Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 10 Nov 1899, p. 5

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rfJ ONTARIO BASTE- REST HEAD President Manager ARKETj BRANCH General Banking Business A r Interest Allotted on Deposits at DRAFTS ISSUED I at Sterling and Draft tit and i Collections cold promptly attended to 11088 Mnnaiicr hx fltfp Now market Orel door South of Post Of to am lately occupied by Dr Church Main Newmarket Omen to Ho and to p ftaim rebuilding Walls of Nov Neb DP Residence Church of England Golden Text Watch and foray i sympathizing with the sorrow of bid commanded him to rebuild walls of Jerusalem and gave him many facilities found conditions in oven than had been reported outlying conspired to defeat lehomiah And was intrigues against among old inhabitants of Jorusalom did bis duty- and God gave tho largest persons always a good work Ho fights against God who fights against his people Pray and moans to danger Trust in God and trust in weap ons ho gives Rulers should great spirit God is working with who is trying to build a good character lie is to help us but ho do for us except wo continually turn to him in The i A to Catarrh for Years Remedies railed Failed Catarrhal Powder Simplest of all Him- of Samples Inntaimont Company Washington Pa writes For yean I was afflict ed with catarrh and treatment by specialists only Rave mo temporary relief until I was in duced to Dr It has proved one good thing in my case In almost in stant after I had the first appli cation I bad and a little vcuico in rid mo of this offensive malady I would bo glad to personally recommend it to any and everybody Sold Pharmacy MA The One Faith of the Gospel Simpson Main fDrugglata and ffip A StouWetr Soaohor of and Violin Tuner of Pianos and all String NEW MARKET Olivets of of Oblo PIANO and THEORY Queen St to At per on flratolfliw farm loans on Ineuranco pollclte Oommlaaloncr for taking J Heal Agent o Agent for following reliable Inauranoo Liverpool and London and Union Standard Mutual Offioc Hopkins Block Mount Albert Money to Loan At per cent on Farm by David for taking Agent Conveyancer Marriage Agent for following Queen and Liverpool England Citizens Montreal Oore Mutual In for Confederation Aeaoclation To ronto Old Corner of Main and Lot Newmarket Manitoba BEST Hungarian FIELD of all kind Timothy Cloyer Mangel Carrot and Turnip the BEST VARIETIES oaiouffSB fcaa Ontario J Cor Main and Huron THE DUVAL TREATMENT FOB BEAUTY of ton remedies for all la for aale by with SAMPLES to give to all lady Inquirers which can be by sending to Limited TORONTO EMULSION and or aid f A I hivt tea lixz hi in 1 irri CO Movr Arc the Result of Dr Von Stans Pineapple Tablets oil deps of the for No need now the tor turer of indigestion and dyspepsia Within reach of all is an unfailing remedy which enables a person to get full benefit of the food eaten pineapple liberally a component known as vegetable pepsin a product second only to human digestive secretions in its power of digesting food Introduced into human system it is simply incomparable as a natural aid to digestive apparatus Dr Von Stans Pineapple Tablets mainly composed of this grand fruit juice euro indigestion and dya- pepia positively They eaten as candy and instant Box of cents Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket A What One Heaps in the Telephone It hard to realize that the voice one hears over the telephone is not the voice of the person who is talk ing said an electrician chatting about the oddities of the business to a reporter of The New Orleans It seems exactly like the real tones drawn out and small and carried from a long distance by some mechanical means but it is not one speaks into the in strument a little diaphragm like a drumhead begins to vibrate and each sends a wave of electricity over the wire These waves sends up a vibration in another dia phragm at the opposite end which jars the air and produces an imitation of the original voice Thats not a very but its accurate The autographtelegraph which makes of handwriting is a fair parallel You write your message with a pen attached to a special trio apparatus and a little ink siphon at the other end of the line exactly imitates every dot and curve The re sult seems like the real thing but is merely a firstclass counterfeit Its the same way exactly with the voice in the phone A GREAT BUILDER The Emulsion of Cod Liver OH is a great builder It given weight adds healthy flesh and overcomes any downward tendency of health Davis Lawrence Co Ltd makers Mrs William Wells of dropped dead while talking to a neigh bor DONT RUN CHANCES by tak ing whiskey or brandy to settle the stomach or stop a chill Pain- Killer la hot water sweetened will do you more good Avoid substitutes theres but one Perry Davis 50c A named Smith of Lon don Township was killed by a falling brick while working in a well TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists the money If It falls to cure Groves signature Is on each box Men who have had experience in planting and raising trees say that the weather this fall is tho most fav orable in several years past for the successful planting of young shade trees Onegret trouble with political newspapers is that they set everybody down as an ass or a fool who do not agree with tbem And for this reason people do not take much of any of their schemes unless backed up by prominent citizens All of which means that man who re spects opinion of others will win respect of others An inspired Apostlo informs us that without faith it is impossible to please Htm for ho that to must that is and that Ho is a rewardor of them that diligently seek him Hob Then two things must be attended to in order to please God first to be lieve that is second that Ho is a of those seeking Him dili gently is spoken of plainly and distinctly so that mankind not only may porceive but must see and believe when they diligently look after as a hid treasure tho promised This is future inheritance of the ancient people of God It is testified that when Ab raham was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance obeyed and went out not knowing whither he went Ho sojourned in land of promise as in a coun try dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob iho heirs with him of same promise For ho looked for a city which hath foundations whoso builder and maker is God Hence not only tho land or country was to bo tho chosen locality of God but also tho people upon it forming a great city is the of God and tho building of God This innumerable did in faith not having received tho promises but having seen them afar off in tho future and persuaded of them and embraced thorn and confessed that they wore strangers and pilgrims on earth Hob These all died ie ceased to live for death is cessation of life But further These all died in faith Then what faith did in A important question to be solved These all died in the faith that cometh by hearing the word of God Rom 17 This is a Godgiyen faith essentially The faith once delivered to tho Saints Now the Lord had said unto get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy fathers house unto a land that I will show thee and I will make of thee a great nation and I will bless thee arid make thy name great and thou bo a blessing and I will bless them that bless thee and curse htm that thee and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed So departed as tho Lord hod spoken unto him with his wife and brothers son and into land of Canaan they came And the Lord appeared unto Abram and said unto thy seed will I give this land Gen 12 17 This absolute and unconditional of the Most High was the Gospel of God to concerning his future inheritance and also that of his seed the Lord Jesus The Apostle shows us this fact in language unmistakable Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made He not and to seeds as of many but as of one and to thy seed which is Christ Gal The foregoing promise is to be re membered for it is the basis of the world to come and the Gospel of the Kingdom of God Abraham had been called out of of the a place whore people were idolaters and when he had come into the land of Canaan unto the place of there Lord made that gracious and promise unto Him He was much affected by it for there ho an altar unto the Lord to commemorate events in wor ship of that His future purpose After this Abraham journeyed to a place between Bethel and where ho another altar to worship God ten years after the first promise Abraham at the Lord appeared to him again at place of his second altar and the Lord said unto Abraham after that Lot was separated from him Lift up now thine eyes and look from the place where thou art north ward and southward arid eastward and westward for nil land which thou to thee will I givo it and to thy need foreycr Arise- through fir id breadth I W3U It unto thee Gen These promises to Abraham valued by him more highly than all the things of this present life for if ho had been mindful of country from whence he came out he might had opportunity to return ed But imping bad the promiso of a country which ho had seon and knowing that it was Creator of all thing that had promised it he believed that it would be a heavenly country whon tho time came for it to bo possessed by him and his seed tho Lord Jesus Christ Abra hams faith and hopb could not rest on anything more thau tho of an Almighty Being But to doubly we it repeated in a covenant Gen 18 to him and his son Isaac has tho same assurance in these words Sojourn in his land and I will be with thee and thoo for unto and unto thy seed I will all these countries and I will oath which I swarounto Abraham thy father Then to Jacob in a dream tho Lord said I am tho Lord God of Abraham thy father and God of Isaac tho laud whereon thy to will I give it and to thy seed Jacob out of his sleep ho paid Surely Lord is in this place Then afterwards Jacob went on his journey and unto the land of the people of the cast there ho took a wife yea wives arid children at the proper time returned to land of promise And God appeared unto Jacob again and said Tho land which I gave Abraham and Isaac to thee will I it and to thy seed after thee will I the land 30 These testimonies show clearly the faith that Abraham Isaac and Jacob had given unto them by tho God of heaven die faith in which they lived and faith in which they died This faith came by hearing and believ ing word of God There is ho to prove that these ancient worthies had any kind of faith that thoy would bo taken to place whore Lord Jesus is set on tho right hod of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens This place is callod a country only in parable It is not compared to any place by the words better country for it is much more than comparable Neither is it called a house the Jesus said In Mv Fathers house are many WHAT PAINED CELERY COMPOUNDS it from v J Celery Compound so Celery Compound strength- the people is the ono ens when it is irritable that can be rusted to a person and inclined to indigestion and vents dyspepsia it relieves stops the dram on the nervous of the heart that results from dispels harmful humors regular supply to that vital or- from the blood and increase its volume and puts new life into the entire and its nourishing capacity nervous system Its ability to those ailments- that seem to be peculiarly the tuno of women is overwhelmingly prov- their heart by the many testimonials from a women of the highest standing in or communities where they live rich pure blood supply brought about by Celery Compound are the beat bulwark against such diseases of debility and impoverishment as rheum atism neuralgia headache and sleep- great in addition to curing thceo diseases builds up system and prevents the disease from gaining a lodgement in body When one it confidently de clared by so many wellknown and attack the body there is no question j representative men and as to the urgent need- of strengthening Fames Celery Its regulating power does away with ot diahearted and castrdown feelings Celer aggravated causes of disordered occupations liver and kidneys mental depression housewives but saleswomen hysteria and kindred troubles are re- cognised and dealt with by 0 behind desks and Celery Compound in a radical and their health and scientific manner that embodies ffl- moat advanced medical of this Compound latter part of century women that Compound positively and jures disease that at first glance seero so remote from each other as chronic constipation hysteria and nervousness inquiry into these diseases shows that their common erf gin is a exhausted nervous system and vitiated blood and Celery Compound builds the one r i I A soundly nourished system and the other Tho3e who grumble about having taxes to pay should bo thankful that they have something to pay taxes on DIAMOND are Home Protectors too in Imitation Dyes site Vile Deceptions Ho did not refer to mansions in the skies beyond the bounds of time and space It was to His Fathers house upon the earth of which His disciples composed a part that referred to For Moses was faithful in all his house but Christ as a Bon over His own house whose house aro wo says the if we hold fast the confidence the rejoicing of the firm unto tho end I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and will re ceive you unto Myself that where I am there ye may bo John This same Jesus shall come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven Acts 1 911 The promised land was given into the hands of Gentiles with Jerusa lem its capital because of the iniquity of the inhabitants but when the Gentile nations have filled up their iniquity then Lord Jesus will re turn not in humility but in power and glory for then shall He nit upon the throne of His glory and before Him shall be gathered all nations and Ho shall separate them as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats He set the sheep on hand but the goats on the left Then shall the King say unto them on His right hand come ye blessed of My Father inherit the king dom prepared for you from the foun dation of the promises made to Abra ham and his the Christ for they are the foundation of the world to come See Matt Then shall the Son of man send forth His angels and they shall gather out of His kingdom all things offend and them which do iniquity and shall cast them into a furnace of fire Matt Then they that are in tho graves shall come forth they that have done good to resurrection of life and they that have done evil to the resurrection of damnation John Then Abraham Isaac and Jacob shall come into possession of bet ter country promised them by Him who is able to fulfill His promises to them who had respect to pence of the There shall be weeping and gnash ing of teeth among hypocrites and believers whon they sec Abraham Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God and they themselves thrust 13 For then shall righteous shine forth as sun in kingdom of their Father Matt P Sept Ten thousands of women in our Canadian cities towns and farming districts stand in need of the protec tion afforded by the neverfailing Dia mond Dyes These marvellous color ing agents have been before the public for over twenty years and have al ways been true to name and promisee made The magnificent colors and shades produced by Diamond Dyes are everywhere extolled and the colors have in every case proved fast under the action of sunlight and soap The plain and simple directions on every package of the Diamond Dyes enable a child to use them with per fect success There imitations of Diamond Dyes sold by some dealers for the sake of long profits These imitations are deceptions and wherever used they cause annoyance ill temper and loss of money and valuable materials The colors are muddy and dull and thoy cannot stand washing with or dinary soap To insure perfect protection and security ladies should ask for the Dia mond Dyes and take trouble to see that the name Diamond is on each package A little care in this direction will save a vast amount of trouble Our Tailoring Department is in full swing and no wonder we are very busy We are selling NOBBY ALLWOOL at The Stock in other Departments is Complete The Leading House Sharon i- By using a HighGrade Flour we still intend to turn out Si 1 1 The moat easily digested meats are cold mutton mutton chops ven ison tenderloin and sirloin steak lamb rabbit and chicken NineTenths of her bodily Ailments Can be Traced to ervo Disorders and bad Digestion South Ameri can Nervine Aids Digestive and Strengthens the Nerves Miss Annie Patterson of writes Indigestion and weak- nerves were the bugbears of my life for years I tried doctors and pro prietary medicines till I completely lose heart Being induced by a friend to try South American Nervine after taking one bottle was greatly reliev ed Three bottles effected a complete cure I can recommend it as a valu able remedyi and believe it to be the best nerve and stomach tonic in the world by Lehman Bent- Pharmacy Newmarket TOLASS BREAD Choice and Pastry always on band AS I a Fresh Groceries Always in Stock -oxo- I take this opportunity to thank many customers for their patronage and ask a continuance of their favors Albebt The Buffalo AllSteel Disc Harrow be thrown Four burglars blew up the safe of J confectionery store in Montreal Three policemen heard the explosion and went after the thieves who shot one officer in the arm and got away To the Dkap A rich lady cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr Nicholsons Artificial Eur Drums has sent to his in stitute so that deaf people unable to procure them may have them free Apply to Department The In stitute 780 Eighth Ave New York USA Tho anniversary services of tho church at Temperanceville will be held on Sunday Nov 12th Rev Alfred Brown president of tho Toronto Conference will 10 and pm Children Cry for rrva This Is the only Barrow made or sold In Canada baring Independent adjustable pressure upon Inner ends of the allowing any amount of to upon inner ends of the by the foot of the operator By a perfectly flexible action secured and can bo worked to a uniform depth Examine Machine care fully and compare with others The Ho 12 IB A MARVEL OF The only Culti vator made that both line or teeth will cut an depth In Examine it and you ate why The only Cultivator a move able tooth so the angle of tbe teeth can bo regulated to suit any condition of soil can be regulated to act differently on every sec tion requiring it The teeth are carried between the wheels Instead of trailing behind as other machines thus securing lighter draft This is furnished and grats seed box when required It has diamond steel for the teeth extra wide tblstle-cut- log points can you will buy no other THE BEST DRILL MADE The Rooster No Introduction Over Drills and Seeders of our manufac ture in use In Canada The only Drill with lever for Instant and perfect regulation of depth of hoe In oil kinds of soil while earn is In motion Bows Absolutely correct to scale seed as every kernel Is deposited at a proper depth to Purchase only the best and you- will be satisfied We also manufacture Binder Reaper Mowers Cultivator and as good as Send for illustrated catalogue- Bros- Waited Canada ELMER Agents NEWMARKET ONT ii If you are not a subscriber to the Era Send for a- trial trip of months

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