Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 29 Sep 1899, p. 6

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the r COB- ho P-v- A preached at lit Pleasant lafit Sunday will in memory of lUo Mrs WiMnhOioy Sunday at There passed away on Thursday gVlaet from place of t- everyday christian women can ill spare Mrs after fiomo weeks pain and foil a- flloep in She was very fe akin to Jlarys son in that her whole ijC crowded with acts of charity and she ij went and on she touched light ahd lovo lingered No man call lose faith in God into whoso a woman has and no man can to homo to husband to and this world of unrest and this earth is tho poorer when suoh souls sro taken from it North York Division Sons of ir will hold annual session hereon Thursday Oct opening punctually at All members of the Order rfro invited to be present OnThursday evening a grand Concert will bo The fol- talent assisted by members and friends throughout the Distrot will take part in a program of unusual interest Miss Winters of Mr Geo of Aurora a Quar- from Bond Head Division Mr J OBrien of Mr A J Hughes of Sharon Miss of a Quartette from Bond- head Division and a Quartette from Coldstream Division Toronto Speeches will bo given by A Weeks Grand Treasurer of Ontario and J Walton of I Past Grand Worthy Patriarch Holland of Aurora will occupy chair An the admission is onlv a dime no doubt the hall will be packed y BALDWIN BREEZES Three buyers Mr Murray Mr Walker and our own Hum MUTUAL i Every body was to suoh ft rain on Sunday evening Nearly in this at- tended Fall Fair at Newmarket Mrs Ella McConnaohloci homo last after spending a fow days with her father and mother Mr and Mrs Joshua MiBSLoule Miss William Wilson and Jacob Rose were the guests of Mrs John on Friday last Mr of United States was through this place on Saturday buy ing and son and Willis soon filled Mr William Miller narrowly with his from being gored by an angry bull last week while ready for the Fair at Many citizens troubled at news of tho death of Mrs of on Thursday last Her residenco years ago in this village bad been- remembered by all her neighbors with much tenderness that it al most seemed as if ono of them had passed away was of those womanly motherly lives that counted no labo too much no sacrifice too costly when a neighbor was in need The of her simple tender life filled the world whore she lived The world is the weaker darker the poorer at her departure Tho world to is the stronger the brighter richer for her translation It was fitting that her body should bo left for a few hours in the cemetery for no one has ever lain around whom sweeter memories cling It will bo Childrens Day next Sun day in the Presbyterian Church That should mean a songful mirthful day of flowers and notes of gladness Every happy christian is invited to swell the gladness and any mournful ones are called so that they may ex change the garments of heaviness for the spirit of praise Rev A preached in the Church on Sunday last Rev M C will be present next Sunday made market very brisk on fly t A Last week Mrs J Glover called to the of Geo aud presently she brought out a little bundle and placed it in arms Ha ha mused be Its a genuine too A prodigious scheme It is report ed that a syndicate has been formed to purchase tho Jackson Point pleasure resort and are about to erect an enor mous hotel Thoy to have a special train on GTR and build a capable of running miles per hour That looks big on paper but it hasnt hove in sight yet Our ladies Mis Colo and Mrs met with their customary good luck at North York Fair Mrs biscuits made with tons baking powder took the cake She thinks it an xlent baking powder Billy All thieves are not confined in stone castle at the Limestone City Some snooping around here We have lately enjoyed a taste of water melons that escaped their thiev ish eyes Interested parties for some time been petitioning the stingy T to erect a station at Baldwin But the retort is See what the peopled will do A sub is circulated with tolerably fair success Mr Cliff has put his boat in winter quarters and lias leased a mill at He took possession on Monday Mr Harry Marshall our new mill er is becoming quite popular lies a jolly blade except he gets the blues thinking of the dear ones away John Taylor si shot a owl last No relation to John Owl Jas Miller has issued business cir- cularsand inlands to run on cash basis Mm Adelaide Crittenden was Cor her aunt Mrs J OBrien down in the lumber shanty on of East during the absence in the city last week Brevity is tho soul of wit Ill be brief Tub Owl B Breezes were crowded out last week Hope theyll be crowd ed in this week as its a shame the way Im jawed when my customary contribution is not forthcoming The bylaw for municipal owner ship of the electric plant was defeated at Almonte by votes Kingston William Wal ter in the penitentiary for life for murder of a couple near Brampton died in the hospital today He suffered for months from con sumption was sentenc ed to be handed but the entcuce was commuted death of Mrs Win of formerly of though not entirely unexpected came quite suddenly to one in tho appear of health and cast a gloom upon the entire neighborhood Only two yearn ago they moved into a fine new brick residence on tho town line East of and now the affection ate wife and loving mother leaves a mourning husband and many sorrow ing friends The remains were placed in the cemetery deadhouse till one of the sons returns from the Last Sunday morning Itev A Brown preached an excellent sermon on subject of love was small owing to the weather and anniversary services at Keswick boot keeps the feet warm and dry in wet weather Mc- sells thorn Anniversary services will be held in church on Oct 15 Mr Doverell of has a sale this week and intends re moving to the city at an early date Miss Flo has finished a course of velvet and landscape paint ing with J Pollock She made rapid progress and did some excellent work She returns to this week to attend college Herbert is up from the city visiting friends about Keep yourself comfortable with a Saskatchewan Robe You can get them at Mrs Geo Wiley intends going to Brandon week to join her hus band v Mrs EL A Brown has returned from a months visit with relatives in Mrs Jo has returned from a months visit in States Miss Minnie White of was tho guest of Mrs John last week Miss Alma Aylward has commenced a course at Newmarket High School Miss Gertie and her broth er Master Aex passed the Public School Leaving exam this summer standing well on the list a credit to both pupils and teacher Miss Lizzie Turner is progressing slowly and is able to up out on crutches a short distance daily A Very pretty wedding took place In this village on Thursday when Mies Winch and Mr J A Irwin united in wedlock at the residence of brides Mr Winch Mies Alice Winch acted brides maid while Connolly supported groom guests consisted of the near relatives of both families The presents were and cost ly Mr Irwin formerly lived here and for himself a large of friends The couplo left on tho evening train from Newmarket for an honeymoon will re turn whore they will re- aide in the future Their many friends herb will miss them very muoh but all join in beet Wishes for their future On Monday evening Messrs Cross- ley and of King made a fraternal visit to Union Lodge visit was highly ftp predated b tho Brethren of Union Lodge The occupied by the visiting brethren Brother ably assisted by conferred tho Third degree in a most manner Tho labors of ended an adjournment was made to the Georges where a moat inviting lunoh was prepared which clearly demonstrated mine host ess ability in and prop- of those viands delight tho eye and satisfy of the inner man The Junior Wardens toast brought a very pleasant evening to a The brethren of Union cordially thanked their visitors and wished them a safe journey to King A very enjoyable time was spent in in the drill sbed at Wed nesday evening of last week by the S of T together with their many friends Although evening was rather the was pronounced a grand success by all and way the cold luxury and dainty supplies disappeared one would be led to imagine that the inner man craved for something to harmon ize with the outside temperature at any rate the ice cream all disappeared Those who did not avail themselves of this opportunity a grand treat for it is not often such an array of elo quent and interesting speakers are ob tainable as were present on this occa sion Tho various addresses were in by selection of music and song and all were repeatedly ap plauded J I f Davisons High Standard lb v Fresh Soda Biscuits i lb it A are Cleaned Currants epeoial lb Keens Mustard in bulk lb Apples per peck 16o Fresh New Honey in jars lb lb sections 18ov lb Bologna Sausage lb lb Boston Laundry lOo A Good Apples choice 26o Onions lb I A Good Scrub Brush for Onions per peok 25c and Fresh Finnan 12Jo lb Cents Gallon Pure Mocha and Java Have no Eijual I lb Our Breakfast Foods are Strictly Fresh Try Grape Nut Food Iba Rolled for 25o Wheat Barley Corn Meal- lb Swiss Food I of J I- Perfumed Toilet I at and 10c prices J POINT Raymond of spent a days at her brothers Mr on her way to Toronto Owing to the rain on Bunday last there was no service at Mr Hastings Mias Emma Young returned to Buffalo last Monday after having spont a couple of at homo Mrs Ames of tho Lake Shore is visiting her daughter Mrs Prosper of For Sole Cheap Road Cart Buggy litt Single Harness Coal Stove U in good will tor wood And on easy terms J He ft Drug Store 2Cr8 S TEACHER OF CHINA PAINTING Specimens of work may bo at Mrs corner Prospect Ave and Timothy to Rent The North half of lot In 2nd con Town- ahipof Whitchurch lOMacrea with about Mr Herbert Tanndr who just acres under cultivation to i Aurora from a dangerous illness took ft relapse and is again under the care Drs Greenwood and Pear son a consultation on Saturday Mrs Win Ray and Miss Annie Mc intosh left this week fcr Rochester whore they intend to spend the winter of Thames On behalf of myself to sincere thanks to the many kind friends and neighbors who showed such and tender sympathy during my wife f Miss Ackorman of Drayton is visit ing at Mr Jos Bakers We regret to say that Miss Ackerman was taken seriously ill on Monday last and medi cal aid was called As we write we are informed she is better Mr John Elliott was much pleased to receive a flying visit last week from her brother Mr A Cook of Wisconsin Mr Cook being inter ested in the manufacture paper is on this side contracting for pulp Miss Susie Rush of Bogart Town is visiting friends in the vicinity this week Mr Proctor and wife spent Sun day with friends in Ballantrae Fannie Taylor of Toronto has just returned to her home from a holi day week with Miss Aggie Mr our will handle bread in his business hence forth H Proctor has just completed putting in his new stationery engine and will ere long be able to meet the demands that are crowding for lum ber The post office here is being reno vated and refitted inside Two residents of this vioinity have been reported as being full at New market Fair last week one of them as full aa a goat the other feeling up wards for the ground but they say theyre not the man a few weeks ago that had to out the tree out of the road at 10 oclock at night to get best girl homo They see what they were doing and more than that they knew and your Cor can vouch for that The new monument we mentioned in last week should have read Dove instead of Davis Mr Archibald of the concession has leased the farm for a term Mr Angus Campbell has leased farm for a term AURORA Lloyd estate at south of town consisting of acres has been sold through tho agency of Mr A for the purchaser being Mr William of Toronto Mrs A one of the old resi dents is at present in a very good con dition of health Magistrate was on Tuesday evening hearing evidence against seven boys named Miller and charged witlf dis orderly conduct rumpus took place at the first named boys parents home and during tho skirmish knives and guns were brandished serious harm being done However on promising to refrain from such un seemly conduct in tho lads were let off on suspended sentence Change in Horseshoe Falls Homo For Bale or Brick stone stable domestic water en and situation urnnce bathroom and good garden and Grand all modern conveniences for scenery ELI ARMiTAGE New TOWNSHIP OF EAST GWILLIMBURY NOTICE is hereby given that will bo held to the Ontario Voters Lists Act by His Honor the Judge of County Court or the County of York In tbo Temp erance Hall at Sharon on Monday at oclock noon to and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions In the Voters List of the Municipality of Bast for f All persons having business at the Court are requested to attend at the and AJ Clerk of Dated at Sept Niagara Falls Sept By a fall of rock which occurred re cently just when nobody seems to know The Horseshoe Falls has been restored to more symmetrical shape and to the form from which it derived its name The condition was discover ed by an old man by the name of Pitts who called the attention of others to it and all agreed that the change had occurred in the contour of the water fall late years the falls has been quite shaped destroying much of the natural beauty by forcing a- large amount of the water to over the centre instead of evenly dis tributed and thus contributing to the of the falls However this latest fall of rock has had the effect of restoring the horseshoe shape to the falls and greatly increasing the beauty of its lines Jail of rook will interest scienti fic men and others who have made a study of the falls In a paper on the duration of the falls Prof Spencer has said that from to 000400 square feet fell away Id the of the Horseshoe Falls was very acute It had become quite obtuse in acute in 1876 and in 1890 it started to broaden out again The recent fall is one of the cycles of slow retreat QUALITY COUNT That is the Secret of our Success Everything New AND UPTODATE AT OUR STUDIO No Inferior Work allowed to leave our Gallery smiTH Gallery Two doors South of Pipher House Newmarket Slightly nearsighted today More so tomorrow Progress of near sight is the forerunner of blindness The smallest amount of near sight should not be neglected Examination free GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co Store NEWMARKET GRAHAM PhotoGallery Our Combination Judgment and material make possible the finish and fit of our garments Every Suit or Overcoat we turn out strengthens our reputation for furnishing Pilule bit more little a little better quality In the there you have the combination which produced our perfect clothe Tailor FirstClass fc Aaia Minor Sept There was a disastrous earthquake this morning at Aidin a town on the Men der miles southeast of this place Hundreds of persons were killed in the valley of English Spavin re moves all hard soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses Blood Curbs Splints Ring Bone Sweeney Stifles Sprains and Swollen Throat Coughs Save by use of one bottle Warranted moat wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Bold by Lehman Druggist George Warding charged with killing Andrew in the yard of the ONeill Rouse London Ont has been committed for trial on a charge of murder Bright of Stratford has been arrested on a charge of man slaughter in connection with the recent collision near St Marys in which two boys were killed a wear his panta loons so long that when ho appeared on the street he would bo obliged to reach around behind and grab hold of of the basement hold them up wouldnt the ladies laugh Oue looks ridiculous as the other A bomb explosion damaged the Foreign Office building at the capital of Venezuela a ton guard- boat mounting two automatic guns and manned by ten men has been captured by near Manila The largo barns on the farm of Messrs Newton Bros at Elgin Mills were entirely destroyed by fire on Bun- day afternoon The origin of the fire is doubtful but a peal of thunder slight prior to the blaze leads to the supposition that lightning caused the damage The farm threshing bad just been completed and the seasons grain all went up with buildings as like wise a number of pigs tho farm im plements wagons and harness Four teen head of cattle fortunately out grazing at tho time while horses in stable were removed after much trouble A straw stack assisted in blaze will bo fully 8000 is partially covered by insur ance If you want Rubber Goods Atomizers Fountain Syringes Bulb Syringes Hot Water Bottle or Combination Fountain Syringe Go to Leiiuak8 Drue Store If you want a Good Sponge or Chamois at a Low Price Go to Lehmans Drug Store If you want a Patent Medicine that has its virtue still retained Go to Lehmans L I r If you want anything in Perfume or Toilet Articles you can be sure of the Best at Drug Store If you havo Prescription to be filled have it filled using Pure Drugs Lehman the Drug gist has Pure Drugs If it is a Comb or Brush you are looking the Druggist has a Good Assortment i Renovated premises New Scenery Latest Effects Finest Work A CALL SOLICITED Graham JONES OLD STAND AT THE- Old Hay and Oats furnished Prop MRS SCHOOL English French and Music yPuplU receiving primary instruction In aft REMOVAL to the public that he has moved hit to larger Jobbing- All of Boots Shoes made to order and Neatly and Promptly attended to our work of your esteemed Girl work per month kavanaoh Rome BO YEAR8 EXPERIENCE Trade Marks DCtlQNS C leading a and deecrlpUon whether uoeruin oar opinion iientlon Mow Handbook on Patent Id taken uroi lUble Oldest agancy for A Ox charge In the American cir culation of any Soft Term I York Washington FOR SALE A GOOD CARTERS OUTFIT Apply to Street Seed Store j Came upon lot In the h con of North about the part of a Bed Yearling Owner will prAve property pay and ttfai YORK

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