Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 10 Nov 1899, p. 7

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J 7i Nl f sajPfWI THIS NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY NOV CHINA HALL Vl New and Seasonable Goods Just to Hand Ladies and Gents Pino and Box Calf Fitting Good Wearing Correct Styles cost no moro than for inferior and you COMFORT AND GOOD WEAK Our Box Calf and Shoo Dressing heat for pro- serving Leather and gives an Elegant Polish Rubbers Beet Quality WE KEEP THEM Greeks WHAT IS OK IN A ABOUT TOWN Hockey AH persons interested In this fast winter requested to attend the meeting to bo hold at on Nov at for of for Bicycle Club At the meeting Friday night it decided to open a Room again for the winter and the promises Tailor Shop They cured and tho intend to a coay parlor Building Operations Mr has made a great im provement to hie Mr J Millard putting on anew root and a building north of his furni ture warorooms to more for Undertaking of ho keeps an Immoneo atook aa to fill order on flhorteat notice A now kitchen and being erected by Mr at now occupied by Mr China Novelties Wo always have Something Now and Handsome A job lot of Majolica Jugsnt and 25c quality just Now Valencia ju Now Cod Fish the finest received Comb Honey at 10c a Section GRAPE NUTS a very nutritious and wholesome Breakfast Food Excelsior is the Finest Blend of Coffee Our Japan Tea at is sure to Club Oyer 20 mot at the inaugural meeting Tuesday night and was pleased with the manner In Mr Coombs reading It decided to read this winter on Julius are to promptly at dont be late aa It disturbs On account of Homo next wcok meeting will take on Wednesday evening at residence of Height fl Solemn Funeral of late of i interred Friday afternoon was a very largo at tendance of sympathizing friends his residence and aervieo conduct ed by A A sol emn fooling prevailed owing to whioh the death of old It aeems to bo tho of opinion that bo must have slipped in going down tho stairs into the and the lantern a shoot of flame to almost instantly through out building Deceased probably by in trying to lot the loose There was an insurance of MOO on the and on contents Too Mr opened Wednesday Stfcntug for a Missionary Tea on behalf of the About GO present and spent Proceeds over The Monthly Mooting was hold here yester day commencing at a from Indiana was pres ent and ho la to here on Ho lived on some years ago and conducted a great revival the oldest residents of the locality may Young Mens Club good attendance on Mon day and Constitution and adopted Committee re ported rent of several the President was appointed to examine a as to suitability and report Monday evening tit Temperance Halt Depot Freight very week no less than oars being shipped from Newmar ket saying nothing about com ing in There wore cars of wheat of from Canes car of from Specially Works also cats of dosha for Toronto Court car of shipped by Mr for oar of mixed stock for Toronto market and oars of mixed freight Trainmen Hud tho now vory Assault Yesterday morning John of con of East appeared before J Esq J I on a war rant charging him with feloniously as saulting Ilia Mary Jane on day previous by thrusting prong of a through her ear with In tent to do bodily injury Constable went out and arrest early in the morning and the examination was concluded before dinner being down for trial at the next court of competent It an outrage of a moot deplorable character as Moulds had many marks upon her head and showing cruol usage More British Successes unman losses General yesterday received a Nov Delayed trans- j despatch conflrrainK the report of Brit- The final figures tali victories around and of the at Nicholsons Nek us follows Total missing of Gloucestershire Regiment and the Irish Fusiliers Thirty- two of the Fusiliers and 10 were found dead on field One hun dred and fifty taken into Lady- smith escaped and re turned to camp White arid his forces seem to bo holding own at even if beleaguered A re- messenger who arrived at Natal on Saturday noon says that heavy fighting occurred around on Thursday There was a engagement at Farm where the enemy were driven back with great loss Thirty mounted Boers captured It is estimated that Boers lost killed wound ed and captured in this battle fighting was resumed Friday Boers firing from Hill near farm Again were back with loss on their camp There renewed rumors of another engagement at Elondngaatc with se vere Boer losses Cut Haws axes cheap inns at The Reliable Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts The Laws Of the Land Do not protect you from Spectacle Vendors Protect yooraelf by consulting only resident and qualified Optioians Our optical department At Your Service We make Jio for testing Your Eyes Office ALL FLOW NO EBB 2H increase on oar last years attendance A daily roll call of Thats where the tide of competency has carried Into ibis year and It means the largest business school in Canada today The demand for the competent bookkeeper stenographer or tele grapher ia steadily on the We know it our experience proves it That demand will be greater than ever 1900 Will you join us and able to do something then A line to will secure more infor mation Bend for it CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE L Toronto Oot ianvoet Dont forgot Hot Fowl in Christian Church Tuesday evening There will be no and people will be served in the order of arrival at the ohuroh by means of numbered tickets which worked so satisfactory laat year Mr elocutionary efforts will constitute a pleasing feature of the Concert by the Quartette Dont it I program j splendid one Arrangements have been made with the Metropolitan Railway to ran a special car to Hill at the of the con- Following a couple selected out of many favorable press notices which be Riven if apace would permit Camp of Con cert Tho Sherlock Quartette whose great popularity oar largest halls whenever they appear sang their numbers in such a manner as to bring forth loud applause from all parts the house They are a great aggregation and Camp can depend upon bumper when they secure talent The Mail and says Of all the features the great Conventions many aervloes in the different balls and of the city the singing by the Mble Quartette was by far the moat attractive Only those who beard rendition of When I Survey the Cross can form an adequate idea of their power to sway an audience The pastors subject Sunday morn ing was Lots Choice and ft was handled Although Lot was considered a good man he had not high aspirations was a narrow hardhearted character noticeable by the choice he made to the disadvantage of his uncle in of giving the old man preference He like a good many men of today and honor amid at evil ialiooa Lot gained that which he after but he had Sodom In the bargain and will tbechtiatian whogoes contrary to hie have and Borrows The rendered a National Anthem There waa the largest number in the Bible Class last that there baa been yet between and The Sabbath School on Childrens Day contributed over to the Centory Fund On evening Mr text was quite in Hoe with the mornings wife The Presbyterian people Newmarket will be delighted to hear that the has made arrangements with Mr he will still con tinue to train the church choir Thus although the congregation will his presence on Sabbathd will have that taste and expression made the of their so attractive to many hag been and no more popular eeleotion have been made mooting took place on Wednesday afternoon Present Morris in chair and Messrs J J Pear son Goo Rose John Proctor Vid- Webb and Mr IE and Starr were engaged at till earn- mor holidays so to make all the engage ments uniform Messrs and Jackson were appointed to audit the books the treasurer The Secretary to continue In force insurance polloies of on High Building for another three- year term Principal reported that the net proceeds of the High Sohool Commence ment were whloh t amount was de- posited in tho Ontario Bank to the credit of the High Board The Treasurer to pay ac counts to the amount of for scientific apparatus books etc to be ordered in the discretion of the The Board endorsed the idea of having the Commencement an an nual affair and passed a vote of thanks to the tor their efforts on that behalf The Treasurer was instructed to reduce the floating debt of the Board by if possible soon taxes are available The Secretary wa instructed to apply to tho Town Council for a rebate of charged for of Town Hall on the Town Council Regular meeting last Monday even ing Present Mayor Cane and Messrs Robertson Hughes and Following bills passed livery charity Dolan J Savage Lenard and P J Anderson each Pay Sheet No 10 Express re Electtio Light 86 freight do labor do labor R GO Gray Cobran Domestic labor DomesttO Water Ureka Musical Woo Co Canadian Gen Coal less freight to International Bridge drawing coal If J drawing coal Clerk and bq- J leeting jurors each The bill of Roche Co for hardware 705 was referred to the Inspector to be paid it found correct The application of Stephen Doyle and Mrs Atkinson for domestic water was granted The verbal request of Allan for the of the Market building to drill one night a week he to furnish light granted EVACUATION OP Natal Friday Nov is now in the bands of tbo Boers Before evacuation was de cided upon enemy tried to cut off the outposts Tho Light In fantry under Lieut and a force of Dublin rs wore sent to the relief of the outposts and a brisk fight ensued The Boers repuls ed leaving dead Twenty Boer horses were killed and the others stam peded chief motive for tho withdraw- however was that longrange guns of the Boers had made the position un tenable No orders were received for retirement While retirement was in progress the Natal at Fort had great difficulty in getting in the dark They were advised to spike gun but were unwilling to do this resolving to a determined effect to take it with them While were running gun on its car riage down a hill the ropes broke und gun and carriage rushed on the tor being smashed at the bottom of incline Nothing daunted the plucky fel lows undertook to carry the weapon itself which had been damaged and they cot hero safely The Boers shelled camp at dawn today being apparently unaware of the evac uation They looted but did not harm the bridges saying that they would want the railway them selves The women and children here are crowding the trains bound for and Durban Cape Colony Nov A despatch which has been received here from Kimberley dated Nov says Apparently the Boer rein forcements from have ar rived as the Burghers are more nu merous and closer all around Kimber- ley About of them made a demonstration three miles eastward at Premier Mine today and opened fire on the Beers carts but no damage was done Tho explosion of the dynamite caused by the Boers firing the plain was terrific huts coniaiiied tons of valued at Durban Natal Nov A native eyewitness of Thursdays battle near Ladysmith says the Boers were caught on the open ground and raised several white flags British then advanc ed without firing to accept the sur render of the Boers but received a volley at close range at this treachery the Hussars and Draggona followed by the infan try with fixed bayonets charged through and through the enemy and did great execution A lot of prison ers and loot was captured Another battle on Friday with the Boers was proceeding according to the natives in the south and with a similiar result The Boers have invaded and looted and burned the public buildings and stores The Magistrate police and other fled toward we London Nov has just arrived from Jf allowing that op to October the Boers continued the bombardment firing as many 300 shells in hour though caus ing but little damage and wounding men That day they closed l all around the town and made a attempt to rush it The gar rison turned out to a man and deliver ed a terrific and Maxim fire which speedily stampeded the were driven mines which ex ploded scattered them in all on and Friday The British loss was eight killed in cluding two and twenty men wounded The Boor losses said to have been heavy action of Friday near Colenso appears to have been a stern fight in which British infantry stormed Boer position and the cavalry played havoc with tho retreating enemy despatches that prisoners were captured These figures not credited in circle Tho situation at causes anxiety tho Boers having resorted to desperate measures in order to capture town The latest despatches from say that the garrison is making sorties daily Later despatches show that the British victory near Colenso was of greater importance than the first des patches indicated the Boer forces being almost annihilated Mail news from South Africa shows how inaccurate have been esti mates of tho Intelligence Department and the Government It is gleaned therefrom that a fair estimate of Boer forces are as follows Around traversing advancing on ghersdorp and on northern Transvaal border Total 50000 Exact information about the Boer a cillery is lacking but it is known that Gen detachment be fore it was reinforced consisted of field pieces of the latest pat tern and two heavy siege guns which but for the opportune ar rival of tho British naval brigade would rendered un tenable Cold Weather Talk In Season We just added to our large stock Comprising every size and variety of best makes in Canada for both coal and wood These goods wore bought before the in iron and intending purchasers should examine before selecting elsewhere COMPLETE WINTER STOCK OF SHELF HARDWARE Everything you want for house barn or stable Reliable Goods J A ALLAN GO PARTIWENT fJorfch Council Regular meeting held at Nov Members all present A communication from North To ronto Council re Metropolitan Rail way wae presented but Council decid ed to take no action in the matter The following accounts were paid cedar for cul vert and work on Lake Shore Road half value of two killed by dogs 00 Jo3so Morton work done in 17 00 Mr goods for Simmerson family Mrs Fen ton assistance for Simmerson family 00 expenses tak ing to Hospital Dr Graham medical attend ance on Simmersona 00 Dr Law part payment of at tendance on Coles son John Hamilton re Board of Health Ira Morton cedar for 00 Municipal World stationery Henry work on Bide road Lots arid 11 Con Wellington work on Lake Shore Road and cedar James Breckon repairs to bridge on Con repair culvert on Sideroad and 11 Con work done on Lake Shore road John Cronin cedar for Culvert Lake Shore road Estate of Samuel King refund of Tavern License premises being closed A Bylaw was passed for the pre servation of public morals within the Township Council adjourned until Deo We believe in the Best Quality of goods for our customers the best is none too good and Low Prices which enables us to turn our goods over quickly pur Motto Small Profits and Quick Returns 25c 3 lbs Finest Selected for Pure Boneless Codfish 10c lb Old Raisins per lb or lbs for Pure kettlerendered Lard lb Nice Cleaned Currants per Jo Fresh Sausage 3 Its for New Figs per lb A jj at 2 b or lbs Nice Rich Cheese per lb 14c f Try it and be convinced Large Bottles Extracts 5c Beef Iron and Wine in pint bottles Coffee in lb tins this is a snap Chase Sanborns Coffee lb 7 bars Happy Thought Soap Good Salmon can 10c Corn Starch and 10c packet Lemons per dozen 10 ami Large Cabbage each Sweet Oranges per dozen We have a large quantity of Cabbao Chocolates lb 89 10 00 Central Telephone Office for winter use at dozen WM STARR NOT ANOTHER Just as It is at that enemy suffered heavily and it is not likely to another at tempt to the town weather in Manitoba contin ues brilliant and mild feeling more like June than November Contracts have already been with the line alone for the conveyance to England of Canadian turkeys for Christ- The will of Joel Phillips farmer of King Township has been for probate He left an estate of of is in real estate in Township and in cash David Phillips his gets the benefit of his property after which it Is to be divided among the Massj Nov Hunter Johnston white of Jackson in river east of the city several ago dis covered a box containing nearly The money encased iron case is in gold pieces Made in Styles and Prices No Note No Letter No 6 Cap There is not a business man using the Shannon File that would be without them after finding now convenient they are Lawyers and Ministers find them just as convenient The Ladies would not be without them if they knew how handy they are to keep accounts and letters Every well regulated household should have them The Office Specialty Co Limited Factory Newmarket Ont and Bay St Toronto Notre Dame St Montreal P Sag Weaving wishes to inform tbe public that ho haa moved to House and that he that Cebratd Iowa Co Loom with the late Improvement to date and he is prepared to do Beat Work In Rag Carpet w caviar Call and Bead your Early ltl Flour per barrel White Wheat per Bed Wheat per bushel Wheat per bushel sail ft CO Rye Lamb Astray to prove property pay charges and take It away JOHN TAYLOR all of them denomination It is thought the money is a war treasure All coins bearing date prior to I860 Solid Gold 12- Beat Gold Fill Gold Fill Boat Glasses We guarantee perfect satisfaction GLOBE OPTICAL GO Street Toronto per bushel per bushel on w 1 I w u 0 Wool per 0 per ton Port per owl Beef per CO Geese per lb per pair Ducks i Turkeys per lb per CO Shorts oea ore tt WJ A a a a a a a a a a a a a CD a CO a a a a a CIO a WOO a

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