the Che goods are being shipped fortnight ly from Portland Maine nd over of- the exhibits have gone forward They go direct to Paris where they are placed in their respect ive buildings awaiting their installa tion which will commence at once Canada has succeeded securing two- thirds of the Build ing which is situated Gardens overlooking the beautiful Champ de Mars and perhaps location on the Exhibition Aside from this Canada has a portion of the main French Im perial Building and a special Canadian building at another por tion of the grounds for agriculutra- along with the ral from the whole world Exhibitors have been to place the sellingprice on their goods so that they may be sold there if suit able can be secured and those interested may see the cost of produc tion here Catalogues have been prepared in connection with each branch of exhib its showing the cost of production and the quantity of available material in this country and other particulars In the forestry fish and game exhibits the name of each animal or article is given in the locality in which they are also in what- quantities It will aHotell the woods in the in the forestry exhibit Motive power will be provided bo that all may be in motion if necessary The buildings are con structed so as to present as much a Canadian appearance as possible the walla and ceilings being prepared by a Montreal firm and the also be ing of Canadian manufacture An exhibit of the leading of Canada has been secured show ing the development of the press of this country This exhibit will eon- tain a dumber of daily and weekly each having a number of copies bound together with cloth or Jeatbor binding having the heading of- the paper on the cover- A readingroom will be provided where newspapers from the world over will bo kept on file A reception room for visitors and Canadians will bo an important feature of the Canadian section where Canadians can feel at home show have been by the Government for thoo exhibits that have to be under cover- the best expert are to be engaged to put up all exhibits of that nature Every effort on the part of ln Cauudinn Commission is being put forth lo assist the exhibitors in placing their exhibits to the best possible advantage Mr Jardine the Ontario Commissioner sailed for Paris last week to join his French Colleague Mr Per ran It who hits there fur some time placing the exhibits in their proper buildings All future communications regard ing Paris matters should be addressed to Mr Aug Secretary of the Commission Ottawa The contract for building New Yorks rapid transit tunnel has been let for Work is lo be started within a month and the job is to be completed within yearn Prom beginning of the war with to the present the total expenditures of the government on account that war and on account of the hostilities in the Philippines amount to about BACKACHE Weak Lame Aching Backs the Result of Sluggish Inactive Kidneys Backache is in reality Indney ache The become cio4 J and in their wort of filtering the blood Backache natures warning that the kidneys are on strike and that the Mood is through the system laden with foul poisons which will cause disease dropsy diabetes rheumatism or other equally painful and fatal complications Prudence tells everyone suffering with backache to set their kidneys right experience of tens of thousands of tells them that to accomplish this there no means so successful as the use of Dr Chases KidneyLiver Pills the worlds greatest kidney cure Dr Chases KidneyLiver Pills cure permanently making the kidneys healthy active and vigorous are purely vegetable act naturally and directly on the kidneys and are wonderfully As a prompt and positive care for kidney disease liver complaint and all compli cations organs they are approached by any remedy ever discovered One pill a dose a box at all dealers or Epuahson Bates Co Toronto AN EXCITING LIFE the Girl Tamed Golden fined Gosh Mailer but that a close shave esrelalmed Uncle as he dragged bis worthy spouse out of the way of a street car that was yet feet away This Chicago is uougli to make a mans turn gray Turn gray snarled his wife TwouWnt be so bad all It done Its decent respectable to have gray but when it comes to a poor young gals turn on account of the excitement all these cats an railroads on stilts an people thens when Its a sin to bis cities Im right out to Liza Junes bouse of find an stay right in It till we leave Chicago How do you know it mokes peoples turn asked Uncle I aint never beam tell of of that kind Well see it my own eyes leastwise I see It turn agin after the poor dears rested all summer In the country You know them four gals what staid all summer over at Cousin Ellens When tbey fust come theyd Wfi brown eyes an complex ions an right every one of ems har 10 get streaked in spots an before the sum mer wuz gone they all had brown Then I one of what made their turn brown an she said it brown but the life shed in Chicago she bad to act In a theater every night made it turn Poor She looked so much better at the end of the summer that I bate to think of her back to this great wicked city Chicago Journal False modesty causes people to en dure the greatest misery from piles One application of Dr A Ointment case the ttclitng one box will cur the worst ease of or protruding rim for Dr A- Oint ment Is to Too small Uncle Watson was accustom ed to seeing good sized squares of cup cake lection cake or gingerbread on the supper table and when be bad his plate of Ice cream In a city restaurant be looked dis favor upon the macaroons and small sponge drops which How do you like iff asked his niece who was doing the honors of the city for her The tee cream la flrst rate call It ex try good Hut when you come to these things be added lifting one of the sponge lingers and surveying it doubt fully I presume to say theyre all right enough what there Is of em but there Isnt enough of cm nothing but gape and Companion is for Infinite stud Children Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops find Soot lug Syrups It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic It is Pleasant Its guarantee is thirty years use by Minions of Mothers destroys and allays cures Diarrhoea Colic relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency assimilates the Pood regulates Stomach and Bowels Children giving healthy and natural sleep Childrens Panacea Mothers Friend is an excellent medicine for children Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good upon their children Hit Osgood Mass Castor in Is to well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any pre known to me A Archer M Y THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER r hit FOR- Winter Dry Goods OR M it Clothing A Without first examining our new stock and prices We have some good bargains Every Week or two Cheap The Leading House Sharon K advance in the price of lum ber and the scarcity of the material for and barrels has prompted Buffalo to send out men in interior towns to buy discarded bar rels and boxes from merchants An agent was in the village during the and bought up a carload of bar rels and ioxes faying tents apiece for hern Heretofore the raer chants 10 give them away as Are wind Akron 50 HORSES WANTED sit If you Palo or Sallow Gold and Feat Loss of polite laok of norgy or will be prepared to purchase HEAVY Anrl SOUSES weighing from he Bound Quod and to he at the foHowiQplfioea Hotel till oclock fill Wednesday Feb St Hotel till oclock on Feb Hotel Dona Heed at a oclock on Royal Hotel Newmarket uotil noon on Feb Si A Montreal Believe Bargains When you do not use Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills to counter act these conditions Why they contain all the natural elements necessary to build up the human system The way to a cure lies along the road from the stomach to the blood and nerves All food is acted on by the stomach aid pre pared absorption into the system Dr Wards jest ifce pro help to lired system dif fuse a health through the whole Crime You feci yourself getting wolf you taho mid Plilo j Met toe fi towifor All J ffitffij iliUffiiKCftp loroutwuAi Hon when scarce Cod our Establishment prices arc of We large fitock finefit the woolen fact lot youi4blVM nd M JAS by J It ktil MAN WJ

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