Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 27 Oct 1899, p. 3

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i r r IfHWtV A GOING ON IN ft ABOUT TOW I I 1 v Saturday Nov it that Opt it Toronto Optical Par- lorn King St Weal will bo at t Gospel Very good Hat Bungay Mrs Cody and Mrs ai organ MreO Oanogafo a good reading a and a good address Array of mooting r a of was Off and Woodcock on Monday afternoon with steal- Jog a boggy and robo from Thomas Magistrates found him not guilty of stealing and buggy but t stealing tho Ho allow- to on Last was a high day noro Largo congregations morning tfnd pastor oxoolled his morning sormon an ob- IcsBon from toxt all do iho loaf and in was l of an Individual lifo A full choir rendered four an thems showing ability of Mr a leader while Hallelujah Chorus brought out capacity of Organ to perfection well as displaying tbo execution of tho organiat r At regular mooting Hut Monday another now member the goat that the of tho Order Workman of Ontario will guarantee payment of of going to Transvaal as was with and follqwc4 by a loyal and patriotic by Mr at suggestion of Allan Public Nearly now volumea are now ready for Nov time to get a ticket of membership aa year on 1st of a no other expenditure of give a greater return to who cultivate a for A will enable you to got three a week of latest and boat- publications and choice of volumes Library is situated at Wrights and all other information bo obtained People country would And Ibis a Investment to occupy the long wlntor ovenfngs with profit A mooting of Directors of tho Library Board will bo hold In Library Room this A foil attendances guested iyy The scarcity of applca this ffeasoh has made great difference to work at Cooperage Last year they sold over apple this year so tbo orders do not more than COO bar rels The ftnoua plowing match of Township Is announced to bo held on the farm of Mr Joseph Baker near on the of next month A number of excellent the several The Plend v Mr Taie sxMPP now Borrogate Court Toronto will speak In Friends Meeting House Church St on morning and The The covering of and domes with at Town Light has mado a to of and Engi neer Ollolloran can notice a saving in fuel this was finished on Saturday night Tho Town la now running nearly incandescent lights and area on the Mr Maddoeks residence was week for lights and lit up for Drat time on Saturday night Mr Know- lee who runs the popular provision across tho road put in four lights and others are adding to number already in plant la giv ing univcreal and with meter rate down to several others talking of lighting their residences Bible Society Executive of Newmarket Branch met at residence of the Secretary last Friday evening Present Mr Jos Millard in the Weeks and and Cody J Millard Webb dock and L resignation of Mr J as President was with much regret It was to hold tbo annual meet- ing in the Friends Church tho of Nov the local clergy to arrange the speak ing among The Secretary was instructed to arrange if possible for branch meetings at Pine Orchard Kettloby and Sharon or Quoenaville to be addressed by one of Town Clergymen ana a layman After talking over the question of new officer and collectors for the coming year and the revising of Constitution the meeting adjourned Produce Big crowd In Town and market laet Saturday Butter and wcro plontlful and yet tho prices were Arm Many got for 16o for eggs and hucksters ploked butter up quick at 16c and eggs at There wae lots of poultry offered Dressed from 0 to a pair duoks fro to a pair geese from to per lb and turkoys at per lb HO to per pair ducks per pair and turkeys 7 and per lb Apples plentiful from to per Snow apples per and other from to 82 per barrel pail per basket Lota of vegetables Onions celery per head or por doz cabbage oitrone and each also pumpkins Potatoes plentiful from to 46o por bag Not much meat offered Mutton 7 and por lb by quarter Pork per No beef Broken Mrs Anna Simpson street was coming down tho front stairs la last foot slipped and foil almost from top to bottom sustaining a fractured Being quite an sued lady having her birth day week the injury la all the serious hot sho Is doing nicely It will be before she Is able to her foot again being quite heavy person and somewhat crippled by rheumatism Clubbing Ratec Kraand Globe for Era and Montreal Witness for Krai Globe and Common Sense vols Era and Weekly Mail Era and Montreal ploturea and prlzo Era and Farmers Bun Era and Daily World Era and Ladies Journal Toronto Balance of freo to now The Waterworks water supply from artesian wells is a boon to this Town and tbo largo quantity of water keeps fresh water constantly in the mains Even at this time of year when lawn tape are not uacd the engineer is pumping no leas than day Of T trains tho most thirsty consumers but the 300 taps Town use quantity Two more applications have been put in this week Smith photo gallery and Mrs residence lew Ha Mr Ed son hu rented ahop House and Is hard at work making up a stock of bar- sees He says his work has a reputation In this community that will give him ft ready for all bo pan turn out Special attention given to repairs and prices are always right 1 Reeitol Friday Deo let la the anniversary of tho opening of the now Pipe Organ In the Method Est Church and Ladles Aid have decided to coramamorete the event by another Grand Organ Recital An array of talent is being that will give the musicloving people of Newmarket a rare treat Further later Make a note of date Mens Stripe Wool Shirts and Drawes Mens Scotch Shetland Shirts and Drawers sold regularly al for Mens Fine Fleeced Shirts and Drawers 50c Mens Fine Wool Fleeced Lined Shirts and Drawers MenV Pure Scotch Wool Shirts and Drawers Extra Large Size 50c and Mens Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers weight ounces These Goods were all bought for Spot Cash long before the advance in price T I Thanksgiving Tbo no mistake In placing Thankeglving Day at an earlier dato than formerly except in tho short given Laet Thursday was a de lightful Fall day a rest day that could be thoroughly about midway be tween Labor Day and Christmas Let stick to third Thursday In October A holiday Is better enjoyed people have to make proper arrangements Once use Baking Powder and you will use no other Mr has got a new paint- roof on bis residence and two now ve randas up The wet weather or brick are delaying Mr J IS Canes residence Mrs Lundy Queen street has had a new woodshed erected at the rear of her residence A foundation is being built under the hone occupied by Mr Jacob Buck Queen St Extensive repairs have been made to the residence of Mr on Eagle The grading in front of Mayor Canes residence is a great improvement The Carpenters employed by the Elec tric Railway Co are making Internal changes to the Block the old drugstore into and pasa- wailing room The changes in Scotts Drug Store are about completed making it uptodate in every particular The has been and Mr Hewitt shown dexteroue hand to perfection The large plate window ftlyes the interior a roomy appearance while the prfam sec tion increases the light inside as well exterior The Dr had an meter put in on Monday Mr Stephen Doyle has an addition to bis woodshed Michael Cane had his old kitchen removed at the back of residence on Ontario St and has bad and better erected It is estimated it will take cars of gravel to ballast the new switch at the Off for lea Among Newmarket men who offered their sorviOes of the Queen for duty in tho Transvaal war two were accepted and they left with the To ronto contingent for Quebec on Wednesday They are Mr son of Mr If Mr A vocalist who was in law office of Messrs Lennox Morgan Another young man who was a former resident hero and well known among the boys is Mr Leon Jackson brotherinlaw of Mr Mad- Aurora is represented Mr Stone Altogether there wore eight roen from the The Gallant Col who was the first to offer bis services is not in it Mr Charles Thompson an old Newmar ket boy who has been a regular In the School the Infantry Toronto for Ave years holding of Drill Sergeant who has volunteered for in the Transvaal writing to H from Ottawa Oct says I arrived here bis morning to take charge of my com mand of fighters and leave this evening for citadel Quebec Will write you all the His old friends wish him a safe retaro Mr Harold was given a send- off by a large gathering of friends as he took the oar here One of his Mr George Simpson employed at the Ontario Bank here also expressed a desire to join the contingent and after Harold arrived In tho city telegraphed Simpson to go down at once we have sines learned he did not for some cause examina tion All earns George gave evidence of both loyalty and pluck bis fealty was more than mere blow The Mr Maroia of Montreal bought six fine horses last Saturday and shipped from Newmarket beautiful heavy draughts the prize team at the Fair The pricea paid ranged from to caob Mr Marion tho Montreal king is billed to be at the Dominion Hotel Newmarket on Friday to buy all kinds of good fat and trotters He has the reputation of paying good prices Mr Marols is to be at the Royal Hotel in on of Nov to buy both heavy and medium weight horses The Flog of Canada This Is the title of a now patrlotlo song and chorus music and words by Mr J Graham Sharon author of Canadas Jubilee Greeting It la a spirited and a to its author Price on salo at the book stores or may bo had of Mr himself It may not be generally known that Mr Graham Is the first native of North York to become an original composer and issuer of sheet Progressive Successful The that the Central Col lege well located in the Forum found it necessary to materially Increase hitherto spacious accommodation by adding to its premises the large Hall formerly occupied by the AOUW and other societies and the apartments so long held by the Dorcas Society of the Church of England is sufficient evidence that this progressive is enjoying a prosperous and successful term On the staff nine regular teachers the equipment including over typewriting machines is uptodate in particular work of this sohool Is practical and thorough and men look largely to this College for such assistance as they require is prob ably beat shown by the numerous applica tions on file at the College Office which during the pas three days include the firms of John 6c Con Bertram En Co Chemical Compound Co Co It Williams Son The Metropolitan Life Ins Co and The Dominion Express Co Union The Thanksgiving Service in the Friends Meeting House on- Thursday morning of last week was well attended and proved to be yery inspiring Rev A of the Presbyterian read the lesson from the Psalm 1st Chapter of Romans Miss Palmer of the Friends sang an appropriate solo In everything give Rev Weeks of the an admirable sermon The text was It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord Pea 1st verse He gave three reason why let It reveals the element of and tenda to develop it in our Uvea 2nd It brings the element of faith Into human life and 3rd Recognition of divine love lo gift of God will beget In in re- turn Each point was illustrated and explained and the faot enforced that it is not in receiving but in giving that our grati tude revealed A glorious tribute was then Shooting fatten Aurora Volunteer Co No 2 and New market Co No held a very successful shooting match on St on Thanks giving Day Following are the prize win ners in the order of the score coupasv match No 2 Evans No 3 Curtis No No No Smith No No i paid to the greatest colony of the British a much larger with hardy virtuous and people and it Is but a fitting ac knowledgment of the Divine guidance that a day should be set apart by the Govern depot The men are finishing the purpose The days of Can- work propserlty are just beginning to dawn Is putting In a new heat- people moat guard well the bal er at the depot same as the- heater In the cars to warm the waiting rooms by hot water in future warks of a high moral that peace and plenty may continue to abound Bey George McOulloch of the Methodist Mr St who been Church Elder of King making extensive Internal improvements Church Mr Brown a Methodist local to bis residence la putting on a new root this week Dentist preacher and also Mies Palmer took part In the and everybody present felt I that it exceedingly Campbell No Corp No No No Taylor No Lane No Pte Barnes No Pet Taylor No Taylor No Miller No 18 Allan No Ward No Pte Bell No a Heed No Griffith No Griffith No Bowser No MATCH Corp LtCol Lloyd Capt Allan Worford Sgt Monroe Dr Stevenson A 10 A Evans Hillary l Pie Taylor Evana Lieut Lennox Lawrence The Grouting Time Nobody can visit Newmarket without discovering eigne of prosperity In every Every broken down house has been repaired and such a thing as a vacant a novelty The Office Specialty Co are now em ploying men and when new factory is occupied staff will bo greatly in creased The new brick building 244x60 feet with arched metal roof Is from all parts of the Town Tho new boiler has arrived and will probably be placed In position a few daya At the same time will be put into the now factory During past summer the Co built about feet of tram way on their premises and the Railway Co has added feet to their switch The Factory still crowded with orders pariionlarly in desks and cabinets An order for immense desks for the new City Hat is being complet ed this week A Mail Bunker for Toronto Post Office having 12S compartments and hangers for many in of construction They have been doing a large business in the metal roller shelving this summer and their work is so satis factory that orders are always ahead in department The Co runs their own dynamo end lights the factory with in- candeecents This number will be more than doubled when the new faotory is in- a tailed At present the so that a good deal of overtime has been put In tbey hope to avoid as soon as get into the new premises by increasing the staff Last fall the Co erected a new dry kiln feet long and 18 feet wide which is heated by a fan driven by a separate engine The grading around the new is completed sod the Co is putting a new fence this week along Timothy street On last the Co shipped a metal cabinet and desk combination for the Mayors office in the new City Hall To ronto It is about six or seven feet high containing in the upper part drawprs or Shannon files covered by rolling The base has a cupboard conatruoted with two doora and properly shelved The whole desk is made of steel and col ored a dead olive enamel Altogether it Is a beautiful piece of furniture and reflects credit on tho Co The has added a new switch at the depot feet long for the accom modation of increased freight traffic at Newmarket During the past summer the Cane Sons Mfg Co have erected a threestory solid brick addition to the large factory feet front by depth a now dry kiln feet long by feet wide covered metal a portion two stories high a stays mill partly two stories high cover ed with metal 50x60 feet a dry kiln for pall staves feet and feet high covered with metal All these buildings are now occupied Part of the was moved into the stave mill on Thanksgiving Day Is now In rnuning order Three more machines will be put Into the same building as soon as possible Ths firm is shipping eight oars of this week and yet orders are something like or oars ahead firm own light plant and about lights already Installed with more to add and the men are working overtime There are on the pay roll month Dur ing the past year this firm alone has aver aged between raw material coming In and manufactured going out over 20 cars a week on tho cope with tbelr large output Messrs Cane have purchased a timber limit In County Are still doing the largest Business in Clothing and Boots and Shoes in and- everyone knows that we have the most uptodate Mens Furnishings in the County Our stock of Boys and Mens Underwear is complete and the prices are right Mens Tweed Suits from to Mens Underwear from 50c to Mens Boots from- to Mens Hats from to Mens Long Boots from to Ladies Boots from to Take a look at our Fall Caps Our Groceries are always Fresh MONTGOMERY Baking Powder 25c pound THE CHEAP STORE Perfect Goods Large Size inches regularly sold all over the country at from to each We have just dozen 528 Basins to sell Dont miss this chance without doubt the Greatest Graniteware Bargain ever offered Bale commences today in our Hardware LAT New Dress Goods New Millinery Goods New Ladies Jackets Capes New Ladies Misses Shoes j

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