Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , February 2, 1900, p. 4

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THE ERA FEB vrta Great Haste mi 69 A Good Speed SBany people trust to luck to putt them through and are often disappointed Do not dillydally matters of health It you can accomplish miracles With out It you are no good cod blood healthy by of Bar blood purifier J had rheum lit limb and foot I commenced treatment with and Hood and In a time I troubled with end Impure blood A cut on arm would not heal Hood we and at- I had I wall Oct A from Hated Jon 26th following Jy with Hood She J Best Advertising Medium York County advertise ment 10 cent nor Y nerilnu foretell Insertion llyjiTd wo o aa Ad It- ton Instruction Incited nl and accordingly will bo hum month if Km- cuuiwch the be paid for tit for contract cinema bo In by noon on flooolal Kates for Kxooulpra Kotlow to Kent and Found free for where SlRbcd looilou lor audi a notice Kn execution to this rule J Robertson alary Public Street Newmarket to Loan on good Farm etc for Township of to Court Ontario p Coaveyanoor with Marsh u Toronto carefully and made MfcConer to loan at lowest St New market Two or three Ago World endeavored to by making against members of not only of traffick ing in public but also throat- Ioed with indictment for ofTonces that lino Code color to its charges World quoted a copy of patent appointing Mr R Irwin to position of Clerk of tbo for County of York which Mr shall pay to Mr Bull whom ho a stipulated sum per annum for a pe riod of years then citing not at all parallel it argued that tho grounds not forth action ftbould bo taken individual of Cabinet pre cedents quoted however referred to two people entered into an arrangement man was to resign to benefit another j but Irwin had no arrangement with Mr Bull and had openly and square ly dealt with the An of Parliament still in and under which several appointments have boon made explicitly Ontario Government to do just what it did viz to retire Mr Bull on an allowance deducted from the of office vacated and there by pension an old servant of pub lic without burdening Province As Hon Mr Ross when his was to the charge made was no trafficking be tween Mr Irwin and Mr Bull There a dozen such cases The com mission was a one and fulfilled as required by law and is an easy way of pensioning and official without tax ing the public treasury In proof of this of the Premier it is on ly necessary to quote following of a statute still in force Goorga III chap boo That nothing in said aot or in this act contained shall extend to any annual reservation or made or reqntrod to bo made out perquisites or profits any office to any person who hate held office In any lesion or ap pointment if any person to office or to any agreement contract bond or other assurance made anoh reservation charge or payment provided always that the amount of reserva tion barge or and the and reasons under which the same shall bo permitted shall be elated in the commission patent warrant or instrument of appolntmentot the person auooeeding and holding anoh office and paying or scouring such money as aforesaid Roberta of Utah accucodot practising polygamy expelled from the House this evening report of commutes this being adopted by a vote of to GO Utah will have to loot a man who respoots the marital laws of or go at Washington In mattof a military are to be but In realm la oven worse of lit Col Sam who It Is said was the first men in Canada to suggest ft con tingent from this Dominion to South Af rica furnishes an and should receive the immediate attention and Inter ference of the of Militia whit- Is reported of tho Head of military forces in Canada bo true and that his enmity pur sued lit Col even after gone to Booth Africa to it that ho got the at an early date Is not room for such a man on the staff Toe Toronto World of Saturday asks this question and in a way urges the Legislature of Province to compel municipal corporations to its legis lation Why doesnt the Legislature as sort authority and bring up with a turn the corporation that disregard its enactments Possibly a reason faol that the attention of the legislature may have been called to instances disregard of Us or what may bo regarded an a hotter reason may be found in the fur act that the Legislature doea not upon to who the courts aro to any person to seek redress from municipal negligence are vcodtifal thtof ro to do day Ant faopo to drift Into other day With folded trail witch and wait for a To ail the an idle tall Some law loll if Some Dot to ayrwlvea theres to other Arid so deferring loiter on at of the we upon other day And are old run Some other day fret tor the ttilDfti that Some other We trace the path that leads The hand of debate neada yonder out of the her Some other day Journal flu An flhowlng lffloulty of Working- a Now Paten most people have only one birthday a year intended to oel tackled the umbrella edging toward wretched thing would not go down no matter how coaxed It was now at gate advising me to desist from my struggles In gangway saying it would be perfectly to get thing down oh the plat- form The train was at a standstill all the passengers had jumped In Includ- log who urged and encouraged me to more frantic efforts standing in- side the door of a carriage while I re mained writhing upon the platform Step In there Step in cried the guard I stepped In clinging to ban die of the open abomination Susan was purple I managed by a dexterous maneuver to get the handle the umbrella through the window and abut the door leaving the open canopy spread over the window What little light there was was thus prevented penetrating the dim Interior of the carriage Here I say put that umbrella down came a voice from the plat form As If I hadnt been frying tot Was not trying at that very moment with all my might The door was wrenched forcibly open with a Jerk which shot me out on to platform wascompeltcd to jump out after me and there we were ron the platform already late left be hind with the obnoxious thing wide the event by giving me a pres ent Susan Is my wife VV been open dripping wet and obstinate ever The train steamed out of stera o of Post Of- be at flcoj Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will als Newmarket on Saturdays and Court J ROM Co Bankers and Ontario Bank Aurora a Conn now St Solicitors o Arcade King St Singular to say since the above law quotation has been made public World has been dumb as an oyster about the Government Toronto Barrister Reformer Block- Toe County Council has de cided to petition the Ontario Legislature to so amend the law in relation to summon- Inj Jurors as to reduce cost without the efficiency flsrIoe It ap pears had to pay for service last year and it should only coat Other Council will be id by the Council to join petition to ha Legislature The right to the Provincial to a but it aeema ahoold some method of scour the desired PAINTING Painter and or Hanger years experience in all of tbe Foil line at of In Paper Primary Street Mavae aataitft Galaaluff Paper e Done promptly neatly and am alao with a FirstClaw Painter and sign Writer Orders can at una Hardware Store bead of Newmarket Bolton Painter and Decorator Church Lane and AUCTIONEERS reaon- sold oh able Newmarket com ml mi on Farm attended to We have received the Poole Pub- Company Toronto a copy of The of Phillip Strong by il the well known author In Hie The hoik contains over pages and a tale showing how a man who endeavored to exemplify the- spirit Christ was opposed and per secuted The la one of Intones vigor and pathos In this connection we that Daily Capital published at makes an Unique announcement After careful deliberation the Co controll ing this journal has decided to place its plant and entire editorial con in the Rev Sheldon that he may exemplify what a dally newspaper ought to be The experiment will be watched with much interest The in Winnipeg on day of last week to fill a vacancy In the Commons resulted in the return of Mr Martin Independent Liberal by a ma of ftfovar Mr Puttee can didate latter Is aakad for recount to tho Commons for Que held on the same day as the contest at Winnipeg Mr Conservative won the seat by about majority This constituency has been Conservative ever since Confederation The third on that held in and resulted In the re- of Mr Ed Independent lib eral by a majority of over Mr Grit Is given that the A Aurora will apply to session for an Act enabling to extend railway westward from Sohombergtoa point at or near el burns and thence on to the village of Durham and the present through of or Pick Whitby and Whub Town of and enabling tho com pany to make running over the lino of the Metropolitan Railway Com pany or lease snoh lino or jurchsd the same and acquire said property and and to extend time for the construction of the company railway If those are granted the present line to Toronto will become a railway to all intent arid Hence importance of seeing to it thai the powers and privileges now being at the bauds the Ontario Legis lature are not auoh to tie op and the iotereata of the people fur all time to come A CHILL often means sudden Illness is all that is needed to ward it off Unequalled for cramps di arrhoea Avoid substitutes there Is but Per ry Davis The county Qiled in auit to restrain the Rolls from further filling in their property bordering on the near York Mills The county contended that they were thereby diverting the course the stream but courts have now held that the estate are only filling in to line where their property originally extended before the flood SLEEPLESS NIGHTS caused by a persistent rasping cough quickly cures the most severe coughs It soothes heals never falls to cure Manu factured by proprietors of Fout Scott Kan Jan Geo and Edward halfbroth er who were convicted of murder here early last week were lynched by a mob in county yard last At a late hour their bodies were from two trees in the yard the authorities having been so completely that no effort had been made to remove the ghastly evidences of mobs work TO A IN ONE DA Take Laxative Quinine Tablets AH druggists refund the money if it falls to Groves signature la on each box A pillar the church having died whose piety some doubt ed his pastor posted a notice of his death on the church door follows Brother Johnson departed for Hea ven at this am A newspaper man added a blank filled out thus l pm not arrived great anxiety Democrat married but fortune lied not upon us and we wore terribly op spend ing capacity limited She was to boy me an umbrel la The present was up for about a good deal before the auspicious day We went to together to secure the gift idea of the amount to be ex pended heaven bices her I think about keeper of umbrella shop looked and con cerned at the Idea of respectable cus tomers daring to purchase one of his cheap ginghams He had a article now a really decent thing We saw It The handle was very plain It did not please Susan so much that of a out produced simulta neously There was no pushing to open it the thing was a patent foe station The next one will be In cried half In tears You can shut the thing now surely There Is plenty of time Dont fuss And poor Tod will be waiting on the door step In the pouring rain with no one to let him in Kvcrytbtng was tried short of Jump- At last there was my boos yards away should presently bear a little plain speaking upon tbe absurdity of purchasing patents that would not work She happened to be at the window and- saw a crowd approaching from the distance with an open um brella In their midst A horrible fear that I had run over or that some thing equally terrible had happened brought her to the front door step so that when arrived she was there ready to take the umbrella from my hands Why didnt you put down before you started dear she asked quite nicely and gently didnt put It down Why But what was the good of similes urchins formed a semicircle round the doorway Let me shut It dear she said tatt ing It with all a tenderness and finger upon the spring In the orthodox and behold the umbrella abut op It lust for all the world as though nothing had been the matter with While rested and per spiring Susan put umbrella up and down again with the greatest ease And from that day to this it baa never gone wrong I buy anything with a patent In It now say It shows a retro grade spirit in an ago of advancement But women are always optimistic London Answers Slow to Find Gyatcni Poisoned It Is peculiar of to filter tbo blood to the Impurities from pure blood blood to go on its way while the uricacid is sent through the urciera to bladder and hence out of body importance of this work to sized by fact that all painful and most fatal such rs disease diabetes dropsy rheumatism end lumbago arise from disorders presence of poisons In blood of most symptoms kidney dlseaso are Backache lama back deposits In the urine after It stands for twentyfour hours nod difficulty Of too great In urinating The remarkable efficiency of Dr Chasea KidneyLiver Pills as a prompt cure for kidney is well They naturally give quick relief and permanently euro backaches backs and kidney aches and disorders pill a s at all dealers or It Toronto The In A quaint old hand has turned up In Issued In middle of the seventeenth century by who kept the first public coffee house In that city Til venue of Coffee Drink In confounded thing but ail j publickly In England by to no purpose We shall have to leave St In cloakroom George she cried Leave It Just as Is Dont break It Ton can It tomorrow she suggested We explained the to the cloakroom porter who with much muscle and even less ingenuity than attempted Impossible feat of closing the horror fetch that umbrella said was fumbling In a shower of rain on the following day The to this umbrella One had only to release a little spring In the the umbrella opened Itself half way This lost luxury completely won over Susan The bargain was clinched We left the shop arm in arm Susan proud and Joyous that she had been able to make me such a beautiful birthday present one so much nicer than she had at first Intended On the way the elements as If bent on sent us a sharp of rain Her eyes dilated with pleasure and triumph as she produced the umbrella me open It she cried vivacious ly lite came paltering down She touched the spring and umbrella partly opened of Its own accord How ingenious To run It up umbrella to the top of Ml a second and we eh its ample canopy side by side arm in arm The rain descended In torrents Wo had not far to go The district railway station was only 100 yards abend Yet before we arrived there the silk of the umbrella was soaked through and through by deluge We were Just id time for a train with half a minute to spare We did not trouble to shut the umbrella down until well Inside the ticket office might do some damage to It in that cloak room The surly cloakroom porter recogniz ed me There was an open umbrella Just as I had left It standing in a cor ner Why havent you shut the thing I exclaimed testily Try be answered laconically I did try ft waa as had as ever Ob hang the thing 1 I have to walk the wretched thing home as It Is Reader have you ever discovered yourself carrying an open umbrella in the atreet in a fit of absentee I Rome time after a shower has fln- t But you have uever paraded bead two miles of thoroughfares with your umbrella up when there Is not a spot I Dunning editor of The was the work of rain on the pavement and Is was once some Imkered snugly bright and fair with not even a ray of l Rosea The grain or berry called upon little trees only In the deserts of Arabia It is a innocent thing composed into a drink by being dried In an oven and ground to powder and boiled up with spring water and about half a plat it to be drunk fasting an hour before ami not eating hour after and to be taken as hot as possibly can be en dured which will never fetch the off the mouth or raise any blis ters by reason of that heat It much quickens spirits and makes the heart lighter It Is good against sore eyes It fumes exceeding ly and therefore is good against tho headache and will very much stop any of rheums that distil from the bead upon the stomach aod so pre vent and consumptions sod cough of the lungs It Is observed In Turkey where this Is generally drunk they are not troubled with stone gout dropsy or scurvy and that their skins are exceedingly clear and white It Is neither laxative nor b trio gent Made and sold In St Michaels ah ley by at the Everybody Is coughing except who us Chases Syrup of and a bottle BUY CORN CORK CHOP And FEED of all F L Manitoba Hungarian Family and COAL WOOD WJ WILSONS Cor Main and Huron Solid Gold i- Best Gold Fill J Gold Fill Best Glasses J00 We guarantee perfect GLOBE OPTICAL YonKO Street Toronto jse sunshine to an excuse for your A loud shout of derision um brella was nearly knocked out of my hand The remains of a large cauli flower rolled from the top of my For the time I ventured to look round Imagine my horror at behold ing that was followed by at least urchins Twenty The thing shut I wide open with derisive laughter It was because 1 did not under- ting ear splitting yells the patent She begged me to I turned and fled leave It to her while got the tickets squeezed my way to the ticket office paid the fares and returned to find Susan struggling We had not a moment to spare Dont think that I ran Ob dear not It would mora than a crowd of boys to make mo ma away Yet I fear that coco what upon room hung specimens of the youthful industry and piety of children of the family two samplers worked In worsted one a motto calculated to cheer the heart In the hours of dearth The Lord Will Provide the other a lifelike representation of mans best friend the dog both framed and hung conspicuously opposite the doctor For breakfast there was sausage Dr Dunning looked at the motto The Lord Will Provide looked at life like dog and looked at his sausage Again his glance wandered over three Then he turned to bis hostess Impulsively Theres nothing in that Is he asked TENDED Un- endorsed tor Lock and Dam Andrews Rapids Elver Man will be received the day of February a concrete and dam at Andrews Red Manitoba Plans and specifications can be at this Department at offices of Mr Resident Department at Winnipeg of Mr Con rede ratios Building Toronto of Mr Clef of Office Montreal of Mr eland Works Post Office Quebec Forms of tender can also be obtained at the above places notified that tenders be considered unless made and their The Contractor will be required to conform made by Council respecting datlon medical treatment and tecUonof employed on work Bach tender must an ac cepted cheque made or der tbe Minister equal to ten percent the amount of tender p which will be forfeited If tbe party decline lo enter into a contract when called upon to or If bo fail to contracted Tor If the tender not accepted win be returned Department does not bled to ac cept the lowest or any tender By order JOS Actio Secretory Department of Public Works of Canada Ottawa January f Newspapers Inserting adirertiflemtot without authority from the Department will not be paid fori NEWMARKET IK and Head Stones Mr William Davidson fit Andrews Que Dr Chuns of Unseed lias cured me of bronchi Is I Lave without aucce3 tried many bin winter Hi en I Lad a fivirii and to ivork jryiiid a of Dr tljsf Hyrup -tVti- the tut Iftimiy Perry Davis THE MENTHOL PLAS TER Is the most largely Bold In Canada For backache and all muscular pains theres nothing equal to It plaster In an afrtlght tin Law rence Co Ltd makers Earl an boy drowned at Kingston Mr William of Midland died of heart disease while attending the County Council meeting with his father tit WKyrriilrd Mr a broad Lint to his In the Jeweler will It Mr Quillet What Mr Leaving him nothing but the Tewplcra A GREAT Tito Emuhilon or Cod Liver Oil lo a great builder It weight healthy flesh and tendency of Ileal ill Davis Lawrence Co Ltd s Catarrhal most est Stealer of an as Century Catarrh is a Menace to RaceTie Precur sor of Much Suffering and tlie Forerunner Incurable Throat and Lung Troubles Brit this ftemedV S A Catarrhal and Powder a Colds It gives almost relief not only in the acute the o tut chronic oases many tern the to Catarrh No remedy yet propounded for healing of has received eulosy from in liiyh or standing vanish under ita persistent use It will break up a cold in the head in quicker time than it takes to toll it It is a pleasant permanent and perpet ual exterminator of this most Inaid and yet common foe of humanity generally If you are a take counsel of the thousands to whom it has been a sovereign balm the beacon to show the way to health and I haven of health Mrs J of street Toronto in telling of her faith in and care by this wonderful remedy siy8 I cannot speak too highly of Catarrhal Powder For J ears I suffered intensely and constant from catarrh in its worst form I took everything I could purchase- me a cure without any per- results until I tried Dr Catarrhal Powder The first and potent protection the w chants of itend to this world is subject Jf I pet Dr Powder the it for eight months ana today am fully the slightest of the lady remaining and I to be able to give this testimony or so worthy a remedy so many socalled catarrh cures only to add disappointment to disappointment Have you a cough the voice husky Is the breath foul Arc yon losing flesh Do you all over Do you take cold easily the nose stopped up Does the nose discharge Do form in nose cough until you gag Is there pain In baok of head Is there a pain the eyes Is there a in the throat Is your sense of smell leaving you Arc you losing the sense taste Is there a dropping in throat Is there a burning pain in throat all of these symptoms indicate the presence of catarrh and while some of them may seen but trivial you cannot afford to treat them light ly for remember dire consequence may result from neglect for all time of throat and lung troubles been subject to catarrh Dr Ointment puts out fire from distressing troubles auoh as Eozerao Salt Rheum Head Toiler and will euro Piles in from to nights Dr Cure for tho Heart gives from moat violent spasms in heart diseases minutes it Eaves life Dr Agncws Liver Pills by Lehman Pharmacy

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