Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 26, 1900, p. 3

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J y J J I ff A v f Vera Is v THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY JAN ITTcteTTVA Weeks Items ON IK f A la at ho till a evening weather Oilmen a Band In tall A lively contest for Prizes will be n as well Boys race flkatota la axlraot a Jotter on Monday night frort a Toronto that Era Job AH WW I you for work in You always been specially aooommcdftting prompt and Conizations TOO There a In An Interesting acoouub from Ottawa of County Council of Mew V Donne on require grain id of Farmers to market and i Sale of J will another of oil and water color painting it Market will probably be last chance of soma very cbolco teat coat Go thorn i the Friend Road at residence of Mr Cody Monday Mr A very program Woxt meeting a week Monday night for the aaniOOpO fa for the program the for West arrived too lata for thla The VV A alelghrlda from Landing vialtod day afternoon of week the 9t and only season fhoExecatlve met on add dUonaed InBtruoUoni to govern oboe do and batter of the aa wall at other mattery and till Saturday w Farm There not a very large Saturday and no of Toronto Poultry Co came op on the and market for the time Do wan too Into to buy anything bat loada tho wore about off with and decided to a bore every Ho after live chickens not more than months old and aafd lie prepared to pay from CO to The buyer will ho on time fiaturday b Of Saws and Winter At Minna Har Scab Among Sheep If ia found dead on farm ihdu into a fence corner lilt Spring and then it is buried and maybe it ft to occur to the farmer that be should Know the cause death Veterinary for be at informed when it Me duly 0 make an examination might bo means of Baying the of animate and an epidemic the neighborhood By acci dent Inspector Lloyd board last week that a farmer in had sev eral He wont out and found that a disease called scab broken out In a large flock Ho ft once quarantined place and gave for the proper treat ment of the animal So far he ibis ha only case in the a few loft thai we are bo clear out at a sacrifice Inspection Monday Col Veterinary for paid an vlelt the dairy atabloi of Mr- Sam kundy on the Town and we pleased to learn that alt wore found to be in a good healthy -condition- Tbo feed and all the were also examined and everything reported to bo wholesome venti lated and In order- It will be a to Ma- many to know that tro getting their of milk from that are in pink of condition Stove Snaps Mr Wen Haines of Mr Town who is flrat Volunteer from Canada in Africa picked up three feathers on battle field of Belmont and sent them homo to hi mother are now on ex hibition the window at Scotts Drag and attract the attention of many they ate quite yaluablo Went Up plame Another Town a pair of lace curtains one afternoon her at hand and prevented any further damage The lady to curl her hair la waving her hand to extinguish the it in contact with the certain The flame Went up In a puff should bo a warning for not to near lace curtains Br inborn Public Board Present elected of Board for year and on the addressed the member Hunt or account jtot drawing lumber from show ye presented report for 1899 showing a total attendance of Number jo roll for Jan Moved and that one Drawing for the be purchased at a cost of ordered to advertise in local papers for SO cords of green hardwood beech and half maple tondera to be by The Chairman named the standing Committees for tho year follows Scott- School Management Pretty Scott Furniture Repair Pretty- Mr A I waft reappointed representative on pohool Board Board adjourned The contributed to the Sick Toronto At Upright neater or coal new 00 Cookjjunrj Wood tank Wood Art with oven good row for Protection Society The annual of North York Union Mutual Protection Society took place Saturday President t in the was only a small attendance only matter engaging the attention of old Board was an account from Mr for expenses with the burglaries of his three years The claim d overlooked by Mr in the It was referred to the President and Mr Webb to adjust on being aatiafled with the details The report of Treasurers accounta showed a balance on band The repotted one new member in good standing It is about five years an assessment was made The reports were received as satisfactory and the old Board was reelected as fol low at President Jackson let Vice John Rogers 2nd Webb Secretary J Millard Treasurer Height Directors- Powell Albert Stephens C Dennis Wm and Edwin Auditors Geo Rose and Jackson- a Fine On Toe day evening there came Very nearly a lire A little boy play- Inu with hi which be tied to the leg of a table- the table was a lighted lamp The dog took a notion to walk off The table the lamp smashed end tho oil blared up The servant girl threw water on the blaze only Increased hut ladv of the attracted by the noise and with great presence of mind smothered the fire with a couple of that chanced to be conveniently near The were destroyed the house waa saved Sick Benefit Society The annaal meeting of the Sons Employees Sick Benefit So ciety took place on Wednesday evening of last week The reports were satisfactory Daring the year the receipts were members received bene fits- Following are the officers for A Potter Vice Thomas McDonald Trees Oliver Secy Smith Jr A A Aid Albert Trtvett and ifoTagtte Auditors and Mitchell Howard ptriiied Curtain In colors wide very pretty at C Tucked flpron Lawn Viotoia wide White Pique do week at 45 New goods Methodist The revival are with unabated interest Rev Mr Brown baa been preaching every night and the word coupled with earnest prayer has been re ceived with acceptance Tho mem baa been wonderfully moved to a christian life and others have manifested a to walk in the good way afternoon also largely and deeply spiritual Rev Mr Brown warmly received by the people and to many homes He preaches bis Fare- well tonight and leaves for home tomorrow haying labored here for three No doubt the churoh will be packed tonight Mr Brown has been moat ably by the pastor who will continue the evan gelistic work next Bis topic in the morning will be Something that Knowledge and in the evening An appeal to the undecided effect of the revival Is already eai Last Monday all the Meeting were largely in numbers and spiritual The Sunday had the largest attendance on record 03 There were in Mrs and in the Primary ale- There is lots room In Mr bible and will bo The three that adorned ttblo lest Sunday were tod provided by fi nig hi Wedding A very reunion took place at the residence of Mr and John Millard Newmarket on the mat the occasion being the twentieth of their Tho were Mr and and children Mr and Mrs Mr Paul West Mr Samuel West and sister all of Mies Culver well of Barrio of Newmarket and the Rev Keam and wife of The company arrived about noon and after partaking of a most din ner enjoyed in calling np aweet of the did her part in interesting the frier da in her happy manner T jo photos of the company were taken a as aeated at the Dinner and in the parlor These photos are to hi enlarged and will no doubt become of special who united them In marriage ago did not find life duties of a character as on pre- no to ceremony repeated and no desire it Millard are hale and hearty and cheer of younger year It pleasing to the retaining the of of earlier years and at the Dicing In the prospect of soon entering that life that shall know no end and ere can never come Such Rath lead til all to anticipate time when families and friends ling on be reunited par no more how sweet it will be on that beautiful ah ore Bo from all With on our lipa f he nils To van At a meeting of the new Board of Di rectors of the Toronto Horticultural So ciety week preliminary arrangements were made for a violet carnation and ger anium show It will probably be held early in May There will bo two in the several amateur and pro- The first to encourage- a taste along amateur lines and the second to af ford an opportunity for gardeners to pre- new and make general sales two f earn res we commend to the Directors of the newly formed Horticul tural Society in Newmarket it is considering A meeting of the Board here will take place In the Council Chamber next Monday night at oclock to talk TUESDAY meeting of the County tor hold at I the Tlie only before mooting was election of warden Those Dom inated wore Messrs Woodcock Evans and Chester Wpodcock and retired a bal lot had The ballot resulted follows and tho second ballot Nor man and Baker retired leaving the Held to of Markhem and James Chester of Six bal lots were hold and on each the cwo candidates received nine each At oclock remained the name and the meeting adjourned un til next morning The tie between Cheater and for the wardens was broken by Mr J who was not present the vote was taken Ah Mr Evans had voted for Mr Chester on Tuesday thy vote yes terday stood to in favor of Mr who was led to the chair by his mover and seconder and made a brief speech in which he im pressed upon Council the necessity of punctuality The County report ed that no reasonable offer had been received for old Court House build ing Several request from patriotic sporting and agricultural societies were made for grants Mr Norman gave notice to motion that tomorrow he will move that the Legislative Committee prepare and submit to the Council for approval the session a memorial to the Ontario Legislature praying at the session for legislation in regard to electric railway companies that will fully safeguard rights of the people in their highways and provide against the erection of monopolies in local transportation That the law bo of amend ed as the granting of fran chise for more than years That a commission or board of ar bitration wit power to enforce its decisions be appointed to whom shall bo inferred alt disputes in relation to farm and freight rates services con nections etc That when the stock in an electric railway acquires a value beyond the outlay of the investors that the rates for passengers and shippers be so re duced is to approximate the natural value of the service A striking committee was formed to name the committees for the year A few changes in the report were made in council the final result being as follows Finance Fisher Norman Chester Johnson Bylaws and legislation Evans Gibson High County Property Baker Ley High ytokes and Johnson Printing Woodcock Hall Norman Chester Education Hall Gibson Woodcock Ley Equalisation Hall Evans Baker Fisher Ley Woodcock Stokes After of January prices will bo advanced in most cases per cent inch Pillow Cotton White Bed Spreads regular for Toilet Covers Raised Patera Sheeting regular price loo sale price Embroideries from upward all New Goods ReadyMade Cases 86inch Factory Cotton Mens Ladles Hemstitched Handkerchiefs I Ladies Linen Lawn Handker chiefs regular sale price Lace Curtain from per pair upward Embroidered Muslin per yard REMEMBER 5c UNT These Prices Only Last for 12 Days Longer Everything the White Goods for less than could be bought from the Manufacturers STORE our Last before StockTaking Our Great Reduction hale has proved success so far a A Careful Fitter garment The cutting and fitting ate Important as the material you i made WM find three Hems trill he nil Our prices not too for you but theyre enough Witusure you the facet workman- Hud my Tailor Japan Tea lb Mixed Tea lb Salmon can lb tin Coffee Beef Iron wine bottle lb Clack Tea lb lb packets mixed Tea Blue Ribbon Tea 40c 40c it I Pure 20c Toilet Soap cake Worcester bottle Pure Lard He lb Sal Sugar Good Cocoa lb lb Baking Powder with Carpet Sweep for Quart Bottles Catsup Maple Syrup gal Clover Honey jat Fruit Ginger Bread Sweet Biscuits lb Kippered Herrings can Bags Dairy Salt Blue for Celluloid Starch Tea lb Gilt Edge Shoe Polish bottle Buck- Wheat Honey lb lb Yellow Sugar 00 Japan Tea lb Black Tea Gran berries juet a few left 5c Lemon extract bottle Chocolate cake Mince Meat A few old bags at each THE CHEAP STORE Hockey We copy the following from tbe Globe or Wednesday in to game hero night Varaily intermediate team play Newmarket on Thursday The game was transferred by con of the difficulty to ice here this week The team from here will be as strong as that which tied in the game and with the practice the have had should put Newmarket out of the Fall of the game will given in next weeks Eha eaffered defeat at on day night in the final game of hookey with Midland the northern men winning by goats to The High has to Another new for the Office Works was delivered at the Faotory on of Feb at next Thoraday The Inst as well aa the were oblig ed to walk on slippery yesterday There f largo attendance in all do- the month Wonderful difference in the length of daylight machinery doe nt tart MM SO and down Mr Belfry had the end taken Off a ficger by a lory on Tuesday boys and ftlrlu of the toad Teniuis for coed China Yields to Jan The steamer bring news from Shanghai that China has in French demands for terri at Kwang Chan wan Bay after two more Chinese defeats China has dismissed the Viceroy of two provinces appointing Li Hung Chang to succeed him China also agrees to decapitate the prefect who began the warfare against the French and to pay taels indemnity to families of Frenchmen who were killed The French leaders in Tonkin are elated and declare that while England ie in Africa France should ex tend her sphere of influence over Tung- and Yunnan and demand equality England in On December eighty French soldiers were into the In terior to a demonstration and prevent further native uprisings They engaged a body of Chinese troops and fought their way through A mob then surrounded them but driven back One hundred natives wore killed or wounded The same three companies of marine in fantry charged Chinese regulars kill ing French warships then threat ened to go up the rivor and bombard Canton China yielded Before we write in Stock INDUCEMENTS Are offered you to buy these Goods of which we have too many Ladies Jackets and Capes Girls Ulsters Boys Jackets Mantle Cloths Mens Boys Tweed Overcoats Mens Fur Caps Mens Fur Coats Ladies Fur Coats and If Of buying any of the above mentioned Goods let this decide you and come to us any time before next Thursday and we promise you wont be disappointed Grocery Royal Yeast 3- Baking Soda lb Flax Seed Linseed Meal lb Orange and Lemon Currants 5 Jelly Powder lb lb fern fitkd in nod kid Peter a shop keeper fined and costs in the Police Court for selling to native wine percent of alcohol County met at and resolved to of for the Provinclrl fiioak to the Canned Plums and Pears i2c tin Horse Shoe Salmon Domestic Sardines French Sardines Tomato Soup Chicken Soup Laundry Starch 5c lb Cooney s Bag Blue Gold Dust Washing Powder James Dome Lead box Medicine Castoria Teething Powder 25 Castor Oil bot Hagyards Yellow Oil Dr Chases Ointment Diamond Tea 20c Dicks Flints Condition Powders a Liver Pills Hoods Pills Shilohs Consumption Cure 20 Scotts Emulsion Hutch J and Cod Liver Quinine Tablets gr for Burdock Blood Bitters Hair Vigor Beef Iron Wine I Li i 1 1 l It

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