Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 29 Sep 1899, p. 2

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wisemcnto Grocery Count Smith Bros Store O Graham iBrgain Day Millard Sight- Atkinson WlliDJaforBalK A Notice A J Hughe for Sale Eli of Thank John Mahonoy if Card of Ell Wanted Mrs A Evan Farm to Bent China Fainting Articles for W Unman aalurn to Kent- J Durham Ay S Metropolitan Co Toronto to market- Cars Each TIME TABLE Leave North am 40 Am BO am pm pm 3 pm pm Newmarket am am am pm IB pm pm I pm pm Return Fare either way to OP I AMD WITH EACH a flsrart plan his iert to dearth- J nothing Jo ho Federal army Too pro posed regiment is to corps and will give impetus he think icf the horse trade Tut gives to firmed rumor to the effect that the head- quarters of the Northern Division of the will bo moved from Allendale to on sooouot of some tronble about local taxation la it la also Hinted that Mr Tiffin the will likely be promoted Ottawa referring to the pre paragons made for the Dewey jo- on hie return from ho Philippine aye If you feel the continent tip up bit sue week or two you will know baa lauded in Now York Dewey QDOzpoctedly tended on Tuesday la but wo feci the tip Now York en ftU though Tut Toronto Han rather facetiously re marked last week that Paul Krog er hoars that tbo York Rentiers have voluntered for service in South Africa he will hi kraal and nail Dr Minister of Militia by exam the score the boys at tbo ranges this week will alio to iodize of their of- to shoot Boers at eight SEPT 1H09 date of Mail pub lished a from Montreal stating that a result the Conference between Sir Wilfrid Mr and other prominent literati in that it ha been practically decided to hold the elections some time In January On the contrary we have It on competent authority that ho been reaobed or even formally talked about and hsl about farming J leave tor ify week to salt leading and project tor the of half a oompanM of mounted rifles He proposes to have the apaaiea and at each mag would furnish his own horse it is that the would not bo very large Monday remarks It it announoed at a certainty that Messrs Mao ken aid after a tew details are arranged will acquire the title of the Ed Yukon nd Railway an- other link in the lion A cash price will be paid for the none of the present directors except Mom- of the Dominion Coal C end A Whitney of York interest In It Tat Mail of Tuesday states that every day sees hundreds of its Government at Ottawa former drawing from its support It be true it will be an easy matter to the names of the first hundred Put up or shut Gen eralities dont count A to tbe Toronto under date of Judica tions point to a speedy and successful term ination of the negotiations concerning the Alaskan boundary Louis dis- today announced that the negotiations were in a way that promisee an early end satisfactory id- of the dispute Sit Richard Cantrjattight In Hall With issue we Bend out a supplement giving a full report of the recent address delivered in Hail Toronto by Sir Cart- wright It is a lucid and straight forward deliverance the stewardship the present at Ottawa rinse the three years and we it to the thoughtful and candid coneideration of our readers The faois and figures presented are full of interest to the country while the argumentative manner In which the of Gov- extravagance and reckless ex penditure are refuted will be acknow ledged as cogent and by every one not biased by unwarranted prejudice Sir declared that tbe Lauder Administration in performed the same service that their predecessors performed in for a bout one million dollars teas than it then cost This is a definite assertion which cannot be answered by formal generalities Hon Mr Foster regaled his hearers with at a subse quent gathering in the same forum True Mr Foster that so Tits Mr Minister of Public Works returned from Europe very improved in nealtb While in Mont real on nay to Ottawa he was asked by a press reporter as to the of a election Mr Tarte replied There will not be any for a while Why there bet Government has two years to consider the question We will probably iba time we think in our interests but is not now Will the Opposition please make a note of this I A Ottawa states that it is officially announced thai tbe Do minion voters lists will not be reedy fur use before the early part of December and if there is any delay In receiving lists from the municipalities will not be ready then Tula intimation to firm what was stated in these columns some weeks ago to the effect that bye- for West Ontario would not take place till after the flies webaveno idea that Government will order a contest before the new list are ready Joint meeting of committees of County and Councils was held this in reference to the proportion to be paid by York to Toronto the cost of maintenance of the new Court House and also towards the of furnishing After some informal discussion we are told the city representatives made a propo sition in regard to the between the two vie that the County pay cent of the cost of maintenance The county demurred as proposal was out of proportion both as regards propor tiookte number of suite entered for liti gation and prisoners sent for trial etc but agreed to consider it It the proposition was not accepted the county will make a counter With reference to the legal liability of County a for submission to a Judge of tbe High Court will be prepared by the of both trade between Canada and Bahama Islands is the latest move Ttttgram of Monday elates that Gil bert Carter Governor of the Bahama Is- was in the on Saturday He has been spending several months on a va cation in England and while there he met Lord Canadian Commie- top Wan In The two gentlemen discussed the J possibilities of establishing trade between j j and the with the rtenlt long as Canada imported fcl ret home worth of agricultural implements in a J introduction year there was need of maintaining the old line especially whilst our great natural vaults are bursting with iron and coal and Canadian brawn and intelligence is chafing to unlock and set these riches and resources loose but he did not observe in same con nection that during about a score of years of continuous Conservative rule with a professed policy these wonderful resources chafing to be unlocked were not developed and that meanwhile the agricultural classes had to pay not only the duty but likewise an indirect import consequent upon the bonuses mine producers Bmelters etc How long does Mr Foster want to tax the products of the farm to help manu facturers horde up bank accounts For about twenty years Canadian farmers were the hewers wood and drawers of water for the maintenance of the policy Mr Foster regards as a panacea for all the ills of the body politic but the remedy failed and the crew mutinied when Mackenzie he was surrounded by men whom be as a l nest of traitors and report says is not on speaking terms to thisday with Hon Mr Foster We have just this to add the trade returns for the year ending June last furnish ample evidence of the wisdom of the Liberal policy of tariff reform introduced by the Ad ministration and also furnish a addenda to unanswerable speech These returns enow that Canadas aggregate trade for the year reached the enor total of as against in the previous year ft gain of half amillion dollars in a single and of in three years These imports too were not confined to any particular line bat dtoate a general develops meat of trad in almost every branch proving be controversy that the prosperity of the country has limited to any one specially red of the to Bit Wilfrid Laurier from Lord Strath- in the Parry Sound distriot ap pears to bo booming just now The Star reports in last weeks issue increased at the several mines in the neighbor hood of Parry Sound Additional finds of and in several are reported and the arrival of more pros pent investors and mining men Tbe intimation is likewise given that a Chicago Syndicate has been looking over some properties owned by Sheriff Armstrong and have wired him to the that offer has been accepted are strong that the about Parry Sound will soon a important and prosperous mining Ok the last Mies Julia Dent Grant dranddaughter of the late Gen Ulysses of the United waa married In lo Prince of Russia after but impressive ceremonies by Father sky of the Russian but not till the next day at noon when a second mar riage service in with American law the couple go forth man and wife The second was witnessed by a brilliant assembly of friends la military and The Right Rev Bishop Potter performed the marriage service duties in the Episcopal Yankee girls do have an itching for marriage with titled Europeans Them appears to be a little ruffle in tain Conservative circles respecting the traffic In Intoxicating liquors up in the Yu kon Mr a prominent man of party and now Charles asked the Montreal Witntu to pnbllsha telegram he says shows that the lienors sent to tbe Yukon by Mr was on his own account and after all connection between him and the Klondike Co had ceased but It was alt same en Governor of the late Sir John telegram from fc seems to that sought toeprioh himself doing work for a a Sir president to the whole thipg Hence Eng Sept i7 The Trans vaal situation remains unchanged though if anything the feeling of gloom deepened Cablegrams from Pretoria and Cape Town show the general impression prevails there that the Boers will not recede from their position and the feeling of unrest at Pretoria has been intensified The Cttrrie Line has just received an order from the Admiralty to pre pare Castle of that line to sail for the Cape Oct with 1400 and men This is an entirely fresh batch of troops and the of it is unknown The Line has been compelled to cancel its list which was made up and workmen have been sent to trans form the Caatle into a trans port In spite of these warlike pre parations South African circles in London still believe there wilt be no that Boers will finally con cede the British demands An armoured train completed at Capetown left their at midnight for It consists of a powerful engine with a inoh boiler and three oars The whole outfit is painted color loopholed for rifles and a gun and is cap able of carrying 120 men Chicago Orders yesterday to a firm of horse dealers at the Union Stock Yards to buy up all the pound gunners the Western market afforded and make arrangements for immediate shipment Stress was laid upon the fact that the animal were wanted for impending African campaign and com mission was marked rush and im perative The horse market at trie yards was stirred by the news Telegraphic or ders were flashed to breeders in Missouri and Iowa for reserva tions of stock with the expecta tion that the first consignment will leave Chicago for England the latter part of the week New Sept Early in a ship will sail from this port for Natal with draught and pack males for the British army The British Admiralty has closed arrange ments for vessel and a special com mission which has been here for the past sixweekB was ordered by cable to dose options on mules for which they pay a head premium over the market price Major Scobell said last night that he also wanted to driver and would give preference to men who served in Cuba during Santiago campaign He said acting for the British War plac ed extensive or were for wagons country Yvr- tit and Mrsaajisnoagh of were jests at O week Mr and Mrs Frank Kent of Hunts- were guests at Alderman Smiths last week Proctor of Hill was a at the Methodist boo da last week- Mrs John and little Norman from Toronto spent week at home- Mrs Mutch of Toronto formerly of this Town spent a few days last week guest of Miss Mrs A fimltb left on Wednesday for a weeks visit with friends In Battle and Chicago Mr Heap formerly on the p staff here is spending a week with friends to Town before locating at Rat Portage Ml Fisher has gone to Ml to exhibit her fancy work 8he to take In a number of fairs returning home Mr and wife from Michigan are spending this week at Mr Louis Arm- Stages It is years ho left New- market After spending three months very pleasantly In Josla 8slby formerly Newmarket has returned to Mr Ales Potter who was badly at Factor we4iu ago was to sit op on Tuesday and Is doing Mr Richard took in the fair here last week and remain ad over Sunday vieltlug bis brother Mr John Brlnwon Mr Terry Inspector Lake Blmooe Fisheries was Toronto on Toes- day in the appointment of guardians for contlng close season Mr Frank son Mr Tbos- Travis of tbis wbo was at Rat Port- for abint a year has gone to Dakota home that be getting a day Mr Win Brown and sisters Una were visiting with cousin Miss Ethel Atkinson last week Maggie will remain a of weeks Mr business manager Parry and bis wife were Kneels of Mr last Friday night He the Ea a fraternal call on Mr Isaac brother of Mrs David Rogers and Mr and Mrs latter a sister of Mrs Rogers from are hereon a visit for a few weeks Mr Br and his sister Mm Wilson Toronto up on Bat of day to attend Friends haltyearly Meeting on St and till after the funeral on Tuesday Mrs Conner of Toronto left for borne Tuesday after spending a week with ten Bell Her child who had been here for three weeks panted her Mr Conner was also here for the Fair Mr Harry Lowe formerly of this Town writes Edmonton Alberta under date Sept IS Things here are very brisk now we have good weather the tor beat that has been are very bright Mr A Hendry has gone to Brentford to work at Engine Works Be was librarian in the Christian 8 for about two years His departure from town was ao sudden that the school did not have time to give him a farewell but passed flattering resolutions Mr and Addison of Toronto were among the visitors to the fair here last creek The latter was one of Mrs Baylys pupils about years ago and Miss She was enquiring about schoolmates Raid Mies tlattie Jackson Miss Bessie Dudley as well an other who have away There considerable anxiety In j over tbe VsnKorman family Mr wife and two left Liverpool the steamship Scotman on Sept lath and ship has in port yet She was due at Montreal 00 of last week Mr VanNorman was a boy Mr of Man arrived in Town last week and Is spending a few days with his brother Mr Cyrus Park and other relatives reports business Crops in his section and paid tor wheat when he left He la in the and feed business Mr O who been man aging the subscription department of the Bryant Press Co Toronto for nearly Ave years returned to Newmarket this week to his former position In Starrs Book Store owing to change In the business manage ment the Toronto boose The Co has sold out the department to an other Arm Mr moved hare this week to a residence on Lot street The yesterday says Rev formerly of Newmarket not only a popular and effective preacher but he likewise a of some In his garden St he has the best and largest peach es ever grown in Ontario It Is tohe that bis saooese as a prowef wilt not lead fata to abandon his pulpit Over the Don they like Ijis fruit but they like hit preaching even better Newmarkets Leading Store We are having a wonderful fall business Trade is enor mously better than ever before We have prepared for a big turn over and ever day must show a large increase in sales We say with confidence that there is not a store in the i city of Toronto or County of York where you get more for your money than you do right here at Newmarkets Leading Store Mens Boys Clothing In this department we lead every time Look over this list and then look over the goods Mens Strong Tweed Suits at 5 Pure Wool double breasted Suits good value at 900 for 7 Pure Wool Black Serge Suits at Boys threepiece Serge Suits at 95 Boys Strong twopiece Suits at 50 Mens Handsome Beaver Overcoats 5 at 5 Extra Fine Beaver Overcoats at Our 1000 Overcoats are equal to anything you can buy for 5 See our range of Boys Overcoats They are stylish warm and cheap Special Bargains in Boots and Shoes pairs Ladies Fine Kid Button Boots per pair pairs Fine Lace Boots 160 per pair pairs Childrens Pebble Lace Boots sizes to 2 per pair Dress Goods We are showing twice as large a of Dress Materials as we have done other years Handsome Suitings per yard Broadcloth Suitings per yard inch serges per yard Beautiful Plaids per yard Tweed Suitings per yard Fine Poplins all shades Silk and Wool Plaids The biggest range of Black Dress Goods in Newmarket prices lo Ladies Coats We are doing a big Coat trade Here are a few fine Sample Coats you get about half price Ladies Extra Fine Beaver at Ladies Very Serviceable Frieze at New Blue Beaver 800 for New Greens in Beaver and Freize reg for Handsome Lined Curls for 1 S3 H E St Johns Sept The loss of another schooner is repotted as the result of the recent gale She foundered with six men bringing the total of lives lost up to Reports from remote sections of the island con firm the fears as to an extensive de traction of shipping property sels returning from Northern Labra- dor are also badly damaged Pasture Fields TO LET FOR THE SEASON A Few Churns Our own make best used around Sale Register Tuesday Oct Mr C will a of implements household furniture etc on the premises Terms cash at oclock J Hester here on sale The TTMa At Aurora on the inst wife of 8am Taj lor a daughter Tbeloaa At on the Inst the wife of Mr of s sou McCaseoiOd the inst the wife of Mr Jas 8th Con Kins a SPECIAL SALE FURNITURE The Altai Wistft At the manse Oat on Tuesday September by the Rev Thorn uncle of the bride Mr Ernest formerly of and grandson of Mr of Newmarket to Miss Marie Wart of The happy immediately left for heir fu ture home in Nebraska At the home the bride BUI Sept by the Rev P Cameron BA Geo Johnson of to Mies Lottie Sept Mrs will have a sale of household effects at her residence Main St opposite Road- houses shop Terms Sale at oclock Toronto Sept Bed Wheat per el White Wheat per bushel Wheat per Barley per bushel Oats per bushel Uka Bye per bushel per Butter Potatoes per per Sheepskins B a SO a hi per lb a a a a a a a a Horner Hay per ton low In on Sept At on Monday the Checkers town defeated Richmond team the semifinals for Lacrosse 19th el the home of the brides oar ants by Rev P Cameron Mr P of to Mis Nora Isabella of tbe same place Tomb 1 Beef fore Beef bine art pair per pair 1 Turkeys per lb 1 CO w 10 4 OSS 11 a 140 a a too 0 Markets EVERYDAY WILL BE BARGAIN DAY OCTOBER Call and See Prices Hotel Mabokct On Thursday Sept after a brief illness wife William Mboneyin her year harwi at White In town on the of Wheat per beloved wife Mr Ell Cooee Wheat per Joel of Mr Bushel David Lloyd of this town years and months At on the Inst Martha Ann as Interred on Wednesday in the bury log ground on the of King At the Industrial Home on the VauWlok from York Township aged years s Main in India aeUrCAMirt 1 has done damage n Prompt til I Butter roll per lb Potatoes per bag Appteepcr Wool per lb Ray per ton Beef per Geese per lb pair Ducks pet pair Turkey Brad per ton per too 14 I 1 II 005 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a oft Oil 90 5 a Carting JAM tints of Teaming on Short V Reasonable Terms Main Ontario

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