Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , February 2, 1900, p. 1

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J The Eka gives more home news every week than any two other papers in North York combined and is acknowledged to be the Leading County Paper NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Give ma tin tour ty t know to uttoc and to freely according to conscience oil liberty FACIEI No paper sent of York unless paid in advance XLIXNo Cents YOUR TO A- Heating Stove 0 0 Our whole Stock of Heaters of every description of Coal or Wood must be cleared out at Off for Gash Only Try our Coal Oils NEWMARKET SMILL Bed Wheat Wanted White Wheat Bushels Wanted Bushels Oats Wanted Bushels REMEMBER WE DO CHOPPING EVERY DAY H V DENNE CO TAHPftRP ASSURANCE CO The Company has now enter ed upon its 74th year The following figures testify to its Stability Liber ality Popularity Accumulated about Annual Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid During year Polices were issued for 10016101 The STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to over Four- Dollars BONUS YEAR 1900 Begin the New Year dealing At The Central Tailor Shop And you will gut It will be cheaper for you In too long run We make you perfectly we carry the largest Tailoring Stock in Town besides the moat experienced hands that can bo had Compare our goods be fore finishing your purchase and judge for yourselves Wishing you all A Happy New Year R McLaughlin- Assure now and secure a share of the profits GEO HUNT J A Kami in Painting liY J Art Graduate of Ontario ftVMUt WIS WITH PainKiller A Jills Chest la Mf ft Afld60 Of ONLY THE Newmarket Ont Friday Feb 2 Terms 16 or annum if paid in advance bines on the Death of John Who died Jan Aged about 1G years Thy fathers heart licieavod shall Thy siatcra and thy brothers But still shall Fond loving heart that mourns for thee Alas that thou art gone bo young A loving son a brother dear And left thy friends and kindred near With hearts affections deeply wrung JJrief were the warnings of thy death Thine illness scarce one week had run When sank thy young lifes rising sun And vanished lifes fast fleeting breath But thou art gone death hath net free Thy body from lifes mortal pain And heaven shall bo thine endless Thy spirit with its God shall lc Our mournings for our loss cease For faith uplifts our hearts on high To mansions fair beyond Where thy spirit dwells In peace The morning bells that sweetly The New Years Sabbath Service here notes from the celestial sphere To call thy spirit to Christs fold Although thy voice no more we hear Although thy form no more wo see Thy memory still engraved shall be Upon our hearts forever dear We look beyond this vale of tears We look beyond this tide of time And faith unfolds a fairer clime Whore we shall meet in future years Day of blest reunion there When we shall meet at Gods right hand In that supremely happy land Where shall pain nor sorrow bear But where unfolds eternal joy Where gladness springs from spirit Around the throne of endless light And Death shall never more destroy Canada and England The Canada Has Rendered Fully Appreci ated brig ht A Prominent Business Man Pays a Tribute to the Good Work of a Canadian Institution in Eng land- County Council Jau The York County Council is noth ing if not patriotic The Councillors were generous to the members of the first contingent and the York County men on the second contingent were yesterday voted each It can be a Rangers at Ottauua Special to the lira before in the history of Ot tawa was there such a large and en thusiastic crowd on the streets as that which greeted and cheered the Rang J a millionaire who has enlisted as a private They claim that not boasting that they can remain in the saddle hours and can live a whole day on the smell of a greased rag One of the Ottawa boys spent a pleasant afternoon by buying a Cow boy hat and going the where the PM in great British victory at was received by the Councillors with en thusiasm Cheers were given for the victors and the demonstration came to an end singing God Save the Queen The noise ascended to the Criminal Court room above re the was in progress and a messenger was despatched to ascer tain the cause with a request from Mr Justice who had not heard the victory that it should grant of was made to the National Patriotic Fund A grant of was made to the Childrens Hospital Councillor J Stokes Davidson and Judge were appointed at the Board of Audit FRIDAY and last It was reported early in the week that the demonstration and procession would bo held on Parliament Hill sharply at oclock but the trains were somewhat delayed and the last section did not arrive at the station till In spite of great lay and disappointment seemed to go hand in hand with en thusiasm and the immense throng bore with the long delay without grumbling as the weather was very mild The rangers were met at the station by the city bands and escorted to Parliament Hill Ottawas when her own contingents went away were largely inspired by local finaly kisses from pretty girls at the station but as the train moved off he stepped out It is estimated that fully people watched the procession Gone Wrong Paiub Jan There was excitement at St George yester day when it became known that Arth ur Lang who for some years engag ed as clerk and bookkeeper by Mr J P private banker had been arrested by Provincial Detective John Murray for theft Industrial Exhibition Association way by patriotic citizens The one long to be remembered One peculiar feature of the parade was the dress of many of the men The police had their uniform on the cow- boys as we easterns term fl Contractor Wrecked The accused who was a wellknown away ware St George was active in sentiment The demonstration last week was an outburst of national feel- ju fc After a scene at his home I where the was made in the presence of his young family he was taken to Paris where Magistrate Powell remanded him until It is about a year since the accused man left the employ of Mr son to commence business for himself Accused who is said to have been in receipt of a salary of per month had a private account of his own formerly in Brantford bank where he made deposits nearly month in sums varying from to Mr estimates that he has lost in the neighborhood of but Detective Murray placed the sum at about 2000 A mutilated ledger about pages of which it is claimed by the accused was accidentally destroyed by a lamp falling on the book when opened and burning it will figure in the case Board The election of the County Commis sioners resulted in the appointment of Councillors Johnston and Councillors Norman resolution re garding the supervision of electric rail ways was adopted after some discus sion A resolution passed providing lor more extended advertising for tax tales Constitution Undermined by Nervous Complications South American Nervine Worked a Care Nervous prostration and liver com plications so afflicted J contractor that physic ally he was almost a total vreck His druggist American Nervine A few doses gave him great relief induced sound sleep and a few bottles built him up and cured him so that he is as strong and hearty as ever Sold by E Pharmacy Newmarket The annual sales of German toys in Britain amount to over the greater portion of which might easily be made by British man ufacturers them were clothed in their ordinary clothes with their broad rimmed hats Some had blue duck trousers and some mocassins and a more pleased yet de termined lot of men could riot be seen The uniforms for these men are to be supplied in Halifax and they very sensibly wore their common clothes The secondhand men in Halifax- will certainly dp a big business this week Amid the cheers of ten thousand people entered Parliament Square where they were formed into a square and inspected by His Excellency the The staff officers to the and Lady in a charming and patriotic speech presented the men with three handsome flags J Owing to the feet that the horses were not shod they were not taken in the parade on the icy streets only three being out They are a hardy of horses sind in almost every case owned by his rider Every man is a crack shot anrj will be supplied with revolvers in addition to their rifles One peculiar feature was the great desire all along the line from ton to Ottawa of the ladies wishing some form of souvenir as but eto Some of the more good- natured men had not a button left on Jan Joseph ley a farmer in the Township of Card- they reached here four miles from hero had the demand and and all its contents destroyed 8mftU they advanced the by fire last night Having a large here and asked a If you nam a Nicer a fillck Cutler or the boot the country call on or any kind of ft I Bound some teat quiet some nice and very and family his wife ill and bein in reduc ed circumstances it is an exceedingly serious loss to him about no insurance A large amount of truth is con tained in these few lines from the Geneva Advertiser Nobody is more 7i a 1 owing to I Us destroyed 8mft1 they price of kiss from the pretty girls In many cases this price was paid while the train wa waiting at the elation man oven gave his bat and also reach ed another hat out of the window Usually the name of Cowboy carries with it the of a J Charlton lum ber merchants of have the old Christy Kerr Co mill at and will immedi ately fit it up for operation next sum mer To the A rich lady cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Nicholsons Artificial Ear Drums has 1000 to his insti tute so that deaf people unable to pro cure them may have them free Ap ply to The Insti tute Eighth Ave New York A A farmer remarked the other day do not owe a dollar and take lots of satisfaction in it too My farm is paid for with all the stock and tools my name appears on no store ledger and ailthat I have is mine a Hen It is a good thing to have cred it and it is necessary to take advantage of it but my own ex is that I get along on 200 entitled to the gratitude of his country j rough tough rowdy Bach is not the less each year by paying as I go than than the man who is true to himself I as tbesa men were dismissed and by running accounts is equal who is useful right living law had full control of the city for about j you see to per cent income on an ing subject Happy is the man and hours and no disorderlies vero re- investment of 1 Nine men out happy the in which he ported nor was any rowdyism seen of every ten if they have a family of lives if through all the and Many of them come from good any could make a good thing families and all show algae of good every year by paying cash when they education tlany them are report- their purchasce Store account to bo wealthy and one is great A struggles of the stained to the end the a blameless life From the One of the mont business men in is Mr Nappy the well known Perth street grocer Mr Nappy is an Englishman by birth and the success he has achieved in business here has enabled him for sev eral summers past to make an annual holiday trip to the Motherland In a casual conversation with some in the Bank of Montreal recently Dr Williams Pink Pills happened to be mentioned and Mr Nappy said that if the pills effected many cures as as that had come un der his notice he was not surprised that they were frequently the theme of conversation Asked later by a repot ter of the to give the story Mr Nappy readily consent ed to do so and we give it practically in his own words Dont be disap pointed when I tell you that the cure did not occur in this country said Mr Nappy As a matter of fact it occurred in England and came under ray observation on the occasion of two visits to that country During the summer of 1898 I paid a visit to my old homo in and while there visited William Ledger a relation of mine living at street In Ledgers family was a little girl Lilly about six years of age who was absolutely helpless with what the doctors said was St Vitus dance but really seemed to me more like paralysis This child was one of the most pitiful sights I ever saw more helpless than a new born babe She could not a single limb and if the head were turned to one side or the other it remained in that position until someone changed it The poor child had to be fed and looked after like an infant and as the doctors had not been able to do anything to re lieve her recovery was not thought possible- Indeed I said to the childs grandmother that I thought its early death would be relief not only to the child but to its parents This was the condition of trie child when I left for Canada Again in the sum mer of I made a holiday trip to England and to my amazement I visit ed my friend Ledger I found Lilly as bright and active a child as one would find anywhere with absolutely no trace of the trouble that had made her a helpless burden the year before I told her parents I had never ex pected to see her alive again and ask ed what had effected her cure Dr Pink Pills said the father He further said that returning from work one night he found in the house a little book describing the pills left during the day and after reading it decided to use them in Lilys case After supper he bought some of the pills and gave the first to the child that night In a few days they saw they were helping her and in less than two months time there was not a child in the neighborhood brighter healthier or more active I have heard a great deal concerning what Dr Williams Pink Pills have done in this but this case coming un der my own observation is as near a miracle as we can looked for in these days and shows why Dr Wiiliams Pink Pills are so much talked about everywhere Dr Williams Pink Pills are just as valuable in the case of children as with adults and puny little ones would soon thrive and grow fat under this treatment which has for building up the blood and giving re newed strength to brain body and nerves Sold by all dealers or sent post paid at a box or six boxes for addressing Dr Wil liams Medicine Co Do not be persuaded to try something eta said to be just as good Camp Jan Gen Warrens troops night occupied Kop surprising the small gar rison who fled It has been held by us all day though fa were attacked es pecially by a fire I fear our casualties are consider able and I have to inform you with regret that was dan gerously wounded Gen Warren is of the opinion that he has rendered he enemys po sition untenable The men are splendid Jan The Boers recently began to shell Observation hill from Surprise fc with an mortar firing round shot Our artillery silenced mor tar kilting of the enemy there Jan Special despat ches from Durban say the Boer losses on the Upper during the fight- Sunday last were very great They add that Gen Warrens men captured prisoners and that Boers were found dead in one trench Jan am Tho War has just posted the follow ing despatili from tinted at Spearmans Thursday Jan noon Gen Warrens garrison I am sorry to say I find this morning had in the night abandoned The despatches from correspondent at the front state that in Sundays fighting north of the from to dead Boers were found in the trenches reports that the British casualties on Wednesday Jan at were killed wounded and missing London Jan The official an nouncement of the withdrawal of Warrens force on the sooth bank of the was made on Saturday had been found very difii- to hold and the officer who suc ceeded had de cided to abandon it The officer was not named but it was evident that he would ultimately be held responsible Gen added that a second at tack on was useless and that Warrens force had withdrawn to the south bank of the without the loss of a man or a of stores The story from the Boer Headquar ters at Modder Spruit Upper dated Wednesday at midnight- nays that when it was found that the Brit ish had occupied reinforce ments were ordered to take it The Boer found that the English had im proved the opportunity by entrench ing Between the line of trenches was an open veldt which the Boers had to rush under a heavy fire English- tried to rush the Boers with bayonets when their infantry went down before the rifle fire as before a scythe One hundred and fifty Brit ish in the front surrendered and were taken prisoners The Boer advance continued for two kopjes east of when many were shot but so numerous were the that gaps were filled au tomatically Towards twilight the Boers summit of the se cond kopje but did not got farther The British Maxims belched fire but aVwall of Mausers held the Eng lish back- Their centre under this pressure Gradually gave way and broke abandoning the position Patrick a em- was very seriously crushed white a treadmill on a car at Mrs Christopher Little of Conn tripped with a lighted lamp in her hand setting fire to the family dwell ing which was destroyed Mr Joseph of Ottawa killed at a railway crossing while driving with Mr Kelly The lat ter saved himself by jumping There is an easy way of cutting glass bottles that housekeepers should know about everyone has large bottles that when cut can be used in many ways as for jolly tum blers cans or even for vases for flowers with foliage To do it tioa wrapping cord two or throe times around the bottle a little below whore you want to cut it Saturate the cord thoroughly with alcohol but do nob let liquid run down bottle Then it on end the Mate has almost put few of water on tho glass will bo cut oil civ- u v- a diamond point iifirfl

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