Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 26, 1900, p. 6

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JAN 1900 i the Hob ASM WHO WORTH Villi ft friends hero week There there what did you A fresh outbreak of fewr ban two of the in The Jay in nigh at band Olio of our popular young men in Ob Marin my anKcl Particulars next week Wedding bells are ringing bore there and Our good Jim been poorly with a complication of one being- muscular rheumatic according to Owls Mr is factory and give a hourly gitoting wlicn he once more able to join council at corner grocery Im dubious of tliu elec tric road our summer resorts for several years yet and am not fully persuaded in miml if it shall bo or a- detriment known many thriving towns to bo utterly ruined by the advent of railway con- Bradford and Holland Land- for example AH that is left of now is a few haunted houses and a host of pretty girls and of infelicitic they would tongues real hard rather than let unkind word A very brilliant of Aurora on evening and also find display of Toronto electric lights in south both sure precursors of a of weather ruled our market on Monday Prices low accordingly DIXY TOWN Quito a number from fit at tended the dancing in James Sutton last Tuesday Minor read rather a last Sunday morning Mostly all of his congregation including him BUTTON During the spoil of sleighing our town assumed old busi ness and store keepers smiled It is rumored that Co have sold out their business and that the family will be leaving town They will bo greatly missed Skating on the river has boon ex ceptionally poor this winter Our young enjoy sport on this beautiful open ah rink In the pleasant storm a number of our young people took in the teaparty Young Mens Social and Ath letic- Association seems to proved its usefulness by its success with over paid members and an increasing good friend Major I do a lass The sweetest luv hours that I spent spent among the I lasses I do not know the regular market value of love letters but presume it somewhat fluctuates like any other marketable commodity But I do know they bring a pretty stiff figure when ventilated in Court in a suit for breach of Now have one a gem for which doubt not my good friend the Joker would giv his worldly all be valuable as a reference for copy A friend kindly sent it me Every word breathes of a deep passionate love that time alone can quench Joanna my love for thee can never never die Its perusal is very mirth provoking Space- will not allow any extracts For further particulars apply to Box Im told Oh dear Im almost prostrated with laughing Samuel and Morton are agents hero for all manner of farm implements Both 1st class men Wliilo taking physical exercise going through the club swinging manual tither day I discovered that- After the Ball was a pretty measure for the drill Try it ye experts Now this is my view of matter should not marry contrary to parents wishes though I must admit it is almost absolute folly for parents to oppose what is only an obedience to natures laws A recent marriage near here is responsible for tins sketch A fool ia he who by force or skill Would turn the of a womans will noticed doubt you have also that its not the hell fire class of sermons that bring mankind to deep and lasting conviction hut those that tell of the wonderful Divine and joys of a never ending eternity We are told by unprejudiced parties that Button market is at low ebb Eggs fresh from the factory are worth more than two cents apiece here To the extreme iceness of the roads on Sunday is attributed the reason for the most prominent portions of so many anatomies kissing the mother cartn Sneak thieves are still prowling in the dark If about half a dozen in this neighborhood were ported to New Zealand people would breathe I am not an advocate of capital punishment for small but I would just like to see a certain genius stretch hemp just for a moment The sooner somebody learns that an Owls is not feathered with bills but only plain straw the better for his health My friend will probably learn some day that prison bars arc than those of a house We have a of awfully sweet girls near here Of course they have their meshes Now it I were their sweethearts I wouldnt- wait a longer Id say now or never Of course it would be now for theyre true love matches Faithful services appreciated Mr Jos Kay and are once again collector and assessor respective for making thirty years for Mr Kay and twentyeight for Mr J if I mistake not kind My motto A alalia word in spoken A motion of a tear heart that a broken And made friend sincere is almost synonymous with charity which we are taught a multitude of our youll ijiarrhxl couples would that il ia tin unkind woid thai is of he hotter in the future Mr John McNeil has boon busily engaged hauling brick for the purpose bis which will add much to the appearance of Mc Millans Corners Who wag the young man of Queen St that called at a neighbors to a horse and rig to take his lady- friend to a Christmas Tree Large crowds attend revival services held by the in the Christian Church Much- good is being accomplished Mr Henry Smith our most enter prising young doing rush business although he came very nearly getting into a squabble with a farmer from Keswick last week Mr Albert was visiting on Queen St lust Sunday A certain youw lady of this neigh borhood had the misfortune to slip on the ico while coming to church Sunday morning getting a bad fall fracturing her knee Homo of the members of the Church are Ending a good deal of fault with each other for not attend ing services move regular Mrs who is a willing worker in the vineyard of Lord is crippled with numerous corns Mr John looks rather since he lost his upper teeth Dont go back on him girls hell bo all right again in a little while A grand wedding anniversary was celebrated at Mrs Annie Roses last Annie ia beloved by all that know bar Her genial conversation baa won for hot many warm friends Mr ha moved his new farm on the line We hear Mies of confessed they had not lived up interest The boys that they to standard but were going to do are willing to appreciate some place to go to in the evenings With peri odical garner gymnastics music and literary events tho winter evenings should be mad most interesting Rev Mr Brace and his other members seem bound to do their beat to succeed Rev MA of Mount Albert is to address young people of this town on Monday evening next at tho League meeting at the parsonage last week was most interesting Nothing could have been more in teresting or successful than social evening at the Hermitage last Thursday evening Young people and in fact seemed to have a good time Musical Club took a drive to the lake on Friday evening and had a very pleasant time at Mr Camerons Reading Circle is if any thing increasing in interest and its preliminary test is oyer now that half the course through At Miss John sons last week at Miss this the lecturers for the month are Miss and Walter Bailey Mr Albert gave a very ac ceptable service in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening to a largo congregation BETHEL CORNERS Method Sabbath School An niversary of 2t and was alt that could bo Though somewhat disappointed with un avoidable absence of Mr McGregor Rev Brace more than made up for it by giving two stirring addresses The services morning and evening were well attended On Monday evening tho church was filled to overflowing The program ably presided over by Mr of though somewhat was varied and interesting The children did their part admirably reflecting much credit on their trainer Mis choir rendered excellent services The Sut ton Trio Rev Brace Mr and Mr fang two excellent pieces and Mrs Walter gave a selection in her usual good form recitations were alt well rendered The School takes this opportunity of thanking those who assisted in every way but more especially Mr Misses Davidson Lucy and Mrs Messrs and who are not mm AT HOLT A very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr Frank on Wednesday last week when his daughter was united to Mr Ralph Rev Albert officiating The ceremony took place at high noon about be- ing present The bride was dressed in cream and looked oh arming in the regulation bridal veil Her sister Sarah was bridesmaid The groom was ably assisted by Mr Btephen A The the reoipient many lovely presents The bridal party drove to Newmarket and the If you have not already tried our Celebrated Rolled Oats a TteDAVISON J 1 1 happy couple took the train for Stay to spend honeymoon with rel atives On their return they will re side at connected with the school I could not feel justified in not referring to Master Bernard Huntley and Miss Lucy Pressor for their most excellent part of the program in beautiful songs After divesting the ladder of its good things for the children and God Save Queen the proceeding ended Proceeds ROACHS POINT Four from Newmarket skated up to the Point on Monday General paid a flying visit to one day last week Flora Jones of Toronto spending the winter at MrvR Boyds are sorry to hear Mrs Miller is very ill again Mr Jack Martin has left the lake- shore which is much regretted by some The ice is in splendid condition now teams are crossing back and forth every day A party of young people attended the dancing at Sutton a short time ago and report a pleasant time They did not see any Owls or Ota Nicks flitting Tub which are now up to their old standard again on procuring a small package for trial Every person using them is pleased Will you be one vmm lbs for it Jt the leading Brands of Canoed Vegetable packed We are selling SPECIAL The Best Salmon Two Cans for Cents 3 Cans for Special Venetian Boxes Jewel Tray At Half Price op Less The home of Mr and Mrs Grimsby formerly of Queens- was the scene of a very pretty wedding on New Years Day when their daughter Miss Jennie A was in holy bonds of matri mony to Mr popu lar druggist of The ceremony was performed by Rev Mr of Grimsby The bridesmaid tal for treatment Queen St has a new fresh girl now sure Flake KESWICK visit- I Miss of Winnipeg is at Mr Dick We are pleased to see Mr Alfred Mann out again after his Quite an exciting time now as there is racing in the Bay every Saturday afternoon What was the couple hunting for the other Mrs is visiting friends at Orangeville Miss May spent a few days in Zephyr last The meetings in the Christian Church are largely attended and very interesting Mr Sloan of Churchill was visiting at Mr Dick on Sunday last The anniversary sermons in the Methodist Church last Sunday were a rich treat In the morning Rev Addison of Toronto fairly excelled himself and in the evening Day of Toronto the Secretary was most excellent The church was packed at night On Monday night the church was filled to overflowing and the enter tainment was splendid The addresses by Brown and were very good also the music by the choir Mr of Newmarket accompanied by Miss was repeatedly recalled for both vocal and violin solos as a vio linist he is exceptionally fine The Gilpin Bros also excelled and the scholars did well with their recitations It was after tea when the program was concluded and the whole anniversary was a grand success Mr Isaac is very poorly Quite a number are on the sick list Although the ice is only about a foot thick people are crossing the bay cutters Mrs John Stephens of is visiting at Keswick Mr and Duncan King celebrat ed their Silver Wedding on Tuesday A large gathering of relatives and friends extended their congratulations and spent a very happy tf me Messrs King and Amos Oritten den have ordered a Corn Harvester for next season which will be a great help to and their neighbors in taking of the next crop It is won- market a cousin of the Mr CN Boll of Toronto supported the groom and to do them justice both bride and bridesmaid looked hand some dressed in white The wedding march was finely executed by the brides sister Miss An excel lent repast was justice to by those present which were intimate friends from Grimsby To ronto Newmarket Hanover and the brides brother Stephen from North Dakota who was homo on a short visit for the oc casion The Oyster Supper which took place last Friday night was exceedingly well attended considering the state of the roads After the supper an entertain ment was given in the church consider- of speeches solo Duet and Re citation by local talent Rev Mr of Newmarket also Rev Mercer of Toronto were present and gave two very interesting and instruc tive addresses Mr J as had the misfor tune to have a good bat stolon at the oyster supper whether intentionally or otherwise A cheap one was left in its place Miss Millard of Newmar ket was visiting with Miss Blanche Pearson on Saturday and Sunday last It seems as though every person has got a severe such unchangeable weather We were all pleased to see Miss Lizzie Turner out to church on Sun day A comically worded petition was presented to Mr Geo Fogg oh the humbly beseeching him to return more promptly to his workshop after the midday meal Lots of fun over it On Tuesday night last after the business of the meeting had been con cluded at the Mr J on behalf of the congrega tion of the church presented Miss Annie with a purse contain ing Miss was so completely taken by surprise she was unable to control her feelings The anniversary services the Methodist Church last Sunday were attended with great success Mr A Day the secretary preach ed a grand sermon in morning and Rev P Addison of Toronto in evening The church was filled to overflowing Judge Some time ago mentioned in the an item concerning a couple who were disturbed by a rude little taking light from them and saying Git you now This is not so He just said here yet ary you I am awfully glad this mistake is cor rected I would rather write things right and dwell in sunshine than un der a dark cloud of threatening dan ger from a fiery tongue Mr Barber and wife of I South Dakotaare visiting relatives and friends here about In response to scribe I would say ho in somewhat of a mod ern historian I cant add anything to his writing except I might men tion the only drawback to the British is that they cant get near enough to the Boers to put rings in their noses and keep them from rooting their ter ritory full of trenches Mr Wo Thompson of was united to Miss Mary Smith on Wed of last week Congratulations and rich bliss to the happy couple Miss McNeil wishes the Drytown scribe would tell the truth She declares she was not to the birth day party and knew nothing about it Mr John of was married to Miss Sarah of Mount Albert on Thursday of last week The bride changes her estate from a flock that has been nursed with care into the fold of a good We wish them prosperity Mr Hayes has moved from the con to the 3rd and to the responsibilities of his sacred duties My opinion of the century is the same as French astronomers and the Owls The century will not close till is reached A goodly number from around here attend the revival at Keswick If I aint bothered one way I am another about Ill only give this quotation it any bodys business If a gentleman should choose To wait upon a lady When a lady dont refuse I might sayhere that widowers have as much right to a Miss as a widow has to a young Mr The other day the back of the Jok ers kissed the road so quick that he saw stars for the first time in day light Mr Willie Hicks is visiting at Mrs Cunninghams He is looking well Uncle Sams climate agrees favorable with him I can truly say that the vicinity of College Corners will show the largest percentage of golden sheaves harvest ed by the matrimonial harvester than any otter I know of The industrious hens are getting down to business I quietly took a jaunt into Baldwin on business and found everything humming with business stir and the machinery of the Breezes is In good working order the throttle whistle Now send in the wedding cakes and pies as a fuel to send out the Breezes The butler factory at Raven shoe is a go Toe officers are all good reliable men The recent thaw has left good pros pects for fine skating The people that went to Newmarket last Saturday with had an ex perience of a grand pull We were glad to see items ICO lb JAAH SEA to be at lb J THE DAVISON The results of the December exam inations at Toronto and Ottawa- Nor mal Schools have lately been issued Miss Flora Taylor of re ceived the Gold Medal at Ottawa We are pleased to state that Miss Taylor is a sister of Mrs J of this place and a daughter of Police Magistrate Taylor of We arc to part with one of our leading blacksmiths Mr Nelson Draper Wish you success wherever you go Rev Mr Miner and wife returned home on Friday evening last after at a prominent wedding at He must be a great favorite there as well as here Mrs J Pollock of Newmarket was visiting under the parental roof a days last week Mr William Hood had a narrow escape from drowning last Friday Mr Gilbert Johnson of Queen St has purchased a thoronhbred short horn calf from J Mr John of was married one day last week also Mr Thompson and Miss Mary Smith entered the matrimonial bonds on Thursday of last week We wish them a much joy The absence of the King family the closing of hotel and the re moval of Mr Nelson family makes quite a change for There are rumors also of Mr Hood the merchant leaving We are very sorry to bear that an other of Mr Glovers daughters is at home sick Mr Fletcher baa moved from his farm Mrs who has been an invalid for years is seriously ill not expected to recover With a view to encouraging paper making in Canada the has abolished special rates on shipped to United States TORONTO JOBBING Pieces Regular on sale this at YARD TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE into the pre lie the lot SO con on or about Nov Years old The owner Is to prove- properly pay take the NICHOLAS NORTH YORK Farmers Institute Mr yomera Hoove of Bee- what a lot of corn grown been nominated for the What there a fevlrm by the South Liberals Children for J t- m On behalf of the family I to the many who ware during the and death Of Mrs Don as well In connection the funeral Fapin fop Sale op To Let 6th or loam about Wftcrc barns fiublc and for prompt or let low to good tenant For apply to Leaaox or A Newmarket AND VALIE7 again But we hope enow- wont yield to the influence of the late soft spell and go pandering among and dales for the news in All he car in up ly a v I- v bat vicinity Luxury Comfort by travel Uncover Wne to Sail I with my mm wcsWy for Parlour Car Toronto to Buffalo Pullman Car to York to fll fzotvi A scuta The Latest Thing in A BLACK ILK SKIRT FOR CENTS It lltct Silk the Cheap j tholilvrk-i- on receipt of And ten cents extra fori Address Fifth Avenue Wanted Everywhere ARTIGU ON THE AT ALBERT j OX Friday January tlie26lh Ax the will bo Introduce by Milk TteiJnx the for Milk to the AfAouiJi of rut Il contains Mr John Place li The Export fiacoo Trade Major How restore Soil Fer tility late of for Home Market Major J A HOPKINS t Secretary Looking see I never saw before This is the exclamation of satisfied customers We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in Satisfaction guaranteed Consultation free Atkinson GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co NEWMARKET anted Apply to rr J CANE to Sell or o lite u- and tndorBCd Tendtr for and Dam St Andrews Rapids River will be received thlaofficeuu- of February for of a concrete lock and River of Manitoba and specifications can be at tbU Department at the office of Mr Engineer of the at Winnipeg of Mr HAGray Confederation Toronto Clerk or Montreal nod of Mr Ph Clerk of Post Office Quebec Form of tender can alwbe obtained e mentioned place Person tender will not be considered made the printed forma and their actus The Contractor to at the above General in Council the be and pro tection of employed on the work Each tender by so made the Minister of Public Works equal to ten percent of the amount of the tender U p which will be forfeited decline to enter a contract when called to doso or If he fail to com- work contracted for If the tender ot the will bo TbP Department not bind itself to ac- By order JOS HOY Actlojr Secretary Department of Public Works I eofCat a January loth authority the will not bo paid for the Town Wne of East A rt or DO IrtHA ljiKtkit to et the lllsA lbs i

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