Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 19 Jan 1900, p. 1

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i V- v irV v The Kka Fives more home imm every week any two 1 York combined and is to Paper A ORTH YOEK INTELLIGENCE AD to and Rooming to all fi2 Copies Confer PAGE No paper sent outside of North unless paid in advanced ij Newmarket Orit Friday Jan HA Interesting fetter tle parry District TO A- Our whole Stock of eaters of every description of Coal or Wood must he cleared out at Off for A Try our Coal Oils Rev Continued from last Having ample justice lo tlio for an early to placed before wo returned ted tail in the hush to when Mr Shortly after we turned cd a tramp tlirougli the to our upon the feeling the wen at work So borrowing a wo had been very hospitably received couple of extra pairs of oek and shoo and entertained at the camp during or long wo out our visit had learned wore busily engaged in tiling more about the life of tin roiidmakinx no as to facilitate hauling of tin logs from the to the river The skidding and raw ing were lo us a interest ing feature of the work The Hawing gang consists of three one with an axe the other two manipulated a crosscut with the axe out the to he foiled cuts a notch a few inches in Hide of tree ho that will fall in t CORN bushels Old American Yellow Corn direct from Chicago This consignment was bought on the recent break in prices SHORTS Pounds all fresh ground SALT Rices Pure Salt bought before the ad vance and will be sold at regular price 115 per All above must be sold within next two weeks to make room for further purchases man letter has in length my intention at outset and so i shall not attempt to lengthen it any farther At some future time I may endeavor to describe other fea tures of life in thin northern district and in J would the read- of especially with whom I have formerly associated A Happy and New Year Ideas ASSURANCE CO The Company has now enter ed upon its year The following figures testify to its Stability Liber ality Popularity the Year Accumulated Funds about Annual Revenue over 00000 Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid During year Polices wore for STANDARD baa investments in Canada amounting to over Four Millions of Dollars BONUS By dealing- The Central Tailor Shop And you will the It will be cheaper for you In the lotf run We imtfee you ut1eflei as we carry the in Town the moat experienced that can he Compare our roods he fore flolfihlnf your purchase and Wishing you all Happy Key Year Jas McLaughlin the direction intended urn at wtirto time sure of a cut Tim men wiUi the iaw work away with it until tree bendy begin to tot tor and bear the sonorous voice of tho companion Look out Fair mighty monarch of the forest corner to ground with a that can bo heard tor homo distance and then it unwed in to twelve sixteen or eighteen foot Two other men along with clear away tlu and prepare tbo for teamster who hauls the loga to the Here are two other men who roll the lo upon the whore they remain until later on in the winter when they are hauled to the river preparatory to ftcnt down stieitm in the We watched these operations for sometime with interest then returned to the camp Work in hush necessarily ceases with sun set and then the men shoulder their tools and make their way back to camp By six oclock evening meal is over and the men adjourn to the sleeping room Those who do steady work with axes find employ merit for part of evening in sharpening their axes and for thin purpose two grindstones are kept natural condition use good part of the evening to preserve the egg could it not sleeping room in same size as the be coated with some preparation that dining room forty by twenty feet j might be used on a small scale but and occupies the right end of the main require too much time and con- building Down the centre of the to this means room is an aisle some ten or twelve extensively feet wide with a double row of It should bo within power of eight above and eight below on either some inventor to discover some is a fortune awaiting in ventor who can discover a successful method for the preservation of The long severe winter this region renders it absolutely essential to pre serve eggs if these are to be bad dur ing thin season at reasonable price principal involved in preserv ing eggs is the preservation of coating which natural ly covers shell and which prevents entrance of the germs of decompo sition When this coaling tho egg begins to become stale and process of decay actually begin a fho use of lime and salt means of preservation never entirely successful does not prcservo protecting cover ing on the shell and no process can be unless it does this Experi ments have shown that water glass more nearly being a perfect preservative than anything that has hitherto been employed There is al ways danger of the bursting of the shell of an egg that is thus preserved when in hot water but this disadvan tage may be overcome by carefully piercing it with a needle The ques tion will naturally arise if vative of the surface of the shell in side These are built and finished similarly to those previously described with the exception that they are built side by side so that when all the bunks are full sixteen men lie by side in either upper lower bunks with their heads to the wall and feet towards the aisle in the Assure now and secure a share of profits GEO District Inspector J A in J- Pollock Art Graduate of Ontario HE 9 I relieve pain Qulcfe any Put p only allow you to cut Every fatally ready for a ifiWiieitci centre The room is lighted by coaloil lamps placed at either end of the room We might describe pastime of tho men by saying Most of the men spend the evening in talk ing some of tho time singing at other and smoking all the time About haltpast seven in the even ing the men gathered in tho dining- room and we had a short gospel ser vice fifty or sixty men made pie and cheap method for preserving eggs and thereby not only gain a for tune but also bestow an inestimable benefit upon the human race by plac ing within the reach of all a necessary article of food Communication of Messrs Marion A Marion Solicitors of patents Manitoba To bf the Km The Bra been welcome visitor each week during past seven yearn which I have spent in Manitoba in fact I would have long since lose track of the doing- of my native county wore it not for the news columns of the Era Wo have hat a very fall and winter o far there is no snow and comparatively little cold weather November was ft month of continuous sunshine without rain snow or A year ago I changed my occupa tion from teaching to farming having purchased a half section acres two miles north of Mm den and the change has been an agreeable one Many people in the east have some queer conception of this country and its inhabitants They imagine that we live in sod shacks on the bare with of the luxuries of life but such is not case we are a progressive people and in this district have long since past pio neer stage The Town of Moden is an example of progress of the west It is sit uated in what known as the valley which extends from the Red River to the Pembina Mountains and from the American herder to the Hirer and do not think that a larger track of unbroken or more fertile land can be found in America Although the town litis only seen about a dozen year it will compare favorably with any of the towns in North York not even excepting the hub The population is to that of Newmarket the amount of business transacted is very large There are seven large elevators and two flax warehouses for handling the grain a large flouring mill a tannery a foun dry large general stores tbee hardware stores three drug stores the usual supply of grocery baker tailor clothing and shoe shops Two chartered banks and a private one aid in the financial of the town Five medical men keep the people in good health Seven churches and the attend to their spiritual wants There is a fine hospital which was built and maintained chiefly by sub- scriptions supplemented by small Gov ernment and municipal grants There are so many strangers in this locality that the Hospital is a neces sity To be sick and in need of care is only passport required to enter its wards The stranger or the pau per receives the same care as the millionaire Patients who can pay are expected to pay but those who cannot are accorded same treat ment The price of goods hero is the same as the quotations in the ad vertisements of the Era The skill of the medical men as evidenced by the operations which are performed good Yours truly Jan 8 Henry who was found guilty the murder of John cog while hurglaririn the pre- on the of the of November nist was sentenced to be bang on the of April next ihljI has filed two writs for publishers of Sat urday Night and the intimation is already given that the Saturday Might people intend to fight the suit to a finish The Dodge Telephone noti fied city that the of the Company will be ready in few The capital is fixed 800000 This will be a rival to the Bell Co J per annum if paid in advance Wait Jwdos Jan The London Daily Mail says We learn thafe in the attack on lait Sat urday January the losses were fourteen officers killed 54 wound ed and over noncommissioned and man killed or wounded The Boer we hear estimate at and men London Jan Accord ing to depuichen from Boer sources at Pretoria the on the Transvaal side to date without including uais at which at 2000 which follow i those of the Surrogate wok pte week in the estate of I Richard near Sutton West who leaving of land worth to his widow and child ren he 1st and companies York Ringers entertained the second contingent for Africa in their mess rooms Geo an employee of the Seed Co was sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary last week for highway robbery with His father Belmont Killed Wounded I River Natal 1 i 48 W 10 dropped dead on next day caused by his sons trial Total and sentence aggravated an old heart j Trie have lost in addition double prisoners of whom are at Cape Town and were captured by the Canadian Toronto Council passed a resolu tion in favor of a onecent local post deliyerv and they dont care if the whole country does pay the salaries of London Jan General the local postmen lhoir has succeeded takm- possesion of daily- bridge and drift on the Another assault case occurred A point is between girl 10 years old on the evening of the was struck by a man as he parsed her on the street up in the West End She screamed and the roan ran down road This assailant also wore a peaked and brown overcoat These sixteen and eighteen miles- west of The British will now be able to cross the river without having to fight their way over The position thus occupied by part of General force indicate a on the left flank of the are highway assaults serious Premier gave dinner party at the Parliament buildings on the evening of the It was quite a noted gathering In the Police Court last Messrs Rust Keating and of the Street Railway were acquitted of responsibility in the cafe of the death of Mrs Rogers but and the and driver were sent for trial It is rumored in political circles that the Legislature will be summon ed for business on the of nest month On the Mrs Kenmuir aged who visiting her daughter on St Hubert street fell from a second story balcony and lured her skull dying shortly after becoming very White has reported that casualties ago Nerves Paralyzed Nervous Prostration so Severe Lost Power of Bands Side and But South American Nervine Beat Off Disease and Caved Her Minnie Stevens daughter of A Stevens of the Stevens very interesting congregation qui to ling Co of London was stricken It you anybody a Cutter or id country call on attentive and in seemed to enter into the spirit of service At first several seemed to enter room quite sheepishly as if they were almost ashamed to be found in religious service but is we pro ceeded with the service tine seemed to wear off and they the hymns more heartily and listened to the preaching with evident For tho most partihese men are cut off from attendance at religious to vice during the winter months and as oc casion permits we endeavor to tell them Old Old Story of Jesus and His love As the hour hand moves around to wards nine oclock the prepare for bod as lights at nine Early to bed and early to rise is a maxim of camp life Shortly down with a very severe attack of nervous prostration which resulted in her losing the power of her limbs She could hot lift or hold anything in her hands and other complications showed themselves Her parents had lost hope of her recovery She began taking South American Ner vine and after taking twelve bottles she was perfectly restored and enjoys good health today Sold by Pharmacy Hot market after oclock next morning the cook with his diningroom tome some quid ie and by all nave orcaJc- miSSUSSl VCry fasted and ate making preparations and innocent were indulged in Mr William Campbell Of Chatham County Court Clerk wan killed by falling a P train Milton A very family gathering took place at the of Mr Ira Badgoro of Day All present seemed to enjoy themselves thoroughly A spread wfta a leading feature of oc casion after partaking of wbich mueio Mr Lemon Reeve of King when in Ottawa during last visited Railway and of the Government service with the object of eliciting informa tion regarding tho proposed railway through the township Mr Lemon was informed that difficulties previous ly in way had been removed and a contract between the Government and the construction company had now been entered into and the work would proceed at any early date When pails Lifes Cham Cage of Heart Disease Dr Cure for Heart wot in Minutes and Permanently Core Petty of Que says that for about five years he was a constant sufferer from acute heart de rangementsendured untold pain was to attend to his work any exertion caused great fa- tiguo He was recommended to try Dr Cure for the Heart One bottle did him great benefit four bottles drove every sympHm of away Sold by Pharmacy Pursuant to Statute Council elect for the current year met at on Monday Jan at am and after subscribing to the Declarations of qualification and of office took their seats A ByLaw appointing the following duly passed Auditors George A Corner and John Assessor Tomlinson Collector Kay Member Board of Health James Cornwall Medical Health Officer Noble jr 5 was granted to the Hospital for Sick Children Toronto was appropriated for six copies of tho Municipal one for each member of and the Clerk The township printing and advertis ing was given to J McKay at last years figure 9850 The Reeve Clerk and Councillor Evans were appointed to examine Bridge and if in their opinion the same is they were authorized to prepare and for now bridge ask for tenders for building same to bo up till day of January A few small accounts were Pod after which Council adjourned to meet at on Thursday Feb 1st in the fight a week were The killed Later despatches announce death of Lord Lord son He had formerly been connect with the Lancer but was serving at with the Royal Army Medical Corps An apparently wellinformed corres pondent of the Morning Pott says The Boer strength originally 3000 men is now heavily augmented by Cape and the enemys fight ing forces may be estimated fairly at men and spins The Boers are not compelled to guard their communication Their grass good the crop are glowing vegetables cat tle and sheep are plentiful and game is abundant London Jan Four hundred Canadians and with a I battery of Royal Artillery marched ten miles into Orange Free State territory patrols encoun tered on the march threw away their rifles and ammunition and tied Gen cavalry also made a raid into the tame territory burning down farm houses belonging Boer leaders Brisk fighting continues around Coles- burg Great Britain how men with guns in the field in South Africa and with thej troops now at sea or preparing to sail there will bo an aggregate of men with horse and gun9 on the scene in the course of a few weeks Kimball found guilty of having dynamite in his possession for unlawful purpose and shown to bo an of burglars was sentenced by Chief Justice Meredith to seven years in the Penitentiary Throe children of Mr Thomas- Brown of were drowned while skating on the Lake of Bays Broom manufacturers of Unit ed States and Canada have agreed to advance the prices a St Petersburg Jan The latest reports from Acbalkalek in of show that six hun dred lives were lost during tho earth quakes which visited that district Monday Mr Frank Kirkpatriek farmer living on lot con West suffered a severe loss by fire on Monday last brick residence being burned to the ground occur red five oclock in morning and had barely time to with their lives Nearly all the were destroyed by fire An organ two or three beds several tables and some Ices will bo nearly yijArjpe on building ft i

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