Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 15 Dec 1899, p. 7

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BANK CAPITAL BEST President NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Bailing Business Interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED AT and Drafts Bold Collodions promptly attended to Manager MEDICAL AH pcd Newmarket flret door South of Poet to am and lately occupied by Dr Campbell tit Newmarket to in to nude to p DENTAL A I Dentist Post Block opposite tho Methodist Church Air for jpolulets Guaranteed III offlco of If Porter Brad ford Monday MARRIAGE LIOEN8E8 of Qigh V v and Mai i to a man flowetb hat ho also reap AH tho to whom were greatly Gods of ft full restora tion end prosperity had boon but The hard times led speak against God to do hfa worship but was another class who word still loyal to Jehovah and diligently sought to find their own sins a reason for dfsplcasuro with thorn To this class of God listened with delight as they often talked with one another about him To them ho sent prophet with a message that a blessed was for who Thou went on to foretell the coming of Messiah Ho bade them while patiently and hope fully waiting to observe the directions God through Moses to his people Lords jewels those who lovo him Let who lovo God care fully after the directions given by God in tho Bible Hatred and discord must bo cast out of heart in preparing way for to enter fully Each good deed loyihg thought kind word brings a harvest mak ing our lives broader more full of blessing and more God and the world hold es timates of many things Secure for eternity are whoso inscribed in Gods boo of life a I fm tfoekaon I as or of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At tbo it a at prlvAto If J fl Agent for to at Current Ofwcb fl fl Ramsay Fire Insurances Agent Loir Rates on Farm and Isolated Town Property Over Tin Shop Newmarket tflSOBLLANEOUB i Main Druggists and Fancy Goods Teacher of and Violin Tuner of and all String Instruments p Rvthup Oliver of Conservatory of Music WOO- Ohfo TEA Gil EH OF PIANO and Queen A We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the on a twenty- five cent bottle of Dr Wills English Pills if after using threefourths of contents of bottle do not relievo Constipation and Headache Wo al so warrant that four bottles will per manently euro most obstinate case of Constipation Satisfaction or no pay Wills English Pills are used Wilmot Lehman Druggist Newmarket Ont J Y Broughton Druggist Scotts Pharmacy Main St Newmarket Pa Deo One of the most disastrous fires whioh have here in years broke out today in the Nolde Horst hosiery factory and before the flames were extinguish ed the plant was completely destroyed It was at on which there is an insurance of There were about girls in the building and these were thrown into a general panic Many jumped to the ground and it is believed that at least fifty were injured Two bodies were recovered from the ruins it Koaoy to Loan AM51 per cent on flratciRM farm security also on Life Insurance policies Davidson for taking 1 J Agent for tho following reliable Insurance London and Globe Norwich Onion Standard Mutual Omco Hopkins Block Mount Albert Money to Loan At cent on arm David for taking Affidavits Real Weenies Queen of London Marriage Also Agont for following Citizens Montreal 2fJ also W Asaoolatlon Office Corner of Main Lot Streets -FANTASY- I A Bo dull sod fray ildc of creeps And round I J I bliss Tot merry snowbird And iwttltr at the pine The berry dappled Now to and fro The Is by the door And ill A ruddy The oak loci and roar Their of gold Upon the ties The bell Its Throws oer fir snd near Our repeat lis aweet Till In a We linger while It charm Imparts Love harmonies to cheer our hearts Our Chilftlmaa dream With pear glided It fllti And round board is lord Our And mingle with he belli blithely atretic p K toe It fcto Inside vest pocket vest securely up and xtrnfbt of htm Into space breathless fair ly Intoxicated with joy tor Within tat enf elope- rows upon tons of crisp new Mils- The filled with many variously occupied som taking- fuillr catnaps others roatling- newspapers a girl In one currier smilingly peeping Into a precious Christinas bundle a wo man hear her striving to a was struggling In her lap i swinging Ily hut Wan oblivious of their In stead conjured by of those bills visions began to loom before him of things to cat He saw tables such ns he had hitherto from the outside through the medium of plate glass windows and seated this time snowy spread across bis uti and repast that made Ills mouth water In anticipation Absolutely covering expanse that entire table- cloth babys whimper broke Into a cry The sound jarred upon him also i Only a people reading advertisement of saying money could bo made through speculation realize men In America life in a humble way and have made their fortune through speculations- Men like Jay Gould who worked a dry goods clerk a smalt town at a week up to his twentieth year and com to operate with his small saying of in Wall left at death millions of who worked as a boy at week and wealth Is eat mated at millions of dollars is Operating the market althongh SO years of age and so are thousands of others who are enjoy fug all the life can offer which is due to their sacoess In speculations To the shrewd the same op- are open today to others in the past The smallest lot which can be bought and sold is on margin dollars Anybody Interested as how specula tions are conducted can get information and market letter free of charge upon ap plication by letter Skallsr Co Bankers and Brokers Consolidated Broadway New Copyright by Zoo Anderson J It was tin before Christmas eve John the pave ments lilac In bis pockets eyes glancing reHthnsly about looking for work He hunt up He was hard up lie was oil the ragged edge of despair penniless and hungry lie had spent his last dime for supper the night before room was In a tenement house west Ninth avenue near the river but had managed to walk as far as lector street walking on mid on In the unavailing effort to forget his hunger The exercise only served to whet his ap petite By the time be bad arrived at the station he was famlnhed He Mopped at the foot of the steps there looking at a nearby building In process of erection and at the swarm of hod carriers crawling up down the ladders like so many ants Turning away be watched the men In overalls at work on the car track listen ed to the resonant click of their picks and idly noted the nimbleness with which they sprang back at approach of tbo car only to close up the ranks once more almost beneath the wheels as It passed It seemed to that he alone was unfortunate Everybody the world appeared to be able to get work with the exception of himself He had applied for place after place as bod carrier as street cleaner as truck driver but as each recant place bad applicants or more already standing In line before It In every instance be bad fail ed Presently In an way ho followed the crowd on up the steps to the Somehow he imagined that if be could only get up town fie might find work In the same way that he Im agined when he was up town that he be sure to find something to do down town Though In both places the fantasy of work had eluded him like a the wisp be determined once more to try his luck up town Fortunately he found a bevy of people rushing through the gates from a recent ly arrived train He dipped past them eluded the eagle eye of the ticket chop per and stood panting on the platform awaiting a Harlem train By and by It came puffing along and boarding It be took the only vacant seat which was one by an old man so fault dressed that hesitated a moment between the alternative of stand lag and bringing him in contact with his rags He edged as far away from him as possible watched furtively out of the corner of his eye and compared his evident prosperity with the of his own outlook This occupation did not tend to raise his spirits By the time the old man had come to the end Our fee returned If foil Sending tja of any win itch cud H charge in widely circulated journal Su 1 1 and Investors VICTOR J A CO WASHINGTON Mr of Dorchester was killed by falling off a load of oats TO CURE A COLD IN DAY Take Laxative Quinine All druggists refund the money it falls to cure Groves signature Is on each Hot will ruin a polished able the best table mats are linen bags scalloped or otherwise ornament- on the edge is slipped a piece of asbestos which gives absolute protection from heat dampness niM THAT THE rasping- voice of the guard his reverie The car be concluded wn loo full of people to suit his present fancy wanted to be a Ion if of In- wanted count those to be free In the possesion them by he of prying eyes ikhth street culled On If his way to the walked toW no to the looking the liver in which viU be climbed of Coughing Yet r- Ypu- have probably two remedies havent you Getting somewhat discouraged without further delay you get a bottle of White Pine- guarantee every bottle to give Relief and cure your cough If it dont you may have your back Cents a Bottle The Giver The ftud I Ouht to bo suited in tho perplexing problem of Present Buying OrJlt Perfumes are of such a nature that it is an easy matter bo select something is sure to please Whether you have ten cents or five dollars to spend this is place mm Bra You will find letters on all our bottles Do you know tho meaning A It is Other We have a nice lot of It means our and Chemicals are chemically pure It is safo for us to do your dispensing OUR STORE IS YOUR Brushes Combs Dressing Cases Boxes Collar cuff Boxes Shaving Sets Clove Visit it when and as often as you like We are pleased to serve you at all times and our prices will always suit you Be sure and visit on Thursday Dec 21 st Market Day for we will have Special Prices that day w LEHMAN Or AX of his ami loft oar was In depths of If he been a the was he would filed The old man had to the win dow to Into the vocitnt seat caught of no envelope fins It tin half it InstiuV Ho J coked color of his hat It wuj almost Impossible to liivo of his tvaJlhly LI id to fic0 -jhorbia- or red stairs door the In tin- out tinre a wan ad- drcssid to a well known multimillionaire thus I lurid Jurcltli to bind oui deal Ian 100y Im tor Tin wan familiar aa his own sunk into a be him at the poverty of the at the par- u vend mid worn hi the tivkotj with broken necked pitch er at the cracked mirror banging above It doubling on its crooked noil at bore and through whose pones he whiter sunshine languidly Then burying his face in he shin out bight of It roll and took lo dreams dollars It was untold wealth Jaunt eyed poverty departed fiom his threshold never to return and gilded him on With rapture he followed more cramping of endless streets In the endless aearch for work no more n mure of mind and body mid soul and heartaches In that long white envelope lay the pan- evils the flesh Is heir to It was all well enough he thought for those who sal at their In golden to of the of poverty It Cook a being of superhuman strength to hear up beneath Che actual burden of It It took a philosopher and he was no philosopher He kicked a corner of the ragged car pet to place arose walked to mir ror and looked at bis face It was un shaven he could go to a decent rest ram he have a shave Well there was the money could afford luxuries now He would indulge In luxu ries Ah power of money As he put on his bat descended to the street be suddenly remembered a little old wom an whom before he had In Iiiiuw In Cincinnati She was a little old woman and home less Otherwise she would hardly have spent her days In a boarding house One evening walking up down there In the parlor she bad repeated a verse that ran like this In or town we lli up and down Titer I no friend to or two Wise little old woman He smiled at he thought of the envelope tucked snugly a Wily lu his vest pocket In which there reposed many a dollar or Cwo And be fell dreaming By and by an uneasy thought pervaded Che luminous brilliancy of his dreams That it his because he found ItV His conscience said emphatlccUy find firmly No It by rights to the old mini who hud tost ft But tile old ninii war of wealth a mere bagatelle He could easily afford to chat money every week of bis life and not info it for he was one of the rleb men the world railroad magnate a mul timillionaire passed down Sixth avenue It war gay with shoppers Jostling one an other in the blithe hurry of the inn time Mingled the brilliant toilets of Che rich women were the dingy shawls of the women of the poor the curb next to a foot in an Id who a waited pleasure of a man In rags sold jacks rfear him another wretched creature jerked a small black mustache which unexpected ly Itself to on length much to the amusement of the passing children farther a blind sang doleful bitched a high voice Ji Is ey humbly for peonies Women rustling In ttrappod la and with jewels carelessly their skirts against him and entered the great swinging doors of the shops They closed noiselessly behind them shutting out the wail of the blind mans voice and the piteous of his sightless eyes The rich and the poor the sickening contrast between the the haughty carelessness of the one the abject hu mility of the other whose outstretched hands forever solicited alms Another day and bis hand would have out stretched He too would have been forced to beg With an exclamation of thankfulness he clasped his hand to bis side thus holding more securely Its place money which had saved him from such dire humiliation Yea was only a drop In the bucket to rich old man He could well afford to lose It He would keep money It had been dropped by a special providence at his very feet It would be the height of folly to fly in the face of that providence and give it back He would keep here he resolutely his Nevertheless be had forgotten his In tention of shaving He hud almost for- bis hunger in the mental struggle through which be was pacing No he would not keep tbe money Rightfully It belonged to the millionaire lie took out the envelope and looked for the old mans address Fifth avenue He lived in a palace probably among the rest of millionaires It he lived In then he could without a paltry teu thousand and he should He would keep It Once more he to dream of things to eat Ah chose thing to est They were homely thing finrt sand wiches ham and egg coffee with cream real cream frothy and yellow and thick such cream as he had tasted In his boyhood ages before cream lying densely upon the top of the milk pans Into which he had dip ped his fingers again and again and agala It was a long time since he had bad real cream In bis coffee Later after the ham and eggs and coffee he would indulge perhaps In dock pate and But this insatiable appetite of his must be fed first with substantial things with which his palate was familiar But ought he to keep the money Was It bis before he had faced about and proceeded up town Again he consulted the letter Again he found address He walked on and on and on toward Fiftyninth street HI footsteps lagged By now he was weak from hunger but pressed forward by this question of right and wrong which would not let him rest until be had seen the old man and given him back his money he made his slow way to the given In letter It was a as be had supposed He hesitated as be looked up at grandeur of It Bow little old man needed the money and bow hungry be was His hesitation was only momentary He walked resolutely up the marble steps and pushed tbe button A magnificent flunky resplendent In blue and brass buttons appeared at opening of tbe door He glanced haugh tily over head asked what he wanted Informed tbat ha wanted to see the millionaire The fluoky with a sarcastic Inflection asked for his cord Of course had no card He gave him his name flunky left him standing there on outside while be retired within Pres ently he reappeared stood aloof from as If he suspected him of concealing dynamite which might bo hurled at moment and suavely titled nature of bis business with the million air ENLARGED TO 136 PAGS PRICE A DEMORESrS MAGAZINE Family agazine for is to be farther improved and enlarged It success the past year en couraged the publishers to make arrangements or import ant and costly changes in this popular magazine improvements bo appreciated by its readers contains more matter artistic social cod practical than any other one magazine contains It la a magazine for the whole family It gives much general matter as an exclusively literary magazine- It treats household topics as folly as a strictly domestic journal It gives as Interesting matter or young people as a strictly peoples publication It gives as fashion news as strictly fashion paper is printed illustrated and carefully edited Fashion Department is in every way far ahead of that contained In any other publication Subscribers are entitled month to patterns of tho latest fashions in womans attire at no tost to other than that necessary for postage and wrapping Better Gift than a years subscription to Magazine can be made Remit by money order registered letter or check to MAGAZINE Fifth Ave New York City Great Special Offer Fop Prompt Subscriptions Only for THE Send Subscriptions to Era In reply Doolan stated bis busi ness related to a private and important matter which he wished to discuss with millionaire and with millionaire alone whereupon the flunky brutally bade be oh and slammed the big doors In his face walked slowly down the broad white steps of mansion tost thought Arrived at the foot he stood looking up at the great closed doors still thinking He stood there so long that a large strong policeman on the corner approach ed and ordered off the street grasp ing his shoulders and giving him a pon derous shove by way of emphasis That shove put an end to hes itation Taking a cross street he walked away briskly as one who has a fixed pur pose A few moments later he across the a venue to where a restaurant sign announced that a turkey dinner was being served that day At same time he noticed that the store adjoining was occupied as a dis trict telegraph office stopped between the two windows Here was a door which no flunky would shut Ho easily send a message which would make him welcome at the millionaire home Conscience and hunger grappled In a fresh hold As they wrestled stood here looking first Into one win dow and then Into the other At the end he went Into one of the you want a Nicer Buggy than anybody ha a Cutler eroneof beat call on or kind of ft I cue fcuvmiCoraeraLindi low some quiet wme torso very ones TWO LOSS On Situated near the old Woollen Factory For Sale on Terms Apply to JACKSON Beat Estate Agent I On Nov Gib parcel found on line near Sit ton requested to and take It away JOHN Farm to Sell or Bent ICO on Town Line of Hast a mile from young bearing orchard trees Good market farm Apply to Newmarket or To Soot Lot Si In rear of the 3rd concession of Whitchurch containing For fur ther apply to KNOWLE9 Box Newmarket House for Sale Corner of John and Timothy Brooms kitchen collar etc domestic water Applyonbepiemfeworto Newmarket When you Buy a NEW You not only want want will Hie kind you will nod at SHOP North of Main Newmarket They arc a of material tfuanifiicl to vct better work low over kef

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