Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , February 23, 1900, p. 4

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY FEB 900 vt a Poor Substitute For Worth health inwardly of the kidneys liver and bowels is sure if Hoods is promptly used ft lair ouleldjj and vigor In with Itio glair on check Rood pure blood LOta Of I was in tired And ion of appetite I completely I took Hoods and after I fait much Moods hunt A Reditu- near Ottawa been troubled Headache and and touch run down Tried p relief and built me up A Street Toronto Never Disappoint fivAt flora to fry ftATUpirluT 5tcivuuviut J JACKSON Best Advertising Medium York County Trnnslcui li lino tor Miiti i com a ftijr lino InBLTlhjn luirs PHBroos ji I 1 SMI 0 tea iw iicvum I Willi writ ten until forbid mid accordingly Advert laementawJH lie chunked once each month For Use imiat be paid for at for contract advertisements must bo In ibeoiHce by noon on Special Low Hate for Executors Farina t Kent Articles and A will tie lor any where porters ro fur- or when ttoudtnliislou collection taken otherwise will in nolle to bin LEGAL Thos J Public fco Street 10 Loan on Farm t do of Kims to Court Building Ontario BOTES Ik Canada CoinmlBeiona lilgb vide Dominion Com under ft regime in Tnhoi Slates fa aloug ibo lilac JooUod into embalmed cost Bum over halt of which wont to pet ox- Pale and Languid The Condition Young In of ibct ho will a at to Snn ft providing tor of When to destroyed will to allow thai ihoy tbo ircts down or hoy will not paid lor their loo in f hie of ttfaylni ahould bo urged every of IIKUJ Ik of of neighboring butter in an commercial product Wo told it in made by grinding very fine and reducing to paste from which a lurgo of oil in removed Salt to then added Many tho nutritious valuotff this luiicr it nil the viholtfiome without being indiges tible feanul butter lot ttioioor fur it as much an ordinary butter and fa much leae expensive in low he and Subject to Trouble and an Indisposition to Should Act Promptly in Such p S Solicitor Cameron Ac Toronto carefully and promptly made 3 Honey to loan at rates o Joora or Of- Herbert Lennox Aurora will also boat Newmarket Saturdays and Court Dave Solicitor for J Co and Ontario liauk Aurora To there comes bo and a ho prompted by her own vital ly to some tlio for 10 church and social life Cornelia A 1 wood ilia is will in much of in In the as if to ld miranituj to Alius there is a to women with ib of Wo- iu io Clonal to do- solely to he Tufioflieial axe bub ways up in latiitobs new Gov signs Hod its advent to pjwer by tbo dismissal of certain civil toivants who had been appoiiited year ago by This week the Free Press an nounces that the Dominion Government dismissed two anil will follow if the Cabinet to Liberal the victors belong but the action of the victors should bo retroactive without be spoils not a healthy form of civil ad- Of course party play a tbat of other is to follow in self defence will favor it Solicitors o Manning Arcade King St West Toronto to limn Block to Loan Pointer and Hanger J all of the bualncsa Full lino in Wall to Reside 2nd door of Primary Btrcet R Paper Ac Done promptly neatly and I am also Associated with a Car Painter and Writer can bo left at Hardware Store residence of J bead of J ecu Street in Manitoba J has been trying soar the people of the Prairie Province into tbe belief that ex- Premier Greenway on leaving had curried off all the public The banks however andeceived she and closed the mouths of shouting parti ta ne by announcing balance on hand tbe of Prov ince to flame kind of has been for year a by the Ontario Opposition in regard to Provincial here nobody lakes in it now fact that public show that Ontario is in tbo re ceipt of large for interest on its fond proves there must be capital invoice or the interest would not be annually forthcoming ptawltt Practical Painter House Decorator Mlllarda Lane and Street AUCTIONEERS Wccnfifid for the Co of York sold on Termareaaou able Farm attended to Street NEWMARKET WORKS j LATEST 111 Monuments and Head Stones Allan tht Sir Charles now years of his a sur prise even to his friends indeed more If lie a man of three corK than nearly allotted our flcore and in the political arena is a tighter ready for a setto all and every Bo a reat talker and a with the Government more than any other man in He lit however lacking in attached people to the A In deed in Sir rath er an overbearing way with him is not agreeable to those who are working with him on the same political Bide All hie party will find it to find a equal to him At a of the Brant Society last approval given to the Minister of Agriculture to off fakir filament at and to confine altogether to their own local no prizes to awarded to on will be to Township but observe- at Bradford it quite the not very for fiie distributed Township government It quite true that and there from peculiar local and a few Township organisation are of the District to which they cases are limited 11 With Von A bright face la and It well a happy heart Many tbat were once overcast with gloom hare made bright and sunny by Hoods cures all dyspeptic the and tones up Invloratca tbe whole la cured Hoods Pills Hie jug cathartic Sold by all drug- Alma daughter of Mr of a known hotel at It 1 vera Que enjoys a wide popularity among friends and have had occasion to at her to health after a aorioud illness When a- reporter to ascertain the facts of the Miss Gauthior was out of tbo city on a but her father very gladly consented ogive the story of her cure Ho said I believe that had it not been for Dr Williams Pink Pills my daugh ter Alma might now have been in her grave and would ho ungrateful in deed if I did not all a kind word in favor medicine that restored her to health My daughters health first began to give way about three ago At lirst trouble did not appear to he serious and wo thought she would regain her accustomed health As time went on however this proved not to ho ease She grow weaker was troubled with appetite and a feeling of almost consent languor was by a god but itilt llii if no improve ment- iftetsitti guvluilly fading away If shewalked she would have to stop several to rest on the way Sine lost all and her face was us while almost a chalk Her trouble was clearly which so many you g entering womanhood and we feared it would develop into One day a friend of family to try Williams Pink Pills and confuted and procured a couple of boxes Before they were quite gone there was a slight Improve ment in her appetite and we looked this as a hopeful sign half dozen boxes were procured and under their use she day by day acquir ed now strength and now interest in life She ia now as healthy a girl as there is in Throe Rivers with every trace of tier pallor and languor gone This is entirely duo to Pills and I am rejoiced to he able to say so publicly The case of Miss certainly carries with it a lesson to other pa rents whose daughters may be pale languid easily tired or subject to headaches or the other distressing symptoms that mark the onward pro gress of anaemia In cases of kind Williams Pink Pills will give more and Kpeedy results than any other medicine They act promptly and directly making new rich red blood and strengthen the nerves and correct all the irregulari ties inoidonfc to this critical period Sold by all dealers or sent post paid at a box or six boxes for by addressing the Dr Williams Medi cine Co Brockville Do not be persuaded to take some substitute number of the Canadian Magazine will be a special Military num bar with colored Military cover the design of which the Canadian Mounted Rides pa railing on a Canadian The organisation of the Second Contingent and embarkation will- bo described by two iters and the will be illustrated with a number of photographs which have been specially for purpose Mr J writes the opening article in which he elves tha British in Booth Africa daring the present century Malcolm a member of the Artillery Brigade in the Second Contingent ha an excellent article entitled Types of A Matthews writes a short sketch of the- Minister of Militia The announce that wJI be tbe fiueat number of the Canadian Maga zine they have aver turned out A Sure Core For Smallpox A corespondent of the Liverpool Mer cury writes to that journal as follows I am willing to risk my reputation as a public man if the worst case of smallpox cannot bo effectually cured in three days simply by cream of tartar This is sure and never failing remedy One once of cream of tartar dissolved in a pint of boiling waiter to ho drunk when at short intervals It can be taken at any time and ib a preventive tut well as curative I myself have restored hun dreds this means It never leaves a mark never causes blindness and always prevents tedious lingering If tlio people would only try it and re port all cures to you you would re quire to employ many columns if you gave publicity Oar Toronto totter The members and congregation of Knox Church Queen near arc very much exorcised over a propo sition for disposing of tho edifice and erecting another in tho northern part of the city At a last week many of tun congregation were repre sented by proxy and when the votes were counted scrutineers re ported the result as follows by proxy for selling against Of present however the ballot stood Hi for against The quiH- of proxy voting then objected to as 110 authority and it was admitted that vote of congregation proxies did not bind the authorities The trustee however are open to re ceive ana if a suitable one the question will again be submitted to the adherents of church At regular monthly Board meet of Church City Mission Society a evenings ago it was finally decided for fallen women be establish ed in a central part of city Sim ilar Missions have been targe cities the with very grat ifying results appointed a com mittee the other night to arrange for holding of a banquet at an early date at which Dominion Premier is ex pected to bo present Arrangements have been completed for presentation of Fenian Medals to Veterans of at a public meeting to be hold in the Pavilion on Wednesday evening next Lieut Governor will be pres ent and the medals will be presented by Mies The Army and Navy Veterans will also ho on hand and their medals will be presented likewise by Miss A big time is antici pated There is considerable friction be tween the Toronto Musical Protection and the Military Hands It looks as if there might be jealousy on the part of Association Mr Alfred Day general secretary of the has tendered his to the Executive of Ontario organization He has ac cepted a call to take charge of Michigan State Association duties to commence 1st of May The Provin cial Association will find it difficult to secure a successor of the same Extensive alterations are in contem plation at the Union Depot At pros ticket offices for both the It and are located side by in the Main Entrance the change contemplates having the oppos ite each other and the removal down stairs of baggage room now locat ed at tho right of the main entrance The old waiting room downstairs may also be utilized for baggage The Local House now in full run ning but it is safe lo say there will be no investigat ed before the Public Accounts Com mittee Wednesdays however have been set apart Government days The deputation public now know when depend on a warm dinner Henry Williams the murderer of John who is to suffer the extreme penalty on Good Friday when by his spiritual adviser re cently that was no likelihood of a reprieve replied I Ive got to stand the consequences Rev Mr Baldwin states that lately be has been turning his attention to read ing religious works George Andrews and Dusty son two wellknown characters want ed by the York County were arrested in London on Andrews is said to have robbed Mr Brown an employee of the Metropoli tan Railway of two horses and a wag gon last fall Wilson is also charged with Both meu gave fictitious names when arrested at Lon don but the camera revealed their identity to Constables Burns Stewart and Boyd who have several warrants for them Wilson served five years in Kingston Penitentiary the Old Says and Result Sidney and Invert Troubles Compound Is the Unfailing Conqueror of All Physical Misery Prompt Relief and Speedy Cure Guaranteed Phelps Marvellous Prescrip tion Makes the Old and Young Healthy and Happy It is on record of the Pres idents of Yale ones gave the following advice to the students of that institu tion and the Old Man endorses it men you are the archi tects of- your own fortunes Rely on your own strength of body and Take for your Bin elfreliance your banner is a fool hero Dont take too advice at your helm ami your own ship and remem ber the great art of commanding is to take a fair of the work Think well of- yourself Strike out your own position po tatoes in a cart over a rough road and the email ones go to bottom above the envious and jealous Fire above tho mark yon intend to hit Energy invincible determina tion with a right motive ace the le vers that move the world drink Dont smoke Dont chew Dont deceive Be in earnest Bo self reliant Je generous Be civil Make money and do good with it Love your God and fellow Love truth and virtue Loye your country and obey its laws The End is Paralysis Wasted aro not restored jiJ XT Food A living mind in a dead body fa paralysis 1 sometimes described What can more horrible than to all control of and feel death gradually claiming you for its own Sleeplessness headache energy and vitality gloomy forebodings easy fatigue and weakness of trie body axe symptom of the nerve exhaustion wbch will finally end In paralysis nervous prostration or insanity Whether overwork worry or irregular were the cause restoration can be moil effectu ally brought aboui by a few months real meat Willi ir Nerve Food great raster in Dr Chases Nerve Food instils vital energy Into the body stops the wasting process gradually but surely builds up the system new nerve force and permanently cure ail disorders and weaknesses of n women and children As a restorative its efficacy Is unrivalled by any preparation known to science Ji restores color to the cheeks roundness to the form and to every movement of the body cents a box at all dealers or Bates Co Toronto lijofc free The Great of the Civilized World Farm to Boil or Stent When great nerve ceutres are restored to perfect action by Celery Compound then and only then can tbe liver and kidneys be come and perform functions with ease and regularity Your sad thoughts depression of spirit melancholia hours of dark ness from a condition of your liver and kidney The beat physicians in the world have openly indorsed Compound as the safest and remedy for your troubles Thousands in past have found solid health and happiness from the me of the great medicine Do not accept any substitute for the great life River Insist upon having the kind that cures TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Quinine Tablets All drugglata refund the money If It fails to cure Groves signature Is on each box Arthur the fiveyearold son of Mr iinox whs in little Sliulford Dr ataris Tablet Cure Sour Distress after Eating Weight In the Stomach on tbo Stom ach appetite Blood Catarrh or the Stomach Rick and every other disorder to bad digestion One most relief- they re natures posi tive delightful euro CO tablets lu a cents by fi We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty- five cent bottle of Dr- Wills English Pills if after using threefourths of contents of bottle do not relieve Constipation and We al so warrant that four bottles will per manently the most obstinate case of Satisfaction or no pay ween Wills English Pills are need l Lehman Druggist Newmarket Ont Druggist Scotts Pharmaoy Main Newmarket The case of George Murphy farmer of Whitchurch against Dr of Toronto for possession of a farm and damages iw beard by Chan cellor Boyd and a jury at the civil assizes in Toronto last week Mr Murphy tbe plaintiff claimed be rent ed a farm from the defendant Dr and having been burner out was compelled to move his and chattels to another farm The plain tiff alleged the defendant then rented the farm to another man thereby causing him loss and inconvenience The action as stated above was to gain possession of the farm and dam ages for deprivation The jury found a verdict in favor of tbe plaintiff giving htm possession of the farm and damages and costs WE CLAIM THAT The Menthol Plaster will cure lum bago backache or neu ralgic pains quicker than any other remedy Made by Davis Lawrence Co Ltd FOR COUGHS and COLDS l acres on or East G villi in- burr halt a mile- Newmarket depot hearing of trees market farm Apply to market Farm for Sale op To Let Lot con- of Whitchurch 1H acre fcood about Excellent barn table and dwelling A bar gain for or vlll low to good tenant For apply to Len nox Lennox or It A jwl i CORN CORN CHOP And FEED of all kinds O U R Manitoba Hungarian Family and Pastry GOAL AND WOOD AT A Blessing to the Homes of Canada No invention of the century coming to a close bus done so much for tbfj homes of Canada as Dia mond These reliable never- failing dyes have saved more money for our Canadian families than all other combined agencies Diamond with their magical recreating powers to faded and dingy looking dresses skirts waists blouses shawls capes jackets coals vests pants and all fabrics light or heavy a second life a condition of riohnesa and beaut in the majority of cases far ahead of the original col ore and shades simply means a new dress coat jacket or other of wearing apparel is obtained at a coat of from ten to twenty This work is now successfully carried on in tens of thousands of happy and in our dominion If you have not yet tested the re creating and economizing powers of Diamond Dyes jo your you are losing money every month To ao- tbe victories that come to others in moneysaing you should try what Diamond Dyes can do on your faded and castoff clothing As there are imitation package dyes sold in some stores for the sake of ex tra profit avoid these colors as they are ruinous to any material see that you get Diamond Dyes that nuke old things look as good as new The Remedy for THROAT win AFFECTIONS Luge Bottles DAVIS LAWRENCE CO Limited Killer Keif York Montreal Hag to Inform public be has moved 10 House and that bo still Celebrated Iowa Co Loom with all late to an he Is to Work in Carper Cat and see Seed your In Early ai A in our College will be one of the enjoyable exper iences of vour life and the im portant and valuable knowledge gained will fit you for luciative employment and you the meant of enjoying things of life Write for particular You may enter any time No vaca tion Central Business College ftfivj SHAW a Principal Miss Matilda daughter of Henry Sutton of concession of while bringing a pail of water fell and broke her arm near elbow WORTH good times in Great Britain are attracting large numbers of from Europe IF TAKEN IN TIME L will euro moat affections of lunge That run down con dition the after of a heavy cold quickly counteract- Manufactured by Davit To Afjuf It or more to you lit A III lrt4fMlufcj J fcjirtrc5tndl471 I Of- J Vii9 Co Vi I t Illd ti til lt iuJilUrlilti A W J W LSONS Cor Main and Huron Do you realize Its Possibilities IAS places you within apealclo subscribers In Ontario and Quebec a vat field In the United States Others profit by tbls WHY NOT YOU J Wholesale Retail STORE Two FarDitote Store Mud Neymsrkt A Fiesh Supply Twice a Week of Park Bacon Hams io Toe best aod Mildest Care Market today trial will vincf Rolled Corn Meal Baiter Potatoes Salt CaDnedCorn Peas Tomatoes Pickled Feet Ham and Tongue Honey Soap c Order filled the shortest AUCTION SALE OP Valuable Farm Property There will be Auction At the offered for by Public 1 A Jinljcpt J I tor llio J KENDALL CO FALLS J j Wt- Hotel ft In Saturday March- at hour 12 oclock Soon by Harvey Auctioneer valuable property la on parcel namely lot 97 In of Street of County of of more or lew property fronts on and is about ft mile or Town of Newmar ket On premise arc to be and two to ether abed and about 15acr4 orchard la a ood clay property la loyally known Dawson lea desirable one altuatlon very attractive The will be held subject to a Ten cent of money to Solici tor And thirty riaya without For further particular and condition of apply to

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