Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 29 Sep 1899, p. 8

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A L I Biliousness Heartburn indigestion Dizziness jour la out of The best medicine to rouse the ana can ail Silt In Hoods Pills by all Bank of Capital Tola I A mom A llaik BRADFORD Whore Htll lliur Hi hiin outrun make of Discounting Farmers Notes Aim Hull LOWEST RATES For Kii ARE YOU INSURED S ASSURANCE CO ESTABLISHED 1826- Total AHSuntoce in force W A- Claim over Canada Deposit at Ottawa fur Profits paid The liven of without Children over of BAT AKC FIND WORTHY TO ROOBI ZEPHYR Mr John has purchased a new Peerless thresher Mr and Mrs Good are net tled in their borne in village Mr Charles is a very hand the result of a small bruise or and something pom it The Dr feared for a snort time it might prove serious Mr Alex lost house and contents on Thursday last Is a sad at of the for all the fruit is done and the man in moderate Children Cry for CASTOR I A sun Wo understand that Mr Elijah Pros- aer has been appointed inspector to bunt up illicit in North York at a salary of an tun Mr Mi for Toronto where he to renide for this future He in embark in the business in connection i here The harvest home in the English church hugely and the church beautiful ea Clark gave a able During the last Sunday in this vicinity Egypt was visited by a cyclone The roof of Mr Coles barn in the neighborhood was blown off into kindling wood and fences demolished The harvest home festival held at the Presbyterian church Egypt on Friday last was a decided success sumptuous dinner provided great credit on the ladies and increased the reputation of Egypt as a land full of good things- The church which was tastefully decorated was crowded and an excellent program giv en The It Mcintosh 1 of gave an and helpful which was highly up prciated Miss Terry of Ml Albert and Miss of button were heart encored while the music given by Mioses and Master fairly took the audience by Mt Pleasant choir also rvndired and the spirit of hearty good was shown all who took part will not be lr- gotten by ihe people of Egypt Iro- ceeda Children for W Manager J Balfour Secretary Junior Chief Agent Ontario GEO HUNT District Inspector IA Agent CASTOR I A KK Tbe SpeelalUtt of Amadcaj 20 YEARS IN DETROIT COR EMISSIONS Nothing bo toJrt to or pica of lhe a of and whole train of unfit man for baslneu married and by in Now Method Treatment may have weakened mar but dbeaaod you art not till Our New Method will cure You run no rii CURED Young Han- You are pale feeble I and irritable and You fori elf ana despondent raflkon rs wrinkled fart tooptos and downcast raveaj the of your Ho how cue or may had will core wormy veixia return their normal and bent yKna receive proper ho viialUed all annum hi or W and manly idiura temporary NO TI0K turrj uauf PAY MARY HO URES GUARANTEED VPHIJbI8 vakioooelk to Kennedys 148 STREET DETROIT MICH BURKE Hie of St Johns Church and a company of tlieir friend at the Bond Lake on Saturday afternoon and the occasion the chilly weather A meat tea highly the ladies who had charge of the affair wax served in the open and ado reuses were then delivered by Win and Hon J Davis Mr underiook the of chairman and Mr Davis spoke of the efteet of church and agricultural pursuits as two the strongest forces in the upbuilding of a nation No country in the world he thought had so much to he thank ful for in the average abundance of its crops as had Canada The local Cab inet Minister look occasion also to draw to the wonderful out- look for the province with its mineral resource and the opening up of New The was J affable in his remarks and spoke at I length on the possibilities of trade with The Canadians he I said have already captured the cheese market there and should lose no time in securing the butter market Cana da has now secured a position the nations of the Globe but the vast neat of its area would not rounded off until Newfoundland was included in the Federation The great object of Canadians should be to shape their interests and direct their industries to the most advantag eous markets The annexation senti ment Mr Mulock characterized asf ridiculous while he thought it should be the aspiration of all to develop a political union with England The proceeds of the party will lie used in completing improvements to the church of which Rev A Field is now in charge during the afternoon was by Glionnaa Orchestra and dancing was participated in Children Cry for cut tail Ah flidot I tell you fcome day Id blow blow ha Sunday pm a by a over thin laying fences low blowing a barn in Egypt baldheaded tearing Station Ho to smithereens Mrs Cole and Mrs are doing York Fair this week To see bow well they did it the prize list and Geo with better halves are visiting at Alex dena Edgar Co this week past Cbas Deverell is counter jump ing during their absence and right well he does too Charlie is a uni versally polite chap thats what makes him so popular Cant say hes off the old block cause he aint The Egypt Presbyterian hot dinner on Friday last was a huge suo- cess Proceeds over hard cash Moving will soon be the hubbub around here in a good many cases- One of our young men is making himself scarce as he is wanted for pass ing off another mans wife as bis own an old of by the way Mrs Chas is running a nice little in We hope the folks in that will give her good patronage as she is deserving of snob Were asked by individuals in various lines of business to give em a puff Now were not given to ptiili If a person has anything meritorious that very merit will ad vertise itself Besides there are the columns of the Bra always open to ad vertisers Theres too much of this advertising going on per scribes fair to the editor Owl is laughing fit to split at chaps as stole his citrons for water- motions is looking feeling well Hes getting in great shape for the winter Mrs Arnold has bad some moat wonderful big Tommy toes torn aloes but she never told about em cause she didnt want cm Lots eiu would weigh a pound and a half My what pretty girls we have up I and good ad gold too A lot of Hocking Mrs Geo evening Mrs by the way is immensely popular with the lassies somehow or other Tin- sight so much beauty was too much fur Mr Owl who tied in dismay Last fall Miss Sarah erstwhile a scboolmam was the lead spirit in gHting up a box social to procure for the Ju venile academy Tbe bell bas been pure bated mounted and now its sweet tones bear the glad tidings time to get to work The people of the section feel deep obligations to Miss for her gratuitous assistance And now close my remarks in itir words of the old song I he bell goes sing ing for Sarah but alas no comes A strange hand wields the rod of correction Surah is one our nice lushes Im often telling you about jilts There is a class of mn soh 1 teachers in a majority of cases who make it business to win the too confiding love of the gentle sex and then if they see another more fair with a fortune in view etc etc they desert first love and leave to pine away and luse all faith in mankind call that a dirty trick Such a case occurred near here not long since but the girl aint a pinin away Nary a pine We hear Are yeh goin this fall A number of our That mean something good for Owl AN EVENING WHERE THE POET UVep AND PIED ft are Woa IB Lap la Are Ballot of to Sam A short train stop Alighting a low and depot ing the eye We are In Weimar A town it seldom boon my flad writes Wolf von a If nothing ever happen certainly if death hare ha wootd low hit Way And yet that la the town where Goethe the serene Olympian lived and Strange But of those days it worn there Kore in then here we are and of want to in the of of the grout poet It a long way from depot to the of alghU The bell rung A man in opens and poors out Can wo see the No he It Is too law for today Bat tomorroW morning Horrible alar over In doll place shiver at thought The roust have for to wink with hi- left era to whlriiior If Will over to the drug store around aha corner will probably be able to got artftket although at prloe four a children halfprice Thanks w this a we find Indeed replete with highly of and his time of after the manner of showing In hi own war end to drone lesion never a lalnato lor luwith thiuu to i atl wen him ivholo Is In mongrel mhiiiivo In Jern any a ago portion ly plain Than many Tear- after Goethe firet to Inhabit It when hie were In a more slaw for It an oldtime error that during Mb life was rolling in wealth Nothing In further from the truth taw for In thin very Goethe him liven to and whereon ofaar at a figure that the sol credit even with the men of this town whose gram duke ble boeom none wo And there are other vlileoee of the that Goethe was far from living at financial ease all annual Immine at no time exceeded thai of a wellpaid reporter of our Me lived it mutt be remembered during a troubl ous period when incomes both anil uncertain An addition was built w house and that made it more and Mutewhat decorative What true of the bonne In alec true of the furnishing it There are quite a number of beautiful art In this flight of room- and out with few thev are the gifts the poet received admirers during hie the last years The of are coins and which ha certainly a money than all the furniture in dozen of the building is almost wholly made up of of this kind Of a large of gold showing Napoleon I Which wa given Goethe by the limit conqueror And bo and andtome xfalfllte coins are of similar origin The furni ture of the drawingroom Is the most would be considered shabby In our And even of that tho piece the upright was a gift Carpets there are bit few and they are Of the and dingiest And be remembered chut rooms the Goethe house are kept in preciiery the condition all money by the of who nave looked at these relics daring many years towards maintenance of the paying the hU help The only maile are trivial in nature and were that one really gots a sulotly what the house locked llko Inside and out at the time Goethe lived here ftft years The that Goethe was get a good many which of medium means afford w day struck me all the more forcibly because It Is well known that he bad Gordon was of actually artistic tastes ami appreciated to lrtoryFftiirof death W In andwanaxy and one wonder how the able to a line on lb AtblDdri the canip by poet not In this summer house but also Invariably On If two ho had no other bod along and la a miserable and It bate been to Its upon But after all one Is to think after seeing aU there of these so plain so unpretentious end almost mean that It not the comforts life that make mar It and viewed In that light they are perhaps even more Interesting than when looked upon as mere personal belongings of a groat man M iY iW- -y- r Doybu of A BURDEN LIFTED When a woman who has long suffered from female troubles is again restored to health she feels that a tremendous burden has been lifted from her shoulders Her figure rounds out again Color cornea to her cheeks ana to eyes feels same as when girl and if neigh wouldnt talk the chances she would out and have THIS SUMMER If you do write wi en sm Mi- LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And gal of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows 1Kb TBS A Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork romp in childhood lays lector I the burden of diseae from women It allays inflammation ami I drains in the feminine organs It J strengthens the fragile supports thai hold I the internal organs in place It corrects irregularities It drives away the mt nervourieaa f child hearing is rendfred an occasion no danger and lit that long experienced specialist diseases ever made give free fatherly advice to all women who write him at Buffalo V No fee aw uIJatoe writes Mr AI ihe time I w l n eight bottler aotl to be a atout aromau I Or rtercr Meiatl to little for sad and it completely aired her A doubt nig to me endowing a stamp and Will dealers will not urge substitutes Dr Pierce medicines There are no medicines in the world just although avaricious will sometimes say so for the sake of greater profit to be made upon the articles Factory in Canada for mantrfactore PAlLb TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS BICYCLES and Repair kinds On notice rendered an little pain It is the J ft V Pierce the in womans le The Doctor The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co newmarket I whatever charge a ftulitrcr for four and of County Iowa I Wholesale Retail v Furniture Main tii A Supply Twice a Week of Park A Bacon Sams Lard c best and Mildest Cured Meats today A trial will con vince Boiled Oats Corn Meal Botei Potators Salt Canred Puis Ham ana Honey Soap c Order fiiUd on the shortest notice The Buffalo AllSteel Disc Harrow Harrow or buries of the jilowUw amount i upon ibe loner of I operator ihiKiut-an- action Is secured can to a depth lets fully compare wltb worked to Much The 12 IS A OF Toe only vtttor made that lloec of will a the Hn will set why only Cultivator rexulated to on e- ilun rtouirlnM- enrried of behind a- ibub Ttiie la with x when required It baa for teeth extra points can t will buy no other THE BEST DRILL MADE Booster Needs Introduction Drills Seeders A our In use In The only Drill made wits lever for Instant and perfect regulation depto of all kinds of aoll while tctun lain motion Sows absolutely correct to be every kernel Is at a proper depth Purchase only tbe best and you win satiated also U4AQU Bl Rakes as good as Hit beet Send for Illustrated Bros- Co Limited Canada ELMER TOOLE Agents NEWMARKET ONT the charge of a ballot pap fc-ln- the last byeelection at FOR SALE or knda of Tor and promptly CASTOR A Homer KepuHiy the old son of Mr Robert of in the- river while playing with a number of Tested anil Tried For 25 Yeai you feel perfectly to put all your money In a new bank One you have just heard of But how about an old bank One that has done business for over a quarter of a century One that has always kept Its promises One that never failed never misled you in any way You trust a bank you SCOTTS EMULSION Weufyrpiiaitt ituM fltrcvi while playing with a number other fcVV4 of lumber OIL WITH Is just like a bank It has hover disappointed you never will It has never you never out that someone does not try to make you invest your health- in a new tonio some new medicine you know nothing of joe all Toronto to me was of the In he died Is left just the way It the half on table beside had and tea can and are there On the coverlet are several laurel wreaths sent admirers the poets In August Howi simple the room and how small While tbe guide nays off his little say 1 about the ofttold tale with that More in I moss on the that even genius bad to worry about the filthy ana now to obtain a mere thereof I the house an and Inquire my way the anrniner bouse That a from the then Carl Alexander and It Is situated on pdgo of principal park of in front a loir wall and built on a little bill with floe old trees all around the small cottage Well might Goethe say on the margin of a growing of his new possession in send ing it to bis intimate friend yon i Stein ans Dieses Garten nana loots Indeed anything And when I want narrow pathway and after hunt in up the young Jady who In charge of this garden house and who acta to the stranger Ined the whole of it I more and more that for a poet as iu late owner it was a poor thing For this Utile regular snmnier of Goethe and yet when one to look at It mora finds It so in Its appointments that the bier of would ha dissatisfied with A for fixs Several Secondband guaranteed good as new for work Four of them can be seen at my place on Gofhain St Newmarket Call and So Them or leave your order for a NEW OUTFIT to shipped with machinery and save freight I will make it pay tor you If above are not sold they will be let to run on shares own flk it cxpntt actat text mrgta a a firJ fttiil Jl la ceo kC of and Ear dlnet from a car tuna T iu Johnston d Box Toronto TIDGI NOT ft THOMPSON PATENTS PROMPTLY SECURED Write for oar interesting books Invent- Help and How you axe swindled Send or invention or Improvement and will tell you free our opinion as to whether it Is probably patentable Wo of applications rejected in other hands J Highest ft MAD ION ft EXPERTS a of of Bchelor In American Work Work Auoc Cin I ufi a fins aevt MdvavtUaaBdUli tot a It M fc a rfaoe fa ip- up IMi witch Just as Good Made in Styles Sizes and Prices No Note No 4 Letter No Cap There is not a business man using the Shannon File that would be without them after finding now convenient they are Lawyers and Ministers find just as convenient The Ladies would not be without them if they knew how handy they are to keep accounts and letters Every well regulated household should have them The Office Specialty Mfg Co limited Factory Newmarket 122 and Bay St Torouw Notre Dame Montreal P Best Gold Fill Best perfect GLOBE OPTICAL CO street Toronto FREE 2 ft Box a The Era tillJau 1901 for nil

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