Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 26, 1900, p. 5

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I V J THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JAN onHcocKnuijH REST TORONTO General A NEWMARKET BRANCH- A General Banking Allowed on Deposits AT BATES DRAFTS ISSUED AT Iff mid American Drafta Notes promptly attended to ROSS Man nicer MKDIQAI Mixed Now market Iholuie firet door South or to I Hum lately by Church Of hob liouitfl to jo toil and Dr to DENTAL A I Post Mock opposite Vitalised Air P Don Hot of Dr If Porter Brad ford Monday of MARRIAGE LICENSES At Private at private residence If dcalriy J A for Fir Money to an interest at Current Kates Or How market Ramsay Agent Low on Farm Risks and Isolated Property Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS and Fancy A of Woo Culture and Violin Tuner of and all String of of OF UNO and THEORY Queen to Loan Sanday School and Temptation Jan Thia is my beloved Bon in whom I well pleased For year and its wholcsorao ring through Pales- From each province from village curios and devout throng many receive his and are baptized From earthly spiritual their minds are turned They learn that riRhteouaneas means doing right not merely making and paying tithes arc placed also in an attitude of of the coming of long pre dicted Messiah While all men mus ed on these strange conditions a car of Nazareth laid aside his tools and walked down Jordan valley to His neighbors had Mm a godly youth but not was ho known far beyond his vil lage homo watched multi tudes receiving baptism till all had up from the waters then he himself forward John prophet preacher and saw under spirits that was a strangely superior Being who being holy needed no repentance and possessing Gods Spirit could bestow it in abundance shrank from baptizing this Man whom ho now recognized as Messiah hut Jesus reassured him with declar ation that it was their duty and Gods will PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS The duty of baptism divinity of Christ of temptation How to resist temptation Trial develops virtue We shall able to meet temptation by Gods word into our hearts and minds Him to Die Disease Pronounced Past Hops by Physicians South Amer ican Kidney Cure is Sav or A traveller for a wellknown west ern firm was so halo and hearty that possibility of his contracting kidney trouble was forth est from Ens mind but through con stant exposure Disease that most insidious of ailments laid hold on him Ho doctored for months physicians gave him but a short time to live A friend who had derived great benefit from South American Kidney Cure recommended it to him When he had taken seven bottle all signs of the disease had left him and today he is as well as over Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket lb Comes itjotn east Are Sure Indications of Good Health and Vigor Celery Compound- Builds Up the Nerves Bonos and Muscles it is a boon to and Women all and Conditions Our Ablest Physicians Pataus Compound braced and steady nerves strength of body and a vigorous con stitution are bestowed without fail by Celery Compound on all man and women who are run down weak nervous and sleepless While great majority of medi cines tend to lower vitality and weak en system Celery Corn- pound to impart strength from tho first dose The nerves and muscles are fortified blood is made pure and rich and flesh is built up These improved conditions giye action to the stomach liver and kidneys Sweet sleep perfect appetite sound health and long years will bo your portion after being made well by Calory Compound Ask your for substitute take a They Do It Some cooks with cottolene 11 1 use no at all But their crusts are mighty hard Soma men put them on the fence never advertise Who ought to ha- Canadian Baker At percent on flrfitclfiR farm security loans effected on policies affidavit Conveyancer and Ileal Estate Agent for the following reliable Insurance Companies Liverpool and London UnlonjStundnrd Mutual Block Mount Albert Money to Loan Five percent on farm by CouinlKaloncr Heal Marriage Also for tho Queen of Liverpool Montreal District Mutual established In also for Confederation Association To ronto Old Corner of Main and Lot Any will Our fee returned If we fail and of any invention receive our opinion free concerning patentability of tame How to Obtain cent upon request Patents us advertised for bale at our expense token out us receive it Lout charge in Patent au end widely circulated journal consulted and for Mm pie copy J CO Patent Attorneys UsaasULlIdlcg IMCHIUQYOEl reappearance in our columns an of years of the Kendalls Spavin Cure advertisement will bo to many of our readers like looking upon the face of a familiar friend The early history of this well known remedy for lame and spavined horses is very interesting as showing the great faith in its virtues and the down east and foresight of a Vermont farmer Many long yearn snrewd agriculturist who near the village of Falls a charming little place Hustling among the green mountains of Vermont had a valuable horse go lame and hearing much of a Spavin Cure put up by Dr Kendall who re sided in the village decided to try it The farmer was struck with its marvellous effectiveness that he de termined if possible to buy the form ula But to hie utter surprise figure demanded ran into the thous ands for the Doctor was fully alive to the merits of his preparation and demanded a high price for his know ledge wouldbe purchaser was determined however and mortgaging his fine farm to the highest limit against the advice of all his friends and neighbors became original owner with Dr Kendall of this won derful cure which has been the direct means of building up this pretty country village into place with its Opera House Wa terWorks Sowers Electric Lights Concrete Walks Public Library and Parke with all airs of a little city Kendalls Spavin Cure proved a good investment for farmer and is prac tically the back bone of the Town One additional incident in the his tory of this growing business Dur ing the formative period Dr Kendall and issued a Treatise on Horse and hie diseases the sale and circulation of which has now reached about ten millions This book inval uable to horsemen can now bo obtain ed without charge by writing to the publishers Dr J Kendall Co Falls Vt USA Children Six Weeks in Pain Dungeon A Confirmed Invalid From cute South American Rheumatic Cure Gave Him Hie Liberty Geo England of Chatham is a carpenter and a shipbuilder by trade Through exposure to all kinds of weather ho contracted a most acute form of rheumatism joints swelled and stiffened and he was laid up in his bed for six weeks After doctors had failed to relieve him he tried American Rheumatic Cure and to use his own words In hours after had commenced tak ing the remedy the pain all left mo the swelling subsided and today I am a cured man Sold by E Boat- leys The figures of for the province for have been prepared by the Depart The total number of was an increase of over the previous In five chief there was a decrease of marriage over 1897 while in the rest of the cities of the province the increase am ounted to More Methodise mar ried than any other denomination the number of persons being There were wed ded Roman Catholics and 1008 Baptists Convention Session opened at two with devotional exercises conducted by After singing Rev Amos the Intellectual Element of a good teacher Ho said it is neces sary 1 hi to have mind enough to ap preciate Gods word 2nd power to distinguish things that differ 3rd should have a memory to retain what ho gets or learns or should seek to ac quire such a memory the power to apply what ho has got This is special function of a teacher to pick out practical part and learn how to apply it to everyday life We have the power to grow No one to the conclusion that he is not to teach until ho has given himself or herself a thorough trial Social of a good teach er was by Mr D OBrien Ho said the social life of a good teacher is the embodiment of sociabil ity We must not discriminate be tween the rich and poor Do not go before your class with a long face as it always has a repelling influence Always be courteous Spiritual Elements of a good teacher by Mr Norman He said the of sea the ds of the air nor even man the greatest of all Gods creatures are in their proper clement when surrounded by which are contrary to their true nature Holy Spirit is hot simply an element We must have the ele ment of faith Real true faith in God Faith in the fact that Satan is in the world poisoning the very at mosphere when he can then we know what wo have to fight against We must have fath also in our boys and girls We must have the element of Unconformity Wo must take a firm stand for God and work with clean hands teachers need the ele ment of sympathy and unselfishness teacher need to bo brave and live humble lives Have no selfish motive in your work One of your greatest elements is love for God and unless you have this your work will not be A discussion followed by Mr P Moore Rev Mr Moore and Mr Love Nominating Committee pre sented a report which was finally adopted as follows President J If Temper 1st Vice W 2nd Vice All resident ministers in King Newmar ket Treasurer Jenkins Executive Committee OBrien John Dr Andrews Geo Norman Alf Lloyd A Norman Archibald The Treasurers report read showing a on hand of Roy Amos then followed with the financial appeal resulting in pledges amounting to Col lection A of about scholars was then addressed by Dewey of Aurora taking for his subjeet Letting our light shine Some of the thoughts fix- pressed were There are different kinds lights and each has its place in the world God wants us to let light shine He has a place for each of us Shine brightly shine just where God has placed yon shine shine in our homes behind the counter in play and in everything in life The children gave good attention and the- address was enjoyed by all Benediction by Rev Mr Moore Presbyterian 3 Baptist Friends Church of England Union Soma four or five close for the winter months Total scholars on roll average attendance There are also officers and teach ers reported with an average attend of scholars report ed as being members of tho church of whom joined past year Tho International lesson was used in all schools but one was rais ed for benevolent objects during the year Delegates sent from schools to the Township Convention while only attended the County Convention and none The general the schools is reported as being very good and two or three have now li- Rev Dewey then gave a stirring and impressive address on Business Ho said an as- v The Grandest Offer Ever made To introduce of workers is the of the land There is more satisfaction in work than in any other It is time for There are some men in business who ought not to be there Every teacher should be a graduate should have degree of born again There is noth ing that will draw out the resources of a man or woman as work Find out what you can invest and get into partnership in business In vest your faith in God and in children There is nothing like the old book to a man and a good mother The children belong to God They are His now You dr not want to draw them to Him but keep them there There is no such a thing in children as toal depravity There is some good there Invest your love You cannot love your children with out thern loving you in return In vest your prayers Not Pimply saying your prayers but pray from the heart There is a wonderful power in earnest faithful prayer Invest your voice in singing for God and not for worldly honor Invest your hands your feet and your money Money is the least we can give to God Be honest be punctual be regular- bo enthusiastic In all business we want to know what will bo some GO and somo an 100 per cent question drawer contained a large number of splendid questions which were answered by Rev Mr Mooio of King Collection Report of resolution committee was then adopted as Re sotted that this heartily the work being by the Sab bath of this io en- deform to fill tbo winds of who attend a of Gods word and hearts with love of and and we true may in greater on work Resolved that we heartily work aa carried on by County and Provincial Conventions Resolved that we view with pleasure the flowing sentiment in favor of temper and believe that it is oar duty by all right methods to advance the same Re salvia that the thanks of the bo tendered to several speakers who taken part and who by their several addresses have contributed so large ly to Convention lie it aha Resolved I hit we farther ex tend oar thanks to choir officials who so placed of this church at oar disposal and to tho friends who have kindly entertained tbo delegates of Convention 11 God be with you till we meet again brought a grand Convention to its close The sessions throughout were of deep interest and much spirit power such an Opportunity Will Not Occur Again the Grade of PERFECT Wheel a limited number will be placed on the market at A Price Never Before Heard of This OfFer Continues for hut SAYS Therefore Write at Once AH applications considered according to date of receipt Agents Wanted with whom moneymaking contracts will he made NO CAPITAL REQUIRED Address meet Wheel WINDSOR Co n takes the lead in furn ishing Good Sweet Bread and Pastry We have on hand a fresh supply of Sodas Zephyr Cream Abernethy Sultana Sweet Wine Tea and other varieties of Bis- ft as well as our own make of Cakes OUR have given the of satisfaction Leave your order and it will receive prompt attention ALBERT End Newmarket Pi FOR Dry OP Clothing Without first examining our new stock and prices We have some good bargains Every Week or two Cheap- Leading House- Sharon We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty- five cent bottle of Dr Wills English if after ueing threefourths of contents of bottle thoy do not relieve Constipation and Headache We al so warrant that four bottles will per manently most case of Constipation or no pay Wills English Pills are used Lehman Druggist J Druggist Nowmarget Scotts Pharmacy Main St Newmarket ORi4 FRIDAY Session opened by Song- Service conducted by the choir and devotional exercises led by Mr Robert Norman retiring President then intro duced Mr J Boy on the Presi dent elect who made a abort and ap propriate address The Secretary as the Associations delegate to Provincial Convention then gave a report of that Convention followed by the annual report Mr was evidently delighted and inspired to greater energy by the Gait Convention The Secretarys re port states through the instructions and inspirations of previous Conven tions the work of the Township is better done and a much higher standard has been reached Nearly all schools were united the past year by at least one or mem ber of the Executive Literature was sent to a number of tho schools but only one endeavored to organize a Homo Dept The statistics are mush more satisfactory and com plete We have and Speakers the cold weather singers and speakers almost invariably carry their grips a bottle of Dr Chases Syrup of teed and a cure for hoarse- cess tore throat and throat I A sevenyearold son of Mr Watson is dead from the effects of a horses kick TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take All druggists refund the money If it falls to euro on each box The village of to expend in new pavements coming summer on the local im provement plan of frontage tax SIDES SORE FROM A HACK ING COUGH Take It will cure you quickly no matter how bud the cold En dorsed by thousands of Canadi ans Sold throughout the land Manufactured by the proprietors of Perry Davis PainKiller The of House of at ton has decider that Bigamist of Utah cannot pit the Hnuee THE DID IT They plied us with the menthol con tained In that wonderful Menthol Plaster which relieves instantly backache headache neuralgia rheumatism and scia tica Manufactured by theDa- Lawrence Co A ten yearold boy named Ed mund residing at Point St Charles was killed at a crossing of the Grand Trunk in that town Reduced Telephone Rates at Night OH ALL Distance pm and a Dr of and has by far the of any remedy for and colds It is the iinndby of Canadian homes a large bottle at all dealers You can any point on BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA At the Day The minimum Night S ccnia except irbervibc Day In the Surrogate Court of THE COUNT OF A PHYSICIAN la not hand Guard yourself against sudden coughs and colds by Keep ing a bottle of la toe house Avoid substitutes there Is but one PainKiller Perry Davis and The Synod of Montreal passed in favor of in the church and giving women votes at meeting the Estate of Joel Phillips DR A Wo CHASES CATARRH CURE tit ilr fi Ail plw tad Elijah of Pine Grove slipped and foil on an upturned axe on Wednesday by which ho cut his head very severely Hales Ccnes or do away with the Deed for Laxative Pills which are so dam aging to the walls of the stomach to nothing of by Splendid for Is a box from Chemists Great St Health World No these Cones by Scsd us a rough SECURED Write for oar books Invent rt and we wintcH our opinion iABt0 it invention or Improvement our to wither it is A- mm tin Notice hereby pursuant liaandameodiutcacidthftt all having EalAto of tbo Joel who dfed or aooutihoWtb day tiepteujber re quired or before The day of February 10 fiend by post prepaid or deliver James deceased christian and and and full tbo statement of the nature If of tbe security held by thero And Turiber take notice that after tbo Mid will of tbe bald entitled thereto will bo or part thereof to any or persona of not have been re ceived by fit the lime of dlettl- STEPHEN rfrPO LLOYD regard only to the or which hey then have that the Mid old a ptr

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