Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 24 Nov 1899, p. 2

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fey Have a Fit Montgomerys Holiday Starr Market Co Now Goods Situations Central College Dont Mias it 0 Graham Bros Lost Bert Forsyth Milk Wanted A Adams Found John A Tenders Wanted for Supplies Lehmans Drug Store Ki Card of ThanksMrs Rosa Notice Hunter Estate Metropolitan Electric By Co Toronto to Cars Each of railway authorities and Co and Dominion Govern- engineer met at the St crossing where Metropolitan and want to make to locate track County men and tho Metropolitan Company doeirod to occupy West of street but men objected it would largely with and bo clangor ous to pedestrians took this same view and or track to bo laid on East aido but until a decision ia reached much uncertainty will prevail as to outcome Even legislation at approaching session of Local House would bo doubtful for with a case pending in courta in regard to corporate rights involved Leg islature would bo slow to movo Al together it is a mixed up affair and a struggle for the mastery Oar Society Column POINTS TIME TABLE North Toronto Leave SO Am am am 1 CO pm 2 pm 8 pm pm pm Return Fare either way 125 am am CO pm pm 16 pm pm pm Dominion baa appoint Mr A of a load ing barrister of County of now of Island He will homo on Island mis Kit up I nor AND WITH ISSUE Pointed all FRIDAY NOV Mr and Mrs A B wore visiting in this Mr David Millard and two wore In the last Mies Johnson of Bradford was of Miss over Sunday- Miss Louie is visiting her sister Mrs Wilkinson at Trenton Mr Caldwell Inspector of tho O was bore a few days this week on visit Mr and son of Sutton spent last Saturday and Sunday with frlonda In town Mre who boon medical treatmont for some past la on 1I10 mend Mr Jones and Miss Clara of Blooming ton at Tarry- all Miss Smith has to Albert to spend the Christmas holidays with nolo Mrs Mr tho obliging at Cemetery has been under the I or past Writs have boon issued for to tho Provincial Assembly to All vacanolco for Booth Ontario South BrantEast El gin end Wool Elgin Nominations on and polling on of December The political pot Is now boiling In Ridings Mr Barber and wife from South Dakota nrovfHInf at Mr A eftor an of years Mr Barber la a eon of Mr Barber who was well known In this vicinity and Sam baa him kind ly They to with In North York till after Christmas business of Messrs Davison Co Is now entirely the of Mr Geo Davison who Intends toad hero strictly to the cash basis know ing the valuo of ready In the bay ing market and ho will not have time to attend to bills on The prices of entire stock baa undergone a thorough Investigation and buyers will find them to their interest Miss Ethel Mr JF Knowles and Mr Goo Simpson of this town on Saturday afternoon last attended At Homo given by Mies at the of her brother Sheriff St George at Toronto There were over guests present end society function was pro- to bo of the moat of season the being referred to by tho Toronto papers in moat terms Mr Ben Manning got homo from Winnipeg last Friday and Is gradually Im proving though vory weak In his lower ex tremities Ho took with Rat Port ago and as the hospital was foil bo f JVil Leadline MM you find another store in this part of York County that can equal the values quoted below Can you find a store in Toronto that can heat our prices Bead this list carefully and then give us a trial Metropolitan to of The Robs program of the now Gov- as Premier during addroaa of South Ontario at Whitby last week briefly is as and by of roada and railways of Now Ontario Improvement of of transportation particularly tbo try Reclamation of land a of periahablo farm products during periods of low prices 5 The within pro vince of treatment of raw mate- rial auchas copper andiron ore Develop latent resources of old Ontario by improved methods in farm tho grant to i County fairs Dairy and Ag Collcgo Maintain Provincial Bights in of Dominion or other provinces It is understood tho Liberals of Bomb Brant will Mr IT Preston editor of the Brentford Expositor in nomination as their candidate for vacanoy in the Legislature created by resignation of exPremier Hardy He is well qualified for position Ah English states that an old family purchased with a lot of other books at an auction sale in London not long ago on being perused on by tbo wife of buyer was found to con tain six C notes up leaves The of one of the notes con tained the written statement dated South- that owner had worked hard for the money but having no lawful heirs had made whosoever shall own this holy book her lawful heir sent to Winnipeg The pitat there was also fall and ho was sent of the late Hon Louis is to St Boniface Hospital ho R In his Brentford speech the other day while referring to and In politico Hon Geo Foster took oc casion to remark Though men who succeed by a trick may flourish for a time and may wink and and with a flip of their fingers ask the electorate what are going to do about it it will that the publio this Dominion will speak and will tell men that if they wlab la not by triokery and sleightofhand thai they can get it but by honest dealing before God and people Guess Mr Foster was recounting an episode in personal his tory when making this observation He sadly remembers the triok and flip of the nest of traitors the result of the game they played on Sir Mackenzie and what became of It Juat as we anticipated last week there a tig on before courts to who shall be headcentre down at tho Street crossing where Metropolitan wants to connect with the and also to deter mine a important issue as to whether the Railway Committee of the Privy Council at override municipal rights in respect to the con trol of streets City papers state that Corporation of Toronto issued a writ to tot in the courts the juris diction of the Railway Committee in the matter It is also announced that the Toronto Railway Company has likewise caused a writ to bo issued against the Metropolitan Railway Co and the City to annul order of the Railway Committee at Ottawa This writ for a declaration that the To ronto Street Railway Co entitled to the exclusive right to construct and operate an eleotrio railway upon Street within the City limits and that the agreement whereby the pur ported to grant to the Metropolitan Railway Co the right to op- cars by electricity on St- was anfl is void and in violation of the rights of the Toronto Street Railway Company Upon the of these issues bo- fore the courts will depend much of the future usefulness of tho Metropol itan to the people north of limits of the City of Toronto Especially is this the that writ of Toronto Street Railway Co also aska the court to sot aside tho agree ment between Toronto Corporation and the Metropolitan Co and that an order bo restraining the City from granting any rights to Metro politan Railway Company to operate cars by electricity on Yonge St with in City Limits The Writ farther asks that the Metropolitan Co he re strained from constructing any exten sion of their line on St and from operating their railway on said street as an electric railway within Corporation of Toronto During week too by way of complicating matters committees from the County and City Councils official r Ah agreement was reached before the Privy Hallway Committee last week between the Metropolitan Hallway and tho Corporation of Toronto regarding the St crossing and con nections with the tracks as fol lows Connection to be made at the east side of St the point of to be determined by an engineer De partment of Hallways who may require a change In the existing and switches for a distance not exceeding feet from the present southerly terminus of the rail way the railway to pay all the cost up to above that the to bear not more onehalf the point where the Metropolitan Una leaves street to be on the property of the Canadian Hallway this order to bo to the Hallway Committees right to make orders may hereafter bo deemed ex respecting the number of freight oars may be carried on the com- road After the agreement wat upon stated that Mr had agreed to withdraw the state- ment that he made last weekregarding the right of lbs to demand the abandon ment of electricity and that tbo oily ex cept the agreement now made The World of Saturday last referring to the Canadian Contingent intimates that reliable Information has been received to the effect that they will be assigned to gar rison duty and not smell powder on the battle field The World Timid relatives of members of the Canadian Con tingent for service in South Africa will be relieved learn that there is little likeli hood of the reaching front The World learned yesterday from a te llable source that the contingent is to bo assigned to garrison duty on its arrival Booth Africa It appears that w lien a p plication was made by the com mittee to insure the lives of the Toronto members of the regiment an Interested la- cabled to England en quiring the extent of the risk to be as earned The War Office was ted with and the reply was that the Cana dian soldiers would only bo placed upon garrison doty and thus the risk on their lives would be minimized The next day however after the foregoing ap peared in the an Ottawa press des patch took all the courage out of it by the following announcement Nothing is known here of the statement that the Bat talion of the Canadian Regiment now en route to Booth Africa will not bo sent to the front and the militia author- it a matter would rest with General Butter and it is thought that no decision will be made till he has seen the meo comprising the contingent gueat of Miss Alma Bates fimlth Sunday in Btouttville owing to the serious Illness of a sister Keswick the Era a call on Tuesday and watched the boys print with interest of Mr P OLcarys daughters who boon away all summer was here last Wednesday for a short time Mr Frank Roche of Toronto dropped off the train here on Wednesday for a few hours and took to oity Mr Jerry Squire Queeneville and Mr Baldwin have been appointed Justice of the Peace for York Mr Timothy who has been to the house tbrongh illness for some was down town day this week Mr and wife of venhurst came down to attend funeral of Walter Evans and remained over Sunday as at tho Mia Cody Is a sister of MrHeasln whoso 18yearold boy was accidentally shot and killed by another small boy last week at Ont Mre Win and daughter Mrs Webster have returned from a two weeks visit with friends In Toronto and Mr and Mrs Joseph Millard celebrat ed wedding anniversary yester day Mr Alex Millard and daughter of Toronto were in attendance Mrs A Evans hostess of the has been for some days confined to her has taken a for the better A professional is in attend ance Mr Jim Homer and Bister from Oril- have been visiting at their Mr Cookerill and also spent a couple of days with their cousin Mr Webster ExWarden Davidson of Dr Wesley Messrs Stan ley Scott and Hewitt all attended the Wardens Supper in the on Thurs day night of last week Mr A Caldwell of New York was in Town last Saturday for a few hours Visiting his Invalid father Mr Aiex Cald well and also his aunt Mrs W Ho came up on the trolley Mr Lewis Powell of Albert Bends ns words of Just Before the Battle Mother In answer to the Owls request We will try and find room for them in next weeks Eat Messrs Bros and Held a hunt ing party of the Town Line East returned from their expedition last week bringing with them a fine deer killed up district Mr formerly of New market and Belhaven writes from Bran don that they have had the finest fall he ever saw No rain for six weeks Mr Wright stayed with him over night on the way to Red Deer Constable Savage has been appointed on the Provincial Staff in of tils services in this lino Tho Commission was received on Monday evening and bears the signature of the Hon Lieut Governor The Eat congrat ulates friend Savago on his preferment Mr Lemon reeve of King Town ship was in Town last Saturday and mated bis intention to stand for another term Thero is a good deal of opposition about paying the bonus tax this year but Mr Lemon feels quite able to defend Council at the nomina tion was given very comfortable quarters and ho says Nuns nurses Ho was visited frequently by Rev Alfred Andrews of Aurora who Is now pastor of Memorial Church In Winni peg The Anniversary of Methodist Sunday School at took place on Nov ih says Tho differ ent of the school numbering near ly forty the front portion of church and were accompanied by their tcactore Rev Burns had arranged entire service and from tho singing of the opening hymn to the benediction de lighted the large congregation Instead of the regular the Infant Clave repeated the Psalm Mr Burns for subject the Rebuilding of the Walls of Jerusalem This was illustrated by portions of Scripture recited by the different classes and by the assisted by the tbo altar were unique miniature walls Mr Burns had drawn and They conveyed a very vivid picture of the building of the walls of Jerusalem Mr Belfry Sup erintendent of tho School acted as Nehe- and Mr Morrison as the watch man gentlemen potting op tho dif ferent banners 11 Wool Tweed Suits extra well made good Italian Lining in Coats prices were 67 to 790 all sizes to clear at 500 Mens Good Beaver Cloth Overcoats well made welllined and with velvet collars special at 50 There is not a 1500 coat made by any tailor that can beat our special line of fine feeaver Overcoats at 000 A bargain in our Mens Heavy Ulsters at 500 See our Mens Fine Tweed Suits Single or Double Breasted Sack Style at 796 Miss a graduate of Newmarket High School and afterwards Teacher at Jersey left for a few days ago to be married to Mr the Junior Minister at two or- three years ago She Is a of Mrs Gyros of this Town Eai adds congratulations Mr I P of St has leased his farm to his son Mr Walter and is moving Into Town this week will bo quits a for him as he has lived on the same farm for years but he has chosen one of the most modern bouses of the Town in probably the most sightly location overlooking two thirds of the old homestead residence of Mr Eli whioh he has for a term of years Mr I P has been a hard worker and he deserves to spend declining years in comparative ease by the choices of County Council SATURDAY The closing session of County on Saturday morning was enlivened by a warm debate on the subjeofc on the connection to be made between the Metropolitan Railway and the C P at North Toronto The occasion was a motion for the ap pointment of a to wait up on the Government Engineer and the representative of the of Toronto to see if the proposed junction could be made on the west aide of Street instead of on the east side The motion carried The County addressed the Council in reference to the agreement with the regarding the mainten ance of the new City Hall and Court House He gave it as his opinion that the county should pay to the cost of heating and lighting the Court House portion of the building The report of the committee had the matter in hand was then adopted The reports of the Railway Committee and the Education Committee were received and adopted Several other matters of a routine nature were con sidered and the proceedings wound up with the formal shortly before oclock Ladies Fine Kid Button Boots special at 100 Ladies Fine Kid Button or Lace Boots J D Kings make at 195 Mens Fine Box Calf Lace Boots J D Kings make Boots our price 275 Mens Fine Lace Boots a good wearing shoe at 125 Ladies Fine Rubbers Mens Fine Rubbers 65c Misses Fine Rubbers Boys Fine Rubbers 55c ir Thomas We have been appointed special sole agents for Liptons Famous Teas These goods are by far the best package Teas on the market and have the largest sale of any in the world Black or mixed in pound or half pound packages at 40 and 50c per Mr Ephraim Monk and his were struck by a train at Til- while driving Mr Monk Was killed and Miss very se riously injured Tottenham Nov 18 The premises of John jeweller here were entered last night and about forty or fifty dollars worth of jewel lery stolen also an overcoat and other The jewellery and watches except a few articles had been put away in a burglarproof safe This the fourth small burglary that has happened in town since the first of November The Chinese laundry at Norwioh was broken into and all the Chinamans savings over stolen Cradle At New Westminster BC on the wile Gilbert of a daughter In Mount Albert on Nov to Mr and J a ton Ideas All progress of course is result of now ideas and often of ideas that the great mass of people deem imprac ticable and cranky The people who have made our present brilliant were those who thought better and better than the millions thought they conceived something novel some thing that the plodders never conceiv ed and save us the application of steam and electricity the telegraph and telephone our improved breeds of stock and all the modern imple ments and machinery that wo have upon our farms Fulton Watt and the whole line of in venters were simply original thinkers But in considering these great in ventors and their great achievement the bumble inventor of small things should not be overlooked His effort have cleared from pathway of in vention innumerable difficulties and have rendered easy task that a few years since would have been impossible The mind cannot conceive of the pos sibilities that might have been within the grasp of the eminent inventors mentioned above were they to begin their work under the mechanical and scientific conditions of today Communication from Messrs Mar- ion Marion Solicitors of patents Montreal teacher at Alma College St Thomas killed in a runaway Tomb Brat At on the Bert Bray eon of Mr John Bray tailorin bis Deceased was a popular young man He took nick with la grippe last spring and never folly reooYere finally going consumption Main St North Newmarket receive Careful and Prompt Attention pus that will relieve quicker any other Put up only in yard rolls The litter aw you cut the Hitter any Every family should have one ready for an emer gency of IffiluUom rainL IN- Extension Tables AND Parlor Suites DURING THIS MONTH Call and See Prices 3 Opposite Royal Hotel Newmarket A Netm Not flour per barrel ft CO a Goose Wheat per Buckwheat Barley per S3 per bushel Peas per bushel 0 perdos Potatoes per bag Applaperbbl Sheepskins Wool per lb Hay per ton Beef per lb pair Bucks per pair to Turkeys per lb Bran per tOD CO Shorts per ton Toronto KOVS3 WON By buying your Suits Early at Tailor Mop A full stock of Blaok and Blue Serges 4 Also a Choice Hot of Fine Tweeds for OVERCOATS- and an a Bed Wheat per bushel to White Wheat per bushel Wheat per bushel bushel per bushel Peas per bushel Bye per bushel CO 0 Potatoes per baa per Sheepskins Wool per 0 CO ft CO pair CO Turkeys lb IB I of CO a Oil SCO a IS a ft BUS a a a a Town Gar ting AU kinds of Teaming done on Short Notice and on Reasonable Terms DAVID MILLARD Cor Main Ontario doilree to inform the public that he moved his to larger premises to Toronto Jobbl All kinds of Boots and Shoes w all Repairing Neatly and Promptly attended to All our work is a continuance of your esteemed wkoiweT

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