Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 26, 1900, p. 8

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I a A your la out of order causing Rick Heart burn lakoadofio of PUB On retiring tomorrow will bo regulated and you will bo bright and ready for any kind of work This been experience of others it will bo yours Gold by all medicine dealers 25 HEAD Paid up Kami I A Ikriiiich of I hie In tailed BRADFORD micro are rvcclvtf t up- Wftrdn mid ureal current Wv or Discounting Farmers Nona And LOWEST RATES Pur further Information to JOHN A QUICK CUBE FOR COUGHS tod COLDS Cwdho Remedy for all THROAT LUHQ AFFECTIONS Lor tits aU DAVIS A CO Ferry Pain Killer New York Horaces BO YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks tending a quickly ascertain our opinion free an ftlTOilUon IQ patentable Patent tent free Oldest agency for jbIi Menu A CO Patents taken wlthootcuarne in Scientific Bold ft A lltaet ruled of jear four Be York ranch 525 Tl us DL EMULSION preparation of Oil agreeing with the delicate EMULSION Is by ibo leading of EMULSION a producer and will tre you an I per Bottle DAVIS CO Limited Montreal a The Leading Specialists of America Years In Detroit C of and middleaged The uay pave marl email atresia harp catting eharge difficulty organ and all the of nervous debility TURK J nil you NEW VVikIJJA J AT lKH10DKiHi lJKl TO MOUNT Mr Jewel lost vnlunblo Hoy tow Ml- mid Sunday at Mr Ruby f w ftpcncliii a t time on a viwit to many friends The Phonographic held in Town Hall on Monday in aid of the wan best over hold hero Mr Win who manipulated talking machine duiiioiistrated to latoaudieneotliat ho thorough hit of the evening wan the takeoff our band Society following from LreasurorH Report at annual meeting last will bo read with interest by many of our 00 Mr James Dougherty left on for Denver Col to up future residence Mr Dougherty will bo in town ho was almost brought tip and lived hero Miss Edith Williamson loft on Tuesday for Chicago where will spend a of months with her brother and Hie first of the sea- was played lh Kink hero oh Saturday afternoon be tween of Toronto the team Thin wis the match of season for the home team and an tho score will indicate icy acquitted themselves men to in favor of Handera unfortunately received a blow on tho eye from the and requir ed ft couple of stitches to close up the wound Children Cry for Receipts To in hand from 1U8 left from money 08 sub rip lions paid in donations to list goods drawn 1899 v from Corporation cash not proceeds of Ex- to Parry Bound OF PAIR Per for rout of and Cattle a to- wards Herdsmen tickets Hay and wood Entrance fees to Expenditures Paid Prizes 86 14 20 Advertising in Goto money from schools rim son special licenses at Fair e Per for admis sion tickets at Fair Electric for cou pons sold man proceeds of To cash from Newmarket School Board for lumber and towards Band expenses cash from Mrs subscription To cash Govt grant Municipal Co grants 100 sources 1 1 25 Insurance t Bona for lum ber Poultry building etc Brown carpenter vork on building Cartage on lumber to grounds 1 for track J per contract grad ing grounds Hopper for cedar posts for and labor at fence Hunter painting Poultry Shed and Stables Brown work on fonco as Ross repairing at Ex hibition Building 12 Jas Fax services at Concert Own Band during Fair and Concert Pay Sheet No being for gatekeepers care takers during Fair Pay Sheet No 1 amounts chargeable to permanent improvements Pay Shoot No 2 expenses connected with cost of etc Pay Sheet No permanent improve items for hardware nails Keith salary Secretary Jackson Treasurer J Woodcock soliciting and collecting CO 18 17 00 00 100 19 00 absorbs never return by cur serves ate nd bits si GLEET of young od fflhpcauwotthewwmptomi time dark tteak Hack of Ambition Varicocele etc and icty fit Dont conDltamij- they do apeclal on you iil pod- On dollars for a case wo accept lor treatment and CURES GUARANTEED i imWUKCYl g write for QUESTION TREATMENT 3KENNEDY KERGAN Cor Michigan and St DETROIT MIOH his to mi in and fcurrounaln Ml 1 in rifciuyntint with KiiOJpi iniiicd envelope A annual of tlie Township Association was held at the Queens Hotel Friday night and van a treat success all parts of ttio and adja cent County of represented An excellent menu waft provided and full justice thereto Mr J Walton of pre sided and his opening speech con gratulated the society upon suc cess of the gathering County Councillor Norman opened the speechmaking in an address on rail road matters affecting tho township and the cultivation of the soil He was followed by Mr Simeon Lemon Reeve of King and president of the who after thanking the electors of for the support given him in the recent contest also spoke on farm topics Timely farm topics Were spoken on by Councillors Robert Gallagher Jus Rogers and A also Jos Brown Geo and J During the evening Mr Joseph Brown gave a humorous speech on also solos Miss Butler sang very acceptably a pretty song accompanied by Miss the organ Bong were also given by Mr John and supper broke up with the Na tional Anthem King Agricultural Society has elect ed McDonald president James first vicepresident John Winter second vicepresident and A Wilkinson secretary Tenders were opened Saturday evening for supplying wood and care- taking of the public school Mr Joe Brown was again appointed as care taker and Mr J was the low est tender for supplying wood Mr J Harris proprietor of the St Georges Hotel sustained a heavy mishap Friday last having met with the loss of his valuable driver While Mr James Potter was engaged break ing in a twoyearold colt which he was driving along side of the unfor tunate animal without attaching them to anything the became frolic some and in the effort to her pranks one of lines broke and in less time than it takes to tell it they were off in joying their liberty Through soma mysterious way they be came separated the colt landing on the opposite side of a barb wire fence without the slightest injury while the mare with terrific force against a by scantling which was thrust through the ribs into tho lungs After a careful examination by our skilled veterinary surgeon Graham he pronounced the animal as incurable and beyond all hope of recovery The poor beast lived until Sunday fore noon CASTOR Total at Toronto Postage express for Secretary and Treasurer Secretary during Fair Piano accompanist at concert J McKay punting acct Jackson Toronto News and advertising fait Co Fall Showbills Toronto for adv W White painting stream ers Miscellaneous By cash in hand to balance Rather curiously Cyrano do belongs to modern type which dates from days of tic Hotel and has al ways had Us votaries In France To those mere conversation was They liked declama tions not on the right of woman to the ballot but whether she should be held a little higher than the angels or consent to be beloved This phase of preciosity led up to the French salon where that hothouse fashion of preparing Intellectual bill of fare for guests found Eta most ac ceptable phase whose advice may bo to have formed a whole genera tion of charming women used to pre scribe the subject of talk for dinner tables just as coteries of wo men prescribe it today This was her system With at table talk voyages and literature with eight the floe arts Invention with six politico or philosophy with four sentiment ro mantic adventure with two talk of yourself egoism belongs to tbo tete-a- tete Ellen Kirk In hat 3 00 10 Total Memo Members subscriptions in Treasurers hands for 1000 AURORA Special meetings still in pro- Mr Street who has been laid up gross in the Methodist Church Rev for weeks has good friends Mr Rankin of a former Three with their teams pastor was assisting Rev Dewey came on Monday and hauled wood for this week him He is a little better On Sunday evening Mr Wood Bailiff Reynolds is to bo around and his daughter were driving on again lYonge street and when the cutter The Division is still on the struck Metropolitan at the move forward Last quarter we had point where it turns from the centre an increase of over and have of street at the north end it upset won the prize offered by the Grand land the occupants were thrown out Lodge for the greatest increase oft Mr Wood held on to the lines and members For Infants and Children Do you take cold with every change In the weather Does your threat feet raw And do sharp pains dart through your chest Dont you know these are danger signals which point to pneumonia bronchitis or consumption itself If you are ailing and have lost flesh lately they are certainly danger signals The question for you to decide Is Have I the vitality to throw off these diseases Dont wait to try SCOTTS EMULSION as a last re sort There is no remedy equal to It for fortifying the system Prevention is easy Scotts Emulsion prevents consumption and hosts of other which attack the weak and those with poor blood SCOTTS EMULSION the one standard remedy for Inflamed throats and lungs for colds bronchitis and con sumption It Is a food medi cine of remarkable power A food because it nourishes the body and a medicine be cause It corrects diseased conditions SCOTT BOWHE was dragged some distance when the finally broke loose and contin ued running down the street It was finally captured not much the worse for the runaway but harness and cutter were pretty badly damaged Fortunately Mr Wood and his daugh ter escaped injury button J Mr- J had some groceries stolen out of his putter week Miss Charlotte Ego Virginia gave a birthday party Monday evening to a large number of her friend Ac cording to report a it was a very en joyable affair The Oddfellows had their an nual oyster supper on Monday A very pleasant evening was spent in speeches songs etc Mr save capital recitation The committee for the occasion was Messrs Crocker ami who furnished an excellent spread Some of our North farmers were rather surprised last week at receiving notice from the bank at Newmarket to call and settle their notes On investigation it was found that a young man had succeed ed in discounting notes to the extent of having forced the names of four farmers with the Ontario Bank The bank of course is out of tho money and tho slick young forger is out of country Herald Steel Combs A man who saw In a sidewalk show case some steel combs and who won dered what steel combs could be used for found upon Inquiry were used farriers In combing furs There one of these combs that looked much like a comb of the or dinary kind coarse toothed for Its length end Oner toothed the other half And then there was one comb that had teeth for half Us length the solid serving as a handle There are other steel combs that are j a purpose as steel combs made to comb dogs with The dog comb looks somewhat like the fine toothed comb In Its general shape but It Is larger toothed side only and coarser toothed than the to called tine comb The side combs of this sort are used on various kinds of dogs Including for lufltnnce long haired dogs tike the French poo dle Nov York Sun A Race the San The London Daily Mall says If an aerial machine were capable of travel ing at any rate up- to miles an hour a traveler in It starting westward from London at a speed of mites an hour would arrest the progress of time If be started at a it would always be to a Should lie tind his unending day mo notonous he could reverse bis direc tion and get a quick succession of short days and nights of some six duration but he could regulate the the speed of bis ma chine be traveled from Lon don one night oclock westward at a of miles per hour He would oon experience the sensation of seeing the sun rising In the west where It had set a short time before Do you remember how you felt in the mornings when you were a boy How good it was to a new day How hun gry you came to ta ble How tired you went to bed How soundly you slept Dont you find self saying son times how I wist get up that boy eager the and Jeeli Jit for it dont yon turn aw with a sigh as the wish were im possible of fulfill lent and start or new days journey tired at the outset Its not to get ck that glad boyish feeling again It only means getting back health Put your stomach in order and sec how soon your sleep will be dreamless your rest sound your appetite hearty and your work a pleasure The best remedy for all ailments of the stomach and nutritive organs is Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery Try it and join the great army of sick people made well by its use Nothing is just as good If you go for Discovery get Discovery 1 would like to give- Golden utter in words or describe with writes James Ambrose Esq Mifflin fit Huntingdon was taken down with what cur physician Mid was indigestion I doctored the best around here sod found f wrote you nd you sent me fl question to out and I did so and yon then advised me to Dr Pierces Golden too three bottles nd felt J stopped I think cured 1 have no symptoms of gastric trouble or Indigestion now Dr Pierces Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of customs and mailing only Send onecent stamps for tile paper covered book or stamps for the clothbound Is for Infants ami Children substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Drop and Soothing It contains neither Opium nor other Narcotic substance It is Pleasant Its guarantee is thirty- years use by Millions of Mothers destroys Worms and allays Feverish- cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic relieves cures Constipation ami Flatulency assimilates Food regulates Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children giving healthy and natural sleep Castorla is tin Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend Cnitorla it an excellent medicine for children Mothers have repeatedly totd me of Ha good effect upon their children Dr Osgood Man J Cstorla la to adapted to that I recommend ft as superior to pre scription known tome A If THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER IMC MUIIAA Do you think of THIS SUMMER If you do write Gil fife LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And get Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows i ALL LAIZsl Artistic in Inside Woodwork Factory in Canada for the PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc I We HighGrade and J Repair all notice j The Wm Sons Mfg Co newmarket ont A B0T7l To It a or to you 1 MA I tit lt J Jcn FRANK lltrt Otitic jeez Ikit J It I for 111 U is a Ifnlixut 9 J for i lie tiook or KESDAtL FALLS VT POPULAR SONGS JosaioxlicAXiAX2 E or To may be icmt4 Ihl to space and it Time by putting in lit- a Shannon File ft Cabinet- manufactured by Factory Newmarket On and Bay St Toronto Notre Dame rcprcacjtt Ihcr ftud yearly ypay4iiio with unusual Wi envelope A Ciilego If you are not a subscriber to the Era for a trial trip of mouths The Office Specialty Mfg Co I L

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