Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , February 2, 1900, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY FEB 2 Ontario will moot for the despatch of of Side Co j ft thai Mr Preston Stocktaking Montgomerys Reduction Sale A If Goods lit Call Curtains Jobbing Low Out Simla I Metropolitan tlectfic Co the elected successor of ox- j Premier Hardy will move address in to the Lieut Governors speech banquet of Board Trade on Monday last represented tho Federal Government and a routing ion Die wore a practical character chiefly bearing on and transportation of country Oar Society PLEASANTLY I Tux Poole Publishing Company to in a Life wight Moody and announce that it will bo ready to place In the bands of 81 V7ofr ft February book will be published in paper and binding and will contain over twenty lustrations This book to a very large circulation as the price has been low that the great people may it Price in at- tractive ipor binding 25 cloth fiO cents postpaid For sale at all book- stores time Table North Toronto am It am pm pm pm pm pm JO am 11 IB am OT pm pm pm 16 pm pm Return Fare cither way 125 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY a p lift 45 J 8 a- a til Be 1 own good without being by or moved by untruthful insinua tions tbo Ontario Government ap pointed a Jodlaiai Com anion to inspire into the conduct of the officer and deputy returning officers the oc casion the Provincial election In Elgin month ago oommUaion of three County Judge Judge Ottawa Judge Strat ford Morgan Toronto It peeled that there will be on mooting of the threo to settle the lines on which the Investigation shall be made en w S She ewmwkt Ew UP I BUT GROWS AMD Pointed U FRIDAY FEB the 2nd Convocation of the Chapter the Royal Arch Masons at London last week WOO the National Patriotic Fund and the Grand cheque for alone Talk a boutsentiment English people are given to it la their other nation Quite recently box belonged to Lord In London lor Another box from a splinter of the Victory two snuff boxes- We are alw told that a pipe found in the pocket of a Crimean officers brought fid at a some old army clothing not long Dominion parliament was opened Ottawa The Speech from the by the Governor General fore- the important to be predated the Government dnrlag the It the war in Booth Africa and to the action of the Allusion Is likewise made to the postage and measures relating to banking and regulating rates of inter est taking of the next decennial census redistribution of electoral divisions and farther amendments to the Criminal Code will be presented Tub whole County will that Mr Normans resolution in favor Of petitioning the legislature to safeguard peoples and privileges front railway monopolies has been adopted The of Monday has this to say in re gard Councillor to petition the Legislature to the of the people in highway and to provide monopolies local transportation would not be If the representatives whom the people elect looked properly after their duties have so power and can have no power over highways an less it is given by the Matters are coming to a when tho Legislature must be invoked to protect the people against the men they elect to represent them But appears to be the way things are shaping In the County at the time advantage an invitation from the IlOviooitJ Secretary it is said Com mercial Travellers are sending lit com- plaints about the sanitary condition of hotels from all the Province Those reports are being sent to the various Licensed Inspectors in the districts where complaints from And now we have the other of the question Some of these travellers seem to expect that hotel should be from the hotel without going forget ful of the fact that only a very limited number of and no villages in Province or rural have sewage They are unreasonable and It the appearance yerily that the authors of some of the complaints went to Impress the hotel men that they have A pall that can only be appeased by per sonal favors 17 Ok Monday last two more bribers pre- convicted in connection with Booth Ontario elections were added to the fist of twentyone who have been sentenced to pay the penalty of wrongdoing Simeon of Brentford and of Pickering were the- victims this time upon the altar of Both of these parties were tort the former bribing the let to vote for Hon Mr and It is that took to vote for at the same election The court ordered a flneoljaoO each In de fault Hewitt is to get six months and Gil one month la jail Tub proprietor of Mr member lor in the Commons la blamed for largely contributing towards bringing about the defeat of the and on the night of Mr Hugh John Mao- the latter- took occasion to compliment as a factor In making bit possible It now Mr the ragged edge punting for an apology to present to the Ottawa Government and for supporting one of fir Toppers col- remedial notoriety in to Mr The for will probably find a sort of Arctic temperature down at the Capital id end a chapped a part of former supporters Liegar last Monday even ing Members all present except Mr Somervilie Following bills passed Express on supplies for Clerk on supplies Packard Boynton freight and duty on Millard drawing coal Lloyd registering births and deaths Kaolin breaking stone John work at Town Hall a work at Wat- toiee scone OHara snow cleaning cbg to lots work at and Gilbert clerks supplies Can Co sup plies referred to Inspector to be paid if found correct Bill of Royal Electric Co for sup plies referred to Fire and Light Com The Clerk was instructed to ac knowledge receipt of communication from Cana dian Patriotic Fund stating that steps were being taken to raise a good amount Clerk was instructed to en quire about Insurance on the barn on flats Mr Robertson reported that in con versation with the of tbe Office Specialty Co they agreed that the meterrate was the most satisfactory to supply water lor boiler purposes The chairman of the Property Com was authorised to rent the fiats for the summer by tender A resolution was passed endorsing a Patriotic Concert and a Committee composed of following was appoint ed to make necessary merits Mayor Cane Councillors Rob ertson and Smith and Messrs Col Lloyd Council adjourned Mr and Maw were At Home with of guests last Satur day Mr A Belfry who Is Victoria University Toronto spent Mr Queen at Is vory sick with InQammatlon A consultation doctors was hold on Tuesday Mr Cane was given a birthday by a family gathering at hie reel on Wednesday evening Mr Eli Bell and wife of Tilbury arrived hero on Tuesday on a visit at his old homo and leave today for Hamilton Miss Nellie of Newmarket been ado to the public school staff at King City and work is be ing taken op Mrs Wesley of Whitchurch who was so low with fever and pleurisy a short lime ago Is her It T Davison In town this Mr Newton editor of North Pay who was hero attending fun eral of his Mrs at Pino gave the Est a fraternal call Mrs from the neighborhood of is here on a visit for a mouths with her brother Mr A J and Iter Mrs Richmond Hill Liberal Miss Louie Harrison who has a permanent position in general store home over Sunday accompanied Iter friend Miss Hughes A basket party numbering nearly spent a jolly time at the residence of Mr on street last week Tbreo yoans men from New market were present with their ladies Mr John Blizzard the photographer got a letter on Monday from hie Grandmother Mrs Amy Blizzard in New Brunswick who is in the year of her age writes a splendid hand for one so old Rev Mr from Que was here week on a visit with his brother and sister He preached in Queenevllle on Sunday but wae called home by a telegram announcing tho illness of bis wife Mr Levi Rogers who in the house formerly by Ramsay on St purchased the brick on st just south of the Industrial Home and moved there on Wednesday Col Irving ia justly proud of his medal which he received last week for service in the Fenian Raid He was then a Captain in the Hamilton and hie name Irving is stamp ed on the medal Mr John A Crone Buffalo writa In renewing for the would miss paper very much it keeps posted regarding many friends and acquaintance of whom we seldom hear of otherwise Wishing you every success Mr Morton of Jefferson Ohio In renewing for the Em We ere always anxious to get ft We have had a very aloe winter here Oil has been in this section and everybody delighted Every acre of land Is teased for mile around for purpose Word has been that Mr Wrights youngest titter in Ohio bnrusd so badly through the falling of a lamp upon a hot that she died last Saturday and the golden wedding festiv ities which he came home to Toronto to participate in were turned into mourning Toronto Saturday Sheriff and Miss gave a dinner party at on Wednesday last to His Honor the Lieut Governor of Ontario and Miss Covers were laid for sixteen guest These were present Hon Sir Oliver Mowat and Miss Commander Law secretary to His Honor Hon Mr Justice Lister Mr Sheriff and Mrs Mr J and Mrs Mr WJ Ran- dell and Mrs Mr Frederick and Mrs and Miss Hies We dip the following from the Portage la Prairie Edgar Bally who bit been employed In the telegraph of Winnipeg for some time past been promoted to a position In the com panys commercial office at Vancouver Edgar eras up on Monday to spend a day or two with his Mr and Mrs Bailey and leaves this to take up his residence on the coast though a young man he It considered to be one of the best operators on road and Stoddard of Bradford was visit in few days ago Ward has moved his fern to Newmarket and on Millard A few loads took tea at Rose Lawn last Friday night with Rev Brown of Toronto Count Canadian No elected following on Wednes day night Maw Smith Holler Low Edwin Willis J A J Smith J Ed Dr G Court A try- NEWMARKETS LEADING A from Ottawa announces that the Dominion Cabinet has appointed three new Senators viz Hon Robert Watson of Manitoba Mr of Brook- Mr J P of Montreal Mr a member of the late Government In the Prairie Province These three gentlemen will add three votes to Hon Mr Mills following in Upper House Council Council resumed January session the Court House Tuesday afternoon A bylaw was passed appointing Messrs Evans Woodcock Stokes High Gibson Hall and Chester a special committee to act an agreement with the Me tropolitan Company with full power to enforce the provisions there of A bylaw passed to enforce the the Electric Railway and Toron to and Railways with the fol lowing commit tee Messrs Fisher Lay Chester Evans and J Gibson and John were appointed on the Board of Industrial Home Commissioners and Baker of Whitchurch was selected as the county pupil for tui tion at Agricultural College On motion of Councils and Fisher it was recommended that the Legislative Committee be instructed to petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to so amend the school law withdrawn from the jurisdic tion of counties shall not receive any portion of the county grants unless contribute to the High School fund of the county on the same basis as other municipalities of the county In case there should be an appeal against the equalized assessment of the county the council agrees that the county judge as provided in sec of the Assessment Act shall make the final equalization Jen The cheese box factory of was to tally destroyed morn ing The fire undoubtedly of in cendiary origin Loss between and Thtj Cut In town on of Jan to Mr and Mrs P Frechette a aon In town on the of Jan to Mr and Mrs Geo pro vision aeon I At Jan to Mr and Mrs T J a let On Jan to and Mrs J J Sparling A daughter it Button on Jan to Mr end Mrs Wm McKay a daughter On Saturday morning we put the following goods on sale Read every item You will certainly find something you need and the saving in the price will certainly be to your advantage I Mens Stbrm Rubbers at pair Mens Plain Rubbers at pair Mens Heavy Rubbers at 125 pair Mens FirstClass Overshoes at pair Misses and Childrens Overshbes at onethird off the regular price Ladies Warm Wrappers regular 150 at 1 Ladies Jackets 5 to clear at 345 Ladies Jackets in Colors to clear at Misses Ulsters reg price to clear at 250 Ladies Top Skirts reg price 275 to clear at 2 Mens Best allwool Ulsters close price 6 to clear at Mens Fine Beaver Overcoats do 650 do 5 Mens Best Tailormade Beaver Overcoats our leader alt season at 10 to clear at 890 f Boys Ulsters tweed lined well made at 25 Boys Suits all 2 2so Suits this week at 150 Mens Heavy Tweed Pants at 100 Dried Apples Potatoes Goose Feathers Mens CLOTHING WE WANT TO BUY White Beans Highest price always paid for Farm Produce H E MADDOOK it deservedly popular with the The joins his host of friends In wish him every success in his new sphere When the family left Edgar was but a small lad We are to hear of sucoeet Mr a A late the North- west Hotel Winnipeg and formerly of North York has Invented and patented a blovole wheel whloh promisee to revolution ise business It does away with the and and can be made for half the money It has rubber Urea and leather direct spoke the weight on the hub slang within the The resilience it perfect It rant very light and fit easy on chain as Ihe hub plves tllght ly on the twist throws the rim for- ward like a stone from a late Frank one of the largest bicycle ia West if this wheel would tike pneumatic as a bueloces wheel for the the patent would bo worth a million ts the trouble with present wheel the the that ero -IK- LEHMAN DRU STORE SPECIAL South American Rheumatic Cure South American Kidney Cure South American Nervine Tonic Dr Catarrh Cure Dr Heart Cure Lehmans Cough Syrup for Horse Cattle Lehmans Condition Powders Bath Room Toilet Sea If you have never tried sea salt you have missed a good thing it makes the bath more re freshing and exhilarating box Youre Another W Sufferer from a bad cold and cough Try our Cold Tablets Cure a Cold in a day LEHMAN Special Line of Fancy Opposite Royal- Hotel Newmarket a MOUNT ALBERT Great excitement here on Wednes day of last Mr V Brooks house caught fire from a defective chimney and burnt to the ground All the furniture saved There insurance on the house The people had hard to save the barn and other and deserve great praise for their untiring efforts The house was on the big hill the people had to bring water from the creek at the lower end of the village The need of some kind of fire fighting appliances is apparent Mr Brooks is quite a loser On Sunday ternoon Dr Forest sr telephoned down to his son Jbmes that his house was on fire The news soon spread and a large crowd went over to the place It is about half a mile out of tho village The re started from a pipe leading from the furnace It caught on the floor and ran to a partition making great headway to the garret ceiling As there was plenty of water tho fire was quelched bub the house was torn up considerably and probably dam age done by fire and water lb is with sorrow we announce the death of Mrs Hansford Interred at on Wednesday Mrs A Eves of also her sou and wife were the guests of Mr and Mrs J Porter over Sun day Mrs J is partaking of a visit with her little grandson if died at a few of Mount Albert The euros At on Jan by Father Caotillon Mr of to daughter Mr Angus button At the home of the brides father Mr Peter Qorm ley by Rev P Cameron Mr John to Miss Bertha Stover on Jan Tomb Yaks On Jan Slat at the residence of his Mr Jacob Take John aged years and days At Oshawe on Jan Bant wife of Mr Bant of ville Brow On Jan killed in the Grand Trunk Toronto Brown formerly of In the year his age At Pine Orchard on Jan ffwoato Feb a 0 White per bushel TO Goose per bushel bushel per bushel Peoaper bushel per bushel a a a a a a a a a a a v 10S Butter per lb Potatoes per be etc i Harper ton w Pore per 6 Boef a a 809 a OM a a Beef hind i Chicken per pair per pur Feb barrel White Wheat per bushel wife of Mr years The f took place on Wednes day from lbs residence of her toother Win Case to AH trill receive find Prompt per tuibc- ttwrolipw lb POT tJtl Sail si QUI drciaod ItfdU per tO ti ee ttM ess sts to on a a see a tote a a M a a a I a a a a a a a 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