Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , February 23, 1900, p. 2

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THE NEWMA ERA FRIDAY FEB gjigba Bale of Teas Star Grocery Implements Co A Hips Wanted J Roy for to Lehman Colonial CI tho authority of tho people either ex pressed in or by un mistakable voice of opinion Metropolitan Hi Co Toronto to Cars Each TIME TABLE North Toronto I Ill am ft am am pm pm a pm pm pm a pm pm pm IK regard to rumor World ftod other Opposition prime respecting resignation of Hon J Tar to it been contradicted on floor of Commons and Mr fartolimmU is not a word of hi ill reported thai alonu tlio lino of good bill to bo in troduced by will favor paying twothirds and the Province com of lending oouiiiica which may be by county council Return Fare either way 125 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY a 4 p t- or us I i To a U to 3 ft hi fel ft- O a K Oh Woiiday Mr who for about was editor and of tbo Stratford and who from tho Deaf and at Hollo- villo died at his st Toronto Death and was a journalist an ardent and a friend was formerly an aotivo of lbs Canadian Press Associa tion rumors in oily says Gfobt regarding tbe hood of a Fenian invasion of Canada in spini and it goes on to say that military men report that positive in that a as scon as weather will per mit of operations in flotd Since reporters of evening papers in Toronto have interviewed military men about Barracks and dont take much stook in the rumors argue that it Fenians were disposed enough to make a tbo Government would interfere and disband them WO to a a ft It q m lets but WITH BRIGHTER YfacHttQis Pointed FRIDAY FEB West Elgin in pro- their enquiries the late irregularities in that Rid ing had not made much progress be fore discovering that the ballotbox containing ballots cast in that contest had been accidentally destroy ed at the Legislative buildings some months ago when the boxes contain ing ballots oast at the last general election had been burned as the law directs On oath before the Commission Col Clarke said that he had given or ders to keep the West Elgin ballot- box separate the men who had the work in band state that this box was accidfntally destroyed Hon exPre mier Hardy declared in evidence that he believed the burning was ac cidental as well as unfortunate The Commission is puzzled and the Conservative press skeptical add l our part we think it a great piece of carelessness the dis closures of any wrongdoing which the ballots would have revealed could not worse than the suspicions their loss has opened the door to opponents to invent and circulate A Satisfactory It would appear from Sir Charles remarks action of he Government in authorizing the of a Canadian contingent for the Transvaal that regardless of opinion had he been at the head of affairs at Ottawa the consti tution had no restraints that ho would have respected He charged that the unmistakable expression of public opinion warranted them in doing so and this is the statesmanlike way Premier answered him Will the honorable gentleman say that we ought to otherwise Does he contend that we would have been justified in spending largo sums of money for which no provision what- over had been made by Parliament without the most unmistakable by people that this should done it only shows incongruous his ideas of re- govirmiicMt is a gov ernment by ill people and wo have power to in any matter save by Ik appeal cases of bribers and convicted in South Ontario election bribery proceeding for a partial remission of the imposed the court refused request and decided not to interfere with tbo penalties pronounced at the trials Judges very intimated that tlio should not be merelv be cause pirtios were poor or for the par- pose of enabling the guilty to escape Offenders against law in other cases might offer the same excuse fined or from paying penalty is as it should make the law a to evil doers and a praise to them who well Ik referring to Hon Mr redis tribution of bill Events rises to sagely remark The means proposed for the redistribution and principle of follow ing lines laid down by the bill are fair and a Jong way in advance of old gerrymander methods bat even would not be a safeguard against Wanders in a redistribution upon a census now nearly ten old this extract impliedly admits a monstrous wrong to existthrough the ger rymander but because of act being able to right ait the wrong it is prepared to al low the old iniquity to cheat electorate of the reasonable and righteous power franchise is intended to afford- About houses of the Town of Spain have been destroyed by fire Mr IX mother died yes terday Mm Frank of has nulling at tbo Royal this Mr Howe of to were visiting at Mr this Mr and Mrs A number of on Monday evening Mayor Cano chair at a temperance In Aurora Wednesday evening Walter Stephens loft for Gobies near Woodstock to visit Ids undo forilireoor four weeks Mr and Mrs Marsh and Mis Allan park epent last Tuesday at Mount Albert with Dr Forcat and family Club on Queen eur- prised Mr Graham Woddol and bride lest night and spent a jolly time Mr and Mrs from Dakota last Monday with Mrs Allan park aye before leaving for their home Mrs Alfred Manning of week with relations Mr- Manning was also hero a day or two ibis week Miss Louie Richardson Miss nd Miss Jackson arc attending the League in Toronto this wees Mr- John McDonald has roturned from tboolty till next whon ho will continue hie studies at College of a largo company of young people at the residence of sister Mrs Wed nesday Mr and Mrs Finley and Nellie of Ottawa have been v baiting his week witb Mrs Murray and Mrs Niagara st Mr Ed and bride arrived in town on 8aturday will reside with hie father until tiprinv when Mr to bull I a residence Hoy Mr Church tore last Sunday was jjuet Mayor For a of the sermons were remarkable The anniversary of wedding of Mr and Mrs Wm Bell was celebrated by an At Home at their residence on Mon day evening and a very pleasant lime waa Mr Martin the popular man- agar of Mr a I Store entortatoed all the bis residence on a very pleasant time is reported Toronto Mr and Mrs entertained at dinner at on Thursday night The of On tario and Mrs Ross the Provincial Secre tary and Mrs and the Hon A A Hardy and Mrs Hardy wore amongst those present Messrs Howard and Herb Wil son attended the at Whitby Ladles College last Friday night Tboy were joined at Toronto by Messrs Edgar and Ernie Hughes met Miss of Port Perry and Mr Geo Silver of Button who are troll known by Newmarket people Mr George Mitchell of Toronto Juno- brother of Mr Ed Mitchell who was a druggist in Pharmacy some years ago when the family resided in New market was married last week to Miss Jennie Harris at the residence of els- tar Mrs 47 Union by Rev Hill of Tabernacle They will reside the Junction Mr says smallpox there is all a scare Grose to fetch to house from He did so expecting that Mr him to the house Finding that ho hod not done so ho returned burn to see what was keeping him and found him in barnyard lying on his back in a sernvconscioua condition Wth the assistance of Mr Mc- ThtosliJa young in employ of Mr they started to assist him to house- but they had only gone a short distance with him wlion ho dropped dead in their arms Mr has during past year boon troubled with his heart considerably On ovova1 occasions lie suddenly fell to the ground when about farm duties and re- main for Once his wife found him and thought him dead Bo that although the death was sudden it wan not Wo have heard him say dif ferent times that he expected to drop off suddenly some day Mr was a member of tho Council which position bo has filled at intervals for a number of years filling position of He a member of the Method Church here and a member of Ho was a staunch va- took a very active part in many elections The funeral on Tuesday was the seen in this place for some time service was held in the Christian Church larger than the Methodist sermon was preached by Mr a former pastor of this circuit Brown Leonard and also assisted Mr leaves a widow and two sons to mourn the loss of a loving husband and kind father Councillor Draper is confined to his bed this week by an attack of the la grippe The revival meetings in the Christ ian Church continue this week with unabated interest Quite a number have united with the churches On Wednesday eye the service was for men only Isaac Esq is visiting rela tives at Mount Albert Ho slow- ly recovering from his recent illness Mr Ralph of wob vis iting here tliis week NEWMARKI LEADING STORE J ti We pride ourselves on having the most complete Shoe Store in From the lowest to the expensive goods all here and in addition to a big stock the prices are always tempting Thats why business is growing and why it will pay you to buy your Shoes here These go on sale ToDay 6o pairs Ladies Fine Oxford Shoes sizes to a Special Bargain at pairs Mens Solid Leather Lace Boots a very neat shoe and worth 125 our price Mens Fine Kid Lace Boots special at 175 Mens Long Felt Boots 225 reduced to Mens Buckle Felt Boots reg reduced to i The J King We are sole agents for Newmar ket Kings Fine Dongola Button or Lace Boot at Kings Fine Turn Button or Lace Kings Great Leader for Ladies at are Canada Sole agents for the Celebrated King Shoes Kings Fine Box Calf for VIC rm J Kings Fine Buff Lace Bootf lor Men at Kings Shoes for Children at low prices and are always the best Oar Column LiNDING POINTS Mr John la homo the Cane spent a couple of Id the this week gave a tea on Walter J entertained by tea Wednesday Mr and Itoea were At Some on Wednesday evening Dr and Mrs Scott were At Home feet Friday Moore of Ottawa visiting her cousin J A Allan and one at over Sunday in the oily Geo and family enter company evening Mr J it attending Grand Coanoil of at Milton this week AJbert waa the of over flnnday Mr and Mrs were At Home on Wednesday evening Cane announced to give an in Hill next Tuesday evening Maggie of Hill Tuesday with Mr and Mrs and are at- tending the Dental in the city Ifaia week John of baa been visiting the week George John of slater Geo over Sunday Alloc Knight came up from the week and la visiting of Queen el Morrow of Cane returned to tbo city on after apendiag a week or here Messrs ft and Keith at- tended Toronto OH Wednesday and Thursday Mrs and Patterson of Aurora were ilia iiainU of Park Monday Great prevailed on Wed nesday at when it was learned that relieved and all the old shooting could be heard in the vicinity Flags were displayed and the Town and school bells kept ringing for time Did you the big bonfire on Wednesday night on Hill A patriotic ball will take place in Taylors Hall on Monday evening given by the citizens The committee have arranged for firstclass music and the ladies will furnish the tea Pro ceeds for the National Patriotic Fund Mr Hector McDonald of West has purchased the farm and will move on it this spring A concert will be held in Hall on Tuesday evening given by the Christ Church Sunday School Program consists of sours choruses recitations and drill Proceeds to purchase a new library Lane and Geo had an At Home on Friday evening last Some thirty invited guests were pres ent and all report a good time Lane and Ceo vis iting friends in Beaverton this week Mr M Taylor and wife Mils Ag gie Taylor and Taylor of Sut ton attended the A Ball on Fri day last Miss Ellis spent few days this week with her sister Mrs Cook at Aurora KESWICK In on to Mr and Mrs John Wesley a daughter In Mount Albert on February 2nd to Mr and Crawford a eon At Old on the net to Mr and Vim Chalmers a eon On Friday Feb 2nd to Mr and Mrs Morton Let roy formerly of wick aeon At on the Feb to Mr and Mra daughter Only lived a abort time McQoilmh At Helens Toronto on the by Father Mr of Newmarket to McQalllan- formerly of place At Johns mat by Rev Fatter Morris Mr James Clifford to Maud both of West the the mother Mr Herbert Steele of con to A Bedford performed tbe cere mony On the at the home of the bride by Mr Evans eon of Geo Virginia to Mies of Whitby Rubbers of every kind and every size at prices to please you Many lines below wholesale list price South American Rheumatic Cure South American Kidney Cure South American Nervine Tonic Dr Catarrh Cure Dr Agnews Heart Cure Lehmans Syrup for Cattle Lehmans Condition Powders Bath Boom Toilet Sea you have never tried sea salt you have missed a good thing it makes bath more re freshing and exhilarating box Youre Another Sufferer from a bad cold and cough Try our Cold Tablets Cure a Cold in a W LEHMAN mm BSD -IN- On Saturday a gloom was cast over our entire neighborhood by the sudden death of one of our most citizens in the person of Mr He hod returned homo from Sutton where he had been on business in company with Mr Grose a rotative front the States has for some lime been visit tug at home They had out tho lioro and were startui for the hot so whan Mr Mr Tomb Over On Feb Slat at of Manning Ave Toronto widow Dyer formerly of Newmarket bare afternoon arrival of train to In North on suddenly of hemorrhage of Mann eon of Mr Lewis Sedore aged At Carman Mao Feb On Friday while returning from Toronto Mr Win met with a very painful accident He had hie dinner at Palmers Hotel and started out just as the electrio car came along and the wagon The car was going slowly and slipped till the wag on struck a pole when it was complete ly wrecked A boy was pitched out between two poles and was unhurt but Mr was Dates of A of knocked senseless and had his head Newmarketaged and merely cut in two places He was able to come home Monday The Special Line of Fancy Opposite and jT The were here for burial at Newmarket Cemetery fast Satur day On Feb Mason Villa only of Mr and J J aged In Albert on Feb fltb infant eon of Mr Geo Gra ham aged months On Wednesday February at hie residence Noble ton Jam ta Rob- In Ea came to from Ire land year and was out during rebellion of He a Con- a member of He leavca a widow aged end aona and two J All receive Crcfu and Prompt horses were only slightly hurt On Tuesday as tho noon car was going on bridge over the Street the saw a on the rail which when the car struck it caused a derailment By skilful work the part of the motor- man the car topped just in time to avert a terrible accident There is much indignation felt towards the fiend who would do such an act News of relief of Ladysmith created a sensation in Town telephoned by Dr Stevenson from Toronto and spread like wildfire Men rushed out and hoisted flags all the team whistles blew and bells rang at the welcome news Many Feb Wheat per bushel- Wheat per Wheat per w per Rye per bushel 1JM L- Woolperib CO a pore per a CO CO per pair a a a a a a a a a a to a a a a a fen Si Flour per barrel Wheat per Wheat Wheat per Barley per per bushel Ota Butter per people came in to get the particulars Potatoes JT WA IW The revival services the Metho dist church closed Friday evening after running a very successful The Extension Lecture delivered by Prof was listen ed to by a very appreciative audience This Wits the third in the series The will be delivered on March i 10 Wool per lb my per ton to Porkpercwt ton I I i I to a IS OK IOC 29 a a II is W IT w a a a a a a a a a a a a

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