iV jr 1- J- A Masters Eye You are master of your health and If you do not attend to duty the blame is easily located If your blood of will purify It It la tho remedy for tropica Of tho blood or Heart had heart trouble tor a number of yearn and different medi cines to benefit mo I tried Hood and three bottlos completely una perfectly cured mo Mb A- Bridge A flro I gate remaining two children they subject to rouble and were not very w now healthier and not had a cold ii Pembroke Out loot nits care She to JACKSON Best Advertising Medium In York County cent per lino for drat Insertion perllno for each Insertion i A nob 1 ie mo MO I unaccompanied with writ ten Instructions Inserted until forbid and charged accordingly Advertisements will bo oh An god each month If desired For oh an gee of tenet than month composition must bo paid for at regular rated for advertisements must bo In by noon on Wednesdays Low for Executors Notices Farms to Article Lost and Found will Inserted free for any Church or Society potters taken otherwise fifty cents will be for such a notice No to this rule Political Code London referring to frauds which counts revealed last general elec tion commences editorial way to stop corruption is to let the politicians that corruption will not bo tolerated and very best way to make them realize this is by voting any party that countenances brooked work at an elec tion Trials a new plank political ethics of parly to which our cotem stands allied During long tenure of office of its friends previous to advent to power of Administration it did not then advocate visiting revealed corrup tion of on moo con trolling the affairs of tho Dominion of voting out of office as a remedy for tho crooked work of unscrupulous was not then suggested but now that are turned a theory comes like revelation to those longing for a fresh chance at the- fleshpots of power But by speaking in this way we do hoc mean that wrongdoing should go unpunished and if established that those in office have been actual partici pants in or personally connected with overt of corruption by all means vote them out but if not why visit the sins of unscrupulous law breakers on in office VVhy not rather punish actually guilty and not hold Cabinet Ministers re sponsible for of in cognizant By all means punish bribers and corruptors of electoral purity and all who aided and the frauds practiced but justice equally demands the innocent should not be made to for misconduct of the guilty rr PP VTTjfC 1 xn -V- r JVII JAfP v uciatins Pains The and Popular Clerk Mm to think Day to preach pray whole think of but sinner his mouth for turkey dinner After Other Medicines Polled Ho was Pink Pills Every Counted In Bat tle Against Pain News Alexandria Ont is no popular hotel in Eastern Ontario than Mr Peter MoDonell of the Grand Union Hotel Alexandria At the present time is in tho enjoyment of per fect health and a stranger meeting him for the first time could not ima gine that a man with the healthy glow and manner of Mr could over have felt a sympton of dis ease There is a however in with tho splendid degree of health attained by him that is worth tolling It is a wellknown that a fow years ago ho was of most pains of rheu matism Knowing facts a News roportor called on Mr for the purpose of eliciting fuller particu lars Without hesitation he attributed to why Menns to feast an jollify work nil done Ready for the winters fun All home agia Hound tablo pitch In t Thou they set around an look tho In a book All tho afternoon To bo hack with mam an I his present sound state of health to the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills for Thos J Notary Public o Ortioa Main to on goo Farm security T iloyd Barrister etc Solicitor for Township of King Money to JLoan OrrJOE Division Court Building Ontario p etc Late with ic Cameron Barristers Ac Toronto Estates manoged and coUeotlona promptly made US Money to loan at lowest rates Of Sax tons editokiaik- Portland referring to and criminals in the of Main elates both arc on the increase mention of two particularly af fairs wore reported last week in one day one was the result of a family feed almost as bitter unreasonable the bloody mountain in Theqaes of a more severe penalty for murder the Press must safest itself to the thoughtful mind The of law allow so many oriminals to slip through and the pardoning power of the Governor renders many life ineffectual to say nothing of the softhearted judges who give two and onehalt years for murder and let the wretch on the public again before the grass has had time to grow over bis victims grave Too much sym pathy for the criminal and too little back bone in the law are the cause of many in this State and elsewhere Barristers Conveyancers o Cboppin doors of Peat flco Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will also boat Newmarket on Saturdays and Court J I Boss Co Bankers and Ontario Bank Aurora to Loan at I- DUff Barrister Solicitors o Arcade SI King St Toronto to toon Barrister Block Money to Loan PAINTING The leading House and Paper Hanger years experience In all branches of the line of of tho latest designs In Wall Papers Aak to see them door North of Primary Church Street A Bin dated London Oct 12 from Louis Canadian Minister of Marine and Fisheries announces that he has given Canadas consent to a temporary arrangement the Alaskan dispute This practically settles the whole matter for time being Louis stated to the Associated Press as follows The terms agreed upon are simply a lino drawn Pass delimited by rivers and mountain top It has absolutely no significance except that we hope thereby to avert local friction Of course an arriv al at even a temporary agreement Is satis factory Bo far as the original contention is we are just as misty as ever I see no signs of reaching an Immediate settlement Canada relinquishes claim by her assent to this temporary arrange ment and has not the slightest intention of allowing her original contention to lapse It Is not our purpose to permit tbla new understanding to extend a day longer than necessary pale people I am said he years of ago but years ago I did not expect to live this long At that time 1 was with the Com mercial here and as part of my duties was to drive busses to and from the A station was exposed to all kinds of weather and subjected to sudden extremes of heat and cold Along in the early spring I was sud denly attacked with the mo3t terrible pains in my limbs and body I sought relief in doctors and then in patent medicines but all to no purpose nothing seemed to afford relief For two months I was a helpless invalid suffering constantly the most exoruoi- pains My feet swell ed and I was positive tho end was ap proaching My heart was effected and indeed I was almost in despair whon fortunately a of our fam ily recommended tho use of Dr Wil liams Pink Pills I using them in May and had taken three boxes 1 noticed any change but from that time every dose counted The blood seemed to thrill through my veins and by the I had finish ed the fifth box every trace of the dis ease had vanished Ever since then I have been working hard and fre quently long overtime but have con tinued in excellent health When ever I feel the slightest symptom of the trouble I use the pills for a day or so and soon feel as well as I feel that I owe my health to Dr Williams Pink Pills and never lose an oppor tunity of recommending them to oth ers suffering as I was Dr Williams Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the disease They renew and build dp the blood and strengthen the nerves thus driving disease from the system Avoid imi tations by insisting that every box you is enolosed in a wrapper bearing the full trade mark Dr Wil liams Pink for Pate People If your dealer does not keep them they will be sent postpaid at or six boxes for by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Ont Las I went down do man Goods not fur from town Jlat a down people there After church at Come to talk eat their fill 0o man Good with hair white an long an thin Whiskers underneath his chin to the specs I That was down his Then Mis Good Short at dumpy allays I the feels Ef they home to meals I Good In specs an cap With her knlttuo In faor lap Tilly on her cheer In grannys ear Then the folks begin to come Uncle Joe thinks hes some Dressed up slick as our cat In black broadcloth an plug hat With gold caue an flngerrlng peart as anything Thon that fat Aunt Sally Biggs Waddles long In all her rigs silk dress bonnet shawl Veil an gloves an parasol Never iniuced a feu or show come an last to go I My oh my I Im tired to death rest an git my breath Fore I speak bays she I thought Id afore I got ftyur my head roars like a drum Hows yer folks the preacher come Joe take my things she An Mis Good say No let mo Then the preacher slim an tall Peter white tie an collar Seemed as If he couldnt I come his hoy Dick At was up to ever trick Worst boy In the neighborhood to little Tilly Good Treacher bans with the others Howdy Good an brother Good an Biggs suiter too Mother Good an how are you Bright day friend hut aomewhnt chilly- Dick my son shake bans with Tilly Why of course cat with Or to ft Well I stayed a you might know could mo go An fore night I plainly rightabout thirtoen An ray the odd one ray good tuck begun Bo as I we to ay this Tbanksgivun Day Cindy Slather an her man an his wife Mary Ann Blggses Goods Tilly Dick an all folks a more Theyll be down to our house Shore To git up for Nerve an me Our Jubilee I Lew t Thanksgiving Evening If the cares of the day must creep into Into evening hours to the neglect of wholesale amusement In the home through the greater part of the year at least let us reserve Thanksgiving evening as a time for rollicking fun end amuse ment which children and grown people both participate It may bo of Infinite importance to the pout Thousand Amsterdam Oct A despatch to tho from capital of Indies Java says that a violont earthquake has visited the south side of the Island of next to the largest of the Mo- luccos between Booro and Papua completely destroying town of Arahoi and killing it is estimated some persons as well as injuring some others The Queen has sent a personal contribution of to the family of the French sailor shot by the British gunboat while fishing in British waters IF IN TIME The Emulsion will surely cure the most serious affections of the lunge That run down con dition the after effects of a heavy cold Is quickly counteract ed Manufactured by the Davie lift I win Cuo wfll per cent fr of sill of complttot end la moat of disuse It the- disease Is com plicated send a four ounce vial of We will analyse It and fro what to do en vltt to aMsksl Arch it i little ones later on when they leave you Lawrence Co Ltd take Into the new life If they can flue nee of one happy homo night It may bo the remembrance that will keep the son or daughter straight are plenty of simple games for just such occasions If you do not know of any your neighbor If you have no children of your own re member those of kith and kin to you who have them especially those who are more scantily endowed with this worlds goods than yourself them to Join your family circle for this one night at least and for the sake of the pleasure you may give them forget that their ways and manners bo congenial to you and yours The day has sad memories for most of us There la scarcely a household In the land where there is no but the blessings that have come Into our lives for which we should give thanks are opportunities for doing good countless in number The post Is behind us the Thanksgiv ing of today is all that we can call our own Let us so plan to spend It that It will leave a bright spot for somebody to look back upon Mobys Ont Oct of the semifinals between Acton champions of the Royal District and St Marys champions of the West ern district was played here today resulting in a victory for Acton by a score of to St Marys won first and fifth goals in and min utes respectively and Acton won second third an fourth goals in and minutes respectively This leaves Acton and in the finals TWO On Street near old Woollen Factory for Sale on Easy Terms Apply to Real Estate Agent i 1 i Wo fialo So Sent acres in 2nd Con of Scott cleared Well watered and good buildings Zephyr to Scat of con Town- of Whitchurch ICO acres with about acres under cultivation Apply to M Aurora i Paper c Done prompUy and In order- x I am also associated with a Car- Painter and Writer Orders can be left Hardware Store at the residence of Mr J Green head of West Newmarket Bolton Practical anger and House Decorator Corner Church Street Millards and Auctioneer for the Co of York sold on Terras reason able Farm attended to A solicited Street Newmarket The Pineapple Cure Is not only the pleasant est bat the Safest of Cafe in alt Dr Von Stans Pineapple Tablets are an unfailing and delicious remedy for dyspepsia and ail the distressing consequences of impaired digestion The juice the pineapple abounds in vegetable pepsin an invaluable product in that it is Natures aid in digesting all kinds of fooJ Dr Von Stans Pineapple Tablets contain this grand essence of this luscious fruit in a con solidated form Est them like candy or let them dissolve in your mouth They are efficacious and pleasant will once relieve all the afflicting symp toms of faulty digestion and will cure the most inveterate case of dyspepsia Box of Tablets cents Sold by Lehman leys Pharmacy Newmarket ri J NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST IN John who has been working in was fined and costs or ten days in the Police Court for trespassing oh the premises of William Fawcett TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Quinine Chronology Monday 18th Oct the Ameri cans took possession of Porto Rico The Oct was the anniversary of battle of Trafalgar Oct is the anniversary of the first British Parliament 1707 Oct battle of Oct 1869 Red River Rebellion R Pitiable Cripple From Rheumatism Blistered by Doc tors Till He didnt Know Himself South American Rheumatic Cure Performs a Wondrous dure writes For months I was unable to work had rheumatism in every part of my body I was blistered by doctors- ten different times My hands were drawn out of shape fingers distort ed and my and forearm were double their natural size My leg was encased in a plaster cose for four months I tried South American Rheumatic Cure I took two bottles Twentyfour hours after first dose I like a new man One week after I was able to go to work Now I am as hearty and strong as ever Sold by Lehman Bent- leys Pharmacy Newmarket At the Intercolonial station at Halifax the safe of the Dominion At lantic Railway was blown open the cracksmen secured in cash and private papers of value to the Then come behind tho preacher Mary Ann Klncald our teacher an sweet an full fun With her feller young Lishe Dunn our Kalmuck politician Colonel Intuit Slathers flhun For office coats See couldnt make home votes He was with Mitten Ol maid come from Boston to him ever day With the away I the down huh what me Bakers dozen dont veteel Party soon Mis Good says Walk Out dinner you kin talk well around Then Mis Good we be To do to your Uncle Joe says At the others with a wink could eat a bar I think Says with a grin at Colonel Ike Ef In it could too he says to her Colonel Slathers I says he What a you he What Lfshe afd I All I know Ib Mary Ann Blushed an hid behind her fan An Dick whispered loud to Tilly what spoons I Theyre awful silly When the all was sot Dinner spread out hot Good Brother Ajt a ax all Bowed their heads Mitten Screams out Wait thirteen At the table Well Mis Good An Aunt Sally jumped an stood Pale as death the others Pshaw Set down I chaf fed Like Now you dont such stufHF put Cindy In a huff An she snapped out Yes I do An it allays does come true thirteen eatt dinner One will die before a Me or else must wait ketch me fate l An she stood there in her place Preacher to say grace case An somehow they looked at me Ony one way I could see So I gits up from my cheer An says I Now spare or the preacher Wouldnt take from the teacher Colonel Ike is Cindys beau Dick an Tillys friends I know Others Is two married Guess Im bout the to spore Now Ill shove boots down An ask Kervy An if Mis Good dont object Shell come eat with us I speck You drive ahead says I Well ketch up on cake an pie Thats the ticket I Yes go on I Hurry fore the turkeys gone For its ready now to serve Yes Horn go an show Nerve to em clap an shout As I left em an skinned but 1 -a- Call Before Ordering Elsewhere Is On each For Infants and 4 box Is to Injun summer day Air was blue woods was Sun lonesome red Nervys orchard dead But her chfmhly there Stirred my blood an I declare I was feared to go see her Little Kervy I Never felt that way before An when at their door An she opened It I stood a a a log wood Couldnt speak or couldnt stir Couldnt even look at her Tin she laid Why come in oh earth did you come from r Then I looked down at her lawa What girl she was I Brown la her bead Lips fta cheeks them what I was bout I But I oat An fcJio up Well Id I Me leave Day if air stay vilfii mo lie pa An He Stand fltlll I had my picture taken the other day said Tom And It was good I dont think so said Tom And why not Because I wasnt good myself I guess Tom An exploding lamp set fire to the clothing of Miss Marie Gover of Mont real burning her to death A little boy named Julcu dins was run over by a Montreal street car and cot to pieces The Canadian Pacific Railway machinists who went on strike two weeks ago decided to return to work on Monday last Fathers mothers and guardians when you have paid your taxes and the books and told your children that school has opened again do you feel that your responsi bilities and stop there If you do not know something of the character and methods of those who are to teach your children something of other influences surrounding your children going to and fro and at school and the manner in which they are im proving their opportunities both at home and at school you are not ful filling your duty as parents WE CLAIM THAT The Menthol Plaster will cure lum bago backache sciatica or neu ralgic pains quicker than any other remedy Made by Davie Lawrence Co Ltd Oct 18 George a farmer of Crawford county heard a noise at bis barn at a late hour last night and went out io see what was the trouble with his stock His 16 yearold son did not know he had left the house and heariug the noise armed himself with a shotgun and stood near the front window He saw bis father approaching from the direc tion of the barn and mistaking him for a fired both loads from the doublebarrelled gun squarely at his breast when he was not more than feet distant- produoiog wounds from he died PLUM PUDDINGS AND MINCE PIES often have bad effects upon the small boy who over Indulges In them PalnKlller as a house hold for all such Ills is unequalled Avoid substitutes there Is but one PainKiller Per ry and The Philadelphia Record A ago Adam Rede noted as a remarkable accomplishment the manufacture of pins by ten men in a day In this times it is con sidered an ordinary achievement for three men to make pinB in the same time In like manner when meiobants began fifty years ago to ad vertise extensively people who consid ered that action a remarkable enter prise But the scope and methods of newspaper advertising radically changed since then The needs of mankind have increased and become more varied It is absolutely neces sary therefore for the tradesman to make constant proclamation of the that he is in a position to supply at least some of those needs He uses a popular newspaper for that purpose with profitable results lI R We the do hereby agree to refund the money on a fivve cent bottle of Dr wills English Pills if after threefourths of contents of bottle they do not relievo Constipation and Headache We al so warrant that four bottles will per manently cure the most obstinate case of Constipation Satisfaction or no pay Wills English Pills are used Lehman Druggist Newmarket J- B Druggist Scotts Pharmacy Main Newmarket to Soil on Stoat acres on the Town bury half a from Newmarket depot Good Young bearing orchard of Newmarket Located to Bent Brick braise stone stable domestic water furnace bathroom and garden and modern conveniences Grand situation for scenery ELIARMITAGE Newmarket For or To In the rear of the 3rd of containing 100 acres For Fur ther particulars apply to KN0WXE3 Box Newmarket The best RASTER MADE IaMEIJS- Rous race loo Farm to Bent lot con of North Well watered good orchard and 15 acres of fall wheat JOHN Button West PO Farm to Let the Con of East Gwllllmbury containing W acres more or ices For particulars apply to M HOWARD Bex S3 Newmarket PO a For sale that valuable farm known as the Homestead situated one and one naif miles the Town of Aurora In tho being composed of On the English Spavin Liniment re moves all hard soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses Blood Spavin Curbs Splints Ring Bone Sweeney Stifles Sprains Sore and Swollen Throat Coughs eto by U6e of one bottle Warranted most wonderful Blemish Cure known Sold by Lehman Druggist Department of Crown Lands Toronto Oct rod In accordance with the provisions of too Revised Statutes of Ontario Chapter 181 Section on an Act respect ing- the Survey of Lands notice Is hereby given that the survey of the road allow ances between lots numbers and in the and seventh conces- Township of East In of for which Instructions were Issued by the Department of Crown Lands on the or the Municipal Coun cil of the Township of Fast has been performed by Ontario Land Surveyor Peter Gibson of who baa filed the returns In duplicate In this Department the Novomhor Nest The report of the will be considered artic affected thereby will be beard apartment if Crown Lands provid ing have any objections to make to eald survey and In the event or objections being mod the survey be confirmed In accordance with the provisions of the Act above named All parties are required to govern them selves accordingly WHITE Assistant Commissioner GEO Director of Burvejs farther pa or A B HAINES Aurora at the Lot Street Splendid Stock flUFOPQ A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS COLDS The fiemtdy or tit THROAT aw LUKQ Lug ntu DAVIS A CO limited Props York Hound THE FOB BEAUTY Constats of ten remedies for all perfections of the Teeth Is for sale by i la furnished with FREE SAMPLES to ivo to all lady inquirer which be obtained to Limited ACTUM CnEMisid FOE SALE Acres St York Co ffile of on line of New Electric Railway Splendid and Dairy Farm Good Buildings and many natural beauties and advantages Will sell part or all Apply to THOMAS Aurora FOR SAL Several Rebuilt Second hand good as new for work our of them can bo seen at my place pa St Call and Them or your order for a NEW OUTFIT to bo shipped with other machinery and save freight I will make it pay tot you Engines are not sold they will be let to run on snares To tea to by or aid