Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , February 23, 1900, p. 1

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I J The gives more home news every week than any two other papers in North York combined and is acknowledged to be the Leading Count Paper I NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER mo liberty to to and to freely according to conscience above all other liberty PAG No outride of Vera in advance No Single Each rrs Grand Pearl Stoves Sold To Date are Fuel Savers Will Burn Coal If Desired PAINT OILS A ETC our Coal Oils NEWMARKET -ox- There is no place like the TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE he Home Bakery business from Mr Albert and retained the services of Mr Clifton whose Bread has a in Naff and viciuiiv bop attention to Miriness and the use of Best Materials to merit continuance of attention will be given to ll and par ticularly for ordered aa well Wedding JACK Opposite SYSTEM Its Magnitude iJic Trunk Hallway System of track JiouRb most and parts of NEW all the principal cities town a ha and con tapping all the principal towns a direct to all part of the ana wwiero State and the- Atlantic and Coast A Careful Fitter Tfcketa and all information from Agent Grand Trunk System A A rent IliJW 111 this me in ami ding cvumku if id pihv yearly employment villi ltcfiTtJiuca iwfr op p A Newmarket Friday Feb iTL3 I 125 per annum if paid in advance specialty for tint The Highland AT SOUTH A Woo for Falling on far Afrioa ahoro Woo I for weeping wives and Who ahull meet slain no more Woo I for wtoplng Weeping for the fathers alain of a blander On bloody plain Clustered Muddled In a phalanx band In midnight For lite foe In foreign land Not a whispered word Is spoken Not air When a trips and bis rifle onaware Quick as Hash the searchlights From before While a roar like that of from rifles of the Boor their Guarded by wires now of bayonets their murderous Area gloved by every Highland of that noble band ftltdst the wild and fierce disaster Failing his last command field of i Crimson Held of KpillM by fierce relentless Breathing murder from each pore Mangled crushed amidst Tom by hells inhuman hounds Till toot few of all their number Live to leave fatal Oil not the of battle Whore no right was but to die On this field of Where world brave heroes Wool for Highland heroes Wool for every Highland home Woe for weeping wives and mothers Brokenhearted overcome Woe weeping children Weeping for the fathers their weeping Who shall soothe their seething pain I J Feb Good News Africa 0X0 Relieved Quantities of Supplies Raptured London Fob fl61 a in War Office baa just the follow from Lord Roberta Feb 10 Freooh with a force of artillery cavalry and a mounted infantry reached last evening Thursday a quantity of Both aides claim to heavy losses on the days preceding the evacuation British correspon dents record that the Dra goons on Feb charged forty of whom only three escaped Feb The following also lost heavily on the same from General French received a fall Sixty corpses this morning I have completely ifc fc dispersed enemy from southern side of from Alexanders- to and am now going to occupy their ground were counted on the stoop of the farm house while the enemys losses at is stated to have been three officers and eighty men A despatch from Pretoria dated captured the enemy and Feb puts the British losses in the store depot supplies and supplies of ammunition Casualties about twenty of all ranks wounded has been invested days The garrison consisted of raon included half a battalion of the Loyal North and a detachment of the Black Watch and five bodies of local forces Cecil Rhodes has been one of the chief or ganizers of a moai gallant defence foregoing engagements at killed and wounded and eighty prisoners British attacked Fort south of at daybreak Feb ruary but the Johannesburg men under forced the British to retire leaving six dead and four wounded on the field Captain Friend was among the killed The Boers suffered no casualties London- Feb A special River Orange Free State W Wednesday Feb General French drawn in command of tho cavalry the and a strong force of horse I at Dordrecht on 16 The lasted treat was attacked at Klip Drift and Drift where the kopjes were held battle lasting all day Ma- jorGen Knoxs brigade itself under the direction of Lord Kit chener This is the begin ning of a rear guard fight all the way to Our casualties were Two of enemys laagers which were captured were both evacu ated with utmost haste We are at present rear with all our infantry and cavalry which re turned from was captured after a short fiph on Wednesday afternoon and were evacuated on evening At Kimberley the greatest enthusiasm prevails Pen- visions are being pushed forward remain west of Drieput Kopje where the whole of the division is still fighting the retreating The naval guns were pushed forward today They outrange the being used to cover the retreat great exertions of the Boers are hamp ered because their oxwaggons are The wellknown mob ility of the Boers has now vanished Private Douglas Moore of the Royal Canadian Regiment died of enteric fever on the He came from London Cam Feb Gen Bui- force has been fighting steadily for five The have been driven across the Several were abandoned on Saturday and the enemys guns silenced Why England is Isolated left River Sunday morning pout People filled Feb A terrible accident by which four people were killed took place this afternoon on tho Canadian Pacific line between Quebec and Montreal The Express which left Quebec at this afternoon while passing Mount crossing a mile and a half from Three Rivets about oclock struck two in each of which were two The train was at the usual rate of engineer blew the whistle and tang the hell as required by regulations There was a wind and raging it the tithe and the drivers of the teams evidently did not hear the train and drove right into it The two horses were instantly kill ed the sleighs smashed to pieces and the occupant thrown under the wheels of the train South It may not be generally known that the or Startling riwex its longest river in Natal It is over miles in length and attains a breadth at it mouth of feet For the last sixty or seventy miles of course it forms the boundary line between Natal and Xululand the lat ter now a province of Natal War despatches from South Africa are sent by cable from Cape Town along the West coast of Africa to England or to Ireland thence across the Atlantic to Nova Scotia and New York Another line from Durban Natal ex tends along east coast of Africa to Aden Arabia thence to the Red Sea to Suez and along the Canal to Port Said on the thence to England and across the At lantic to tho United States and Can- m hour east of killclaud wounded where the whole concentrated the grass around The next day he made a rapid march position so that the British khaki to River where a party of showed up distinctly passage at and background Waterfall Drifts After hours Cape Towv Feb Tho of ahelling General French drove which sailed from Halifax on Boers away and crossed the river Jan with the first artillery section Yesterday Tuesday column con- of the Canadian contingent of tinned its march to Klip and troop for active service arrived at Drifts on the River where port today a short engagement ensued The troops were welcomed by General French shel the Military Secretary to vigorously and a passage of Cape Colony and Brit- The Boers precipitously retired Sir Alfred log five laagers in the hands of British besides a great quantity of cattle and sheep The rapidity of General march and the overwhelming nature th the enemy are of force enabled him in spite of fl Their difficulties of water transportation- were left be- to thoroughly outwit and surprise the K- x Brigade tacked the main body and there was Colonel Hannay while on his way severe fighting the whole day along a to encountered Boers extended line with two holding a kopje com Feb Gen Kelly- the leading to the drift Kennys brigade yesterday captured Tho fighting lasted all day long and wagons laden with stores with the disappeared in the night Mauser rifles boxes of shells And Thirteen men reported missing hands of explosives belonging to force are prisoners They laager On KellyKenny were captured treacherously during pursuing the Boers The High- the fight They were informed Brigade remforced him after a an agreement had been reached be- march the British officer commanding the extreme left and the commandant of the Boer ambolancs that half a The Guards have occupied the Boer company of the British should be per- nutted to fetch water from a dm- wUich the Canadians took part in the retired and the rushed of concealment end cut off the water party The thirteen prisoner Jegmal a point on the an officer lino of march several Canadians fell in fleeidenfc William a farmer who resides near Aurora met with an ac cident Friday afternoon colliding with a Metropolitan car that fortun ately is not likely to prove fatal The accident occurred precisely at the fame place where late Charlton met his death In both cases the men were leaving tbe Palm er Hotel sheds at Bedford Park when the rigs were struck by a passing car From the Chicago Why was there jubilation in capitals of Europe yesterday when the news of humiliating reverse to British arras in South Africa like an electric wave around the world Was it because Europe sympathise with called struggle for liberty Was it because Europe naturally sympathizes with the weaker nation or people is a struggle Neither the courts nor people of Europe have ever shown any such sympathy Europe fiddled while the Turk slew more Armenians than there are Boers of military age in the Trans vaal The true reason for European jubil ation British disasters to be found in 1 Hatred of Republican England Envy of England Jealously of Colonial England There is not a court in Europe where the English system of a govern ment responsible to the people which rejects the idea of the Divine right of kings and derives authority to rule and to tax from the people not held in official abhorrence For over a century England has been sanctuary for the oppressed refugees of Europe and its free press has held tbe torch of liberty popu lar government before the eyes of the overtaxed helpless millions of con tinent A short table of the commerce of the British Empire and of Europe in will explain why con sumed with inextinguishable envy of tbe former OF BRITISH United Kingdom India Straus Settlement Ceylon Colony Australia Canada the tracks being at the side of the British West Telegram has the follow- r the or captured heir names are a garment cuttles filling quite important the material you made Here all three will be all right Our priced not hit for j on Mith the liiSst To the A rich lady of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Nicholson Ear has sent 1000 to his insti tute so that deaf people unable to pro cure them may have them free Ap ply to Department Q Eighth Ave New York U A Thomas of killed Station by on vJnch he riding on despatch from dated February and delayed in Very seyere fighting occurred on both our flanks near The enemy greatlyoutnumbered out troops being about in number They attacked the Worcestershire Regiment on their hill and with desperate de- Private Drake formerly of the Halifax Private formerly of the Princess Louise Fusiliers of St John all of H Private of Company Private A Woodward mil wwjtaMk termination charged home only to of the Middlesex Light In experience such a Maxim and rifle fire from our men that the roll of the assailants must have been considerable A patrol of the Dra goons was surrounded by some Boers and gallantly out way through without losing a man but a company of New Wales Mount ed Infantry was unfortunately annihi of the mens bayonets how ever bearing the impress of sanguin ary conflict with their foes Colonel was shot through the heart at the outset of the engagement The enemy chose the time of moons setting for their onslaught Oat of five colonial offi cers only one returned to camp London Feb position in the district is not yet beyond the of British the lawn of fantry A Company Private B formerly of the Regiment Canadian Artillery BC A Company Riven Feb- The fol lowing is a summary of the move ments of the army since Monday The brigade under Gen French left Honey Neat Kloof on Monday crossed Klip Drift and Drier pat Drift On Thursday they moved to strong They fought two engagements at points eighteen miles four from respective ly The sixth division left on Monday oh Tuesday on Wednesday and Klip Drift on Saturday morning for Klip Kraal The seventh rough Drift and lite diviaio At Klip lay The gUiid if Car ii in Ml the road immediately the ho- 0oo0oSo r j British possessions Lynn and J two eye- witnesses think that the injured man was aware of the approach of the car but thought he had time to get safely across the track The car struck the wagon and shied it against a telegraph pole The driv er was thrown in front of the ear but the wheels did not pass oyer him and the two were cut up one severely Dr Bond of York Mills was sum moned and roan was carried into the hotel and examined It was found that he had received several scalp wounds but no hones were broken and failing internal in juries he will recover the driver of the car has with the company Total 000 COMMERCE OF Germany Trance Holland Belgium Austria All other Europe Total These iwo tables disclose the true reason for European jubilation over British reverses as is not inspired by the hatred of a free government They also show France and Russia are jealous of the British colonial empire for over eight years and the United States is without the the opinion that he did of this jubilation of European he could to avert the accident Mr Albert Downs daughter was burned to death near Mil ton by her clothing catching fire An accident occurred on Midland division of the T at stationon Tuesday night causing the wreck of freight cars loaded with I ice cars were demolished and colonies are almost as hatred envy and jealousy The gov ernment of the United Kingdom can- no be too republican to the ideas of intelligent Americans Its raerce be so extensive as to excite our envy because we profit by lions share in that commerce Its colonial conquest do not move us to jealousy 1 burned up Cause of accident suppos- to be a broken flange Brampton Feb Bramptons electric light plant situated at ville four mites west of the town was completely destroyed by fire this morning The workmen did not leave until almost oclock and one hour afterwards the building was in flames The structure was of brick and how the fire started a mystery The in surance carried was The orange crop of California this year is a record It is esti mated at from to car loads In boxes it is figured at from to There are enough to give every man woman and child in the United States a dozen or so Neither the exact size of the crop nor the precise number of people in the country can be determin ed before next June statistica place fruit among the great crops of a great When oranges are ship ped from a few couofciea of Southern California by thousands of carloads they begin to rank with wheat in bulk to say nothing of value A few years ago it was Florida that furnished the big Crop in the line of or- iiov 1 ho of production iihihil and to Englands own In 1806 nearly onefifth the com- of Kingdom was with the United States and nearly one- fourth of its imports were bought from us The followingtable for the last fis cal year shows why any disaster that might seriously affect the British em pire is viewed with the deepest con cern in every community in the Unit ed States UNITED STATES IMPORTS AND EXPORTS From these figured it is manifest that the only nation the Uuited States can afford to see profit at the expense of the British Empire is the United States This is the reason why there was not and will not be in America outside of purely and circles over British reverses in South Africa Anything a vulsing catastrophe to English power and prestige in South Africa will be felt in every industrial center and district in United States The watches the baiting of lion with en eye to envy end that tir iis Of Ihti do Kijijin

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