Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , February 2, 1900, p. 7

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY FEB a CHINAS ALL SO Dinner Bets FROM to Toilet Bets -FllOM- to Value IN Parlor Lamps Weeks ems WHAT OH IK ABOUT TOWN I Prohibition The meeting York in Newmarket on lost representative for Polling Division it that son notified wilt mhko a to bo Doily flail Mr baa for daily mail to Ho on Monday at Mill to in part King to got mail will word at the Caught young man from North- who forged and got thorn cashed Iim been located by In and bo now years in Stato prison tor hie over there Ho raised a lor to and it was at bank Popota were filod to aoooro return hero at expiration his eon- hi of Methodist Ob rob will bo hold at Mrs William St on Fob at Again Quattotto that good at tho Christian Fowl Hopper a short back to Newmarket on tbo of Feb and to give one of vory host Africa -oxo- Interesting front a First Canadian Fruits Peels and Spices This is our Strong Point us wo make a Specialty of Keeping the Very Choicest and Best Quality No need to enumerate the quality and quantity and Bottom Prices -FINE- Public School Board Only wore pot In or wood this year Board Is considering of coal wood In future and Clerk has written to find out what It will coat to change for that purpose Changed panels Booth End Bakery is to change hands ogam Mr Albert has made quite a success of it but ho finds that hit health will not ft and is to soil out to Mr Al bert who it is will floaaion next Monday Mr will go hack to on Gotham street and Mr l on the lookoat for another location Mr JTainos writing to parents Mr and Mrs Kb Haines of this Town from Scots Ridge off- Belmont Dec buys as follows lam writing letter on a big within of dead Tiro rock on a mountain they call smell at times almost your Soots Ridge Tim flies and heat arc bothering WARE Winter Goods I much I can hardly write Wo up every morning at am ALSO Rubbers SMITH The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts AVE MONEY By buying your Suits Early at Tailor Shop A full of Black and Blue Serges Also a Choice Lot of Fine Tweeds for OVERCOATS mid PANTS W LUNDY CUTTER DONT A Without at shop End of Main AND SEEING Styles Prices stylos to from bandmade will stand trimmed fa Old Gold Olive Green and than WAttEJ- Honest or women to tra vel monthly position per inclose Gaston Chicago midland Not by soeceas Newmarket boys by a small supporters journeyed to tho Northern town on Bay last Monday to play their game in of series They arrived shortly and wore guests of Mr J I formerly of and Town Treas urer of Midland and Mr Hard who very kindly drove them around vieitln different places Interest that Port After tea the tamed their attention to the matter they were there to and making all preparations left for rink at The was a little lata in owing to absence of one of Midland players and it was not until that the warns wore called on the ice by the referee Mary Outran of and lined up Newmarket playing the earns men as on Thursday previous Umpires Howard and A Other from the draw Simpson bad to keep his ye on the tricky play of Watty Thompson and fortunately pawed to Doyle who with combined ruih Midlands goal bat to no avail for White relieved nicely and the play banged in Midland favor on rush wae made on tho famous Kelly Kennedy defence and al though well supported by the forward line Midland at last scored Time mln the Newmarket maddened by the thoughts of defeat came to front The forwards withdrew in lin with the defence Kelly passed to aon and altogether they started quite con fident no Northern defence that over existed could stop them Simpson passed to Doyle Doyle to and by a pretty side shot Walter did the needful Time minutes From this out first halt was moat fought They charged they rushed they shot each aide scoring alter nately but Newmarket was never in the lead and at half time the score stood in Midlands favor A few rest and the teams again lined up and dubious as to what the Anal result might he secured the puck from the draw and the first com bined rush on Midlands goal proved fatal shot from the too high but fortunately at moment dash through the goal carrying goalkeeper puck and ail with him Newmarket stock went up and Midland felt they might now meat defeat on own ice as seemed to ensure success the unexpected happened and the next ten minutes play proved fatal for the viaitore The forward line couldnt get away together and gradually drew and crowded the defence Midlands weight began to tell and from ahols and added goals before Newmarket seemed to realise their dangerous position They again rallied however and Midlands lead by two but this was soon overtaken by Midland for and by pretty combin ation scored three games In short succes sion The scoring was over and in the ten minutes neither side could affect the standing although frequently Midlands goal looked as if ready for disas ter The final score In favor of the home team This left Midland with a comparative margin of goals to enter their second game at Newmarket After the match the Newmarket tea entertained by the Midland and a moat pleasant evening spent The New market boys will long remember the true sportsmanlike manner in which they were treated and look for an opportunity to return the compliment STICKS The boys missed Allan Kennedy relieved splendidly was at a great disadvantage on account of the poor lighting of the rink The game never Midland had been given a hard name they did not deserve Kelly when asked how he felt said Oh just Midland stopped for a minute BHy was touched Simpson didnt have a chance to They bad a siring him Regular mooting of Town next Monday Tho Friends Heading Circle next Tuccday evening at residence of Mr ijobman Regular meeting of at the residence of Mrs Tues day afternoon Pail timber coming In lively The Junior Hookey team was preparing to go to Richmond Hill lust night for a match Old has been puzzled this month respecting the weather and has now the that it is a wise man who what to morrow will bring forth A lad named Joe near ceme tery wus watering a and narrowly escaped having his leg broken The bores stumbled and fell and in getting up crush his teg The Endeavor Society of the Christian Church has changed its night of meeting to Monday Division Court here next Friday not a very largo docket Another sleigbride passed through Town yesterday afternoon of England of Aurora tot in the world It HO in and tn writing this in thy sun an there not any shade here I do not think trees grow in tbifs country I have not Keen yet Wo all a in Cape Town Christ- mo will be all over by the time you got thin its next Monday I think I would like to have some of your dinner I tell you I do not expect we will act any extras hero You would laugh to hear boys talking about what they are to do first when they home Most of them are first to best hotel in Toronto and cat until they cannot see Then they are point out to get a Turk bath We that is our Company walked six miles the other night to have a bath I do not know how long the war will last but I hope to be hack by June or July I wouldnt want to strike Canada in the winter or would freeze to death I will have some funny yarns to tell you if I can Won Last night the largest over at the rink about COO people saw the Northern players beaten by a superior team although Newmarket could not overcome the unfortunate load of against them at Midland The game fast from start to finish ana had it not been wonder goalkeeper the result would un doubtedly been different for it Boomed im possible the home forwards to penetrate the goal no matter how attack ed- Score In favor Newmarket Id the home team man played for all that was In him and not once did they Blacken the pace until the ring of the bell told them that viotory still rested with Midland and that their chances for Championship honors in the were over for The teams lined op as follows Mens Newmarket White Goal Point Point Kennedy Kelly Kelly Trivett Thompson Forwards Simpson Doyle Pipher two is gave Mid- land a majority or four goals and they will now meet the Georges of Toronto We wish them every pococss Newmarket will likely play Upper Can ada College in Toronto Monday or Tues day evening The will run a car returning the same evening The Managing Board met after Prayer meeting Wednesday and elected officers for the year Chairman Secretary J Treasurer J A Ushers Gibson Kennedy and Morrison Collectors A A and Kennedy a The attendance at the Sunday and week day services are worthy notice A preached on the life of ilaoob In the morning thoughts brought out and the application thereof should lead those who heard it to a higher and better life Tbe school enjoyed a talk from Mr Mo President the Knox College Missionary Society on Sunday Instead the regular session The School has been contributing 1 a year for a number of years past to this Society Mr the pulpit in the evening to the satisfaction of all pres ent The choir a mission ary anthem Miss is giving excel lent organist A week from next Sunday the upper will be displaced in connection with the morning Collectors to the Century Fund with grand Over the- amount ready find only on the lid tip to ia no doub bat that the vrill breath away Oh its fine I tell you Nit a good experience though Harold got tho Express and sent him so I saw and out camp about a mile and all news Wo are camped with lie there until am Wo expect an Royal Artillery the attack night and wo do that no they cannot surprise w We come up here at am that Co guard for lira J the hill where tho Highlanders attacked the Boor You won der how over got up hero and drove the off to climb without anyone shooting at you They had to run a level piece of ground I a mile before they got to the hill and shooting all the time When yards off they fixed and charged Boers ran for nil they were worth There were against British Tins happened 10th I know I could hold this hill myself against 100 men that will show you how brave Boers are A large battle occurred week defeat for the British I suppose you saw the account of it in the papers By you get this letter it will be old news to you but I wilt give you an account of it anyway The British ordered by General to attack a very strongly fortified hill woro in column and just getting the order which came one minute too late to extend when ran up against a barbed wire fence right in front of the Boer trenches which they did not see it being dark about am Boers opened a regular rain of bullets British tangled up in the wire and couldnt help themselves General seeing that it was his mis take right out into the open and Kot bullets in him British loss killed and wounded Boer lose nothing General body passed through hero yesterday This fight took place about miles north of hero We hear sound of the guns sometimes You would not wonder at the Boers making such a fight as they are if you saw their positions The place called where the Highlanders got killed one of the heat regiments in the world is a big mountain First there is barbed wire fence all around it then trenches then walla of rock Its wonderful the way have themselves pro tected They also have underground tunnels into the river so they can go in the British lines at their will can see right through the tunnels and holes they have in the mountain into British lines The British have them hemmed in that is 1600 of them by 1000 of the but they cannot get at them is any shape or form The Boers will come up and fire a volley of shots then as quickly as the British go to shoot they drop into a layer of rocks 1 think they will have to starve them out A few of them can get in and out the tunnels but not enough to keep the army supplied We do not get much news of the light but by what we hear the British are getting the worst of it so far But we are bound to win In time We havent been in any engage ments yet We were called out at am one day lost week Some were in sight We went about a utile out of camp and waited for them but they didnt come near They must have found out the Canadians were waiting for them eh Ha We would not have done a thing with them if we had got within shooting distance we were all anxious for it I do not know whether we will see any fighting or not its doubtful as we are holding most important position along the line River is miles north of and miles north Whether we fight or not it worth to put up with things here but I wont say anything about that until I come home You do not want to worry about me I am having a fine time considering where I am I will to finish later on as the has just called me to take my turn at guard Well Ive just this minute thrown with rounds of and been down to some dead Boer bodies about ft from where I guard One Boer Is lying on his hack his arms and face showing one arm sticking straight up finger spread out face is so de cayed you can hardly make it out smell is very strong strong I could only of for dinner Ive finished I received your OPENED All the best makes in the following lines IN AMD fiKTK PEN AND POCKET KNIYEB ALL KINDS AND SIZES a Pine line of TABLE KNIVBH FORKS AND 8PO0NB We handle a Special Line of which wo warrant to See oar CRUMB BREAD AND KN1VEB THE CELEBRATED BEARING CARPET BWBBPElt We are selling or Baaiedo Co Toronto a lice f i Fur Coats and Robes Highest Prices Paid for Far J A ALAN CO NO M g a dozen Mens Winter Caps price 60c now lue Flannel Shirts price now Mens Boys Clothing button doublebreasted Sacque Scotch Tweed deep French Facings satin piped best Italian linings sizes 36 and regular price stocktaking price Mens Overcoats button single or double- breasted Beaver Cloth best Italian lin ing regular price 760 stocktaking price Boys Suits in grey and brown Tweed all wool nicely made stocktaking price Boys Reefers made of blue and brown cloth doublebreasted buttons close to the throat deep sailor collar trimmed with braid regular price stocktaking price Mens Mens Extra Heavy Knit Top Shirts all wool collars attached in plain grey regular price stocktaking price Mens re Winter Mitts all kinds price and now Mens Fine Colored Cambric Shirts also white laundriecl Shirts with colored cambric bosoms and cuffs neat check and fancy cross stripes sizes to J regular price 1 and 125 stocktaking price Mens Heavy Underwear all wool all sizes regular for Ladies Boots Ladies Felt Congs leather foxed heavy sole common sense toe regular price stocktaking price 0 Ladies Felt Slippers leather sole reg stocktaking price Mens Boots Mens Felt Boots Laced and leather foxed heavy sole regular stocktaking price Mens 4Buckle Felt Boots leather to the top grain leather heavy sole regular price 225 price MO TGOMERYS remember them We are all well and happy- Too ought to the scramble for mail it cornea in Everybody reads their letters out loud We hive every night We are a tough looking crowd Hardly of us have abated since we left Cape Town you would laugh to us There has been only two since we left A young man died the other day of Ill have to close as I nearly roasted and the have me nearly eaten up Goodbye Write Pie Haines Canadian fiouth Africa fluid- you lii to in- Try for a Mr Charles Bailey of St Starrs was very seriously wounded by the explosion of a charge which he was endeavoring to remove from a Win chester rifle Mr and Mrs Grose of celebrated their golden wedding on Tuesday of last week by a gathering of the children and grand children and a few relatives A pail of ice water thrown as joke caused the death of Henry a boy of South was playing about an ice house when John Lawn in an alleged spirit of fun threw a ft cold water on him The the lime stood near the Ijoy taken ill of inovcd Six have been filed the election of members of the Manitoba Legislature Ihree each party A boy Mor gan Little of Windsor slipped and fell on an icy walk and died from concussion of the brain The members of the Georgian Bay Canal Syndicate are on their way Canada and will turn first sod pa Dominion Day spending fore May The export of butter from Canada for the year ending Dee last show a gratifying increase being per cent higher than in Canada supplies Britain with more cheese than all combined Comoro viih for horn

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