Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 26, 1900, p. 4

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Outside Is a Poor Substitute For Inward Worth Good health inwardly of the kidneys liver and bowels Is jure to come if Hoods is promptly used secures a outside and vigor ho frame with the glow of health on the cheek good perfect pure blood Of I wan In pool with lilrelncsn tired feelinn Sod loss appetite I was completely run own I took Hoods ami otter feirhtlo I much better ill built up A Old Chelsea near Quo been troubled with end Bind wan much rundown ilooAu finrBftparHlii and it Rio roller built mo up A Toronto THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY JAN V v- I- Mm noodi yilInJaJtUTrlHit to Best Advertising Medium York County cents per line for flruli I Million Scouts Insertion ftxtKK rot I 10 1 Inch 1 1 1 HO MO 1 1 ho WUJ IJSOO Ifrl with it- ton ntll and Advertisements once each roontb If desired composition bo for at regular bo in the on Wednesdays Special ltntfc for Notice llont Article and Found will inserted free for any Oh whero or collection la tnkon otherwise titty will be charged nolle execution to tills J Barrister Main Street Newmarket to Loan on good Farm security T itioyd Barrister tor Township to Lotiu Court Bulldlngr Newmar ket Ontario P with Marsh Barristers o and promptly made 7 Money to at rated Newmarket Conveyancers o Choppio a doors South of Of fice Newmarket Herbert Aurora will also be at Newmarket on Saturday and Court Rays Solicitors for J Rosa Co Banker Ontario Bank Aurora Fa cut I a At DUNK COEOK Dunn Solicitors o ttanning Arcade King St West Toronto Block to Loan PAINTING House Painter Hanger years experience In ail of Full samples of the Id Wall to ace them 2nd door North of the Primary CliurcU Street A tcuse Ac promptly neatly and in lata also associated with a FirstClass Car lege Painter and Sign Writer Orders can be at Hardware Store residence of Mr J Green head of Street West Bolton Decorator Coruer Millards Lane for the Co of York sold Terms Farm atteuded to Street Newmarket NEWMARKET CAHBLJB works J IN for aanpiccojjiy J Patent VCb Tim Hon Com of Crown Lands ad- tho of Middlesex where to tho Ontario to at the nomination Wed- of Rhorlff MoKiw of a lucrative I vacant Ontario to make art point mi nt Mr wan arolnlei In to the It Is the torn of a man to ot Pro dominion juriedlotloit in Georgian Bay been fcettled in favor of Federal it hod power to itifitm liccneeu pound nets In fishing a result treasury will lono year In Toronto News last wo find following item under Handspring in It If roiwrti from Vfttlvce York ate to bo credited biggest in is the Mr P Maolcnn will per form at tho in that Ilia ix is will carry Him clear out of Homo of Com- mona in litt iieoplopayattontion to nit the bills coming Into their A circular has by the that taken from Bank now being Bank cautions in regard to same and people to try and to the original seriea arc 10001 to dated Jan 2nd Look out for bills Carry the numbers in your diary Tin appear lo bo with in their efforts to keep public towarde Hiding through iimrln courts alter each appeal to ibo been so Toronto panrs of A as for East Klgtn and also against the Both gentlemen occupy seats on of Air Speaker to follow tbo loud of Mr J At the West York Agricultural annual meeting last week Lord was elected and Lord Roberts and General Bailor Hon The witty man of the making the above announcement Khartoum will simply be mud ho seed that hid us mo is not on West Yarns admirer the hero tho must hare forgotten how to spell the name but he might have substituted the author of remedial for Manitoba one may with any degree of certainty from the tone and temper of the speeches of the Liberals West York at their recent annual meeting the days of Mr Wallace as representative of that Biding are about numbered The Tribune states that a wonderful reaction la the sentiment constituency has tattoo place since last election The Liberal party to a man is in favor and against Topper and Wallace A lively contest may be looked for when the next general cornea repeating itself in the religions world At the of the Methodist Union in Toronto last week Dr Sutherland presiding a proposition made by Mr for a sort of season for the whole denomination resolution along the line of giving up all social engagements far a period of a mouth In each year October directing all the energies of the chorob rice awakening of a soend spiritual sense was proposed Dr Carman general super approved of the resolution and the Union pissed it unanimously and recommended its by the Church generally departmental reports of the Ontario Government are coming to hand indicating the near approach of the of the Legislature The report of the On License Department furnishes of a decline in the number of liquor issued compared with the previous year and a corresponding decline of re venue from thia source In there were ess in there were in and how there are Of this number are ordinary licenses beer and wine are for six months chop and The revenue from the licensee amounted to compared to In the year before Of this 5262689 went to the to the Province to allude to ranted World week on the appointment of Mr Irwin as success or of H Clerk of the Peso of this county but the matter was overlooked It that Mr Ir wins appointment was Irregular and in violation of a seotion of the Criminal It without foundation all v feathers purely and a more fiven condemned the World of a Friday last lublishoitcal attack of and a frVEnosourgVison Mr Irwin tbo however do not sfflleiittiisviji Mills occupies a in flold having originated style of known as Mhooako walk much or first com position that ever known be ing RaBtue on Parade Ho has written Whistling At a Gamp Meeting and Hay a in Dixie of which have had an cntiilo l Davis and having beep favored with a copi- by author can say ihat It a and such would a piano your musio coaler for from Ottawa to tin offset that Hon Mr of for ie convince tatiefoctcry working of of suirri2 of loavo to well conducted in ho will a hill at roxt of parliament In regulation the Central Prison in so far as convict ten- tcnood under the Federal Criminal Cote concerned provision will not extend to drunks varanie and others convicted under or muni- Mr will not interfere with rights a 1 can be yours Tub reached by the Liberal organ of Toronto scorns reasonablo It says When bring forth the moaning of the Conaorvative reaction becomes Yea Last Thursday seven byeelections for for- Four out of the returned of the Government by In two constituencies I arc opposing and only in one there an aotual party to say the opposition is given the Govern ment strongly campaign in Africa Do not try experiments with your health If you are not well use only a medicine known to cure Dr Williams Pink Pills are not an ex periment They have cured thou- of people who had tried common medicines and failed to find health Some of the cured are in your own Mb Man I the terras of Williams Pills e a medicine for rebuilding the Pre vious using the pills I whs sutler from loss of tappet to and extreme nervousness oft me In a very weak condition The let- at work would mo can now say however I never frit better in my Ufa than I do at thanks to Dr Williams Pink Pill Sim liar and there many will find it to great advantage to use pills Do not take anything that not hear the full name Dr Pink Pills for Pule People It is an experiment ami a hazardous one to use a substitute Sold by nil dealers or post paid at cents a box or six boxes for by addressing Dr Williams Medicine Go Brock ville Tire gives some facts of from Government reports relat ing to Ontarios mineral of Ontario occur at intervals a of rook run for a distance of about mile from the township of South In north east to the township of in in the of in Peterborough county through of the adjoining of to AnotHerbelt ao far as examined is found a length f to 12 miles rune from the western part of the South in through township of sooth- westward Into Olden and in A use without a turn Is a long one la what the Macs are now think ing at the Ontario Metropolis Judge Mao- in some of Mayor at law before him sometimes turn ed down the later and now the other fel low is doing the down hand spring An account was before the Board of Control from Judge smouni- to Ho for examining lunatics The Mayor astonished the Board I think this thing ought to atop a piece of for the this Board as to policy counties the Judge is paid in others he is not It depends upon tbs amount of pull he has Where the has any backbone the gets no special few for the work except his fat salary We ought to pass a resolution asking the Judge to refund what he has obtained Alter the Board of Control partially recovered their breath one member suggested that the dis charged many duties for the municipali ties for he received no remuueraV and moved the account be paid The Mayor replied that Judges salary tree allsufficient for the service rendered these were considered when his re muneration was voted He therefore the motion oat of order and the Judge minus the This is an The Contingent An Ottawa despatch states that the Militia baa received full from Lord na re the organization of the High Commissioners contingent for South Africa spoken of in London as Own and in Canada as Horse Dr notified Lord that the de partment would extend the whole machinery at its command to outfit and equip the contingent This was done id reply to a request from High work of organization has therefore in earnest As the troops will have to in the Canadian NorthWett Mr and Comptroller Fred White will assist in work of gsntzation Lord will be consulted in regard to appoint of officers and other important matters and his views will be carried out Mrs Andrews of East was running a sewing ma chine the other day and by some means got the index finger of the left band under the needle It entered the finger at the base of the nail and ran through the bone pinning Mrs Andrews fast It was about twenty minutes before those present Council Council held an adjourned meeting Watsons Hotel Loch on Tuesday Jan following bills were paid Proctor account of plank 1000 Joseph Billings 2900 Thomas repairs to cirts John Barry labor between and con 100 McDonald and Sons stationery The following grants were made for purposes in division Glass and Commissioners on sideline between lots Mill in 3rd con A and Jas Jenkins Commissioners j at King City Geo Davis corns con opposite lot van and Brown coins sideline between lots 15 10 in con and Mitchell coil on s deli between lots and con and in and corns on con a Fry and Wood corns 6000 of this to be applied an sideline between lots and 11 in con West part on sideline between lots ana Chamberlain and cores on 3rd con North and Div No and Clarkson corns on con and White corns con and Murray corns on 7th con Up to Die by Two Doctors Used Or Chutes Nerve Food find Saved Young Ladys Dr J W Bates of Corfu A most case has coma my hands of late and has fully convinced mo of wonderful power of Dr Food over diseases of tho nerves A young lady who was treated for two years for epilepsy by two doctors was given op to die came to and careful examination found that her sick ness was not epilepsy but nervous trouble due to derangements And four of Dr Chases Nerve Food Pills a day meals and at bedtime It Is three months since she began this treatment and she a single bad spell Her health has rapidly improved sue has gained about fifteen pounds in weight and I do not hesitate to state that Chases Nerve Food has saved her life and made her well Signed J Bates Br Chases Nerve Food is the worlds greatest restorative for pate weak nervous men and children a box at all dealers or Dr A Co Toronto Book Nervous Disease could got finger out of the machine Andrews stood ordeal wonderful courage lut fainted after she was relieved IB Mr Bowles Councillor writes For over years I suffered the it pita Jbe many remedies I tried all I to bo Or May flrft re- lief after the third day the bleeding stop ped two hosts cured ine completely Craig and of Grove have purchased from Hood Farm Lowell a Jersey bull of very rich breeding sir is who won first prize in hia and headed first prize herd at the Now England Fair and a ha If brother of the Prescribe It become common for physi cians to prescribe Dr Chases Nerve Food for pfltlcntrt who are run down by the famous cow which tested ages or chronic distant They recognize In 111 in aim It restorative of Incstlmnbk- worth rJa which ate found the very elements of na ture required to build up the system and form new flesh end Ik on nerves and blood places It be yond the reach of rivals as an absolute cure for of the nerves and blood CO cents a box con McDonald and corns on con and Leonarccorak on Villagft corns and No i Stewart coma to No and con- corns North con and Webster corns on the con loti to Scott and corns next meeting of will be held at Harris Hotel Feb BUY YOUB CORN CORN CHOP And FEED of all kinds F O U Family and Pastry GOAL AND AT WJ WILSONS Cor Main and Huron St Charles of Hamilton has has been appointed assistant to for incurablea the position having been made vacant by the former occupant going with the contingent to South Africa THE EMULSION bene fits most those having Lung troubles with tendency to hem orrhages A few bottles taken regularly make a wonderful Made by Davis awrence Co Never shut the sunshine out Sunshine means health No child over born could do enough to repay a mother for all she does for it The authorities are dig- up ten maple shade trees from the Aurora station grounds to place in the ground at And the citizens are very wroth lbs in one year and at one time the holder of the silver challenge cup for the largest yearly test of any the world A Heart as Sturdy as An Oak what about the blood which the heart must pump at the rate of times a minute If the heart IB to be sturdy and the nerves strong this blood must be rich and pure Hoods 111a makes sturdy hearts because It makes good blood It gives to men and women strength confi dence courage and endurance HOODS PILLS are nonirritat ing and the only cathartic to take with Hoods The Woodstock Council has re fused a fiftyyear franchise to an elec tric railway between that town and India has over girl- ages range from to years widows not yet nine years of age Fred Gibson town clerk of Edmonton dead The deceased was deputy sheriff of and offici ated at of Doctor Some people have spent fortunes seeking to repair the Inroads of disease which have had origin In the simplest of beginnings food fertneotatlon Indigestion a disor dered stomach the moneys the phy sician baa failed to cure hut Dr Von Pineapple Tablets have the apeclaUsta a thousand cases and a box of CO of hare made cure costs just Sold by Leh man THE W IIHYWD Best Gold Fill We perfect aaUsfacUon- OPTICAL Street Toronto- John Pearson of Trenton a Grand Trunk employee was killed on the railway Hon E J Davis and Mr Archi bald Blue were at a ban quet by the citizens of A large part the business quar ter of Dawson City burned Wednesday night January 10 The loss exceeds Elgin Mills has now a with Mitchell postmaster The patrons of the creamery at Maple will hold a meeting on Monday The factory is in a flourishing condi tion man was heard to remark that it was much pleasanter to shovel snow than it was to run a lawn mower as it was too cold for his wife to sit on the front porch and boss him specialists and medi mith of A Jury of doctors cine vendors Grimsby should spend the rest of his days in the agonizing chains of But common sense and modern medical science produced rebuttal evidence and procured his The South can the tables itch the Pain in a bouta and healed and To the or women Buffering agonies o pain produced by Rheuma tism of whatever form or an essay on its symptoms- and Us liIMrc J the one oh- l I J shortest cut to relief from the pain and the surest euro from the distress wracking ailment No medicine of modern times has proved half effective in Riving al most instant relief or has made as cures on the miracu lous as tho South American Rheumatic Cure So often has it proved its efficacy in cases that wore placed on tho no cure list and that many of most eminent lights in profession have been frank enough to make con fession that South Rheu matic Cure without discussing its for- 1 inula all has proved the most em- was their conyiotions are prescribing it daily in practice and doctors always been the slowest to convince of the merits of any proprietary re medy South American Cure powerful potent but harmless It is a specific for all phases of it goes directly to the seat of the troubles dissolve and eradi cates from the system foreign mat- tew which cause excruciating pains which stiffen and swell joints It acta quickly and surely and as proof of it thoro is ample testimony to show that in cases of many years stand ing where the patient was almost helpless and so acuta was the suffering that it was necessary to turn the victim in sheets because it was torture to have been oven gen touch of tho hand on body In twelve hours the first dose was taken all pain an of throe days recovery J marked that the patient walked with- out assistance Many have had a experience and have testified to it James Smith a dairyman of Griins- was a great sufferer sciatica and rheumatism He was most helpless could not crutches He had tried any number of remedies and had been treated by almost innumerable without any permanent help He began American Cure a few hours the pain left me in few days be threw away the and never had a touch of trouble You are at liberty write him about your case No for an hours suffering Sou American Cure can do much for you as it done for South American Nervine is a wo for the stomach It our all disorders of the digestive organs repairs exhaustive nervepower put on flesh and general builder American Kidney Cure liquid kidney it cures betes Bright Inflammation of the Bladder all disorders from working of the kid neys It gives in hours Sold by Lehman Newmarket St mm Two doors North Furniture Store Main St A Fresh Supply Twice a Week of Park eitckwell A Eicon Lard Trie lKit Mildest Cured on the Market today A trial will con vince Floor Rolled Gate Corn Meal Butter Pickles Sail- Corn Tomatoes Feet Ham and Honey Ao id Orders fill In a January 2nd each department of it Central Business College l TORONTO and etrongeet school In Canada Our Calendar tells you Write for It Principal gin for Ud SSs per- peoae vrtth

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