Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 26, 1900, p. 7

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J J THE T l CHINAS Dinner- Sets PROM 5 to 20 Toilet Sets FROM 150 to 6 Special Value IN Parlor Lamps leeks WHAT IS it ABOUT TOWN Creeping FortyMint Volume of to grow In wltb by a larger let than oyer aloe rise Commissioner John Yalta have boon reappointed License for license or North York FRIDAY JAN Dept Fruits Peels and Spices Tins is our Strong Point as wo make a Specialty of Keeping the Very Choicest and Heat Quality No need to enumerate Wo have the quality And quantity and at Rock Bottom Prices FINE flrtjrn Broken Mr Plpbcr of had Friday drawing wood ho had on ground in Among those Mr Vernon lib was standing on top of a load of dry wood Kin way was worn out when eloign alow aroond bo balance and foil off breaking hie right arm above Gospel One of our reporter accidentally omitted to up meeting a week ago last Sunday Cane and Headings given by Cody and Dr remarks by thechairlady Mr J Green Royal provided a good program Sunday and there was a attendance Mr Willis in and organist Singing by quartette duetts by Lush and Miea Low and Mr by alias Alfred Lush reading by and from the chair Open meeting Sunday Christian Church attended Roll Call Thursday evening of last week and an enjoyable and spent After had been served re ports were given by the officers that encouraging was followed by toe Roll Call by be Church Mr Lehman and re sponses The pastor then gave an exhor tation and proceedings about ten oolock A letter from Elder Chidtoy the former pastor was not received in time lor the Boll Call but was read from the pulpit on morning reorganized Bible Class In the Sun day School taught by Iter Weeks it growing quite popular About pres ent last Sunday The Onion Street revival last Friday night till the of Feb when the pastor expects to have acme as sistance Fall Mrs Watson an eyed tody at North End had a bid fait one day week She slipped on loo in the back yard with a pall of water in her hand Fortu nately no wore broken but she laid up a few Another Bod poll Air Win was nearly killed on afternoon Ho was down Jane between and Sutherlands stores when he and fell on his back atriking head with force that he remained unconscious for about an hour and a half Chief Ander son to bo near at band and bo was removed to his boarding house Med ical aid was sent for and everything done to make him but Ilia back hurts him a good deal Several broken mm Rubbers SMITH The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts UTTER DONT BUY A Without calling SHOP North End of Main St Newmarket AND SEEING Out Styles and Prices Six different at bandmade win stand the racket In Old Gold Olive Green and Crimson and than Factory Weaving lease wishes to the hi has moved to House on and that he Stilt hasibal Celebrated Iowa Co Loom with ail the late improvements to date and that he la to do Beat Work In Carpet Call and see Send your In Early am a word recently lo ex- wealth tew wboca you havent yet surely by time that you all have your NEWMARKET Tenders for food received by the Up Monday Jan Of wood bull beech and ill IA VII Board On Sunday morning pastor preached a very thoughtful encouraging sermop from words I am not come to destroy but to The evening service was of a national character It not help bat atones the patriotic spfriB of everyone sang a anthem by Kipling Annual Meeting of the Congregation Wednesday even ing when a large representation present showing interest members are taking In welfare of the The Clerk of reported that at the beginning of year there membership of there have been re movals one added by profession I faith making membership now 16 The congregation a heavy loss by the removal of Mr and family and well as by the death of its late pastor Rev A A very satisfactory report was given by the Treasurer of the Managing Board there was a floating debt from time to time are pleased say that this is all wiped oat and a balance on hand to of the Con to start the year Reports ware read from Sabbath School Womens Foreign Missionary So- Willing Christian or Mission Band and all want to show flourishing condition of following managers went elected For years Walter Wilson Col Lloyd for Kennedy Amos Seating Committee Trivet and I Auditors and A At tbe of the annual meeting Rev Mr of Si Toronto and Mr of Kins gave stirring addressee oat the of are so worthy of support and what a grand privilege It is to appreciation to for His Upon motion It was decided that Ibis congregation should raise 91000 towards Century Considerable of amount was promised at the of the meeting Next Sunday- will bo Missionary Day at the Sabbath Mr a student of Knox College will address the scholars the afternoon in body of lbs church Mr has bean laboring as a among the mines in the Northern part of Ontario and has met with wonderful success Mr talk cannot help bat be Interesting to all Tbe church to bo crowded with young and old In evening be is also expeotedto The Sabbath Sunday was the largest it has been for a long time Presbyterian congregation of met on Jan when a re solution was adopted to effect that the elders of the church call on Mr who interrupted Pastor Watt in Ufa and him to apologize in public in church en Sunday morning next and that it lie did not do be instructed to prosecute Mr Harvey according to law In with re- a committee composed of William Jeffrey Jesse Ireland Archie and John A Wat son wont to Mr Harveys house on Tuesday and presented him with the resolution Mr Harvey replied that ho would appear at Church on Sunday morning nU answer the com mittee as requested The Meeting held on the evening of was well attended Mr Bennett very ably and pleasant- filled the program given by Union well re ceived and muob appreciated Duet Above the Gibson and Recitation The Crusade Mies Stella Duet Reading Where ray hoy Miea Vera Duet Bring ye the water of tho fountain Misses and Beading The old raaus story J Duet A a but not of and Eight new members signed the pledge We are pleased to see so well attended we feel they must eventually awaken an in terest in the hearts of all The anniversary of our Union is to be held on Slat at The Keswick and Sutton Union are invited to meet with A program will be provided a report of the yeaa work will be by secretary A cordial in vitation extended to all Free lunoh provided the of the Union Dr Chancellor of Vic toria University here while speaking last Sabbath veiling at the Church Ann Arbor with heart- trouble and was unable to proceed- There was an audience present and great was the learned Dr He has since so far recovered as to be out of immediate danger and return home A Chinese funeral procession pre ceded by a band of Monday last was one of rare occurrences the city Maynr turned a on himself last Monday and wanted tbo Council to give him power to call committee meetings whether the of snob com mittee was willing or not The Coun cil refused the power 2000 was paid into court this week to cojer coats in prosecuting the elec tion petitions and Conservative members East Elgin It Mexican earthquake on Satur day morning caused tremors to be felt in this city between fiyo and ten min utes after abook in South Ameri ca A Toronto sculptor is preparing busts of Sir Wilfrid Sir Oliver Hon A Hardy and Hon Geo W Ross for the Normal Art Gallery A number of new paintings have recently been purchas ed from Ontario artists for the Normal School Picture Gallery MOUNT Mr Fred Jaok has sold out his im plement to Mr Louis Toole Their was a largo market on day Eggs butter lb and children left on Thursday for home in Chicago by Mrs J Porter and eon Mrs Dr J Forest visiting her father on he of Scott Miss Robbie Anderson and a gen tleman friend calling on on Sunday Mr Wilson and Mr Tins- dale were down to last week Boers back another party of about five hundred men put in appearance in the rear of our guns The Imperial Light Horse made a charge and fought enemy almost hand to hand Gordons under leadership of Colonel Ian Hamilton made a couple of splendid bayonet charges at Witon bill At Caesars camp a company of the Manchester were outwitted by the enemy by abuse of white flag A party of Boers climbed the summit of the bill under he white flag and our men did not fire No sooner was the crest of the hill gained than the enemy poured into them a withering fire inflicting heavy The Boers engaged in tho were three picked commandos led by the veteran Commandant Villers who had been on every part of the field cheering bis men and exposing himself with reckless bravery He was shot dead with three of offi cer They were so near out of lino that Colonel Ian Hamilton used re volver Jan op posed on finding that General had outmanoeuvred them crossed to the of the on Monday and Bet fire to all houses in the village Jan General reports that portions of forces north of the River were ed all day Saturday and and captured several of the enemys posi tions It uphill fight all the way and the top was cot reached The Dutch was ateadily driven back with heavy losses but retained possession of their main position when the Brit ish for the night Spearmans Camp Natal Jan am Early on Sunday morn ing General Warren commenced a Hanking movement on the extreme ft r- v 1V Winter Goods J OPINED All the best makes m following lines CARVERS IN AND PEN POCKET KNlVEB SCISSORS ALL Also ft Fine line of TABLE FORKS SPOONS We handle a Special Line of which we to See oar CRU51B TRAYS AND BRUSH BOARDS AND KNIYP8 TOE CELEBRATED BEARING CARPET SWEEPER Wo are for Co a Hoe of Fur Coats Highest Paid for Raw J A W ALLAN CO Great preparations are being made for the political meeting on when Hon General and Hon J Davis Minis ter of Crown and others will address the people Their speeches at time will be of exceptional im portance and a great turnout of elec tors is expected Special seats will be set apart ladies and the decora- lions and muaio arranged for the oc casion will make an enjoyable meet ing for all Cold winds seems to be of the day the past week and yet there seems to bo quite a hustling on the Unlike it was a few years ago everybody seems have a mission and are looking after It Its not possible that thia grand old govern ment of ours have anything to do with it if it is well go to work and reelect them for we can stand a lot of it Mr Jameson a valuable horse a few days ago which he had purchased from Walton Miss Watson visiting rela tives in this vicinity this week and family of is spending a few days at her fathers Quite a number of the Division at on Tuesday and report a very profitable time Revival Services being conducted at the Christian Church here tins week Will Blackburn of To ronto is paying first visit home since he started We are looking for wedding bolls to jingle but no go yet just wait a lit tle longer It was sad intelligence that reached hereon Monday last the death of Mrs Isaac Proctor of Richmond She was an old resident of thia vicin ity and many of those who were fled attended the funeral SHARON The East Conservative Association held its- Annual Meeting here on Tuesday There were repre sentatives present from every part of the LtCol occupied the chair Following officers were elected President William Mount Albert lab VicePresident Boyd Sharon 2nd Vice- President Peregrine Treasurer Mount Albert Chairman of No Division John Newmarket No James Sharon No Gilbert Johnson No Harper Holt No Amos Mount Albert No John son After the conclusion of business stirring addresses were delivered by Messrs Captain Allan Herbert Lennox R Peregrine John Moore and William Resolutions of confidence in Sir Charles and Mr J P Whitney ware unanimously adopted after which the meeting adjourned to meet at call of the president tzi flews Kingston Jan A little child of Thomas Rutherford this morn ing swallowed Homo carbolic acid which it bad accidentally come across in a cupboard and died shortly after- wards in great agony Jan 6 via Jan About four this morn ing a briak rifle fire following upon the boom of big guns was directed by a party of at the pickets of camp Our men were driven back by the superior numbers of the enemy contesting every mob of the ground a squadron of the Imperial Light Horse were in neighborhood attack the Boers had forc ed their way into British lines and were to howitzer But their advance was cheeked Imperial Light Horse by a dashing charge ul timately driving back Firing became vary heavy on both Bides One of our naval guns and the other artillery shelled enemy along the ridge of camp and drove them to point where the Gordons were lying in wait for them The Highlanders were fortunate in getting promptly Boera and doing splendid execution with the Gradually the Boers were driven in to a somewhat limited space at end of Caesars camp hill The fight ing became hotter than ever J our ar tillery steadily as the Boers fell back While Boers were in pre dicament a terrific rain and hailstorm broke To add to discomfort one of the batteries which had been mov ed into a position commanding the dropped shelf after shell among them carnage been horrible Already n rHer stage the Boers bad suffered heavy Over eighty bodies were counted within a few yards Imperial Light Horse deserve special inention they had to out their way through the enemy to position Caesars camp Mens Boys Clothing MensSuits button doublebreasted Sacque Scotch Tweed deep French Facings satin piped best Italian linings sizes 36 and regular price stocktaking price Mens Overcoats button single or double- breasted Beaver Cloth best Italian lin ing regular price 700 stocktaking price Boys Suits in grey and brown Tweed all wool nicely made stocktaking price Boys Reefers made of blue and brown cloth doublebreasted buttons close to the throat deep sailor collar trimmed with braid regular price 275 R stocktaking price Mens Furnishings Mens Extra Heavy Knit Top Shirts all wool collars attached in plain grey regular price stocktaking price Mens Fine Colored Cambric Shirts laund- also white Shirts with colored cambric bosoms and cuffs neat check and fancy cross stripes sizes to regular price and 125 stocktaking price Mens Heavy Underwear all wool all sizes regular Ladies Boots Ladies Felt Congs leather foxed heavy sole common sense toe regular Qf price stocktaking price Ladies Felt Slippers leather sole r stocktaking price Mens Boots Mens Felt Boots and Cong leather- foxed heavy sole regular 175 stocktaking prioe Men s Buckle Felt Boots leather to the top grain leather heavy sole regular price stocktaking T price RYS into left of the British position The in fantry advanced at five the morn ing along the irregular Tabamyama Mountain ends at Kop The artillery occupied positions behind and the plain The British care fully worked along the hills until with- in a thousand yards of a commanding kopje on which the concentrat ed concealed behind immense era strewn thickly over the hill artillery the and the batteries worked continuously pouring tone of shrapnel among the Boers who devoted their attention to mus ketry firing on the British infantry The Boers stuck to their rocky fast with the greatest tenacity and at the conclusion of the day had only advanced across a few ridges The Boers apparently have few and they did bat little dam age Captain of the Dublin Fusi liers fell mortally wounded while lead ing his men to seise a fresh point of vantage A DEAD Captain was born at P was educated at Kings College Windsor and the Royal College He married Mies Brown of two years ago He was about years of Pretoria Jan Heavy fighting was reported Saturday for miles along the Tugela river The British artillery fire was the heaviest that has been experienced during war If estimated thai over troops were engaged in an assault on the heights which were occupied by Boers The fighting front extended for miles The artillery fire met with no re sponse from the until the infan try attacked their position The British made three assaults and were each time Vigorously reeled Every time the British stormed the Boer positions they were reinforced by fresh divisions but their efforts were useless Yesterday the hostilities ceased and the British ambulances were busy wool per lb- ten hours picking up and attending to the wounded on the field of action Jan A despatch from says that a letter dated Dec bat three Englishmen who had re ceived passes authorizing them to re main in the Orange Free State was commandeered on Dec They re- fused to fight their countrymen and were shot in the market place A Chicago despatch says A train load of pounds of for use of the Boera is being purchased in that city by an agent of the Transvaal Government Markets Jan Flour per barrel a White Wheat per a Oct Wheat per CO DM per Buckwheat a Barley per a per bushel OH A IS I to a Hay per ton SCO Pork a to per Of Ducks per pair Turkeys per lb 10 CO pur ton W J on a a a a a 10 CO a a a oca a Old CO

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