Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 20 Oct 1899, p. 8

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ii i I- 8 A THE NEWMARKET RTtA QCT go I I Is often A turning that the liter torpid or Inactive serious troubles may follow For a prompt efficient core of Headache and all troubles take liter restore fall action of the bowels they do not gripe or pain do not or Internal organs bat a positive at all or by nail of t Hood A Lowell BUM e around the Hub I WHAT WIDEAWAKE AND COH- SUTTON HEAD OFFICE TORONTO si Paid up Capital Total Aesoto nearly A of tula Honk la established at BRADFORD deposits arc received of and up and paid thereon at the current rate Wo make a Specialty of Discounting Farmers Holes And at lowest rates For further Information apply to JOHN ELLIOTT Aiyint ARE YOU INSURED LIFE ASSURANCE CO ESTABLISHED Mr dab under cpnsltuo- a now foot in length ladies of will hold annual hot dinner on Thanks giving Day In St hall JJr Greenwood of this has IwSn appointed Coroner for county of York White Hon J Davis woe MrHahgood him with re gard to having channel dredged at the mouth of the Mr Davis promised to to matter Mrs at the Point was broken into a few days ago Reward offered for offender children Cry for CASTOR I A Total Assurance in force over v over i Annual Revenue over Claims paid by death and Matured Endowments over Investments in Canada MOUNT ALBERT Misses Wesley of Newmarket worohoro visit to their brother Dr on Sunday The Roy David Terry of Quebec has been spending a week with his parents Mr and Mrs The Presbyterian Congregation took a vote by a ballot to whether to bold an entertainment on Thanks giving day or to have a The lattor proposal was adopted At a conregatioual meeting of the members and adherents of church it was decided imously to deed over the old burying ground to stockholders of formed cemetery company The per cent of the stock required has been nearly all paid up Mr Geo residence had a narrow escape from being by fire on Wednesday of last week A lamp on the table was ever turned and the blazing oil sot fire to carpot With prompt presence of mind Mr seized rugs quilts etc and succeeded in extinguishing flames before much damaao was dono Unfortunately Mr hands badly burned Up from meadow rich with corn Gloat in the morn of by hills Round about them orchards sweep and rafted deep Fair an garden nt To ov8 of famished rebel horde On that pleasant morn of fall Whan marobd mountain wall Over mountain down and foot into town Forty with otara Forty flag with in morning wind sun Of noon looked down and aaw not one row old Barbara then with her years and ton Bravest of all In Fredrick town took np tho flag down To how was yet Up tread Taokaon riding ahead alnnohM hat left and right glanced the old flag mot night Haiti out blazed the rlflo Want It window It rent tho banner with seam and as it foil mm staff Dame Barbara silken scarf mi on windowsill 4i1 shook forth with a will old flftC A ahado of a of shame Ovor tho face of leader nobler within him To at word Wo thank Thoe O Father tor nil that Tho gleam of the day and flowcra of youth and of our prime And of time Wo thank Father of all for power Of each in lltoedairkeathour The heart and tho bountiful hand And all that Bad under stand Wo thank ThceO Father for days to bo For hopes that our future will call us to That all our may form through One day of In above Will of the Many people have the OlJerva- where thirty or inOro placed upon a upon a given ex posed to view for seconds while each person tiles to remember the vnrlouts ob ject displayed At the end of iiihiuto the of begins by the guests writing upon paper of article saw varied by the testing of all the bouses for Instance Feeling Place around the of dining table articles of all mid blindfold and lend them to the table allow them to walk once slowly around It feeling of each object for a given length of time then cover ob ject iiifie off the blinder and write the name of the ankles have been felt The doctor looked wise and it nervous Indigestion- But he didnt cure it So Mr of wrote to Dr Pierce of Buffalo And now Mr well Dr Pierce is and for thirty years has chief consulting physician of the Invalids Hotel and Surgical Btitutc of Buffalo Dur ing time he baa probably treated more cases of chronic or lingering diseases than other physi cian in the world Invalids from all world write to him and receive advice free of charge During the early years of his practice Dr Pierce compounded his Golden Medical Discovery which he has used ever since in treating all affections of the lungs and bronchial tubes for purifying the blood for toning the nerves and whenever an honest reliable non alcoholic tonic was needed In connec tion with it he prescribe what other medicine may be required in ex cases and directions as to diet and hygiene The result is health Mr writes I with what the doctors called nervous indigestion Took medicine ray family physldan to no avail I thought Incurable as I suffered to much with pain under my ribs and an empty feeling in my stomach I was getting very nervous and suffered a great deal mentally thinking that death would n me I was irritable ai wr Que Do you think of THIS SUMMER If you do write Sii LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And get prices Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows THE Artistic claim roe tnd and Deposit at Ottawa for security of Canadian Policyholders ovor Profits paid policyholders lives of Females Insured without Child over years of ago at Special Rates Ramsay Manager J Balfour Secretary Charles Hunter Chief Agent Ontario HUNT District Inspector Facts Worth Considering Who touches a yon head lika a dog on he paid All day long Fredrick atreet Hounded the tread of marching feet All lone that free flag Over the heads of tho rebel host torn folds and fell On the loyal winds that loved it well And through light over it with a warm Barbara work is oer And tho rebel rides on his raids no mote Honor to her and let ft tear Pall for her sake on bier Over Barbara Friotohioa grave Flag of Freedom and Union Peace and order and beauty draw Round thy symbol of light and law And ever the stars above look down On thy stars below in town that would not produce a bad feeling In stomach I wrote Dr Pierce He pre scribed his Golden Medical Discovery and Pellets gave me some simple hygienic rules I am well I believe the Golden Medical Discovery and Pellets will cure any Indigestion torpid liver or chronic cold Insist upon having Golden Medical Discovery for nothing else is just as good in Inside Woodwork Largest Factory in Canada for manufacture of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc As We construct and Repair all kinds on short Celery Is Only Hope If You Would Banish Sickness and Disease Tin leading Specialists of America YEARS DETROIT CUR EMISSIONS Nothing- can be more demoralizing to or men than theprea- emca of lhe nUhtly They a of a whole train of a man for married life and matter caused by evil habile in youth natural or our Method Treatment will poll Lively NO CURE- NO PAY you need help Early abuse later may have have diseased you You tie not till cured You run no CURED Man You are pale feeble I ted nervous irritable and You tad dMrOadCQt blotches and pimples wrinkled face form and tie of your mailer bow serious your cat may be or ho v it our will worm their normal proper organs become vitallisd all or cease and powers temporary 1 pest but a permanent euro A Thousand Tongues Could not of Annie Springer of 1125 Howard at Philadelphia Pa when she found that Kings New Discovery for Consumption had completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made a burden All other remedies and doctors could give her no help but she says of this Royal Cure it soon removed the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly something I can scarcely remember I feel like sounding it throughout the Universe So will every one who tries Dr Kings New Discovery for any trouble of Chest or Lungs Price and SI 00 Trial bottles free at Wilmot E Drug Store every bottle guar anteed At this time we simply give a few in connection with the use of Celery Compound that should prove interesting to all who are look ing for new health and vigorous strength Celery Compound encour ages and strengthens the kidneys and enables them to cleanse the blood of waste and poisonous matters that are the direct cause of melan cholia depression of spirits wasting sicknesses blood diseases headaches Winnipeg Man Oct 14 Enor- and that general run con- damage from prairie fires is re- that opens the door to organic ported from the Dauphin district diseases of the heart kidneys and During the heavy wind of a few days as as there are to be and till them with very small pieces of to caste aa a fcalted almond a peanut a cranberry a clove pieces of peppermint cheeac apple cake citror raisin orange olive pickle celery cracker lemon fig date bit of cinnamon etc Your ore passed to each one at the all to taste Allow sixty take handker chief and write the names of differ ent tasted Hearing it the hostess and the host and or two other persons go into the ball or an adjoining room the door and all be gin playing different they can be caught up quick lyborrowed for the occasion such as clappers harmonica comb bell tin pan and atfck whistle banjo violin tin born drum toy flmcamltoy trumpet host can whistle a familiar air atid hostess can sing a refrain from some gong the others can quote from Mother Goose As soon as the hostess appears the guests can begin writ ing the names of the different meats songs and recitations if they can Smelling guests can bo seated blindfolded while pill bottles can be passed in rapid succession along the line or around circle lilted with anything the hostess thinks best as camphor cologne onion juice which enn now be bought as an extract bay rum vanilla not too strong violet perfume coffee tea chocolate lemon stick cinnamon vinegar mus tard paste peppermint etc In the summer all of flowers can be possed the blinded ones Some one must both head and foot of the line to pass and gather up the bottles to bo put away before the handkerchiefs are taken off Write as before all the odors remembered These can all be played on a Thanksgiving after noon or evening or one or two se lected from them Simple prizes can be awarded those persons who have the best memories or not as you please Solid Gold Best Gold Fill Best Glasses notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co limited Wo guarantee perfect GLOBE OPTICAL Yongo Street Toronto OLD NEWSPAPERS For sale at the Era Office per lota over lbs i NEWMARKET ONT lb in I The Ira till Jan 1901 for 1 cash 1 it The wormy veins return to hence NO PAY l FROM BUSINESS CURES GUARANTEED We treat and cure SYPHILIS KID- ION CI AMES WEB VaBATMENX Kennedys 148 SHELBY STREET DETROIT MICH BURKE BROS or and nit of Summer of Orders for and promptly ic Main Huron j Celery Compound makes the blood a bright red color increases its volume in the arteries and quickens its circulation enabling a nervetired person to sleep eight or nine hours at a stretch Celery Compound is pre eminently capable ofdoing all that it promises and does a work that no other medicine can accomplish If you dear reader have failed in the past with other medicines take immediate advantage of the virtues of Celery Compound that has proved such a blessing to tens of thousands in the past Egypt harvest home services will be held Methodist on Sunday and Monday and fa Whoa a woman I will be ready in ft minute a man knows that he has plenty of time to get a shave and a hair cut and a whole lot of things Sidney Poisons the Life Spring and Make Putrid lean Kidney Cleanses and Purifies If the kidneys fail to do their work I other organs become involved poisons generate circulate through and vio late the whole system Disease and disaster are as sure as sunrise if neg lected South American Kidney Cure acts on the kidneys like Its a liquid and attacks the ailing parts quickly stops the spreading of disease drives out the foreign sub- stances and brings this important organ back to a healthy normal state a kidney specific Bold Lehman Pharmacy JNewnmrket ago a district nearly miles square was burned over and nearly all farm ers have lost hay while many are left without horses and stables The Government will have to give assist ance to some of settlers several of whom are with nothing hut the clothes on their backs The heavy rainfall of this week has fortunately checked the Yew Your knows all about and next time you so him Just ask him what he thicks ttraislen of Oil with Hypo- We willing trust For our for paleness weak ness nervous and for all tliat cause color end pleasant it es pecially useful for thin and delicate children No other preparation of cod- liver oil Is like It Dont lose and risk your health by taking something unknown and untried Keep in mind that has stood the teat for a quarter of a century I A Wife The curtain rises 011 a young man read- a newspaper He lays it down and writes something on a large of card board and summons a waiter by tapping a bell Young man holds up the card and audience reads Advertisement Wanted A Wife Signed Bachelor By signs and gestures the servant is made to under stand that lie must have the advertise ment inserted in the paper He goes out shortly the tinkle of a bell is heard in a large pasteboard the name Miss It is evident that she has come iu answer to the advertisement motions for her to be shown and he strikes au attitude by the mantel A young woman comes In steps mlnclugly Bachelor bows bands her a broom She takes It aud sweeps A feather duster Is then given she dusts in manner Then she Is a stocking with a large hole iu the heel SJie threads her needle and begins to mend very prim and straight Bachelor and taps the bell for the servant to show her out Bell Indepen dents card is brought In She scorns the and duster holds up bauds In horror at the stocking and at the piano She Is shown out Is fol lowed by Miss Coquette who sweeps dusts In a most manner mak ing eyes at the bachelor all the while comes a young widow with two or three children She draws her chair close to the bachelor the children climb on bis knees or go on a tour of In round the room The widow proves difficult to get rid of Finally servant brings in a card bearing the name of Miss Wright When the broom is given her she moves furni ture and carefully sweeps out the cor ner She rejects the feather duster takes a cloth shaking It now and then out of the window darns the stocking plying her needle In and out with great exactness Bachelor falls on bis knees beside her She bids blm rise takes his arm and to gether they leave the room Curtain Can They Aunty Mary I heard a boy say today that elephants can remember awful long Aunty Mary And bo they can Donald Donald Aunty Mary do you think I elephant can remember alt the learned when we little has been for sixty years the popular medicine for colds coughs and diseases of the throat and lungs It cures Asthma and Bronchitis and so soothes the irritated tissues that a refreshing sleep invariably follows its use No mother fears an attack of Croup or Whooping Cough for her children with Cherry Pectoral in the house It is a specific for that modern malady La Grippe It prevents Pneumonia and has fre quently cured severe cases of lung trouble marked by all the symptoms of Consumption It is for At the age of twenty after a severe sickness I was left with weak lungs a terrible tough and nearly all the symptoms of consumption My doctor had no hope of my recovery but having read the advertisements of Cherry Pectoral determined to try that preparation I did so and since that time I have used no other cough medicine I am now seventytwo years old and I know that at least fifty years have been added to my life by this incomparable preparation A J I used Cherry Pectoral for nearly fit ty yean and found be an excellent remedy for all bronchial and throat diseases MATHEWS Editor Ala e My first remembrance of Cherry Pectoral dales back thirtysix years when my mother used for colds coughs croup and sore throat She used no other medicine In attacks of that sort among her children and it never failed to bring prompt relief and dure I always keep this medicine in the house and a few doses quickly check all colds coughs or any inflammation of the throat and lungs J Seattle Wash I have sold Medicines for fortyfive years I know of no preparation that equals Cherry Pectoral for the cure of bronchitis It fails to give prompt relief SHERWOOD Druggist Mich u I used Ayers Cherry Pectoral both In my and practice and consider It one of the best of its class for la grippe colds coughs bronchitis consumption In Us WRIGHT M Some years ago Ayers Cherry Pectoral cured me of the asthma after the best medical failed to give mo relief Editor Table Rock Neb 4 We have organized a Medical Department with a physician of- the highest standing at its head and invite the sick and ailing to write and receive the best medical advice absolutely without charge or cost 1

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