Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 15 Dec 1899, p. 3

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I WHAT IB OH A ABOUT TOWN A partial of moon ttvKoa place tomorrow Moon shadow minutes to of moon leave At Go and Them J will mother largo oil painting on Market tomorrow in Canada Fin Oil Paintings valoo early or good bargain Wanted Daring year six from York boon treated at from from from Albert end from directors ask ing for to lift that still ro- mains on Firewood la in Ibis munlty and oven farmer ro abort of standing timber salo tomorrow of of standing in wo aoro ou on West of St Holland Landing an opportune mo to buy that should not bo overlooked Good attendance Sunday and program provided by Endeavor of the Mr David presided and Miss Palmer organist Readings wore given by Mies Med Leh man and limor and Mies Palmer Lowe was Miss J Low that tho a instead of Armitago Royal the mooting Sunday Santa Glaus Wo him for two onlyDeo and Look out for him Open meeting Leagao under superin tendency of Mies held an open meeting last Sunday afternoon Rub- eel provided and Anna organist Recitations were given by Irwin AltenaLudh Lily Lush and Frank reading by Fori Mo- duetts by Thompson Bisters and Mabel Armitage and Belfry psalm was repeated in concert by the juveniles Mrs gave a very interesting address explaining very clearly by an the parable of the Vine and There was good attendance Advent will be hJdTryFH- day till The flxturca are alt completed and congregation with effect lolly With plenty of red fries a mens l Sold last farm of the Edwin Hooter was sold on Tuesday to Mr Man- of Union East for farm a and a half from Mount Albert Initialled Silk See lot at p Going Up The V Bona Mfg Co are making now for for purposes to bo delivered here by the 1st of March are paying for Pino Birch and Maple flito for This is a moro than last year i Smith And latest novelties for Clubbing Rotes Era and Weekly lor 9100 Era and Montreal Witness for 175 Ere Globe and Common Benee vols Weekly Mail and Montroal including 2 pictures I Era and Farmers Bun Era Daily World a and Ladies Journal Toronto Era and Toronto Evening Balance of to now I Another Bonanza We oi in following from he Toronto World hit Friday Mr Edwards of North Toronto received a pair of ducks a fow days ago from neighborhood of Newmarket On opening gizzards of the birds small nuggets of gold discovered and Mr Edwards is strongly of the opinion that the stream in raised Is strongly impregnated with yellow metal location of the stream will be searched for and an examination made Next year it not be year so Will not have chance Ac- cording to the end of the century years leap first two figarca arodlvisfblo by four A 1J00 was leap year but and wore not neither old maids will have another chance In the year flca A Concert will be held In the Mechanics Hall Aurora on evening of Monday Inst under the patronage of Col Lloyd and of the York A flretolaoB Musical and Literary Program been prepared for tbe occasion feature will bo a chorus male fn Uniform who will accompanied by an orchestra Tho program will with a tebleaox York Rang ers Band will ah open from to As the proceeds of concert are to bo to the members of Battalion from this locality who are with the Canadian Contingent in South Africa It hoped the people will show their patriotism by crowd ing the Hall to its Tick of admission to the concert all one price and entitle the holders to reserved seats at Plan of Hall at Boons Drugstore A Special Car will leave Aurora for Newmarket at of the concert Tickets are for sale at Allans store a Wo atop the prow to from Toronto just received state that array of have been token Brithli CFlTT TO DRY GOODS mantle A good present for little money can had in this line at Hughes be R floppy Last Friday evening Band it haying been known to of the boys that Mr Frank was about to leave Town he was completely taken by surprise by the presentation of a Travelling Companion as a token of friend- ship Frank has been a member of Band for abode years and was deeply affected by unexpected gift At the close of the Christian on Sunday morning last Mr Frank was again presented Cases on behalf of Choir and Sunday Frank has been a vocalist In the choir and violinist In the S Orchestra Rev T Weeks made presentation accompanied by some complimentary re- marks to Frank briefly replied Frank will carry from Newmarket many kindly remembrances and good wishes for future success and Seed The Toronto and Seed Cleaner and Grader Manufacturing Limited is having very encouraging success in the of its That mill by company is superior now on the market testimony of all farmers who have used it and given it an intelligent teat The mill is protected by Canadian patents and the company has patents in United Great Britain and other countries com is an exceedingly and has almost unlimited capital at its back The president in Mr William who is also president of the Com- Limited the largest pork packers of cored meats in the British Empire Mr is also conneoted with many other manufacturing companies and corporations The is who is the William Company Limited The manager Is Cooper who for a long time connected with the Harris Co and who ha had large ex perience In the implement are promi nent bosinous in Toronto The connection of these gentlemen with company insures the performance of guarantee or representation which the company or its make In the conduct of its and It also treatability and financial of the Company the desire of Company that be alt the upon make gut aoyibing appears bo faulty in ihe or in work- of ho The Rink At meeting of the of the Newmarket Rink Co on Thursday week the following were Rov Morris Stewart J A Lloyd A Geo Cane A It to engage Band for Friday but as the price of has Inoreased very will bo charged five cents and general poblio ten cents on Band nights Every thing points to another successful season is being prepared and Caretakers Ash ley and Bon are working hard to have an early opening putt Boas For and girls Grey Curl Caps with Gauntlets to make useful presents Day Next Friday 22nd Nomination Day for Councils In Townships the nomination are made from to oolook In Newmarket the nomination for Mayor six three Trusees takes place in the Town Hall from 730 to pm nomination must be in writ ing stating name place of residence and occupation of candidate by both the proposer end seoondor Candidates proposed may resign verbal ly dnring the hour for holding nomina tions but after nominations close all re signations most be in writing signed and attested by a witness and delivered to the clerk any time before oclock pm on the 23rd When resignations are not re in time or in proper form a Clerk bas no alternative to hold an eleotlon A nominating or returning officer should not to accept a nomination paper for the reason that be has a personal know ledge of the faotthat the person nominated thereby not a legally candidate responsibility of this question should be left to tbe courts Munloi pal act does not make it the duty of officer to read nomination paper to tbe assembled either when handed to him or attbeolose of the nomination meeting He may do this however at a matter of courtesy At the close of nomination meeting he should announce the names of the candidates placed In nomination The nominator and seconder of a candidate should both be present nomination meeting and should be elector of tbe municipality It Is not necessary that a person aomloated should be present at the meeting It is to two Council lors In ward in Newmarket the Ward system Is done away with the six beet man Town We understand that King is getting ready for a fight but the only name men tioned is Mr in opposition to the present Mr Lemon In it fa that Mr Kiteley does not Intend to offer for and that Squire Souks Is seek ing the posit Ion Whitchurch Township Is very also North It is that the new County Councils Act taking the life out of matters Snaps In Oranges From dozen at R Bright Outlook of Newmarket are beginning substantial advantage that mix to the place The addi tions to Factory and the Office Bpcolalty Factory been tho moans of Ailing every vacant house in town and wanted We are credibly informed that last July Specialty Co has spent over in improvements and now ma chinery and by the time all tho changes In tboir factory are completed the cost will not bo lees than For paBt two months work has been almost at a standstill but the several de partments aro now getting down to -OJdbI- again and by the new year things will bo into fair running again But orders have boon piling In compatible with prosperity of tho times an instance we might mention that the woodworkers had orders to get out dozen boards for the Celebrated Files The Office Co been given tho for the office furniture of the new building on Bay St Toronto includes a handsome assortment of desks metal cabinets Already ten re porters have been shipped on this order A large order of buggy fittings was re ceived this week from factory at On Ilia Mr the general manager here says ho constantly worried by people writing for their work he hopes in the of two or three months to be able to keep regular of The work turned out by the Factory commends itself wherever it is seen and Is a point in favor of con tinued prosperity Our Toronto tetter The County Board of selectors of jurors for next fear mot this week in County buildings Tho board con- of Judge Morgan Sheriff Major Treasurer J K Mo- Donald Clerk of Peace H secretary of the board War den J Woodcock Warden Woodcock and the York County met a large delegation from the counties and of Ontario in the County Council chamber Tuesday afternoon to consider bettor roads move ment Mr of Newmarket oc cupied the chair Resolutions were passed favoring Legislative aid to municipalities for building permanent roads also favoring by laws to make wide compulsory on waggons drawing a ton or over The county control of leading highways was adopted by resolutions Mr of Mr Campbell Ontario Roads Commissioner and Hon J Davis delivered addresses on the occasion A suit been entered so the states by Estolla Rose of East against Hill for for alleged slander Goods were shipped from this city last week valued at via G eastward for the Canadian display at the Paris Exposition It is now understood that Mayor Shaw will seek reelection and Aid Clarke M P and the much defeated A McDonald will also bo in race It will likely be a hot in the old Town on the first Monday of next month A young lad was so badly hurt while Yongo St near yt by a trolley oh Friday last that ho died at the General Hospital next day His was Andrew David son Flag are floating at halfmast in memory of lato Sir Geo tick exLieut Governor of Ontario who died early on Wednesday morn ing last A very attractive program is offer ed for the Military Concert announc ed to take place in Hall on Saturday next Political circles take the result of the byeelections on Tuesday on both sides as satisfactory the Govern ment majority in the House in ten sufficiently strong for all practical pur pose On Wednesday last James Neil was convicted in the General Sessions of burglarizing Hills store in Nov last at Shirting Gingham Factory Cotton 36inch Mens Heavy Double Breasted Shirts Scotch Shirts Drawers Mens Antelope Gloves lined regular for Black Beaver Cloth Winter Vests from 12ic to Hemstitched Handkerchiefs for 5 a HOSIERY Having made large purchases of both Ladies and Childrens Hosiery before the advance in price wo can still quote you prices as low as ever pounds Bright Sugar Largo Bottle Pickles Tapioca per lb Dome Black Lead J lb Jar Mustard with Handle Comfort Soap Eclipse Soap Surprise Soap Sardines Round Tin Finnan Hemp and Canary Seed Epsom Salts Ground Alum Icing Sugar 25 By trading with us you 20c on every dollar you upend RUWT Cash Prize Market Thursday Dec v Gift buyers will flod rbl a cafe to and buyers find variety in both costly and pensive goods in STICK PINS LINKS GOLD STATIONERY SETS EBONY MIRRORS EBONY BRUSOE8 PURSES CLOCKS COME AND GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co Store NEWMARKET For the You will Find York County Departmental Store THE CHEAP STORE Correction tigore appeared In one of Mr locals week The price of Keystone Cook Stove No Is not More like winter now All Councils meet today Lay your plans for Christmas Make holiday selections a week from Monday Seven travellers came here on Monday on same electric car TeaParty in Big Sharon Meeting- House next Monday December The new whistle at the Specialty brings the men around In doublequick time these dark mornings The ladies of St Pauls cleared at their Bazaar last week The new at Timothy St shines forth every eight now close next Friday for Christmas Holidays Thursday is the shortest day Id year The Methodist Sunday Sohool will Rive asocial to the scholars next Friday night time of the vow Is approaching when secret societies hold their annual election of officers Secretaries are re- quested to send the lists Immediately after the meetings and we will gladly in them Dons an occasional visit to the latchstring always out aod teachers are glad to you go The wind on Tuesday sounded as If a Manitoba blizzard was on way here The regular of the takes place at the residence of Mrs St next Tuesday afternoon In days of old the wealth of nations in flocks and herds If markets wealth could estimated cats and we would favorably with many of them London Eng Dec A heavy snowstorm is with traffic in railroads and street oar lines in va rious parts of the country Skating has commenced A cable from Paris says that it has been that tho offi cial opening of the Exposition is to be Saturday April and not Easter Sunday as originally fixed During a performance in a theatre at capital of tho Spanish pro vince of that name a bomb exploded and set fire to the theatre which was destroyed No one was hurt At Regina a fire destroyed the residence of Constable Saunders near the mounted police barracks- Mrs Saunders and a in arms escaped but her three little boys were burned to death A lot of wreckage from the lost steamer Niagara lias been driven shore between and Port by the storm including a portion of tho bow with her name painted on it One hundred feet of the wall of unfinished factory being built for the Packing Company at Strat ford was blown down The wall was about fifty feet high and fell on the completed engine and boiler rooms demolishing them New Dec 1 News of in terest to Roman Catholics comes from Washington to the effect that tho ap ostolic delegate there has received the text of the decree from the Pope de signating the year as the year The decree permits celebra tion of midnight mass in all Catholic Churches on the night of Deo This is the first time history of church that any priest has been permitted to celebrate mass at the midnight beginning the new year The also grants privilege of communion at the midnight raws This also without precedent An other of the settled that so far as is Read everyone of the following list it may help you out when doing your Christmas shopping Maybe you had better cut the list out and bring it with you Toys Dolls Books and Games We cannot begin to name the host of things under this heading This space would not hold half of them You surely will not miss seeing this display the we think ever shown in Newmarket Bring the children Fop the Home Linen Table Covers Linen Table Napkins Linen Table Tray Cloths Linen Side Board Scarfs Linen Doilies Fancy Table Mats Pillow 8hams Pillow Cases Quilts Chenille Curtains Chenille Table Covers Damask Table Covers Rugs Colored Wool Floor Slats Clothes Wringers Carpet Sweepers Nickel Plate Sad Irons Silver Plato Goods Cutlery Dinner Sets Tea Bets bets China Fancy Lamps Candies flats We have over a ton of all kinds of Candies ranging in price from to lb Dont fail to visit the Grocery Card where we are displaying the Goods together with all kinds of Nuts and Fruits Wear Fur Caps Fur Coats Fur Gauntlets Fur Robes Hookey Boots Skates A Kid Gloves Silk Handkerchiefs Silk Mufflers Silk Ties Linen Handkerchiefs Fancy Sox Night Shirts Walking Sticks Overcoats Suits Collar and Cuff Buttons Umbrellas Scarf Pins Moccasin Rubbers Goods Toilet Soaps Xmas Cards Prayer and Hymn Books Gift Books Brush and Comb Hand Mirrors Purees Albums Photo Frames Ink Stands Plush Goods etc Womens Silk Blouses Wrappers Jackets Dre3 Goods Shawls Millinery Fur Gauntlets Fur Ruffs For Fur Coats Fur FurCap3 Kid Gloves Fancy Handkerchiefs Lace Ties Fancy Bookies Fancy Belts Garters Hair Pins Skates Boots Slippers Gloves Feather Boas Fanoy Collars Stick Blouse Cuff Links Bead Necklaces Silks Dress Skirts Underskirts The df ay ft of a great as well ornamental concerned the century will begin articles- on Jan I i

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