Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 15 Dec 1899, p. 9

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i i I v CHINA HALL toeal items ft PECIAtTI Handsome in Odd Pieces and Set and useful for Present For see our and Tables of China Novelties OUlt STOCK OF Parlor and Hanging Lamps is the Finest wo have over shown and our Dinner Sets fa in Genuine China Porcelain Ordinary Quality from 500 to without doubt the beat value ever offered Look for Higher Prices in the near future and money by buying now N control a Special Lino of of a souvenir character Emblem iin odd pieces this lino Fruits Peels and Spices This is our Strong Point as we make a Specialty of Keeping the Very Choicest and Best Quality No need to enumerate We the quality and quantity at Rock Bottom Prices Our Finest Selected Raisins and Currants in lb cartoons are fa w specially fine Finest Table Raisins CHOICE ELEHE FIGS RICH FANCY APRICOTS PRUNES SPECIAL VALUE IN EXTRACTS See our Bottles of Lemon and Vanilla GRENOBLE BRAZIL NUTS SICILY FILBERTS PEA WHAT OH IN ABOUT fit Pauls Church On next R Bonier a to this town will preach in St There six initiations at Royal Template Wednesday night Big crowd at now Now Chains Now Silverware Now Rings Now Sterling Silver Now Ebony Toilet Articles do at A Watsons before- buying at soono III act read ing of Shakespeares Julias will bo continued Tuesday at 780 sharp at Miss Radio Richardsons Pros pect Ave Shipments for ending Deo cars grain car oars merchan dise oar hay oar Iron 1 car office Inwards care merchandise car of maohinory oar galvanic iron oar hogs coat oar steel cars lumber cars corn oar vinegar annual meeting of Friends Sunday Sobool took last Friday night when reports were pro after which following Mr L Assist Supt Mr do Treasurer Miss Lehman Bissaus Carpet Sweeper makes a useful Christ- mas present Largo stock at A On Monday League the Church and the Christian Endeavor of Friends Church accepted Invitation of Endeavor Society of the Christian Church and a very pleasant social evening Tbo first was in the usual devotional exor cises Mies Nottlo Lehman in chair The topic Indwelling Spirit was Introduced by a paper from Dr Rich ardson of League followed by Mr Lobman President of the Friends Endeavor also Rev 8 Weeks and Mies Palmer tor a quartette gave a selection and Miss Wesley a recitation the remainder of the evening being spent In a social manner attendance both services last Son- day was good pastor preached two grand sermons In the morning the sub ject The Sale of Esaus and In the chapter of Lake end verso was the subjeot of discourse The scholars of the Sabbath are practicing twice a week for their annual Tee end Entertainment on the Deo Proceeds in aid of School Library Mr is commencing a se ries of studies upon the Life of Jacob at the PrayerMeetings on Wednesday evenings Everybody Is made welcome It will bo an study Sunday will bo a Bed Letter Day at the Presbyterian Rev Dr of College will both morning and evening and in connection with morning service the four Elders Do ordained There will be singing on occasion Mies Soloist of Mr Gilrays Church Toronto will sing at both services No one should miss the opportunity of hearing one of the ablest speakers of Presbyterian Bolters Skate Is beauty See samples at A Mr PlftoklyjotKnfcstcapafdift to Pyramid Lodge on Tncidiiy night In of the Relief Bo was very cordially received pnnoy Tables Pictures end Bamboo assortment at prices at Booms Worth while to seo thorn pother jgattle -OXO- Forced to Retire THE LEADING Smothered to sad news reaches this week of the death of young est son of Mr Qco formerly of Sharon but now residing in Manitoba Last Friday be wont to with a load of wheat and looking around elevator bo foil Into A and was smothorcd to death bo could be got opt This will be painful nows to many relative and friends In this section The young man was about years of age Id ho Christmas Market takes place In Town Hall next Thursday Ono Hundred and Fifty Dollars will bo away in prizes and wholo show Is ab solutely fro Wo looking for the big gest of people bent on business that over visited Newmarket If tho farmers do not show appreciation of ef forts of the business people by bringing forward best and quantity of produce over scon bore It will not bo to get op an other Prize Market About filled and Wounded Deo Canadians cavnliy and infantry moved up River to with a artillery battery at- Ibis right half came up tacked the enemy on right sup- and loft half today ported by field artillery Dec Six hundred hellcd position from and Boventyfcwo British break and at 115 I sent tho Gordon i- OOCln mas A3 Bright Idea in connection with the Templars of Tcmporanoe arranging for an which they will bold on of January In Town Hall A very popular elocutionist Miss Annie Sny der of Toronto has for that Miss baa been spoken of as having few equate as an elocutionist In this province As an impersonator she Is faultless and In all arts of her slon gives promise of a first pleco among list of elocutionists Musical talent has also been seoorod and the are that a flretolaes will be given Watch for further particulars takon at Stormberg It is at Storm berg numbered In fighting at River yes evening General main tained his position and capturod British soldiers London Tuesday Deo A cor respondent at Boor headquarters of in a despatch sent on Deo sends points from des patches frith which Kaffirs vainly tried to pass tbo Boor lines towards Those show that both men and horses in on half rations Beer all gone whisky sells for shillings a bottle and milk for half a crown a tin From Nov to Dec Boer shells dropped in town killing civilians and wounding Town hall is a complete It is just two months sinco the Boer ultimatum was delivered Nine have been fought and the British have lost Killed Wounded Missing prisoners 1077 lots Police Court business has been quiet this week Tho new books at the Public Library are a big run Catalogues will be out next week But tender was the low A lot of new apparatus for the High Is now In use The Christmas Market- next Thursday will be worth going miles to There is no If you anybody slinking around the house with under coat or dont ask any questions or It may spoil the surprise Bailiffs Hale on the grounds next Thursday Good market last Saturday Fresh eggs went up to The new books in Methodist Library are to be given out next Sunday A carpet has been put down on the floor of the Young Mens Club Boom and things are beginning to look homelike Murray the Northend wheelwright Is getting our eight now The high wind on Tuesday afternoon blew off one of the largo skylights on- new Specialty building and smashed the heavy glass to The Collector of East took In 92800 in taxes the Royal on Saturday f A Specially fine line of Child Strictly uptodate Ladies Fine Box Calf and Don- from up Mens and Box Calf from isscs and Boys Fine and Medium for U The- Leading Grocer Con Main Timothy Sts in Between and oclock lest Sunday night In a moment without the lett warn ing all the electric lights In town sudden ly went out Electrician who was in charge Immediately proceeded to Investigate the After spending two hours end a half the break was located be tween the exciter and the switchboard After taking apart all the Intricate the rear of the marble slab it was found that two of the resistance colls bed become unsoldered which wes the cause of tho trouble As soon as the break was repaired and the wbloh bed booms demagnetized had been recharged the maqhloery was set In motion again end everything was ell It wes fortunate that the break occurred when it did Hod it been three hours earlier when all were depend- on the light for their services it would have been exceedingly The Masonic Hell bed another light put in last week end ell the wiring has been con which la a great improvement lights were put Into the Metropol itan Waiting last week three lights were put into Messrs Hilts batcher shop this Also one light added to atore and one to Chinese Laundry Mr to commence yesterday to wire Mr Heches residence for 25 lights and a meter r meeting last evening Manning The Principal reported of nonresi dent fees for December Total pupils on roll for Nov i average attendance bill of Mies McDonald fur teaching days in Mies Hoes room during her illness was referred to Finance Committee Treasurer to pay John King for cleaning end Miss McDonald for teaching days In Primary during illness of Mies Ironside A motion passed that in future the amount to be paid to supplying during temporary ebsenoe of reguler through illness shall be at the The Committee to whom was referred the accounts of Starr A Allan Co end J reported that they find them correct end recommended payment Report adopted Board adjourned Some complaint his been made children befog out of school On enquiry we find children going to the Model School before a quarter to nine can have access to basement but when the quarter bell rings the doors are open and the basement cleared who take their dinner are locked Into the school with one of teachers during the noon hour and they have access to basement but at one oclock the doors are again basement No play ing In tbe sobool rooms have to either take their seats- or go out doors During wet or stormy weather no recess wil be given but suitable recreation will be provided daring the period at tloa of the teachers such as marching etc Total casualties Caw Town Monday Deo reports as follows The idea to attack seemed to promise certain success but the die was underestimated by myself arid the local guards A policeman took us around some miles consequent ly we wero marching from p till a and were landed in an im possible position I did not consider the error intentional The Boers commenced firing from the top of an bill and wounded a good many of our while in the open plain second tried to urn Ihe but failed second Irish Fusiliers seized a near and held on supported by mounted infaotry and Cape police Tbe guns under could not have been better bandied But I re to say that one gun was overturn ed in a deep nullah another sank in quicksand Neither could bo ex tricated to be available Seeing tho situation I a des patch rider to Molteno with the news and collected and withdrew our force from ridge to ridge for about nine miles The Boer guns were remark ably well served They carried ac curately I am holding Bushmans Hook and Am sending the Irish rifles and berlands to to recuperate The wounded proceeded toQueenston The missing number not the as report ed Despatch from General White dated Dec 11 says Last night Col and of the 2nd Rifle Brigade sortied to capture a Boer how itzer on a hill They reached crest without being discovered drove off the enemy and then destroyed the Howitzer with gun cotton barbed their When returning found bis retirement barred by the Boors but he forced his way through using the bayonet freely The Boer losses were considerable The British losses tbe follow ing Ferguson and men killed Second Lieut Davenport second Lieut Bond and men wounded six men captured who remained behind in of the wounded STORY OP Pretoria Sunday Dec 10 Presi dent has sent the following de tails of the fight at junc tion The British with six cannon attach ed the Boers under Swanepoel and Olivier and stormed the Boers en trenched positions on the kopjes After a severe right they were com polled to surrender The prisoners Major Sturges six officers and two hundred and thirty commissioned officers and men of and two officers and fifty non commissioned officers and men of the Irish Fusiliers It is impossible to state the number of dead or wounded British The Boers captured three cannon and two ammunition wagons Dec 13 War has received the following despatch from General dated Tues day Dec Our artillery shelled a very strong position hold by the enemy in a long high kopje from until dusk Sunday It rained hard last night Highland brigade attacked at to support the Highland brigade troops held their own in front of the enemys until dusk position extending includ ing kopje for a of six miles toward the River Today am holding my position and entrenching myself I had to face at least men Our Joss way groat London Dec Mr Julian Ralph describing battle at in a special despatch to Mail says The Boers were entrenched at four miles north of River At dawn Monday Highlanders vancing across veldt ftudj subjected to a murderous fire from trenches about yards in front greater part of fear ful loss of day was thus suffered in a single minute On tho right of us the Guards bri gade advanced across the veldt against the other trenches and fought an in visible foe for hours At in morning the Cordon Highlanders were sent forward Boers allowed them to pass lino of trenches and- then enfilated them We raked Boer trenches with OPENED J All the best makes in the following lines CARVERS IN CASKS AND PEN POCKET KNIVES SCISSORS ALL KINDS AND a Fine line of TABLE KNIVES FORKS AND SPOdNS We handle a Special Line we warrant to First Class our CRUMB AND BREAD BOARDS AND KNIVES A lot in for Cbrielma3 Trade THE CELEBRATED BEARING CARPET SWEEPER lakes a Bice Christmas Present are celling for Co Toronto a line of Fur Goats and Prices Paid for Raw J A ALLAN GO Is what you will have if you buy your AND SHOES MENS FURNISHING AND FROM AiAiAjAiAj Ladies Fine Boots all kinds all prices Ladies Strong Boots all kinds all prices Mens Hockey Boots all kinds all prices Boys Hockey Boots all kinds all prices Ladies and Misses Skating Boots all prices Ladies and Cardigan Overshoes all sizes very cheap Mens Heavy Rubbers all kinds all prices Mens and Moccasins and ioo Ladies Felt Boots Laced or Cong very cheap Mens and Boys Underwear all kinds all prices Mens Wool Socks and 55c per pair Mens Fine Shirts all kinds all prices We have the Only Neck- Wear in Town You can get a Good Tweed Suit from us for 5 You can get a Good Beaver Overcoat Blue or Black from us for 4 You can get a Nice Black Suit from us worth 13 00 for 9 All the WellDressed Young Men in Town get their Furnishings from US carried tho elevator and bylaw for by a ma jority of throughout the day The fight ing only ceased with nightfall The Boer trenches extended far beyond the kopje into the open plain Those on the plain were hidden soreenB of leaves Those near kopje were guarded by a double line of barbed wire Evidently they fear our storming asd bayonet attack We raked the kopje and with an intense welldirected fire of guns including a naval gun and a howitzer battery both lyddite It is believed they effected heavy dam age Boer prisoners report that one lyddite shell fell among men only of whom escaped un hurt shells burst in the enemys laager causing its complete destruc tion The Boers are in still larger force than we found thorn at River outnumbering us by almost three to ope are apparent- Without first examining our new stock and prices We have sonie good bargains dominating in their military on of The attack properly timed but The of the Eider- failed Dempster Line sailed from for Glasgow six weeks and nothing has since bean heard of her The Guards to protect the Highlands right and rw if Just arrived Fresh Good Cheap KENT The Leading House Sharon

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