Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 27 Oct 1899, p. 7

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i i J j A CHINA HALL OCT New and Seasonable Goods Just to Hand and Box Calf Fitting Good Correct Styles cost is no than for inferior and you get COMFORT AND GOOD WEAR Our Calf and Shoo Dressing is best for serving tho Leather and gives an Elegant Polish Granny Rubbers Quality WE KEEP THEM China Novelties Wo always Something Now and A job lot of Majolica Jugs at and Now Valoncias just arrived New Cod Fish finest quality just recoived Comb at 7 and a Section Git APE NUTS a very nutritious and wholesome Food Excelsior is Finest Blend of Coffee Our Japan Tea at is sure to Weeks ideal lews IB ON IK ABOUT this Season Directors of Newmarket Dairy Association leave of purchasing a Batter Plant for patrone of to at next annual to bo held In January Royal Wednesday night la NiRht all oyer Proving and It Is hoped that Council will record no many members possible booming just now It la that ton or now members will bo Initiated on that occasion Woke Up I Now la for of who only got ting for money lying In Hank to Invest In a of that would root for or por month and earn from to per on Investment demand for lonomonta that unattain able la progress of tho Town The Family about half a ono night last week and with ex ception of ouo a very tor tho program was a good ono As a brass band are a and far Boll Ringing is concerned thoy aro equal to anything that has appeared hero selection of Daisies by a lady and was simply Bella of Scotland on violin with bolt accom paniment brought down Public library of proceeds Spanks the Trolley- Metropolitan brought oyer 200 people here on Thanksgiving Day and carried nearly as many out of Town The night Thanksgiving t ca cmo up from Toronto at and both wero filled care are running very regularly and on Tho waiting room in tho Block will Boon bo ready Report says that a freight will bo on vacant lot at the north aide electric railway ran a faro urn ion on Wednesday to Toronto to on bio people to too tho voluntecre for Africa A meeting of York County ore and North Toronto Council was called for yesterday to consider what action should bo regarding condition of tho traoka and Companys line as citizens making serious com plaints Up to the hour of going to press wo could not the result of the con ference Tho question of connection with track cornea op before Railway Committee of Privy Counoil at Ottawa on Tuesday AMte 7 A meeting of Vtatorlnn Order of was held in Toronto on Tuesday afternoon at homo In Avenue Lady Abcrdcon the of Order end dcUvcrcd an address with to tho hopes and aim of Ordor Mies of Lon don and Miss of woro granted badge of tho and accepted as members hat wishes for her future Christian Church At Homo in tho Church on Noyomber supper tickets will bo to tho Auditorium and will bo numbered in order as issued First come first served first will bo open at Male Quartotto of Toronto will popular concerts during tho This company has been so- cured at groat expense and tholr appear- In Newmarket will bo tho musical thoaoasoD Dont Presbyterian Church Last Sunday morning tho Pastor on tho Century Fund past and showing how thankful wo ought to bo a church and Individually In tho oven- church was filled Tho sermon full of spiritual food beautiful anthems and tho de serves special mention The paatore on aftornoons la Increasing In numbers and tho Interest takon In It is worthy of mention An Invitation is ex tended to everybody to spend a ploaeant and profltablo hour The Thureday von- prayermooting is very helpful morning Is ohlldrona service collection will bo given In aid of Cen tury Fund Thoughtless loose For days past Walt Trivett has boon anxious for enlistment on Cana dian contingent for the Transvaal and to to his purpose ho arrange montsto ascertain if a place could be made for him On a telegram was receiv ed to go to Toronto at when young both his loyalty and sincerity by immediately proceeding to Allan for a volunteer uniform and packing up of his belongings In expectation of taking tho first trolley for city Just the time for depart had another telegram was receiv ed stating that It too late place bad been filled The hoax however Boon leaked out All the same it demonstrated pluck and loyalty of but the anxious worry It gave his relatives to bo regretted In connection wo may say that who fully to to the front was held In Toronto till Wednesday awaiting a possible This did not occur however and ho has re turned to Newmarket Ho is now talking of taking a course at Stanley Barracka with the cavalry Club Wo understand ft la Intention of a number of in Town to form a and Club for the coming pistimo To this end a will be hold In the Temperance Hall next Monday Of all Interested are The Cheese Factory Six thousand fiyo hundred pounds of milk delivered at factory hie week and lbs each were turned out same factory shipped Tuesday to Old Country the prion reoclvod cents a pound J Great In con of Inolomont wcathortho auction sale of Furniture etc for Oct bo- longing to estate of tho V Donne adjourned till 1st of Nov next Wednesday Everything Is now unreserv edly offered Tho furniture piano Is first eleven and this will afford an ex cellent of arti cles at purchasers own prices Mr F Duncan will take charge of tho Bale which commences at prompt Oiif Toronto Letter It understood that of Pare for in con nection with hank robbery not taken very seriously at Department says that claim founded under a misappre hension He thinks because ho gave information which led to ar rest in Boston the ie payable to him hut was offered after the escape from jail and has no with the arrest in Boston North Yorks local now Commissioner of Crown Lands Danforth Lodge of has passed a resolution to bear the cost of assessment of members who are going with the Canadian contingent to the Transvaal Thats business Mr Hamilton of Globe staff will go to Transvaal as war cor respondent of that paper He has been on Globe for about seven DUO The Reliable Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts The Laws Of the Land Do not protect you from Spectacle Vendors yourself by consulting only resident and qualified Our department Is At Your Service We make Charge for testing Your Eyes Jr Nost Post ALL FLOW NO EBB on our last years attendance A dally roll call of Thats where the tide of has carried into and it means the largest school in Canada today The demand for the competed bookkeeper stenographer or tele grapher is steadily on the increase We know itour experience proves it That demand will be greater than ever Will you join us and be able to do then A line to will secure more Bend for It Toronto Ont Principal As a local hunter Tom beats them all Ho caught Minks and nine in the creek last week woods were full of parties on Thanksgiving Day The la plentiful Messrs and Hewitt two young men at Canes got their fingere jagged with saws last week King meets at Nobleton on Bat East meets same day at Sharon Next Tuesday All Halloween We hope the boys of the Town will keep their fun within reason One of the front of Mr Frank departmental store accident ally broken last week Wintry days will soon be here November comes In next Wednesday Mr the weaver is evidently giv ing satisfaction He took orders for five carpets last week two all the way from All those who have not paid for the care of lots in Newmarket Cemetery should do before next Tuesday A history of the Children of Peace at Sharon by Emily in pamphlet form The Express editor our thanks for a copy Casildy Allens marble works sent a monument to Albert last week in memory of late Denned mill shipped two cars of flour to Quebec week The delivery wagon has a new coat of paint with the firms name changed to Co Gardners Foundry rushed to the foil est capacity chiefly on Toronto orders and casting every other day Mr Collins the vendor on Watsons dairy wagon sprained his ankle pretty on Saturday morning on Church street accidentally stepping into a hole which laid him till Monday Borne people that the thunder and lightning early last Monday morning is a sore sign of cold weather How your wood pile The Industrial Home Commissioners meet on Wednesday of next week to audit accounts Mr is making some improvements to the Central Hotel A new balcony to take tho place of the old one at the front entrance Last Saturday a lady lost her puree con taining a return Metropolitan Ticket for Toronto and also for Aurora with a small sum of money The finder will confer a favor on a poor girl by leav ing the same at this office High Concert Promptly at eight oclock on Wednesday evening last the curtain at the Town Hall where the Commencement the Newmarket High School took place rolled up and the oroheatra atruok op Role Britannia The stage was very prettily decorated on each side and in the centre surmounted by the colors of the Batt stood a field piece labelled a captured Boer cannon Then the regular program proceeded with The by the leadership of Mr waa bright and spirited and rendered in a firstclass style Dr of the Educational Council of Toronto presented certificates to last years successful candidates in well words The piano solos by Miasee Mabel Cane and Jessie I Mintern and the cornet solo by Mr Geo were highly appreciated by the audience Mies Starr showed the character of the gas round in Mr Williams fiats or heating and illuminating purposes the town and other water and performed several other interesting and instructive experiments The youog ladies in the drill looked positively charming and went through the various in a very creditable manner and were deserv edly applauded several times The man with the paste pot could not be found and Shakespeare did not look as well as he otherwise would have done In picture frame but bis local lights brought down the house It is to be regretted that Dr the tenor in the quartette miss ed the car torn Toronto and only arrived in time to crowd in one near the last A Newmarket audience always delighted to hear Miss Dolan and Oliver and were noticeably disappointed in getting the Good Night selection The Merchant of Venice was very creditably given All sustained their parts well but Miss Byam as Portia Mr Herb Skinner as the Duke and Mr Robertson Shylook are deserving of special praiso The Committee of Management desire to their thanks to the ladies who planned and by their skill and good made these adding considerably to the atage effect of the acenea By oclock the hall crowded to the and severe had to go home without getting In For being closely paoked the audience was exceedingly patient and well behaved There were about people present and the receipts were In the neighborhood of all the pupils and entertainers having complimentary tickets Altogether was a great success Mr the new is to be heartily congratulated He is giving excellent satisfaction and filling Mr Dicksons place moat acceptably years Ono of men belonging to Africa contingent frorA this city is a volunteer in tho High landers named Geo M Smith known as the long distance runner whose re cord of 28j in hours and minutes still holds good Club of Toronto has passed a resolution expressing sincere regret that through declining years Hon Mr Hardy has felt com pelled to retire from the Government and from tho Legislature ex pressing hearty of Hon Geo Ross as his successor A meeting will take place this Fri day evening in the Normal School buildings under of the Local Womans Council to Lady Aberdeen back to Toronto It is expected she will give some account of the International Congress held in London recently The annual Gaelic sermon to the Gaelio Society preached last Sab bath at Knox Church by Rev J Car- miohael of King He is senior chaplain of the society A local firm in this city on Monday last shipped a consignment of bacon to Southampton valued at York County Commissioners met at the Clerks office the beginning of this week and passed a number of out standing accounts A deputation from the Trade and Labor Council interviewed Hon Mr this week and urged the rig orous enforcement of the Factories Act which requires blowers to be at tached to all dry wheels used as the dust is decidedly injurious to health The Council gave the Transvaal volunteers from the city a big send off last night A cash bonus to each officer and man The patients in the General Hospi tal for tho week ending October included males and females At the Toronto jail the prisoners for the week ending on Saturday last numbered 116 men and women Thanksgiving Day was thoroughly enjoyed by the people of Toronto The sham fight was one of the days features and many wore decidedly in terested In the churches appropri ate services were held During the evening not a few people got wet both inside and out but the police were considerate en account of the day object being to re3toro railway communication between Lady- smith and Gen Symonda force French directed the movements of the troops with great skill The British loss is estimated at killed and wounded Boers occupied a strong posi tion on a steep hill and was almost a repetition of that at commencing with duel and ending with a brilliant charge by the British Infantry All the Boer camp wag gons provisions and nearly all their horses wore taken also their artillery Gob White says that enemy fought with courage and iosDOK Oct The list of Brit ish officers killed and wounded in of Elandslaagto is larger than that of hill the total dead reaching wounded a total of compared with dead and wounded at Glencoo hill a grand total in two battles of dead and wounded The Gordon Highlanders suffered the most severely having no less than killed and wounded London Tuesday Oct Inter ested and graphic accounts are sup- by the war correspondents of the attlo of from which the following are extracts The battle was a brilliant and complete success Boers number ed 1200 to and probably bad about killed and wounded The fight itself was like a practical illustration of handbook tactics each arm represented doing its proper work to perfection The Gordon Highland ers in the in magni ficent order wero saluted with a heavy which told from the first Their major fell with a bullet in bis leg but as he lay where he fell ho lit a pipe and smoked placidly while the advance continued As man after man dropped supports rushed in to tho firing line our men darting from cover to cover splendidly led and ever advancing Yet as ridge after ridge was won the Highlanders found a new ridge confronting them and thus they fought their bleeding way until the final ridge was with nearly every officer down Then slamming every available man into tho firing line Manchester Devonshire and Light Horse all mix ed with buttles chanting advance bag pipes shrieking and the a confused surge our men swept yelling forward and the position was won Meanwhile squadrons of Lancers and Dragoons lapped round the Boer left flank catching the enemy as they retired in disorder goring and stamp ing them to pieces and the commando was not Ottawa Oct The GovernorGeneral recived this cable gram this evening Her Majesty the Queen desires to thank the people of the Dominion of Canada for their striking manifesta tion of loyalty and patriotism in their voluntary offer to send troops to co operate with her Majestys Imperial forces in maintaining her position and the rights to British subjects in South Africa She wishes the troops God speed and a safe return Signed CHAMBERLAIN AD INC Cold Weather Talk In Season We have just added to our large stock 1 t Comprising every size and variety of the beat in Canada for both coal and wood These goods were bought before the rise in iron and intending purchasers should examine them before selecting elsewhere COMPLETE WINTER STOCK OF SHELF HARDWARE Everything you want for house barn or stable Reliable UptoDate Goods J A ALLAH 1 I the G NEW DINNER WARE OPENED a consignment of Dinner Sets comprising Handsome Patterns in Brown Blue and Green Gilded and Plain prices in keeping with the quality on sale for and upward TOILET WA An excellent variety in Brown Blue Pink and Green Patterns Gilded or Plain Low UITABL Are now on sale in Fine China Plates Cups and Saucers Tea Pot Stands Etc WALL PAP The Usual Large Stock with some new designs for fall on sale for fie per roll and upwards Note Paper and Envelopes A goodly variety of Plain and Fanoy Note Paper with envelopes to match Papeteries in Latest Tints WM STARR Central Telephone Office Another British Victory Message the Queen i i A British force from en gaged the Boer under Gen Kock on Saturday last inflicting upon the enemy a crushing defeat The Boer General was wounded takon prisoner and afterwards died from the of the wound The battle was fought near Elands- a station about fifteen miles northeast of Ladysmith and connect ed that placo with Dundee and camp The British were The Boers are apparently in very strong force and the situation is re garded as critical Col in command at Tull Rhodesia has defeated a small force of Boers An official despatch from Col Bad enPowell at gives details of the Boer repulse at that place President of the Orange Free Stat has issued a proclamation an nouncing the annexation all that part of Cape Colony lying of the vaal River A later despatch conveys the infor mation that Gen Whites and Gen Yules forces have effected their junc ture just north of and are in a splendid position to give battle to the enemy Thursday Oct Tho follow ing is the war summary this morning General White and General Yulo are now in touch with each other and exchanging communications General Yules retirement was moat successfully carried out but it is now certain that he was compelled to leave his sick and wounded at Dundee Tho Beers now in possession of the upper triangle of Natal and can justly claim to won a strategical victory although decisively beaten in the three battles which have taken place The combined British forces are in a strong position and will no soon engage the Orange Free State and Transvaal commandos converging upon them A squadron of the 18th Hussars including the Colonel of the regiment who followed the enemy on their re treat after the battle of are to have been captured by the Boers Oct The War Office returns show that total cutualtice since beginning of hostilities reached eighteen offi cer having been killed and fiftyfive wounded and men killed and wounded There thirteen unac counted for This however does nob include the squadron of the Hussars which went astray near Dundee and the officers A the Dublin Fusiliers The report of heavy losses sent from came as an un pleasant surprise as Gen Whites telegram to the War Office yesterday gave the impression that there was merely a brush WHY GO to When in need of a Suit OR AN stock of for your photos if you can them cheap at home and fiavo your trouble Having purchased enlarge the very graphic goods lam now pre iO very beet Photo- pared to turn out photos at city and In city style I am also prepared to do all kinds of Portrait Enlarging andcopyiogat the very low- eat petiole price If you want to money call on Graham Overcoat call and see us we will glre you just what you want We carry tho Largest Stoek of in Town both In Domestic and Im ported Woolens WE EBRYTHING or money refunded Call and Inspect the goods that arrived this week their equal cannot be beat In quality and price Jas R McLaughlin JONES OLD STAB A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Very In all affections of the THROAT or LUNGS Luge Bottles DAVIS CO g of Oct Flour barrel a White Wheat per bushel a Red Wheat per bushel a Goose Wheat per bushel a Buckwheat 0 Barley per bushel OSS a Oats per OSS a Peas per bushel a tt a OH a Butter roll per lb ON 010 Potatoes a Apples per W a Sheepskins a Woo per lb OH a Hay per ton CO H Beef per a lb Chickens per pair a Ducks a Turkeys lb 0 a Bran per tot i a CO W a ISO

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