Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 15 Dec 1899, p. 10

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Headache Biliousness Heartburn Indigestion Dizziness that your liver Id out or order best to liver and euro all Ilia Is found la told by fatal of HEAD TORONTO Aid up Capital Fund Total A soot nearly A ranch of thin Ifi BRADFORD Where received of and up wards thereon current of Discounting Fanners Notes And Bale Notes at LOWEST RATES For furl her Information apply to JOHN Agent It Is the time to get your Photos taken I am giving a groat reduction of price on Photos for the remainder Of 00 Cabinet a I W All of enlarged portraits in Crayon Water Color Air Brush or India Ink at half regular price I will to you lite host work that can in Town or refund your money Graham JONES OLD STAND fiBWJWHRKBT bile around the Hub WIDEAWAKE vwv to BUTTON Mr and Mrs Martin Taylor Holland Landing moved hero for the winter Willing Workers Entertain ment quite a young drama tints acted their creditably to themselves and with pleasure to audience club vorking hard to buy a now organ for church Proceed anniversary in Methodist church on Sunday was em inently successful Rev Mr of Aurora preached a powerful monlo a very largo congregation Walter Street hos bad bis raised and is putting a founda tion under it Our enterprising Mr Gray is improving his premises by putting an addition to his stable Mr Hunter of Toronto took Rev Mr Hands sovyico here on Dr Agncw is improving bis prom iscs by new fence The railway tax still provides am- food for discussion this section Children Cry for aurora A grand patriotic concert will bo held in the Mechanics Hall here on Monday evening 18th Inst under tho patronage of Col Lloyd and the offi cers of 12th York Rangers A first class musical and literary pro gram has been prepared Mr James Usher wood of Whit- oh had a narrow escape from being killed one night week He was returning homo in his buggy and leading a span of horses behind When a few rods this of gate on attached to buggy shied and van over an em bankment which is about feet high at that point was thrown out head first down em bankment and received some severe neck and back The buggy was badly damaged but the horde escaped uninjured Children Cry for The Leading Specialists of America Years In Cured Thousands of and alto troubled with t big many They a Era cental ion small twisting harp outline times HfhldU- diflicolLy in weak of nerroua debility they bar debility hive you by cutting stretching or tearing absorbs stricture llatue hence at nnaa en 1 It can now No pain no Buffet- leg no from bualawj by our aueU nerves and of manhood GLEET young and middleaged men are having their vigor and tapped by this dis- Unnatural Foil- Lack of and may ha Dont doctor jflthoy have no experience in these dont allow experiment on you will I you dollars for caw wo oepvfor treatment and tit CURES WeUf4fcw4 cure EMISSIONS e and EMISSIONS If unable call write for Cor and 1 mod IT The EMULSION D EMULSION and most of Cod D EMULSION prescribed by of Cud id The D L EMULSION It a flcih producer and will ve you an Bottle DAVIS CO- BURKE members and friends of Las School intend holding a grand concert and tea in Temperance Hall on Monday Dec entertainment will recitations and dialogues by the of the school Molrvine elocutionist Victoria Univer sity the Misses Newman will give se lections on the guitar and mandolin Miss Charlton medalist of Toron to will give exhibitions in club swing ing Selections will also be by the Hope Glee Club and instrumental music by A J St John A supt of will occupy the chair Tea will be served from to Anniver sary sermons in connection with the School will be on Sunday 17th Dee by Rev E Large of Richmond Hill at 1080 am aod pm and a platform meeting will be held at in the afternoon at which addresses will be delivered by Mrs Bray and others BALL ANTE i0i TJhe given at he homo of A on Wednesday evening was a grand success Over peo ple being present All present enjoy- themselves very gram consisted of music and singing by Bowles and Miss Wit jam son of and Miss Leath ers of Baliantrae also by Mr Woods of Recitations wore giv en by Miss OBrien of and Miss Maghan of Proceeds about Wednesday night of last week gained admittance to Mr Hills store here and carried off be tween and worth of goods same night the Christian and Methodist churches on tho ninth con of Whitchurch were broken into but was stolen On Sat last two men were arrested by the name of McNeil and who live on the 2nd eon of Before their arrest a search warrant had been obtained and their premises were searched and a large of stolen property found with them They were brought before Magistrates and who after hearing committed them to jail to stand their trial at the next assizes They were taken to jail Saturday evening King City will Sunday School on Tuesday Ueo 19lb A tea will ho in the from to after which an excellent program will rendered in the conaistiog of tinging by tho Victoria College Club of Toronto Elliott and Mies Keffcr soloists elocutionists Rey of Newmarket and Mies late of Whitby Col lege and tiona by members of end ing with a grand tableaux entitled Future Canada Chair taken by Hon J Davis i Mies Sanders wbilo coming from the barn to the house on Thurs day last slipped and fell fraoturing her ankle i On Monday as Miller had his to buggy ready to start the animal foil and one of its hind feet went spokea of ono of front animal frightened getting managed to get away from Mr Miller and mude kindling wood of the rig On Friday last Anthony went to his farm and nre to some brush lie was seized with an attack of epilepsy and fell into fire and was horribly burned on the arms his body and neck- Without aid bo got his ad buggy and drove to his home Medical aid was soon secured and bis injuries attended to On Saturday last Mra Win met with a very serious while coming down tho winding back stair way in the Mansion House When passing Miss on the stairs she missing hep and fell dialocating shoulder and fractur ing bono near the shoulder joint rendering it extremely difficult to set the shoulder in place again Captain Abbot of United States secret service has identified in Cyrus Davis arrested at Toledo on Thanksgiving Day Charles John- eon of last of Johnson family who have been counterfeiter for throe generations Cones or do away with need for Laxative Pills which are so dam aging to the walla stomach to say nothing of the griping pains caus ed by Splendid for the child- Is a box from Bros Chemists Great St London The World No de scribing these Cones sent free by us At a locality figuring so prominently in the present South war is to bo found one of the greatest diamond mines in world The Consolidated mine at this point is said to turn out nearly per cent of all diamonds now being produced The aggregate value of the shares of the Company is given at i5l J 1 cured David lives In the town of Tone Ohio County Kentucky From there lie writes I lcWn ioViaz I hid or general debility of three year funk three fftcoytry lrtuf lime It my alecp mure aud I stain fifteen pound a Id and alto Sallied m every ay been lx months alncc I took the and Mill have good health When a man rundown it bard work to run Win unless condition of his system is first changed That is what the Golden Medical Discovery does for him It begins by re moving from digestive all poisonous effete matter It gives tone to his stomach activity to liver cleanliness to bowels While this work is going on the Discovery alto manifests its potency through the blood and nerves fills the blood with rich red corpuscles and sends them vig orously circulating all over the body to soothe and nourish the tired abused screeching nerves When a man has nervous prostration it isnt nerves that are wrong Its bis blood Bad blood comes from bad digestion bad bad liver bad kidneys Pierces Golden Medical Discovery will put all these organs in good order Golden Medical Discov ery contains no alcohol in any form It is entirety free from opium and other narcotics and contains neither sugar nor which are injurious to some stom achs Without any- of these ingredients it retains its pleasant taste ant healing qualities in any climate and under all conditions Dont let a careless or dishonest medi cine seller cheat you out of your health by giving you a If so there must be some trouble its food Well babies are plump only the sick are thin Ar you sure the food Is all right Chil dren can help but they mustgrow if their food nourishes them Perhaps a mistake was made in the past and as a result the Is weakened If that is so dont give the baby a lot of medicine just use your common sense and help nature a little and the way to do It Is to add half a teaspoon- fill of SCOTTS Of Order for Picnic promptly attended to Factory corner and Street SIDES BORE HACK ING It will euro you quickly no flatter had cold En dorsed by thousands of Canadi ans Bold throughout Manufactured by proprietors of Perry Davis to the babys food three or four times a day The gain will hegin the very first day you give it It seems to correct the digestion and gets the baby started right again If the baby is nurs ing but does not thrive then the mother should take the emulsion It vltl have a good effect both upon the mother and child Twenty- five proves this fact ill druggist SCOTT Chtalitl Perth Dec I A terrible accident occurred near station about 10 from hero whereby a youn girl named Minnie Kirkhain 14 years was shot and instantly killed It seems that she and her younger brother were in a room upstairs and the little fellow grabbed a shotgun from the bed and started across floor with it His sister immediately went to take the gun from him when in some unaccountable way it went off tear ing the girls face and scattering brains over floor to bis Death Insidious Disease Lurks Everywhere A bright young man in Grey Co thoughtlessly plunged into the lake at a summer resort when the blood was above the normal heat shock stopped the kidneys work Poisons which should have been car off were circulating through the Dropsy was the result and one bright autumn mourning badge was on the door and a promis ing young life was snuffed out He trusted himself to skilled physicians but they failed to do what South Am erican Kidney Cure would have done It clears heals and puts and keeps tho kidneys in perfect action A spe cific for all kidney ailments Bold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket Grand Trunk earnings for the last week in November show an increase of over the same week of the previous year and it is confidently anticipated that the in crease for the year will exceed 2- THE JAPS DID sup plied with the menthol con tained In that wonderful Menthol Plaster which relieves instantly backache headache neuralgia rheumatism and scia tica Manufactured by the Da vis Lawrence Co Pec On Friday as the children were returning home from school some of them became mix ed up in a quarrel A little boy was about to throw at a little girl when Caldwells daughter about twelve years old in terfered The stick was hurled how ever and it struck the Caldwell girl above one of the temples She ate her supper as usual but soon after took sick and grew rapidly worse un til midnight when she died Dr conducted a p03trmortem ex amination on Saturday afternoon and found a large clot of blood near the temple English Spavin Liniment re moves all hard soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses Blood Spavin Curbs Splints Ring Bone Sweeney Stifles Sprains Sore and Swollen Throat Coughs etc Save 50 by use of one bottle Warranted most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Sold by Lehman Druggist Of the two statues ordered by Canadian Government from Mr Herbert the wellknown Canadian artist that of tho late Hon Mackenzie has been cast and is ready for shipment Hon Mr who last summer visited Sir Herberts atelier in Paris to see model pro nounces it a work of rare excellence It is not likely that the statue will be shipped from Paris until the opening of navigation next year when it can be forwarded direct from France by to Montreal as the monument would not bo erected before next sum mer at any rate by the pupils of the Public School of that place on tljo evening of Friday Dec There will bo choruses quartet tes duets and dialogues chief attraction will be the Columbian Dull to bo given by six teen Proceeds in aid of school library Dec fine residence of Mr A of St Boniface was burned to the ground early this morning together with stables and adjoining buildings loss is about Mr Bert rand was elected as Liberal member for St Boniface a consti tuency that has been Conservative for many years Dec was visit ed by a this morning which prov ed the most disastrous that has ever befallen the town damage done was the total destruction of the Mc Laughlin Carriage Companys build ings together with all improved machinery and nearly ail the con tent The estimated loss is 000 on which insurance is be- and The was first discovered by the night watch man about oclock in one of the large kiln ft Dec For years the of has been supplied with natural gas and people have depended solely on this for fuel When the severe weath er of yentpiday set in the gas supply began to fail and last night the fires went entirely out in hundreds of fur naces and Much suffering was the result Scores of families did not have money to buy any other kind I THAT THE SIGNATURE OF andRestContalns neither Wot Narcotic THE I of fuel The farmei who brought wood town charged a double price for their product The gas supply has completely failed today and there is no promise of relief The Beginning of Sad SO IS w WRAPPERS Sugar WW Remedy SourStomachDiarrhoca and LOSS OF SLEEP Simile Signature of YORK OF EVERY BOTTLE lira la up in not iM la- balk Uer7 to on It- it good and will itiwtr get Do you think of Heart Failure Thin watery blood and weak exhausted nerves real cause Dr Chases Food the preventative Persons sutject to thin Wood and nervous exhaustion may well tremble the mention of heart failure as they have in their system the to weakness of the heart The viulity of the heart is amazing considering the immense amount of work it docs and so long as it is supplied with plenty of rich red blood it on untiringly rebuilding its waste as the Once the gels thin starved and exhausted the waste gradually becomes mora rapid than the restoring process and finally some nervous shock or overexertion causes the beating to cease and life departs Headache pains in the back and limbs sleep lessness weaknesses and Irregularities of the feminine organs palpitation of the heart and nervous disorders are sure indications of thin weak blood Dr Chases Nerve Food forms new red cor puscles in the blood puts vital energy into the nerves and stops the wasting process that would ultimately end heart failure nervous prostra tion or paralysis It is the worlds greatest restorative for men women and children In pill form a box at all dealers or BatS Co Toronto Book free If you do write THIS SUMMER NEWMARKET ONT And get of Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ALL THE l Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork TRENT CANAL DIVISION NOTICE TO CONTACIOK TENDERS addressed totheundor- signed and endowed Tender for Trent Canal will be received this ifflce until noon Saturday fitrucuonof nine bet wen and Pinna of the work and forma of Contract can be office of the Department of Rail ways and at Ottawa at the Superin tending where form of tender can be obtained on and after Thursday Nov lb tin case of Arms there be attached signatures of the lull name the nature or the occupation and of real of member of the same and fur ther an accepted the sum of must the tender this ac cepted be fiver to the Minister Railways and Cnils and will be forfeited It the party declines en- term Into contract for work at the rates and terms stated In offer The ctptd cheque thus In will bo returned to the respective partus whose tenders are or any tender not necessarily ac cepted order KJONES Department of and Canals Nov b0 Largest Factory id Canada for the of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS Etc Newspapers advert Is Without authority the not be paid for It CM nxit CO Toronto J ct I- JO to UK a 9 jeer joj u cr S1 iu U4r ir We HighGrade and Repair all kinds on short notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET ONT ua The Buffalo AirSteel This la the only Dlfic made or l Canada having Independent adjustable upon the Inner ends of the amount of to be upon thegangs by the foot or the operator By means a perfectly fleilM action Is secured and a depth Examine this Machine care fully and compare with others The 12Crjltivator IS A OP The only Cud- vator made that both of teeth will cut depth In the Examine and will see why only Cultivator with a cit able tooth set so that the angle of the teeth w to suit any condition of toll can be regulated to act differently on g are carried IheVheels Instead of behind as In machines thus securing lighter draft This Is furnished with grain and grass when It has diamond a olnts for teeth also extra wide tWtieM will buy Mi CVtTKA IT buy no other THE MADE No lutroduoUon Drills and of our In in Canada The only Jig lever for Instant and perfect regulation of boo in all kind of soil whit team Is In Sows absolutely correct to scale every kernel la deposited at a proper dtp of boo in all kinds of sol while team absolutely correct to scale wvJf every kernel la deposited at a proper grow- Purchase only the and you wm satisfied Cultivator and beat Send for illustrated catalogue Can cranio or lU ft TOOLE 8 Agents NEWMARKET sfc Jan for 1 cash Lu

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