Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 12 Jan 1900, p. 2

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J i V Wo At Out Price Maadocka vfSpeoiB Drug A Co Reduced totes- Bell Co i for Henry- J to Zona Mack SlMUW The epoetin kernels Commissioner tiectfic Hi Co Toronto to Gars Each three- months halve passed Hon K J took control of of Crown Lamia lie lifts in that abort period given mi do evidence of 10 thoroughly master the do- tails of iliis important brunch of Oar Society POINTS PblSJLBjUlTHf TIME Leave Toronto Newmarket SO HI 9 a in am I pm a pm pm pm pm aui Am pin A Return Fare either way She nFTH BUT DIIIQIITKB WITH ISSUE all FRIDAY JAN Rational all Dominion will notice with satisfaction that a proposition favoring the formation of a Patriotic Fund for relief of upon the composing two Canadian gouts at the front has received endorsement of His Excellency the Governor General and the Government- In this connection it is also that an inHuentia committee will formed to admin ister fond with Mr Courtney Dep uty Minister of Finance as general secretary Government has acted with much foresight and in taking this action as it will afford a guarantee to public that contributions will bo wisely and dispensed and likewise- open up a ready means of affording prompt assistance where necessity arises From the official announcement out from Ottawa this week we learn that the objects promoter of this Patriotic Fund have in view and purposes to which contributors may apply their donations is to afford relief under the following heads For of widows and other dependents of of ficers and men of military forces of Canada who may unfortunately lose their lives in or in connection with the war operations in South Af rica For tho benefit of soldiers themselves or employees of the Can adian Government attached to the con tingent in South Africa who may have been disabled by wounds or sick- administration The recent action of Government providing that all nickel ores on lauds hereafter granted must be refined in Ontario given great satisfaction to alt who inter ested in development of the mineral of Ontario On the 10th and of the present month Mr Sudbury which is the centre of the nickel and topper mining dint riot in order to become acquainted with local conditions and obtain tho views of miners prospectors and others engaged in the mining industry Tins will bo Mr Davis flint visit to Sudbury and informa tion ho will receive will ho of great value in considering future policy of Department lie will he ac companied by Mr A Blue Director of Mines Mr Francis of Marie and his associates ore erecting electric furnaces at that point for the reduction of nickel ore and tho manufacture of renickel and nickel steel in addition to other im portant enterprises They are open ing up a large iron mine near and constructing a railway there to Lake Superior The iron from this mine will he used at the Soo in the manufacture of nickel steel rails which may work as great- re volution in construction its did the substitution of steel for iron rails in bridge building boiler and machinery making and many other lines of iron manufacture During the past summer Hon Mr- Davis had the advantage of a two weeks trip through new Ontario and the information then gained by him will Ije of immense service in the ad ministration of Ins now Department It may confidently be expected that under his Coin people of tho Province will derive the largest possible benefit from mineral timber and agricultural lands of North- Western Ontario It appears that Booth Ontario instill de sirous of the political die Monday last a protect was filed against the return of Hop John for that Hiding The usual charges of bribery and are alleged etc etc the benefit of the wives and children and dependents separated at homo from husbands and fathers and guardians by the exigencies of the campaign From the already outlined wo learn that the proposed genera committee to direct and administer this National Patriotic Fund will be formed not only of distinguished public men but representative as far as possible of the different Provinces and chief towns a small Execu tive Committee to give effect to details for distribution of funds It is hoped that this fund will assume ft national character that Canadians general ly will not hesitate to make the small est donations from cents upward Hon Mr PostmasterGener al has consented to give the assistance of the postoffices both regards to the notification of the general scheme well as transmission of correspondence to central commit tee So far as this locality and surround ing country is concerned wo would suggest that contributions to this fund specifying to which of above named purposes donors desire their gifts to be applied be handed to Mr Ross Manager of the Ontario Bank and by him forwarded to the Central Committee- donations to be acknowledged the local press It evident that the hearts of the people with this movement A Rama Indian got intoxicated lost A local option bylaw was defeat ed in Mono and carried in The war Office has ordered ibreo thousand cases of canned beans from a Trenton Ontario firm Vlbe Ontario got in succession duties from Ox page will be found the speech of Hon J at the Good Roads Con- At the Mr Davis the Government has granted to the Good as sisting ihera to print and the re port of that Convention that it will he neatly In the interest of Pro vince to have information widely fixe of North York will Mr with much interest This is what the Mail has got to Any Canada haw been by the Government head Parliament will soon meet and then Finance Minister will give the figure iho puea up and a growing time in all the depart- of and commerce ibt itie men who bat any yxtra laxea to pay in conse quence of increased imposts by the Tar lb Government has the his I to pay with and something Tim Toronto Newt intimates that Pre mier Robs is studying op Provincial finan ces nreparatory to a general election cam paign It goes On to say that Mr is resolved to have fast as detailed a know ledge the Provincial Depart ment A he had of his old Department of Education lie is baying prepared a de tailed list of all the depart ments in the public and as goon aa this prepared he will go it and cut down unnecessary hem The Premier la anxious to make a Hood showing in Budget this year as this coming session will probably ha the the present Legislature and Mr la looking lor cam paign literature use En the next the Almonte lotx John Ainu of Sale Recjistetr Mrs Maurice Fester continues- very low Meads returned from Mr and Stark spent oyer Sun day at fiatidford Mrs Ball of wm visit ing jo town last Mien left for again thitt week i visiting in lor a coup of weeks left for College on Monday morning Mr and Mrs both teen very poorly the pant week Mr is home Irwin To ronto for a of weeks holidays Mr and Mrs John wear At last Saturday evening with friends Mrs Watt of is a month with her M Silver a dlnuor party last Friday night was much enjoy ed Mr Silver of Sutton spent a of with friends in town this week Mi se Carson of has been visiting Lilian the past two Geo Hughes baa to Thorn- hill for two or three weeks to he of a friend Mr and Mrs It Wed del entertain ed a number of friends at on oyster sup per last Saturday evening Mr Stoddard editor of was In town lent Saturday and the a friendly call Meetra and of woro in town on Tuesday as a imputation inijuiring about church eating Mr Garten editor of Ihp and Treasurer of the North York ociiiion elected of by Mr Win sou of lie v Thompson who resided in or three was visiting relatives hero oyer Sunday Mr and wife vho have been their too Chief Anderson left for Gutlph on their way homo to Mr Charles Gate of Orchard was in town Tuesday for tho first time since his illness confined him to house for three weeks Mrs who was vlsitinu her par ents hare since Christmas returned to the city on Friday accompanied by her moth or who intends to re main a week There aceiaa to be quite a strife for the coming of others Hall of in the field as a candidate and we also heard Warden Woodcock ia looking for a BtCOnd lera and Co Councillor were in Ottawa this week in con nection with the Metropolitan By trouble at North Toronto with itie Mr J Robertson accompanied the county denotation Mr John of Calvary who ran Bakery here for soma time was in town on Tuesday calling old friends mild weather but times good- Mr is married again and baa a wife and two children visit lug in town They will leave for the west again in a couple of weeks Messrs Dan and James of arrived in last Saturday on a three months visit with relatives in Newmarket and North irnbury Jt la years since Dan went out there and since Jim went and this a their first visit home in alt that time They are both looking well and that ate doing well Mr Jo of of writes I don how we could get without the Era It is the beat paper yet forme- We are having a fine winter so enow at all Wage ran from to a month to the lumber camps in this section A short time ago I was out prospering with Mr Russell and Newton and came across a bear den I shot two bears Mr writing from South- bridge We are having fine weather here hardly enough enow to cover the ground and no extreme cold yet Zero the coldest we have had this winter closed one of the most pros perous years In the history of thtB town The shops and mills have been with orders and in the building Hoe it has been something wonderful Over various including ad ditions several of the a largo hotel and a 14roomed brick aonool house have been ted There is considerable here over the war and outside of a people are In sympathy with the I am of Canada in the stand fihe has taken her loyalty to the mother country and when I read of brave in Sooth Africa I am proud that I am a Canadian- Wishing the a prosperous I am f I postage GO election blanks- election expenses Job month anlary keep of I DO Fred tax rofund Sick Hospital grant Moved by by Mr Rogers that Messra and be a the Perry gravel pit and re port at next meeting Carried Moved by Mr seconded by Mr chat this Council become responsible for weeks board at J Toronto General Hospital public j war for- William Barnes who is suf fering from diseased foot and is in in- circumstances Carried Council adjourned until Tuesday Jan Then to meet at Watsons Hotel Erne AWvlVWWUSV Our Toronto better Jen An of Stock belonging to the Estate of the fate will take lota and 8 Con North S months credit on over or per coot on for cash Bale at one Vusb Jen Mr Webster will a sale of Timber on Eat Half of hit 12 New of wvt of Newmarket For bill First held at City Jan 3rd following gentlemen subscribed to tho statutory declaration of office and Simeon Reeve laugher John Joseph Rubers or5 folloviiig hills wore passed At municipal election in this city question of paying sal aries to Mayor and was submitted to ratepayers and result of the vote is now giv en as follows Yeas nays majority against paying sal aries On the question of Un ion High and Public School Boards of School Trustees ma jority for union was of Beach wood while on his way to tho Union Depot one overling last week was suddenly assaulted by two men on St rendering him partially unconscious Ho afterwards found by police with his money and valise stolen It is reported that Gonnery is suing the Toronto College of Music for damages for alleged breach of contract The Hon J Gibson and Mrs ion issued invitations for a dinner in the Parliament Buildings on the 17th of January The of the Royal Grenadiers will hold an assembly on the evening of iiLst- It will be a military affair SurgeonGeneral repre sentative of the lied Cross Society goes with the second contingent to South Africa to make enquiries into the necessities of our volunteers Ho will return in a of months expect to bring hack with htm in formation as to the beat manner of expending money for our soldiers out there Fearful outrages have recently been committed on tho streets of the city On Friday night a young lady Mies Rachel cashier in one of the Co stores was cowardly sandbagged while poking along St opposite the jail and was found lying on her face and just re lapsing into unconsciousness She had been dragged along the street face down as one cheek was torn and btoooy where it had come in contact with the gravel Her purse was miss ing showing that robbery was the motive of her The poor girl died next morning On Monday night while passing along Broadview Ave John Willis a lad yearn old was also sandbag His assailants then threw over fence into the lot whore they bound and agged own handkerchief was stuffed to his and a rope passed around his face twisted at the back of head and knotted under jaw His bunds were tied in front and his ankles were bound so tightly that the skin was bruised and torn About p Mis thought she heard a and with her husband they took a lamp and after searching found him injuries are not con sidered fatal although severe The cowardly assailants robbed the lad of a but aid not carry off his watch these outrages are causing much alarm Mayor inaugural ad dress on Monday was characterized by a savage attack on the President of the Street Railway Go At the first meeting the city council a bylaw was introduced to abolish the salaries of Mayor Con trollers and Aldermen in accordance with popular vote taken at tho municipal elections only two voted against it the Mayor and Aid Hub bard The Council also voted for legislation to increase the members of Roard of Control from three to five and to abolish double voting power of the Mayor The Assizes were opened at the Court House Monday before Chief Justice Meredith The County Grand Jurymen ate as follows Messrs J Oliver Cook A Elliott North James Aurora Richard East Peter King A Wilson and Peter Tot onto Junction The very mild weather has had the effect of Stopping to some extent business in Furs and other Heavy Goods The following lines must be Cleared Out as we never carry goods over Ladies Fur Coats Ladies Cloth Coats Misses Cloth Jackets Fur Caps Hens Overcoats Boys All kinds of Underwear- Blankets all kinds Fine Boots Shoes Overcoats Ladies Wrappers fcers Boots Felt Boots H J pic FECIAL South American Rheumatic Cute South American Kidney Cure 75c- South American Nervine Tonic- Dr Agnows Catarrh Cure Agoows Heart Cure Lehmans Cough Syrup for k Cattle Lehmans Condition Powders lath Toilet Sea Sauft If you never tried iea salt you have a good tiling it the bath more and exhilarating box Youre Another Sufferer from a cold and cough- Try our Cold Tablets Cure a Cold in a day LEHMAN Tomb At the North Bad on Jan John Forhan in year At Sharon on Jan relict of the Charles 4 months days 5 The aptral will take on San- day of Jan Service at residence Mr at and in- at the of the Children Peace In Newmarket on the Jro I960 Edmund in hie year At on B formerly barber in Newmarket aged years Monday Jan at late residence Dr Edward A In hie year Daltos At on the nit Rich- Helton aged years months and is days flltat At the residence the jg brides father James Esq on j the concession King on the mat by Iter Dr Cartnichael to Mr John tli of King Legge At Thomas Church Toronto by Rev on January Alexander third of Esq Oak to Elizbeth Palmer sixth daughter of Thomas Palmer Esq of Richmond Hill Collins By the Rev J at the of Mr Jneph to Mr Collins of vzyti3 Q By buying your Suits Early at Tailor Shop -m- I A full of Black and Blue Serges A At the by Rev J on Jan let Mr Arthur Profit of to Mies Catharine A of At Church Newmarket on Jan by Rev Father Morris Mr James Carrol to Mies Eliza both of Whit- Also a Choice Lot of Tweeds for OVERCOATS and 5i J CLUNDY giLdJ J a Main St North Keymarket Wheat per bushel tti Rpd per bushel W GooseiWliftit per bushel oj bushel OK per bushel ew Peas per Q Jan Bethel Red per a Orders receive Careful township the of Statute labou A has been fined Coats lor iiging cnocltol fitauipa- Special Line of Fancy Chips Opposite Royal Hotel Wheat per bushel Goose per buabel a per bushel a per buehel bushel Or a Bye per bushel a a SO Potato per bag t low Id Si a Jan a at a W a fl a a IM 0 oil a Butter roll per lb Potatoes Apple per Wool Hay per ton Pork per Beef lb Chtcfteru per pair i ii per pair Turkey per IS It Shorts per too a a a a a a a a a a a a html U Qcwtt per Or pair Turkofror Mi if ii If I a ft CO a 0 16 a a IM J ANTED or in fa rf j

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