IS fecks lews IN It ABOUT TOWN Prohibition Alliance mooting of York will bo bold in jVjmpc ranco Hah Newmarket tomorrow at for of And general bud Largo meeting last Sunday in of League Mr In chair and Hand jticbardcon organist by and by Read- by Skinner and Irwin Sunday to bo provided by Template pitfe J At on morning Ilia flro sounded at Water works and at at corner of Main and How only oak Hall when alarm sounded lire out flro started In Lawyer Office In Acq and red hoi also act on fire the inaido wood a partition through which The alarm was ftiven at once and a pail water near by a Youll be If you Una of bearing a concert for only in Town flail Patriotic Concur on Tuesday night in aid of National Fund way a grand Dealing capacity of the Town Hall way fully taxed by an audience- and front of Hall in Military atyjcno loss than being His Mayor presided and made a brief and very appropriate Tie duett Rota Britannia by and rendered with effect and In to prolonged the Tommy Atkins As Mr Jas Fax at homo and was most ap plauded It is not bard to ace that ho has won the admiration of the people of this Town m a coralo singer The nations at homo and He isnt deeping were hie beat pieces and latter airly brought down Mrs GiJIibB of Toronto four Pule Only Milk best quality per it Lovely Cream for whipping per J Hal Milk for Pare a attention to a Dairy on St have a splendid on hand at Grange Ball thia Friday Vocal and by local talent by Royal Template of Mr has to tho chair from Newmarket will bo made welcome Knee Football Away Day Master Lome Hendry eon of Mr Albert Hendry hurt in knee playing foot- ball Although painful at it supposed that In a days ho would bo alt However from time to hurting him good deal and last Saturday night pain be- so a doctor bad to be call ed in and ho has ordered It is that an injury received near- four months ago should develop bo bo riouely Your Ixoat Chance During century of hearing famous Dont mtes It on Tuesday night Oat Mr IjOVI met with a bad Jobs last Friday morning It only recently that bo purchased brick cottage on adjoining the Industrial Hone and moved oat there on of week About lOooIock last Friday white he was at Newmarket took fire and was horot to ground Mrs was not very and thoy had not got settled in their now boms- ftho was and atone In boose when she smoke filling room rushed oyer to the Homo for assistance and everybody about who could do anything wag immediately on hand of furniture removed fire started in the diningroom and is sup posed to be by a spark from stove There no insurance about and moat cordially received is a lovely singer prepossessing appear ance Miss Annie of Toronto consider ing that she was laboring coder a heavy cold did remarkably well in her humorous Boteotions gave or numbers some quite lengthy As a mi- of Irish brogue Though a professional elocutionist Miss Snyder generously gave- her servioca in the interest of National Mrs of Fergus in her violin selection was moat deservedly en cored Our bit of tbo Thin Red Line by Mies Clara rendered with such feeling that she carried the audience by storm Tbe program throughout was of a very patriotic nature sympathies of people were so aroused that the bat passed and collection of added to the Fund While the bat was being passed Mr Richard Willie responded to call and sang The Beggar which was loudly applauded Miss Perkins deserves praise for cheer fully accompanying the singers with much a tie faction Presentation of Medals to the Vet erans off Fenian Raid quite a grat ifying feature Short were made by the Mayor Dr Pearson of Toronto Armstrong of and Col Lloyd of Newmarket Dr Pearson observed that out of men served in his Company years ago there are still 18 living He was glad to see the patriot lo spirit of today and the war is binding the to the Mother country as no other event could do Armstrong joined York Caval ry years ago and was proud of the men who went to the front with in of whom were present with him from to receive their medals Lloyd tbe proudest event in life He was the only man in North York to receive a medal that had in as the above gentlemen together with of King Mr Harper Institute For the sake of the farmers themselves wo hope that the to be held in Newmarket next Friday will bo well at tended The Temperance Hall should bo crowded The Government is spending targe earns of money annually throogh Institutes to benefit farmers but only a few advantage of it There is no charge whatever and everybody is in- to be present program is as follows 1st Paper The Importance of Fall Mr Mil li ken 2nd Paper The Common Insects At tacking and Foliage and how to them Mr J 3rd Paper Cultivation Required for Corn Field and Potato Mr Simpson Paper which attack fruit and fruit trees Mr J F FEB Mr Aurora Mr Nolle of Newmarket and tbe six others from were decorated with the medal by Mr Mayor Cane Mrs Allan Mrs exMayor Gillies and Mrs Watt the audience cheered heart ily The proceeds ware about above ex penses the collection At the time of NorthWest Rebellion in there was a balance of placed in bank after sending supplies to our Volunteers which amount was sim ilar to the present effort and for a similar purpose It is proposed to add this to Newmarkets contribution to the National Fund If there any objection by our kindly communicate with tit ones Correction Mr Willis desires to corrcot an error In wo leaoo with to Dairy paragraph His herd consists of 13Jorsoy Cows which are olds It not affect figures how- over as only the of lbs of but ter was given but it shows pro- to oven greater advantage Lent on Fob week from next Wednesday comes this on April The date for Easter Is unusually late and In faot is within week of the latest date for the feast Betting of is by means of paschal moon and this Recount It ia for It to earlier than or later than April Division At the Division Court hero last Friday Honor Judge Me presided It a limited court and of the wore of interest to any but more imme diately The next court will bo hold on last day of month- Fob and tomorrow will be the last day of Only a limited number of oases or expected as there will only be 20 days between courts Next Mr Oliver pianist Reserved at mans Drug Store Last two young men were caught in High when care taker wont up to look after Arcs They bad broken lock to gain an entrance matter was reported to Board and unices an apology Is made to Chair men and the repairs paid at once there will bo trouble This is not the first the building has been in to and if it occurs again Board will bo severe The Friends Quarterly Mooting will bb hold in on St on Saturday and the 17th and Inst Bat- at am and Sunday at am and pm A meeting of Womens Foreign Mis sionary will be hold Saturday pm a Minister from In diana and others from a distance are ex pected to bo in attendance The publio are cordially invited Changes On Tuesday morning last General Su perintendent McGuigan of ac companied by Jones of the Midland Division passed over Northern Divi sion northward Rumors about the ion Station at Toronto to the effect that this means Installing of Mr Jones of both the Midland and Northern Divisions Another rumored change is to the effect that Mr P J Lynch for some time past trainmaster at Belleville will be transferred to Dont Sherlock Quartette in Town Ball next Tuesday night the beat quar tette in the city Beats reserved at Leh mans drog store Sun The chief feature of evening was the musical and literary pro gram rendered entirely by Sherlock Male Quartette When the selection was rendered not a vacant was to be found in the hall and many were standing up For over hours song followed song interapersecwith delightful recitations by Mr How the talented elocutionist Each of famous Is an artist ana was liberally applauded by the largeaudience We consider Sher lock Male Quartette the beat we heard and those who hearing them missed a big treat forbids farther comment but we could fill a column with praise in their behalf Surgical Operation We are pleased to note the following paragraph in the Ripley NY giving each unstinted praise to a Newmar ket boy Dr brother of J A W Allan There is not to encourage a coun try physician in sorgery as people in gen eral are loth to allow a severe case to fall into their hands preferring rather to give the patient tbo benefit of city attendance But work done by Dr Thos Bootes of assisted by Dr of this place and Dr Heard of North East the of the little of Garret shows that not all the skill Bur- belongs to the city The was ap pendicitis complicated and purulent and one Except for an operation the child could not have lived- and the operation was made with a skill that every evidence of beat resolts We congratulate the doctors and especially Dr who feat winning a reputation an expert in both medicine and surgery We no reason why a country physician should not be intelligent Rod able a city brother if ho has enterprise to keep with the rapid progress in medicine and fromh as this we are inclin ed to belie Co hoy Lieogue A union meeting of the Senior and Jun ior Leagues took place on Monday evening and considering the weather It was well attended Dr Richardson President of the was assisted in the cbafr by Miss Lenore Irwin of the Juniors Besides the congregational and de votional exercises selections by two quar tettes of the Junior League by Miss Annie solo by Mr Walter Stephens and a splendid ad dress by Mrs McCulloch on The Pearl of Great Price were given Last morning Rev 8 preached from Acta Hi The subject was Prayer- Meetings and taken up under the following heads Ori gin nature importance object success failure The immediate effect of ser mon should be a greatly increased attend ance at weekly prayer meeting In the evening the pastor spoke from the Parable of the Pounds The attendance at Sabbath Sohool and at evening were rather than usual On Friday evening ladies of the bold a social at the home of Mr Albert Collins A and profitable evening in store for all who may attend Gout Should bo Reduced To Editor Bra Now that the Judicial County of York has on it hands a and half of money Court House which the County will perhaps be compelled to pity a percentage of coat insurance heating cleaning lighting repairing and caretaking would if not bo good move to if some change could not bo made in ad- justice to partially re duce cost of enme Under present tho ox- of our Court House maintenance annually including telephone water cleaning repairing furniture fitntionery for Judical and Insur ance etc amounts to about of which Municipal County pays onefifth Under tho agreement of wo are compelled to pay toward the now Court a percentage on which under tho most favorable circumstances will cost us or an annual sum of more than wo pay for all purposes now to this must be added percentage of cost of insurance water lighting levator expenses cleaning repairing stationery perhaps a dozen other items In addition to this City Council are now asking us a depreciation tax of To pay a share of furnishing furniture and to be at whole cost of furnish ing and repairing the York County Law Library so that I fear the cost of Court House maintenance will jump from to or in creasing cost five hundred per cent The average in this county of Jurors for outside of coroners and vision Courts is over of which sum is paid to Grand Jurors cost of preparing Jurors Hooks entering same therein and selection equals per annum of which same is paid to the Clerk of Peace In addition to tho the Sher iffs charges per annum fo preparing pay lists checking attendance equals and for panels and serv ing Jurors the Sheriffs fees 850 per annum Making a grand total for cost of Jurors nearly The cost of crown witnesses varies from year to year hut 1750 is about the average of this sum the crown pays one third Province pay the Judges sal aries and percentage of sheriffs and Clerk of the Peaces charges The duties cast upon Jurors is akin to that of the Judges- Many of the jury cases tried in Toronto from outside Counties If the Govern went were to pav a proportionate share of jury costs then the expenses would be fairly divided Failing which some plan should he devised whereby the thousands of dollars wasted in jury fees at To ronto Courts by Judges trying non jury cases at jury courts and waiting for hours for lazy counsels to get briefs ready should be stopped Another way some money could be saved would be to establish a Crimin al Court for trial of all criminals now triable by the sessions and Oyer and Terminer Courts Hoping the newspapers will agitate this matter until some redress is grant ed I am Yours Truly J Woodcock ii v Mr J It the druggist taken the agency for the sale of Dr Wards medicines advertised the Era and has now a supply Three young men Messrs Brock Jones and Chappell skated to Point last Sunday afternoon from Holland Landing They say they covered the miles in than an hour Mr the Montreal horsebuyer to be around here again next week for another lot Town Council meets next Monday night Sunday School Convention at next Mr John Montgomery jr is laid up with a ankle Regular meeting of the at the residence of Mrs Cody next Tuesday afternoon Hill Hookey Team was billed to play Newmarket at the Rink hare teat night A man crossing the pond on Tues day got a soaking to the breaking off Quito a lot from Aurora up on cr ta attend lo Couoart Old a chance to eta shad ow last Wednesday A live owl en a window sill at The one this r n 0 L I j- ii r Reduction in Prices means Reduction in Stock That is what is desired this month Many lines of White Goods at the ledtteeci will be continued during this Stock Reduction Sale BRUM The best cooks always use Baking Powder A Special Value this month in Mens Ladies Wool Underwear Also fair of pricecutting this month especially lines that we are overstocked with STORE THE CHEAP STORE Con The Leading House for Years Ol FOE jc for UW1ZL A Fur Goat Clearance We cannot hold on any longer so here goes y only Mene Russian Reindeer Italian Quilted Linings regular special only Mens Cloth Lined regular special 1 only Mens Wombat Quilted Italian Lining regular special 19 Mens Australian Wallaby Quilted Italian Linings for only Mens Racoon Quilted Linings for 1 only Mens Alsatian Dog Quilted Linings price lor 1175 Top Shirts at Each only Mens Fancy All Wool Flannel and Fancy Tweed Top Shirts with and without collars marked to sell at Si and choice this week Ladies Fur Goat Chances Slack flstPaehan Black Silk Lining Colored Stitching regular price from to This weeks price Electric Seal Heavy Brocade Silk Lining regular price week price Black Heavy Brocade Satin Lining price This week Tweed Overcoats only regular price up to lor 650 Suits only Mens Tweed Suits broken assortment marked to sell as your choice for 6 Boys Odd Vests Each marked to sell at your choice Sale Feb Br will tn important unreserved of farm implements etc on lot about miles from Newmarket Ten month credit on over ex cept for Fat Cattle or per cent count for Sale at 1230 sharp Smith Mr P will an unreserved credit of farm on lot 2nd con at pm month on approved Joint Hotel Stokes and J Stephen Clerk Feb Mr will have a large sale of farm etock Imple ments etc on lot west side of the Con of East credit on over or per cent off for except format Cattle at one oclock TaoBSDAT March tale of farm stock imple etc be longing to the late 3 on lot In the lit coo of miles North of on Fat cattle hay grain aeedi and soma of end credit on earns over that amount Bala at N Smith ToDAvMarob6 Mr John will have an farm atook implements and on lot con of of Holland Landing 8 credit auraa oyer for fat and hay or cent off for each flalo at ahirp Win Jacket Bargains Your of Our Jackets for Our reg Jackets for Our Jacket for Our reg 750 775 Jackets for Our Jackets for Our 1275 Jackets for Ladies Red Flannel perforated Chamois Lin ed regular special week with other for Carpet Sweepers A few odd makes marked to sell at special to clear Grand Rapids Bearing regular special Old Ladies Dolmans Black Cloth nicely trim- special This Week Cutlery Table Knives and Forks fine Sheffield Steel Horn handle regular price doz This Week only Bags Extra make Cotton Grain Bags special This Week dozen Bed Hot Dress Bargains Dress Goods Pieces comprising Plain and Fancy Black and Colored Cashmeres Herges BoxCloth Cheviot fcc Special This Week yd 26 Dress Goods for Pieces only Black and Colored Plain and Fancy special This Week yd 100 Goods fop Just half pieces Goods for Pieces a Variety of Goods choose from this week JSo yd Only Fancy Braid Trimmed French Cos- Lengths marked to sell at 7 and Your choice This week for Wrappers Special cents Baby Bargains Babys Fancy Knit Silk and Wool slightly soiled Hoods and Gaps were from to Your choice this week at each Girls Tarns only regular price weeks price Ladies Fur Lined Gapes only Fancy Red Brocade Squirrel Lined Black Trimming on Collar and Front regular price for 1275 I only Blue Black Mixed Brocade Grey Squirrel Lining Black Thibet on Collar and Front a very handsome gar ment regular special this week Ladies Dress Skirts only Ladies Homespun Plaid Skirts regular price This week price Breakfast Shawls only Black Colored Knitted Wool Breakfast marked to sell at and Special this week Fur Chances Black Goat extra large size regular special Grey Goat Indian Buffalo Also Grey and Black Goat Back Robes reduced to and 00- Top Shirts at Each only Mens Flannelette and Fancy Knitted Top Shirts marked to at 85 to This Week IM Mens Mocha Gloves at Pre Mens Lined Mocha Gloves Kid Faced regular Week