Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 10 Nov 1899, p. 4

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Than Precept is not what we say hut what Hoods does that the story thousands of testimonials are examples of whati has dorte for others and what it will do for you I was and bad in Dyspepsia and form troubled ma Fire bottles made mo well and Wizauk Vawvalxsssomb Whitby LA MadMM haw taken In our family aa a term medicine and used and found both medicine For Impure blood wo know la food medicine publisher curs He tffi to with J PROP Best Advertising Medium In York County Kates Transient cents per lino for Insertion for each subsequent Insertion RTXB FOB NOTE now Provincial Secretary Hon mil bo Fourth Batata stock must bo looking up in political Tub close for and sal- moo trout commenced let will remain cloned till of December A are being caught on Hol land River wo hear but not plentiful this fall i Interest In i A Convention will bo held at to morrow to nominato a party tbo No doubt Hon Mr will bo nominated parties will then bo la contest and we muy expect to hoar of writ for election to bo at early KOOO W00 of In fees received during tho monjh of by Pro vincial Department for granting of chartera to joint stock com A paper elates that this la hlghoat record for any month Id history of Ontario and yoar- for yoare No doubt Ite a growing boon by party organizations in Booth Ontario both Liberal and Conservative declaring for tin honest election at tho approaching cootost for tho Local Assembly and an to outside heelers bribers and of electors generally that not wanted in Biding Now result to Which Much The of a Lady who has Pound a OUEMTHEEHOTJSE of the heavenly man WITH MANY ROOMS- THE HOME OF GODS CHILDREN Id Typo of aha peiioity AdvertlaemoQta unaccompanied with writ ten instructions Inserted until forbid and accordingly changed once each month If For cliangca than once each month composition ho paid for at regular rates Changes for advertisements must bo In office by noon on Wednesdays Special Low Hates for Motion Forma to Articles Lost and Found etc A reading will free for any Church or Society where fir- when noadnilMlonfcoorcoUcction taken otherwise fifty cents will he charged for a notice No to this rule to a couple of weeks ago of Sooth have nominated Mr MoQarry to lion Mr for tho Assem bly and now the electors of that Hiding will an opportunity to pronounce for and Ross Government Mont real of new Minister tondor him a last week J Barrister Public Ao Main Newmarket fiOooo to Loan on good farm security T etc Solicitor for Township of King Honey to Of not Division Court Newmar ket Ontario p Barrister Solicitor Ccvreyancer etc with Cameron c Toronto carefully managed and collection- made Honey to loan at rates no Block Hal Newmarket on Halloween tl of he locality of thorn pretty near full grown things lively for to the the local paper they held high carnival editor atatea he has no objection to tho boys a time hot when on the fire alarm and public buildings are out etc he think the line should bo drawn right there and the hoodlums brought op with a short torn St Barrister Conveyancers fro 3 South of Pest flee Newmarket Lennox Aurora will Newmarket on Saturdays and Court J Rota A Co Bankers mid Ontario Bank Aurora Panda It announced that Crown Department has lor areas of timber in and Rainy River Districts The disposal of these limits IB rendered neces sary far as and are by forest Area whloh have cured during the past summer and in aome of the Town- It Is said that part of timber is so damaged to reqalro that it be cut this winter Mrs Ieajo who resides at Streets is of French English and music For years Sirs has greatly from in ternal peculiar to her box and also from continuous weakness result of headaches neuralgia and nervous prostration troublo be came so bad that she was forced to up teaching and go to an hos pital but the treatment there did not materially benefit and ultimately she loft hospital still a great suf ferer Meantime her husband having hoard of tho great value of Dr Will iams Pink Pills for Palo People pur chased a tow boxes and provailod up on his to try try them When interviewed as to tho of pills Mrs gave story to roportor about as follows My trouble came on after birth of my child and up to timo I began to use Williams Pink Pills I could find nothing to cure mo I suffered much agony was very weak had frequent severe headaches or no appetite It was not after I the use of the pills that I found they were helping me very much and after taking thorn for a couple of months I was as over I had boon Mr appetite improved pains left me and I gained con siderably in flesh and am again able to tho lessons of my pupils and superintend my household work Since using pills I have recommended them to others and heard nothing but praise hi their be half used No discovery of modern times has proved such a boon to as Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People Acting directly on blood and invigorating the body the functions restore health and strength to women and make them feel that life is again worth living Sold by all in medicine or sent post paid at box or six boxes for by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Brook Ont Refuse all substitutes unique acr- homo Fathers Solicitors 6 Manning Arcade King St West Toronto Honey iuu Barrister Reformer Block Money to Loan PAINTING The leading House Painter and Paper Hanger 3 years experience In all branches of the business Full line of camples of the latest design In Wall Papers Ask to see them 2nd door North of the Primary School Church Street A House Painting Paper Done promptly neatly and In I am also associated with a Car riage Painter and Sign Writer Orders can be left at Hardware Store at the residence of Mr J Green head of Street Newmarket Bolton Practical Painter PaperHanger and Decorator The Telegram of Friday last referring to the demand for nm In Eng land baa the following Recently some firms in England enquired about Ontario them with gam They used a great deal of it and thought that it might be purchased Canadians Mr Thomas clerk of Governments Forestry Bureau secured some fine samples from vatious parts of the province Two oases of the gam were today shipped to England The firms asking for at the time that they would require a great deal of tbe should It prove to the purposes in they will use it Madbid Nov A sensation was caused in the senate yesterday by the declaration of Count that owing to the ignorance of the Spanish- American peace commissioners three islands of the Philippine group the two and islands both north of Luzon were not inoluded in the scope of the treaty These islands he asserted ought to be made the basis of negotiations for the liberation of the Spanish prisoners R It is announced that a very dangerous Canadian counterfeit bill ha made lie appearance- bat more widely circulated In the eastern provioces than in Ontario It is however expected that aome of thtse counterfeits will find their way westward at an early day This new counterfeit Is a Dominion of Canada note of the July 1B97 The vignette is that of the of Wales on the front while on back is a fishing scene The of tbe note Is reported to bo very badly printed the color being of a brown darker and less distinct than the original also stated that the paper has a greasy and the ink a purplish In these days of extensive travel no some of these counterfeit notes will find way into the rural distrlots By taking heed to this information come of oar readers may save the price of a of years subscription We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty five cent bottle of Wills English Pills if after using threefourths of contents of bottle they do not relieve Constipation and We al so warrant that four bottles will per- the most obstinate case of Constipation Satisfaction or no pay Wills English Pills are used E Lehman Druggist Newmarket J Druggist Scotts Pharmacy Main St Newmarket Corner Church Street Millards Lane and AUCTIONEERS ptrankt Licensed Auctioneer tor the Co of York sold on commission Terms reason able Farm attended to A trial solicited Street Newmarket NEWMARKET GARBLE WORKS LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Ordering Allan Experience is the Best Teacher Wo must no willing to learn from the experience of other peo ple Every testimonial in favor of Hoods Is the voice of experience to you and It is your duty if your blood is im pure and your health falling to take this medicine You every reason to expect that It will do for you what It done for others It Is tho best medi cine money can buy HOODS PILLS aro mild effective Furnaces that allow gas to escape into heating pipes are poison breeders and the leak should be stop ped or the furnaces sold for old iron English Spavin Liniment re moves all hard soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses Blood Spavin Curbs Splints Ring Bone Sweeney Stifles Sore and Swollen Throat Coughs by use of one bottle Warranted the wonderful Blemish Cure ever Sold by E Lehman Ottawa Nov At Eardly yester day the yearold daughter of Kennedy Lusk lost her life A brother of the victim was handling a revolver when a shot went off and took effect in the little girls chest The wounded girl died in terrible agony two hours after wards THE D MENTHOL PLAS TER Is tho most largely sold In Canada For backache and all muscular pains theres nothing equal to it Each plaster In an airtight tin 25c Davis Law- Ltd makers Woodstock Nov A fatal occurred at yesterday by which 18monthold son of Mr Crawford lost its life Mrs Crawford had left the child playing about house while she went to do some work outside She returned shortly after and found her head foremost in a largo bucket of water The was promptly rescued but it was dead SLEEPLESS NIGHTS caused by a persistent rasping cough quickly cures most severe coughs It soothes heals never falls to euro Manu factured by the proprietors of Perry Davis I a f llvTba Picture round Sorrow Washington Nov In way heavenly world la upon by in of text- John In my house many rooms Here Is of medicine that Is a euro all disciples were sad and Christ offered heaven oh an al ternative a stimulant a tonic Ho shows them that their sorrows only a dark background of a bright picture of coming felicity Ho lota them know that though now live lowlands shall yet a house on tho uplands Nearly all Bible descriptions of may be figurative I am not positive that In all heaven a literal crown or harp or pearly gate or throne or chariot They may be only used to illustrate the of place but how well thoy do it favorite symbol by which the presents celestial happi ness s a house Paul who novcr owned a house although he hired one for two years in Italy speaks of heaven us a not with hands and Christ in our text tho translation of which Is a little changed to as to the more ac curate meaning says In my Fath ers house arc many rooms This divinely authorized compari son of heaven to a homestead of largo accommodations propose to carry out In some healthy neighborhood a man builds a very commodious habitation He must have room for all his children rooms come to bo called after the different members of the family That Is mothers room that fa room that is Henrys room that is Floras room that Is Marys room and house is all occupied But time goes by and tho sons go out Into the world build their own homes and daughters married or talent enough sin gly i go out and do a good work In the world And after awhile the father mother are almost alone in the big house and seated by the evening they say Well our family is no larger now than when we started together ago But time goes still farther by and some of children are and return to the old homestead to live and the grandchildren come with them and perhaps greatgrandchil dren and again the house la full Millennia ago tod built on the hills of heaven a great for a family innumerable to be At first he alone In that great houaa awhile it was occu pied by a very largo family cherubic seraphic The eternities passed on and many of the habitants passed on and many of the inhabit ants became wayward and loft nev er to return and many of the apart ments vacated I refer to the aerapblc angelic The are filling up- again There are ar rivals at the old homestead of Gods children every day and the day will come when will bo no unoccu pied room In all the house As you and I expect to enter It and make eternal residence I thought you would like to get soma more particular about the many roomed homestead In my Fathers house art many rooms You see the place to he apportioned off in to apartments We shall love all who are in heaven but there are some very good whom we would not want to live with in tbo same room They may bo bettor than ere but they ere of a divergent tem perament We would like to meet with them on the golden streets and worship with them In the temple and walk frith them on the rlvor banks but I am glad to flay that we shall live la different apartments In my Fathers house are many rooms You ace heaven will be so large that If one wants an entire room to or herself it can bo afforded An ingenious statistician taking the statement made In Revelation chapter that the hea venly Jerusalem was and found toba furlongs and that the length and height and breadth of tt are equal says that would make heaven In slse cubic feet and then a certain portion for court of heaven and tho streets and that the world may last a hundred thousand years he ciphers out that there aro over rooms each room feci long foot wide feet high But I have no faith in accuracy of that calculation He makes rooms too From can read tho rooms will be palatial and those who not had enough room In this world will have plenty of room at the last Carrying out further sym bol am of the text let us join hands and go up to this majestic home stead and see for As ascend the golden stops an invisible swings open front door and we ushered to the right Into ihe reception room of old homestead That is place where we first meet welcome of heaven There bo a where the departed spirit enters and a place in it confronts the In habitants celestial reception room of newly arrived from world what scones it must have Witnessed the first guest ar rived the victim of the first In that room Christ lovingly greets all newcomers He ana ho right to first on arrival What a minute whoa the spirit first sens the Hotter than all ever read about him or talked Mm or sang him In oil the and through all our I earthly It bo Just for MStfi mo one second dost rapturous idea evar htm on sacramental days of height of somo great revival or under the baton of an oratorio is a bankruptcy of thought compared with flash of his appearance that reception room At that mo ment when you confront each other Christ looking upon you and you looking upon Christ there will bo an ecstatic thrill and surging of emo tion that beggar all description need no Introduction Christ chose that rep on ant einnor that repentant Christ Mightiest moment of an Immortal history the first kiss of heaven Jesus and the soul The soul and Jesus I But now Into that reception room pour glorified kinsfolk enough of earthly retention to let you know them but without- their wounds or tholr sicknesses or their troubles what heaven has donofor them so radiant so gleeful so transport- Ingly lovely They call you by name greet you with an ardor pro portioned to the anguish of your parting end the of your sepa ration Mother There child Slaters Brothers Friends I wish you joy For years apart together again In the recep tion room of the old You ace they will know you arc coming There arc so many Immortals tilling all spaces between here and hea ven that news like that files like lightning They will bo there In an Instant Though they were In some other world on errand from God a signal would be thrown that would fetch them Though you might at first feel dazed and overawed at their supernal all that feel ing will bo gone at their touch of heavenly salutation and we will say Oh my lost boy Oh my lost companion Oh my lost friend Are we here together What scenes in that reception room of the old homestead have been witr- There met Joseph and Jacob finding It brighter room than any thing they saw in palace David and the little child for whom ho once fasted and Mary and after the heartbreak of Bethany Timothy and grandmother Isabella Graham and her sail or son Alfred and George the mystery of the sea at last made manifest and the daughter he bemoaned John How ard and the prisoners whom he pelized and multitudes without num ber who once so weary and so sad parted on earth but gloriously met heaven Among all the rooms of that house there one that more my soul than that recep tion room In my Fathers houso are many rooms Another room In our Fathers house Is the throneroom We be long to the royal family The blood of King Jesus flows In our veins so we have a right to enter the throne- room It is no easy thing on earth to got through oven outside door of a kings residence During FrancoGerman war one eventide In the summer of I stood study ing the exquisite sculpturing of the gate of the Paris In admiration of the wonderful art of that gate I knew not that I was exciting suspicion Lowering my eyes to the crowds of people I found myself being closely inspected by the government officials who from my complexion judged mo to be a Ger man and that for some belligerent purpose I might be examining the gates of the palace My explanation in very poor French did not satisfy them and they followed me long dis tances until I reached my hotel and were not satisfied until from my landlord they found that I was only an inoffensive American The gates of earthly palaces are carefully guarded and if so how much mora the throneroom A dazzling palace Is it for mirrors and all costly art No one who has over saw the throne- room of the first and only Napoleon will ever forget- the letter em broidered In purple and gold on upholstery of chair and window tho letter gilded oh the wall the let ter chased on the chalices tho let ter N flaming from the celling What a conflagration of brilliance the throneroom of Charles Sardinia of Ferdinand of Spain of of England of Boniface of Italy But the throneroom of our Fathers house hath a glory eclips ing all the thronerooms that ever saw wave or crown glitter or foreign embassador bow for our Fathers throne is a throne of grace a throne of mercy a throne of holi ness a throne of justice a throne of universal dominion We need not stand shivering and cowering before It for our Father says we may yet one day up and ait on it be side him that wihVi grant to sit with mo in my throne The crowns of the royal family of this world are tossed about from generation to generation and from family to family There are men comparatively young in Berlin who have seen the crown on three emper ors But wherever the coronets of this world rise or fall they are des tined to meet in one place And I look and see them coming from north and south and east and west Spanish crown the Italian crown the English crown the Turkish crown the Russian crown the Per sian crown aye all the crowns from under the great of heaven while I watch and won der they are all flung in rain of dia monds around the pierced feet shall reign whereer the sun his successive Journeys run His kingdom stretch from shore to shore Till sun shall rise and set no more Another room In our Fathers Is the musk room St John and other writers talk so much about the heaven that there must be music there perhaps not such a6 on earth was thrummed from trembling string or evoked by touch of Ivory key but if not that then something hotter There are so many Christian harpists and Christ fan composers and ChrUtian organ ists and choristers and Christian that hKe gone up from earth there must be some of delectation Shall wo in world Tag iKtTii of and no in of compute give you the notes of first bar of that is sung In heaven I cannot Imagine either the solo or But heaven means and can mean nothing Occa- that music has escaped the Dr Fuller dying at Beaufort said you not hear Hear what exclaimed by standers The music Lift mo up Open the windows Another room in our Fathers house will bo tho family room It may correspond somewhat with family room on earth At morning and evening you know that is the place we now meet Though every member of the household have a separate room In the family room all gather and joys and sor rows and experiences of all styles are there rehearsed rfacred rooms in all our dwellings whether it bo lux urious with ottomans and divans and books In Russian lids standing in mahogany case or there be only a few plain chairs and a cradle So family room on high will be the place where the kinsfolk assemble and talk over the family experiences of earth the the births burials the festal days of Christmas and Thanksgiving reunion Will the children departed remain children there Will the aged remain aged there Oh no Everything Is per fect there The child will go ahead to glorified maturity and the aged will go back to glorified maturity However much we love our children earth we would consider it A- do- MUNY0NS A IS Otis Dont let It act the Mart of you A of my Cold Cure an torra of in ami prevent diphtheria and iieomoDla Ik stioalJ be la home and tew pocket tban a life nucr- policy KIOTO a till aide to Artep it i b wo so war lots On Street Desirably Situated near the old Woollen Bale on Terms Apply to Real Estate Agent -t- For or ffo v i disaster If they stayed chil dren and so wo rejoice at their growth here And when we meet In the family room of our Fathers house we will be glad that thoy have grandly and gloriously matur ed while our parents who were aged infirm here we shall bo glad to find restored to the most agile and vigorous Immortality there If or or years be apex of physical and mental life on earth theA the heavenly childhood will ad vance to that and the heavenly old age retreat to that When we join them In the family room we shall have much to tell them We shall want to know of them right away such things as these you see us In this or that or the other strug gle Did you know when we lost our property and sympathize with us Were you pleased when we started for heaven Did you celebrate the hour of our conversion And then whether they know It or not we will tell them all But they Will- Have more to tell us than we to tell them Ten years on earth may be very eventful but what must be the bi ography of ten years in heaven They will to tell us the story of coronations story of news from immensity story of conquerors and story of wrecked or ransomed planets story of angelic vjctory aver diabolic revolts of ex tinguished suns of obliterated con stellations of new galaxies kindled and swung of stranded comets of worlds of Are story of Jehov ahs reign If that family room of our Fathers house wo have so much to tell them of what we have passed through since we parted how much more thrilling and arous ing that which they have to tell us of what they have passed through since we ported Surely that family room will be one of the most favor rooms in all our Fathers house What long lingering there for wo never again be in a hurry me opon a window said a humble Christian servant to who because of the death of her had shut herself up In a dark room and refused to any cms You have been many days in this dark room Are you not ashamed to grieve in this manner ought to be thanking for having given you the most beau tiful child that ever was seen and instead of leaving him In this world till he should be worn with trouble has not God taken him to heaven In his beauty Leave off weeping and lot me open a window How would It for any person to leave you In that family room today I am sure there Is no room in which you would rather stay than in the enraptured circle of your ascended and glorified kinsfolk We might visit other rooms in our Fathers There may be pic ture galleries penciled not with earthly art but by some process un known in this world preserving for the next world the brightest and most stupendous scenes of human history and thero may bo lines and forms of earthly beauty preserved whiter and chaster and richer than Venctlun sculpture ever wrought rooms beside rooms rooms over rooms Jorge rooms majestic rooms opalescent rooms amethystine rooms In my Fathers house are rooms I hope none of will be disap pointed about getting there Thero is a room for us if we will go ami lake it but in order to reach It it is absolutely necessary that wo take tho right way and Christ is the way and we must enter at the right door and Christ Is the door and wo must start In time and the only hour you are sure of is the hour clock now strikes and only sec ond the one your watch Is now lick ing I hold in my hand a roll of let ters inviting you alt to make that your home forever The Now Testa ment Is only a roll of letters Invito you as spirit of them prac tically says My yet Immor tal child in earthly neighborhood I have built for you a great residence It Is full of rooms I have furnish ed them as no palace was ever fur nished Pearls are nothing emeralds arc nothing is nothing sunrise and sun set nothing the aurora of heavens nothing compared with the splendour which have garni- lured them But you must clean before you can there and so I have opened a fountain you may wash all our sins Come now Put your weary but feet on the upward path way- Do you riot sts amid thick foliage on tho heavenly hill tops the old family In ray fathers ara acres Lot Id 2nd Con of US cleared well watered and buildings Zephyr to Soil or Boat 100 acres on tho Town Lino of East half a mile from Newmarket depot Young bearlog orchard of SCO trees- Good market farm Apply to 87KE8 Newmarket- Homo to Rent Brick house domestic water furnace bathroom and good garden and modern conveniences Grand situation for scenery ELI ABMTTAGE or To Sent Lot in the rear of the 3rd of Whitchurch containing For Far ther apply to Newmarket Farm to lent being lot In con of North Well watered good good orchard and acres of fall wheat JOHN West FOE sal 150 Acres St York Co 1 of Ruvopa on line of New Electric Railway Splendid Stock and Dairy Farm Good Buildings and many natural beauties and advantages Will sell part or all Apply to THOMAS COSFORD Aurora iBl ketch and description of soy Invention will receive our opinion free concerning patentability of How to Patent upon request Patents through us advertised for at our expense taken out through us receive naffer without charge in The an and widely circulated consulted by Manufacturer and Investors for sample copy met Address VIOTOft J EVAHO CO VAHIIIQTOH Plasters will relieve quicker than my other Put yard allow you to cut the any site Every family should have one ready for on IOAmftjawracica inmiQ ru of Bankers and GEO Co Stock Exchange Bid 6092 Broadway New York OP Can be made through apeculatlon with de posit of thirty upward or per cent margin on the Stock fortunes have been road through speculations In Wheat or Cotton If you are Interested to know how are conducted notify and we win send you Information and market letter ire of charge Usual commission charged for executing order Municipal and Railroad bonds quotations furnished on application tor purchase AU YOUR PAINS WITH A la Itself Safe and Quick Cure for DIARRHOEA RHEUMATISM and pool OF IMITATIONS BUY

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