Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 27 Oct 1899, p. 8

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J i l JJ NEWMARKET ERA- I rvv J Are prepared from mild laxatives and While are reliable and efficient They Hi- Cure Sick Headache Sour Stoma and Constipation Sold everywhere per box Hood Sank of Paid up Capital served Iuttd I A TotalAssets A of Hunk cat established BRADFORD arc received of and up- rates Wo a Specialty of discounting Farmers Notes And flalu Notes at LOWEST RATES For further Information to JOHN ARE YOU INSURED nHDMD Lire ASSURANCE CO ESTABLISHED 1825- Total Assurance in force around the AMD COR- Old Mr MoMain residing bis soninlaw Mr Ed died a week ago last Tuesday morning Remains interred in Newmarket Cem etery Mr Nelson Drapers daughter who has very low with typhoid and an on the brain died first of last week arid about iho Mr Thomas Glovers daughtor died of consumption Wo with many friends our deepest sympa thy to the bereaved long since Mr Glover lost an and daughter from tho sarao relent less disease Children Cry for CASTORIA Annual Revenue over 1 Claims paid by death and Matured Endowments over Investments in Canada Deposit at Ottawa for security of Canadian holders over 8700000 The tailoine business owned and managed by late Alox has boon purchased by Har ry J of who will carry on business in a systematic and manner He offers largo inducements in childrens cloth ing also cleaning and pressing a specialty Our Council have let a job to Mark Clark to clean out the ditch that was dug lot twenty in tho third con- cession some seven years ago and to extend it south some forty rods which will be another nop in right direction Mr Alox Annan started to build his now house on Monday and the people are turning out to assist in work is showing a right spirit to those in distress There is still a scarcity of houses in Zephyr Mr Mark Clark moves into his new house this week and Mr John of Brown Hill motes in whore Mark Mr Peter is making pre parations to build a pieco to his shop which looks as though ho means to stay Children Cry for Co have cloa ca their factory for tho post being one of most prosperous on record demand ex ceeding supply and prices in vanco of former years a poor indigent who is well known throughout this neigh borhood was taken to Industrial Homo a short ago Ho took dinner with inmates then re turned to his old log shanty same day The has closed for another Ferguson Bros put in largest animal this that has killed by the association weighed pounds weight A not far from town wero recently married and invit ed an old aunt to wedding Tho cards wore swell affairs and in one corner inscription Child ren not After scanning it closely over her specks old lady said Thats all right but theyll have just same Barrio Gazelle AURORA 7 r- Profits paid The lives of Females Insured without extra premium Children over years of written at Special Rates Mi Ramsay Manager J Balfour Secretary Charles Hunter Chief Agent Ontario GEO M HUNT District Inspector f A Too for hit BALDWIN BREEZES if WEAK DISEASED NO CURE- NO PAY IK is original Kwill posi tively cure forever any form of Blood or It the result if Sear experience in the treatment of WE CURE SYPHILIS tie terror of mankind to our NBW Beware Mercury etc They may ruin your intern If you hare tongue In the tore throat hair or eyebrow falling out core eyes bead- aches etc- you have IneeetondaTyaUge of ttl Poiwn We carts and challente the world for a cote we accept for treatment and cure By our treatment the ulcers hair grows pains becomes healthy and marriage is and safe CURES GUARANTEED young and middleaged their vigor and vitality capped early abuses later excesses mental Worry etc No matter the our New Method Treatment Is the refuge jartt to condi tion Ambition and energy are and one a man two in treated no hence out wonder ful luccete No matter wbat ails consult confidentially Wo can fur- to CURED IS treat and cure EMISSIONS DRAINS KIDNEY and CONSULTATION FREE If unable to call QUESTION BLANK for TREATMENT for HOME Kennedys Ave and Shelby St DETROIT MICH im or IT A I of f kUt nJn Haiti v tr- llit Our market is increasing in size Monday was a record breaker An unusually large crovd of handsome young ladies arrayed in their Sunday best on hand Yates raised an immense horse barn on Sat The bridge- across Yates gully has been put in good repair by Donald Chapman road bosB No fear now of an action for damages against township Our two ladies Mrs Cole and Mrs are meeting with inal at fairs Our good Mr and Mrs Harry were calling on Jas Miller on Monday Please excuse me for not recognizing Harry Jas Miller represents that his in terests are all centred in Baldwin now Ho has been appointed super- of the School at Christ ian Church No Mr Joker you are mistaken Duncan King hasnt all the contracts j for cement flooring in this section A many prefer the old reliable Portland cement A near neighbor of the late Mrs says that the various who made such flattering ference to her did no more than was her just due We ourselves know that is a first class neighbor and friend and their child- are similarly well disposed j Mr Sam general machinery agent takes a turn on the as occasionally and also now and then does a neat job at stack building His latest exhibition of bis skill latter line was at Mr John Taylors It is the admir ation of all beholders It strongly sembles the leaning tower of Pisa The corner school for the education I of our youths has now opened for tho winter season with a large attendance Boys learn ways of the world rap idly there and it aint no Sunday School lessons they learn either Mrs Yeung of Keswick is spond- ing a few days with her neice Mrs Ben Miss Laura Horner of Sutton was engaged in dressmaking at Mr Ben last week She did some extra tasty work Mrs Wm and Miss Ruby are at Siloam visiting Cliff and Net tie Mr Dineen the Christian pastor will shortly begin series of revival here in the Christian Church Mr Andy Stevenson and Miss Ida Lang were made one last week by Rev Father Which one will reveal The Owl Children for On Tuesday afternoon a now smoke stack was put up on Brcnnard Sylvesters creamery here Mr Major Stephenson of the south end intends removing to in the coursd of a week or so Owing to increase in Mr business as huckster he is doubling the size of his packing house On Saturday owning J bona Agricultural Works were closed down for a week for purpose of making in their shops Ono night week some person or persons into a loaded car at tho station hero belonging to Messrs Cof fee Co Toronto and stolosorae grain A 1 adcd car belonging to Mr Baldwin was also tampered with Mr Henry Robinson has resigned the of caretaker of who Methodist church and accepted a situation with Mr Geo in his pork packing establishment The Metropolitan Railway Co have completed the work out ditches and putting down new crossings on st in this corpora tion directed by County Coun cil railway committee The work has been dune in an efficient and satisfactory manner On Tuesday morning as Mr was driving into the Grand Trunk station yard with three cans of milk ho was run into by a team com ing out the yard Mr rig was upset and the old gentleman was thrown out and also tho milk Two cans of tho milk were spilled and Mr escaped with a few slight bruises Banner Boon gradually closing in upon Lady smith and constantly en- gaging In with British pa- Natal Oct Wo attackod this morning at day light by a force roughly estimated at had placed four or five guns into position on a hill yds cant of our camp and thoy plugged shells Their artillery did no damage Ouf infantry formed for at tack and wo got our guns into posi tion position of enemy bad been shelled our in fantry tho attack and a hard fight tasting un til pm an almost position was taken retir ing eastward All tho Boor guns been captured Wo can see our soldiers at top of hill Our aro heavy A rough estimate places the British loss at killed or wounded and that of the Boers at Oct and Bottler Mounted Rifles who had been in action with nearly all day returned this evening falling back fighting in the face of some two thousand Boers were several times almost cut off but a Maxim gun held Boers in check It is reported that Boers were Several times tho Boers carno with in range but their shoot ing bod and the Maxims render ed signal service in stopping rush es They have a largo waggontrain artillery CANADIAN VOfUNTKKRB Toronto Oct A novel mili tary incident took at Arm ories this morning selection of the for the Transvaal not commenced until Col Otter arrived and then Major and commanding had a conference when Col Otter stated that it was not men of height that was required It was men of good chest measurement and who could shoot The first battalion to bo called up was of Hamilton Tho Ambitious City regiment was rep resented by eight men and five wero sent up for examination Citizens anxious to recruit and who not attached to tiny regiment were not given an opportunity to make appli cation as the volunteer in the service were given the preference A greet deal of interest was taken in the applications from the 12th York Rangers and when the regi mental number was called out seven teen men lined up before inspect Too many boys in this batch a small Capo Colony town on Main Government railway and lying between and surrendered on Thursday last to Boers A force of police were stationed at the town and it was thought that a stand would been made there police however withdrew and great indignation is being expressed in Britain at their action This gives to the Boers possession of a long stretch of railway between and Mafeking and will seriously retard the advance of any columns that may attempt to relieve those places Reliable information from king says that an armored train while reconnoitring north of tho town last Saturday engaged 500 Boers who suffered heavily Col column foiled Boers inflicting se vere loss The British casualties were two killed and fourteen wounded two severely What Shall Be Done FOR DBLICATB You have tried iron and other tonics But she keeps pale and thin Her sallow complexion worries you Per haps she has a little hacking cough also Her head aches and she cannot study Give her said Major they are en thusiastic enough but not the class of men wo want However six out of the bunch were called out to go before Dr Mattress Five men from the Battalion of Welland nino from the and two from and several of these were rejected especially who were about the ago limit The ma jority of the volunteers sent to the medical ranged in age from years to years and in nearly all cases they were short in stature but of good chest measurement- just tho boys who will a good account of them selves as sharpshooters Tho number of applicants present themselves up to one oclock is as follows Queens Own Rifles Grenadiers Highlanders Thirteenth Hamilton ThirtyFifth 5 Twelfth ThirtySeventh ThirtyFourth ThirtyEighth Mr John Nicholson to the house lately vacated by Mr Chap and masons busy just now finishing up their wor for the winter Messrs Hare and OBrien of on Friday evening on a visit to O Mrs Jacob Shier is at present in St Marys attending her sister in law Mrs Sparling very ill infant child of Mr Henry Shier died on Friday night This makes fourth in that family A runaway horse caused a little ex- citomenton Monday morning It was Mr and after throw ing him out of buggy ran the length of villago but did no dam- age Mr was fortunate in re ceiving only a sovero shaking up Arrangements are being made to build an additional shed at the north side of tho which not before it ia needed for the accommodation of horses Aftor a summer of fir ing and bad feeling it is a pleasure to note the clear atmosphere of the past few weeks Mr insurance chequo has cleared away all that dis- on incendiarism and Udora people are living in peace and plenty Mr and Mrs Samuel Cliseold were the happy hosts to a group of Udora on Wednesday Oct the occasion being the marriage of their daughter Ethel to Mr rington of Markharn Rev Berry per formed the ceremony with Mr Amos and Miss Charlotte assist ance aftor which a fulsome wedding was partaken of and the happy couple started for Toronto on the evening train We understand that the offi cials asked Miss Peers to act as organist and W Webster as leader to select and reorganize the choir for winter This year the Fair was better than both in points of exhibits and at tendance the largest in the history of the Society Very much is due to the effects of President Lapp and Secre tary For the first time has been honored with a mili tary band and we appreciated it and hope boys enjoyed the outing they seemed to People who thought hotel would not accomodate the crowd met with a pleasant surprise at Gordons Among the visitors that day wero Messrs P P of Canning ton John Johnston Reeve of Brock James of Sunder land Bryant V and our of Sunderland Dr Clark Law yers and Noble and editors Keller and Young of J Hagerman and a bus load from Sutton Dafoe and Gus of Zephyr so very long ago pirates attacked a vessel in the Chinese sea The crew fled in terror to the rigging but the captains wife a cutlass and as the pirates heads appeared over the vessels side she cut them down like weeds until those remaining reentered boats and rowed away 8 The oil will feed her wasting body glycerine will soqthe her cough and the will give new power and vigor to her nerves and Never say you take codliver oil until you CWldren become very fond of it J and Infant do hot know when added to their food tl SCOTT BOWK8 Jo Eighty out of the number were sent on for medical examination A militia order states that the eight companies of infantry authorized for active in South Africa will be taken on strength of the Royal Canadian Regiment of Infantry and will bo designated as follows A Company raised in British Col and Manitoba Company raised at London Company raised at Toronto Company raised at Ottawa and Kingston Company raised at Montreal F Company raised at Quebec Company raised in New Bruns wick and P Island raised in Nova Scotia There was a hole in the window pane And the chilly winds blew through A man sat with his back thereto Which no ought to do He caught a cold and got a pain Which was severe indeed And may perhaps lead him hence forth To health to take more heed Beneath a heavy counterpane Packed in hot bricks he sweat That window pane and counterpane And pain hell not forget any other for home news Diseases that attack women are worse then They torture long before they ill But women can beat them off ana cut them down Pierces Favorite Prescription This is a womans remedy that has no alcohol opium or other nar cotic in it It is the prescription of Dr Pierce of Buffalo who has devoted a long and successful life to the study and treatment of diseases peculiar to women It overcomes irregularities stops disagreeable bearingdown paint and backache cures female weakness and headache It helps the girl over the cullies encountered when she enters wom anhood makes the period preceding ma ternity a time of comfort and the newborn enters the world without unnecessary to the mother At the turn of life is priceless to womankind Medicine dealers sell it and you should never permit them to substitute other medicine which they may urge upon you as Juit as good I had been a great sufferer from female weakness writes Mrs M Wallace of Cooke Co Texas I tried four doctors and none did me any I suffered six years but at last I found relief I followed ad vice and toolc four bottles of Golden Medical Discovery and eight of the Favorite now feel like a have gained eighteen pounds In cloth paper binding covers one cent stamps stamps Dr Pierces l Common Sense Medical Adviser Dr Pierce Buffalo EMULSION And nil ftTfUOODt OP APPETITE Hi of his most aid of The I rid of a tucking which Mai over a and jlyinwdxfct WIKGKAM end SI DAVIS A LAWRENCE CO 1 fed M3 THE PATENT x rf Infant and to ft harmless for Castor- Oil Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic It is Pleasant Its guarantee is thirty years use by Million of Mothers destroys Worms and allays Feverish- cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency Castorla assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children giving healthy and natural sleep Castorla is tho Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend A Is an excellent medicine for children Mothers have repeatedly told me of it good effect upon their children Dr Osgood Man f- if Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any pre scription to me A Aschek THE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER IMC CITY Do you think of THIS If you do write 3- HE go LIMITED NEWMARKET And get prices VaniercJ Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows IND ALL THE Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork Factory in Canada for the I PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc We construct Repair all shot notice The Wm Cane Sons Co NEWMARKET YOUNG LADIES Any young lady can earn a Gold Watch or a Dinner Set Writing lounge or Chair etc For selling among her friends a few boxes of highly perfumed SOAP Send us a postcard for premium list and instructions Young ladies having order forms can fill them out and send them in ST JOHN SOAP GO LAWRENCE MONTREAL Era till Jan 1901 for Si cash FOR SALE Rebuilt good as new for work Four of them can be at my on Newmarket Call and Them or leave jour order for a NEW OUTFIT to be shipped with other machinery and save freight I will make it pay fsr you If Engines are not will bo let to run on shares THOMPSON Best Gold Best Glosses perfect GLOBE Street It you Nicer Buggy than anybody Cutler or one of tho best Roots In the country call on R or any kind of a some big sotoe small sound cripple fftst some slow some quiet some sonic nice ana very homely one and they are all for sale Rag to Inform the public that be has moved to St and he still bus that Celebrated Co with all to and he la prepared to do Ben Work in Ha Carpet Call and see 8tnd rasa In

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