Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 1, 1899, p. 4

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I f rev It Eye Like the Meters You are master of health and if you do not I Ontario j During past week Ontario completed work of rcad- j tinting tho different branches of do- attend to duty the blame is work change easily located If your blood follows out of order Hoods Treasury Department Will ptiflfy it 1 lll asylum branches and It Is flpccJflo remedy Division Court Of blood kidneys or liver Crown Lands is faadhMrt- livable of colonization roads department and has and three bottles completely added to it tho Department of ration in bo known A Oaf oal fl colonization I my remaining Tito Department of Public Works wore to lhot trouble and not it- the JJi vision They are arid Courts branch while and will bo united and will also be under Mr supervision Attorney Generals Department I will bo of Fisheries branch and to it will lw Insurance branch and the Trimble pfcquot of Mr of Suffer ed for Years Finding a Dr Williams Pink Pills Life and Health Are At Stake frf i BLACK HOLE OF- CALCUTTA YOUR CASE CALLS FOR THE USE OF add hay not since baa a Km cold Never can pop ana u of Children I JA0K80N Best Advertising Medium York County JO per Nonpareil lino for Depart ment will be relieved of Depart ment of Neglected Children and to it will bo added tho Asylums and Licen ses Department of Agriculture will ho of Immigration No change is in tho Education Department CO I noli liiolius r 0- I MO rrlt- until forbid ana will bo changed month if For month wo paid for at regular rate for contract advertisements bo in by noon on Wednesdays Special Low Kates for Executors Notices Parma to Articles Lost and Pound etc will bo inserted free for any Church or Society where arc or no admission cpprcol taken will be charged a notice No to this LEGAL Thos J Barrister Public c OrriOB Main Street to Loan on good Farm Barrister Solicitor etc for Township of King Mono to Court Building Ontario p Snowies Late with Marsh Cameron Toronto carefully managed and collections promptly 7 Money to loan at lowest rates Sax tons of Post Cboppln 3 doors flee Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will Newmarket on Saturday or- also bo at and Court BolcitorVforJ L Boss A Co and Ontario Bank Aurora Metropolitan Titouble thickness as days go by A Toronto evening paper states that Town of North Toronto has directly raised tho issue of juris diction of Railway Committee of tho Privy Council in the Metropolitan and connection case at Yonge St crossing in a writ which A on behalf of tho Town en- on inst Town practically nays that the Metropolitan Co Iiavo no right to run freight cars on street and that Railway Committee of tho Council can not any such right There is about three miles of the Companys lino within tho Town limits over which municipality has jurisdic tion writ not only for an injunction to restrain tho Rail way Co defendants from using that part of Yongo St for the passage of heavy freight cars and freight motors to and from the Com panys railway but also that the Metropolitan Co bo restrained from converting Yongo St highway in to a railway rightofway in point of fact restricting Metropolitan to an electric street railway for passen gers only the same as in Toronto city R Costly Gift Judging from a recent decision up in the County of Waterloo the free gift of tho rightofway to the Metro politan Co may prove a costly to both Town and v toxxnn St Barrister Solicitors Ao Arcade King St West Toronto Honey to int Barrister Reformer Block Honey to Loan PAINTING Glooms Painter and Paper Hanger experience in all branches of the business Full line of samples of latent designs in Wall Papers Ask to see them 2nd door North of Primary School Church Street Jill A i ai TflYiiO ifnne Pcper Done promptly neatly and in order I am also associated with a ratClass Painter and Writer can be loft at Hardware Store at the residence of Mr J Green head of Street West Bolton Practical Painter PaperHang or and Millards Church Street Lane end AUCTIONEERS Auctioneer for the Co of York sold on commission Terms reason able- Farm Bale attended to A trial solicited Street Newmarket County Possibly the Town may bo safeguarded by a saving clause al ready in the agreement but if not it should be attended to when the agreement goes before the Ontario House for ratification The point of County and Town liability is raised by a decision in the case of a farmer named Wedge against the Street Rail- way Co operating a lino from Gait to Preston and While Wedge was driving home in a sleigh last winter ho was run into by a trol ley on the above line His sleigh was smashed and he was badly injured Early this month he got judgment against Waterloo township for about not been kept clear of snow which forced traffic over against the railway tracke The Township Council has now decided to buy a strip of farm land twenty feet wide along the wesc side of the road for a little over a mile in order to safeguard public interests as they be lieve it would cost an enormous amount of money to keep the road free from snowdrifts in winter and they do not care to run the risk of another accident and claim for compensation The farmers are much stirred up over the need for this enlargement of the and have resolved that no future railway company shall get a franchise from them without paying well for it who suffer from stomach troubles aro truly to bo pitied Life seems a bunion to fowl ia and thao of tho plain est kind is frequently followed by nausea distressing pains and some times vomiting Such a was Mr Harvey Price a well known farmer and stockgrowor living at Bis- mark Ont To a reporter who re cently interviewed him Mr Price said I found Dr Williams Pink Pills of such incalculable valuo in mo of a long of suf fering that I am not only willing but anxious to say a good word in behalf of this medicine and thus point to health to some other sufferer For fivo years I had been afflicted with stomach trouble and a torpid livor I doctored and my self of many things pleasant to the taste but neither tho medical treat ment nor the seemed to help me to any dogreo In January climax of my troublo appeared to be reached At that time I was tak en down with la grippe and that add ed to my other troubles placed mo in a precarious position that nono of my neighbors looked for my re covery My appetite was almost com pletely gone and I experienced great weakness dizziness vomiting spells and violent headaches I was also troubled with a cough that seemed to rack wholo system I shall forgot the agony experienced during that long and sickness Med ical treatment and medicines of var ious kinds had no apparent effect in relieving mo After existing in this state for some months my mother in duced mo to try Dr Williams Pink Pills In May I purchased three box es and before were gone un doubted relief was experienced Thus encouraged I continued the use of less than a dozen boxes I was again on- joying the best of health I can now attend to my farm work with the greatest case My appetite is better than it has been for years and stomach trouble that had so long made my life miserable has vanished I have gained in weight and can safely say that I am enjoying better health than I have for years bo- fore I feel quite sure that those who may bo sick or ailing you will find a cure in a fair trial of Dr Williams Pink Dr Williams Pink Pills make pure rich blood thus reaching the root of disease and driving it out of the sys tem curing when other medicines fail Moat of the ills afflicting mankind are due to an impoverished condition of the blood or weak or shattered nerves and for all these Dr Williams Pink Pills a specific which speedily re store the sufferer to health These pills never flold in any form ex cept in the companys boxes the wrapper round which bears tho full name Dr Williams Pills for Pale People All others are counter feits and should always be refused Get the genuine and be made well Celery Compound Physicians and Recommend It One false step taken at this time when you are weak nervous sleepless despondent or suffering from the ag onies of rheumatism and neuralgia may provo fatal Thousands now wear grave who can be brought to their former health and if Celery Compound bo faithfully used for a limb This wonderful medical discovery is acknowledged by physicians to bo greatest boon ever placed before Buffering and halfdead men and women Paines Colory Compound is at the present doing a marvellous work all over this Canadian Dominion The sick aro throwing aside and remedies used for weeks and months without good results and now have confidence firmly established in Celery Compound the medicine that truly bestows new This statement is made on the strength of letters received from the sick and suffering and their friends Cures effected for thousands whoso lives had been despaired of cases that the skill of able physicians If your life is made miserable by nervous sleeplessness heart trouble stomach derangements dyspepsia rheumatism neuralgia liver or kid ney troubles try the magical effects of one bottle of Celery Com pound and you will joyfully go on un til you stand on the solid rook of health Manila Nov fiJiting in the north of began Tuesday Nov Four Americans werekiHea and were wounded including three officers The insurgents are retreating to Santa Barbara but the fighting con tinues A despatch from Kingston elates thai a petition baa been forwarded to the praying for in the of undergoing sentence for ten years for complicity in robbery of the Dominion Bank at The petition has over membera of parliament clergy men doctors lawyers bankers Mayors When gets his ho will be looking for nomination to parliament or County Council Is a oily for extremes years ago verdicts of its courts teemed indicate that injuries retailing from neglect or want of on the part of railroad steamboat or street railway corporations or their employees was of not bat of late years the rale has been reversed and Chicago juries have no about assessing substan tial damages One has been awarded of a woman hart by the street while aba was attempting to alight sued for but the jury thought would keep ber and gave their verdiot accordingly NEWMARKET fc LATEST DESIGNS IN iiviument and Head Stones Blue where A Heart as Sturdy as An Oak But what about blood which the heart must pump at the of limes minute If tho heart Is to be sturdy and the nerves strong this blood must be rich and pure Hoods makes sturdy Hearts It makes good blood It gives to men and women strength confi dence courage and endurance ROODS PILLS ana the only cathartic to take AJlaaI Hoods Wo the undersigned do hereby to refund the money on a twenty five cent bottle of Dr Wills English Pills if after using threefourths of contents of bottle they do pot relieve Constipation and Headache We al so warrant that four bottles will per manently cure the most obstinate case of Constipation Satisfaction or no pay Wills English Pills are used Wilmofc Lehman Druggist Newmarket Ont J Druggist Ont Bootte Pharmacy Main Newmarket Ont The age of is a particularly fatal age An examination of the re cords of the United States government shows that more people die at that age than any other after attaining their majority t PHYSICIAN Is not always at hand Guard yourself against coughs and colds by keep ing a bottle of In the house Avoid substitutes there Perry Davis and now Charles Topper Is on the gridiron of the law His friends since warned htm that Ms extravagant method of repeating respecting op ponents and the color of faot would get him into serious trouble some day and judging from a from Brandon towards the close of last week now realized it Udder date of Brandon Nov the save A writ been prepared at be Instance of Mr oily against Sir Tapper fi which the leader of the Dominion Opposition charged with slander and defamation of character As result of in here Monday night Mr wrote Charles while in f Brandon bat what be bad said about him was false and him to call offlca and learn the troth of the matter Sir Charles declined to do The statements to were to the effect that bad taken whisker into the In violation of the existing bad peddled the authority from the Government to do this offering It for The writ has been issued IF TAKEN IN TIME The D I Emulsion will surely cure the most serious affections of the lungs That run down con dition tho after effects of a heavy cold Is quickly counteract ed Manufactured by the Davis Lawrence Co Ltd The Cheese and Butter Associa tion of Western Ontario is offering in prizes for the best on Cheese and Butter Making WE CLAIM THAT The Menthol Plaster will cur lum bago backache sciatica or neu ralgic pains quicker than any other remedy by Davis Lawrenco Co Ltd Iroquois Nov The verdict in the case of the man found dead in hose tower was rendered at two oclock this morning It is to effect tliat death was caus ed by drinking and story of awful night of the torture and death spent by Eng lish prisoners In tho Black Hole of Calcutta on Juno IS baa been read with 9 feeling of horror nearly a century and a half In an old paper recently resurrect ed a garret in this city ihcro was found a short and graphic account of tho night of suffering and death as told in words of one of sur vivors It would seem from this talo that confining of the In this email dungeon on a hot and torrid night was an accident rather than as the prisoners were order ed into the Black Hole near which they were being guarded after some attempt to find a more suitable loca tion and that they suffered and died chiefly no would order their removal when it was discovered that the dungeon literally a place of death without orders from the Nabob who was asleep his at tendants fearing consequences of awakening him In an hour after the door closed on victims of bis merciless order a number were dead and most of tho rest were raving maniacs clamoring for air and water In four hours nearly of prisoners wore dead an awful mor tality which probably saved survived from a similar When the order of release was is sued twelve hours had not expired since the fatal door was closed but only twentythree half dead victims survived and marched out into morning light and air Most of the survivors were immediately released and told to go where they pleased The story of a survivor as fol lows the chief man among the prisoners on returning from its interview with the Nabob found his unfortunate com panions assembled and surrounded by a strong Several buildings on the north and south sides of the fort were already In flames which approached with so thick a smoke on cither hand that the prisoners imagined their enemies had caused this conflagration In or der to suffocate them between the two ires On each side of the eastern gate of the fort extended a of cham bers adjoining to the curtain and before the chambers a veranda or open gallery it was of arched ma sonry and intended to shelter the soldiers from the sun and rain but being lew almost totally obstructed the chambers behind from the and air and whilst some of the guard were looking in other parts of the factory for proper places to con- fino tho prisoners during the night rest ordered them to assemble in ranks under the veranda on the right hand of gateway where they re mained for soma time with so little suspicion of their Impending fate that they laughed among themselves at seeming oddity of this dispo sition and amused themselves with conjecturing what they should bv ordered to do About oclock who had been sent to examine the rooms re ported that they had found none fit for the purpose on which the prin cipal officer commanded the prisoners to go Into one of the rooms which behind them along the veran da It was the common dungeon of garrison and called Black Hole Many of tho prisoners knowing the place began to expostulate upon which the officer ordered his men to cut down those who hesitated on which the prisoners obeyed but be fore all were within the room was so thronged that the last entered with difficulty The guard immedi ately closed and locked the door confining persons in a room not twenty feet square with only two small windows and tbeso Were ob structed by the veranda It was hottest season of the year and night uncomfortably sultry even at this period The ex cessive pressure of their bodies against one another and the intoler able heat which prevailed as as door was shut convinced the prisoners that it was impossible to live through the night in this horri ble confinement and violent at tempts were immediately made to the door but without effect for it opened inward at which many became frantic with fright and suffer ing Mr who had placed him self at one of the windows expected them to remain composed both in mind and body as the only means of surviving the night and his remon strances produced a abort interval of quiet during which he applied to an old who bore some marks of humanity In Ma countenance pro mising to give him one thousand ru pees hi the morning If he would se parate tho prisoners into two cham bers The old man went to try but re turning in a few minutes said it was impossible when Mr offered him a larger sum but lie re turned with fatal sentence that no relief could be expected as Nabob was asleep and no one dared to a waken him In the meantime every minute had Increased their sufferings The first effect of their confinement was a pro fuse and continued sweat which soon produced Intolerable thirst succeed ed by excruciating pains In the with difficulty of breathing little of suffocation Various means were tried to ob tain more room and every one stripped of his clothes bat was put In motion but these me thods afforded no relief then it was proposed that they should all set down on Die floor at the same time and after remaining a while in this posture rise all together This fatal expedient was thrice re- hi fort they hart been confined in iji place and every tri naJfte trampled to death by again made to the door which failing before re doubled their thirst In creasing nothing but water wa ter became soon after general cry The good Immediately ordered some skins of water to be brought to the windows but of relief his benevolence became a more dreadful cause of destruction for the sight of water threw every Into such excessive agitations and ravings that unable to resist this violent impulse of nature none could watt to be regularly served but each with the utmost ferocity battled against those who were like ly to get it before him and la these conflict many were either to death by the efforts of others or suffocated by their own Info scene instead of producing compassion on the guard without only excited their mirth and they held up lights to the bars in order to the diabolical satisfaction of viewing the deplorable contentions of the sufferers within who finding It Impossible to water it was thus furiously disputed at length suffered who were near est to the windows to it in their hats to those behind them It proved no relief either to thirst or other sufferings for the fe ver increased every moment with the Increasing depravity of the air In dungeon which had been so often re spired and was saturated with the hot and deleterious of putre fying bodies the effect of w was little less than mortal Before midnight all alive and had not partaken of the air at the window were either In a lethar gic stupefaction or raving with de lirium Every kind of Invective and abuse was uttered in hopes of provoking the guard to put an end to their mi series by firing the dungeon and whilst some were blaspheming their Creator with the frantic execra tions of torment in despair heaven was implored by others with wild and Incoherent prayers until the Weaker exhausted by these agita tions at length lay down quietly and expired on the bodies of their dead or agonizing friends Those who still survived in the Inward part of the dungeon finding that the water had afforded them no relief made ef forts to obtain air by endeavoring to scramble over the heads of those who stood between them and the win dows where the utmost strength of every one was employed for two hours either In maintaining his own ground or in endeavoring to get that of which others were in possession All regards of compassion were lost and no one would recede or give way for the relief of another faintness sometimes giving short pauses of quiet but the first motion of any one renewed the struggle through all under which ever and anon some one sunk to rise no mors At oclock not more than remained alive but even this num ber were too many to partakd of the saving air the contest for which continued until the morning long implored to break and with the hope of relief gave the few sur vivors a view of ihc dead The survivors then at the window finding that their entreaties could not prevail upon the guard to open the door it occurred to Mr Cooke the secretary of the council that Mr if might have more Influence to obtain their relief and two of the company undertaking the search discovered him having still some signs of life but when they brought him toward the window refused to quit his place ex cepting Captain Mills who with rare generosity offered to resign his when the rest likewise agreed to room He had scarcely begun to recover his senses before an officer sent the Nabob came and inquired if the English chief survived and soon ter the same man returned with an order to open the prison The dead were so thronged and the survivors had so little strength remaining that were employed an hour In removing bodies which lay against the door before they could clear a passage to go out one at a time when of 148 who went in no more than twentythree came out alive the ghastliest forms that ever were seen The Nabobs troops beheld them and the havoc of death from which they had escaped with indifference which did not prevent them from re moving to distance but were Im mediately obliged by the intolerable stench to clear the dungeon while others dug a ditch on the outside of the fort into which all the dead bo dies were promiscuouslv thrown Mr unable to stand Was soon after carried to the Nabob who was so far from showing any com passion for his condition or roraore for the death of the other prisoners that he only talked of the treasures which English had burled The officers to whose charge ho was delivered ordered put Into fetters together with Messrs Court and who were likewise sup posed to know something of the treasures The rest of the survivor among whom were Messrs Court and Mills were told they might go they pleased pilesoat now his auffeiiDghas en tirely and lie bargained twenty of He Street I iwu piles for en My the dually til fire fact that I tried muny different of treatment locawdUted find unable to work and after much hesitation wrote to you lam very happy to rtAtt that your baa done sue you ttdrtsd Dr Golden Medical Pleasant They cured me I thank you heartily for what you did for All u entirely and I have gained abot Jo weight uied only one leal twentyfiTe pout bottle of Golden Midi vial of the Pellet a disease that is usually treated locally with ointments which are well enough in their way bat do aot touch the cause I This is where Pierce eel they cure the cause of and of the disease itself disappears Piles are caused by a severe of the lining of the rectum and lower testlnes an this inflammation Is due to tfc presence of effete matter To cure it two things are nec essary 7 thorough clean sing of the bowels soothing and cooling of the inflamed membrane The first fa produced Dr Pierces Pleasant Two little Pellets about twice the a pin a dose They are the They sot gripe but they do their work Dr Pierces Golden Discovery cools and purifies the blood and acts as a tonic to the whole digestive neutralising and eradicating all irritating The patient who takes two ret die will not only find hi pile cured will toon that hi general la improved Or Puree Pellets cur On Situated near the old Woollen Factory For Bale on Easy Terms Apply to Real Estate Agent r to Soil Stmt ICO acres on the Town Line of Hast G wtlllm- a mite from Newmarket depot Young bearing orchard of trees Good market farm Apply to Hew market Lot the rear of the 3rd concession of Whitchurch containing ICO acres For particulars apply to iTJtf 13 for Bale Corner of John and Timothy rooms kitchen atone cellar closets etc domestic water Apply on the premises or to BEST Hungarian Pat ent FIELD of all kinds Timothy Clover Mangel Carrot and Turnip Beeds of the VARIETIES QBmtms Portland and Ontario J Cor Main and Huron AUCTION SALS OF THAT HACKING COUGH Is a warning not to bo lightly treat ed urea with absolute certainty all recent coughs and colds Take It In time Manufactured by tho pro- of Perry DaYla Mr Peter Murray of Scott town bad three valuable sheep killed by on Saturday night TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Quinine Tablets All refund the money If it falls to euro signature la on each box A named Wesley Cliittick of was found dead in his bedroom at Manor Winnipeg having been asphyxiated by gas DePATMEKX Or Woods and Branch hereby given under of Order in Council Beams as hereunder mentioned in the DISTRICTS via the Township of For and part of Alqova the Town ship of part of CafiixoIs Berth ho Davis and the north of the Town ship of all in the District of trxsQKo certain email areas In District or Buna will be offered for by Auction at the Department of Crown Lands at the hour of ONE Step WEDNESDAY the TWBN- of DECEMBER next and terms of with information as to Ara Lots Conccsalonscomprlsed In each Berth will be furnished On personally or T letter to the Department or Crown Lands or to the Timber Office Rat Portage J No unauthorised publication of this advertisement will be paid for Our returned if Any one send afcetch and of any promptly our opinion patentability of same How to Obtain a Patents through for sale at our taken out through us receive ic without charge In Tub art illustrated and wldttr circulated journal consulted by Manufacturers and fiend for ViOTOR J EVAN CO Pa tea Attorneys tttana J

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