Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 29 Sep 1899, p. 1

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z I r YORK INTELLIGfiNCEB AND ADVERTISER argue freely above oil other liberty No paper sent mo the liberty to know to and to argue freely according above oil other liberty 8PAGES5 No paper sent outside of North York unites paid in advance Copies Cents I m fill ft J THEM ALL Newmarket Ont- Friday Sept 29 I Terms per annum if paid in he Jewel Made to use Coal if desired Sizes IN ACTUAL USE Acknowledged to be the Best and Most Economical Stove Manufactured Our Record Book shows 42 Jewels sold in this town and vicinity PAINTS OILS GLASS General Tinsnisthing ABINN i Are what we are receiving continually from those who like to The Newest Things in Dry floods The Best Values in Boots and Shoes The Freshest Things in Groceries At the Very Closest Prices AN r Every wise housekeesfiex knows the Dollars received for her Farm Produce as well as her in Cash made bigger by investing them in the class of Goods we are Jj cFarland DENTAL A I Dentist Post Office Bloc opposite Methodist Church Air for Fa In lets 8atlsfaotf a Gu5rapteid P Dentist will he at office of Dr Porter every Monday INSURANCE J A Agent for 1 fire AHMurnuce Money to Loan interest at Current Kate Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At the Br Unite fl Fire Agent Kates on farm and Isolated Town Property Over Newmarket If you want a anybody else country On email some omo fast slow aome quiet some some Papers Issued at private residence if I S Hon Foster t Sftciatto early as six of the moat began to gather to hear the Hon Fos ter and Mr J P Toronto on Monday evening It had advertised that this gathering celebrate the anniversary of the National in as a result many of old time Lib ratCo from the City and throughout the province were present and the Hall was crowd ed At oclock chair by Mr A of Sixth Conservative Association Previous to this while tho Hall was filling up the Highlanders Band occupied the and rendered many national and selections A of solo by band man 1J Immediately before the speaker of the evening appeared a campaign waa sang by Mr Thomas Norman in which great tribute was paid to the late Bit John A founder of P chairman although a young man made a very appropriate opening speech in which he spoke in glowing terms of economic of the Conservative party He said he ex- footed Mr Foster would tear asunder the few remaining garments of the great Knight who occupied this platform only a few weeks He afro hoped next Mr Whitney appeared before a Toronto audience it would be in capacity of Premier of Ontario Mr Whitney received loud applause when he stepped forward and in a speech lasting half an hour emphasis ed political of the Prov ince Ho spoke tho rumors that Hon A Hardy was to resign and Hon W Rosa was to ho bis suc cessor and explained that the political would not be improved by this movement Mr Whitney remarked that he was sorry to say it was a nasty subject in fact it a dirty subject and should not Before the last he said the holders of office in the Queens were confident of carry ing the country He felt that the Government would not carry it and not- stole it He spoke at some length of the South Ontario the West horror which he endeavored to prove were evidence that the machine had been in operation throughout the whole province and the Ontario Government was at the lack of it He referred at some length to the recent petition from Sbedden and asked if anyone was so foolish to believe statement that none of the AttorneyGenerals correspondence during the last month had been an swered The Ministers had remained silent on all these questions and when the time came Mr Whitney said he would tell them they were afraid to in vestigate these scandals for fear of ex posing the Government Some of the independent papers had calling for justice hut the were mum Are we to stand by said Mr Whitney and allow any politi cal conduct the affairs of this province in such a way Are we to allow them to drag this province down to the depths which are not congenial io the libertyloving and Godfearing people of the province Hon John Dry den he said was without a seat and the present Govern not have the confidence of the people and when the time came for a proper investigation the people would see that the depths of degrada tion in this province had hot been nearly fathomed After a few words of introduction and welcome to Hon Mr Foster Mr Whitney down amid loud applause Mr Foster was loudly the vat audience rising and cheering In hi opening remarks ho spoke very feelingly of the late hero Sir John A who bad liehed the great NP anniversary of which they were now celebrating Cheers ago Conservative party pledged themselves to what they would do for years they bad been carrying out these pledges OPINION ON TRIAL Public men are on trial in Canada today but that is not all public is on trial He hoped opinion prove itself a proper basis for free Mr Fos ter said he had to refer to an occur rence which took place on this plat form a few weeks ago- Ho sympa thized with Sir in he of standing before province and waking an apology foV deeds and misdeeds of political life during the last three years Laughter IN HIS TOMB Mr Foster urged that there was a change in old warrior who ad time after time appeared on platforms throughout this province and cursed the growing debt cursed rising expenditure cursed the grinding taxation and protection tariff but this platform a few weeks bis viowB appeared vastly different and he blessed the growing expendi ture ho the grinding taxation ho blessed increased dobt and even lot the robber pass by Laughter Mr Foster took Richards speech and it from beginning to end criticizing it very and many of the it He very humorously and Sunday School Con ventions The League and Sunday School Conventions in con nection with the Financial District Meeting- of the Bradford District of Methodist Church was hold in Methodist Church Aurora on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week Rev Brown Chairman of District presiding Sunday School convention was held on Tuesday afternoon and even ing the first session commencing at oclock at which Rev George of Newmarket gave an excellent papei on the Home Department of the Sunday School which was followed by a lengthy Miss Wilcox of Bond Head followed with a paper on Sabbath School Equipment Rev Edwards of followed with an interesting paper on Sabbath School Literature which evoked a spirited The i1im You Cannot Afford to Experiment When Health is in Danger Palnes Celery Compound Gives Sure and Honest Results It JAakes You and En- You to Stay So Ponton is to the ad the time went on as their first pi a Vl0 was Put us in and we will do better than Tories Tfaev got in on Secretary of the that plea Then the first year they Ontario When ill health come and the of disease cause alarm many physician wh with the bast prescribes a certain medicine today hod something entire ly different the following week This kind of earned on fna riii ami cost to iii to bear How vastly of sick peope who use Celery Compound that marvellous Sept jury in tho ease of Queen Ponton charged with theft of from the Dominion Bank at where was employed as teller on Aug retired at a quarter to twelve to consider their verdict into court at thirtyfiw twelve or fifty minutes a ver dict of While the jury were deliberating- the the verdict Pate were brought into court- pleaded guilty to charge but Pare in censed at being left out of the Ponton said that he would not plead guilty unless he waft promised consider ation for the rime that he had spenti in jail an a Crown After delay Mi Field of as lawyer for Pare and the two left the court for a con ference Pare conference pleaJed guilty was given years land years in the gave a lengthy on the personal relation of the teacher to the spiritual life of the Mr Day is a very forcible and eloquent speaker and handled bis subject well He was followed by Rev Dr with an the Jwentieth Century Fund in its Relation to our Sabbath Schools and Leagues Wednesday morning a sunrise pray er meeting was in the Methodist Church led by M Brown of Bradford The Financial District meting commenced at oclock and was at tended by the various minister of the District and lay delegate- A was passed the Twen tieth Century Fund scheme and pledging the District so far a to carry out the scheme Arrange mente were made for holding mission ary meetings throughout the District The Epwprth League convention was held Wednesday afternoon and evening the President Mr Elmer Davis of reports of the Treasurer and Secretary were presented adopted The pleadingly said Dont desert yet we are t doing any worse than the Conservatives then the plea is Dont leave us we will do no worse than the Conservatives might have done if they tried He differed from Mr when he said Conservative party had no loader as he they hail a leader one who has stood by the National Policy ever since its inauguration 9 COOKING ACCOUNTS Sir had that the of the Finance Minister had been cooked but Mr Foster defied Mr or any map to show in the history of department over which bo was theflhead any attempt at cooking It was impossible for any Prime Minister to cook the accounts as thoy had to be voted on by parlia ment and certified bv Auditor- General In taking Sir Richards speech in detail Mr Foster compared the esti mates referred to the pledges of econ omy and the Railway subsidies He did not agree with the former speaker in giving the whole of the develops- of British Columbia to the credit of the Crows Pass The C P l was the vast means of opening up this and paid Deceived to Death Odious to the Last Degree KJdney of he world gt feoliagi and American that promise health and new life and Healer the cost to the every case is onetenth that of medical charges There is no home in Canada that can afford to he without Paines Cel ery Compound is within the reach of every class of our people It gives an honest promise of strength and long year algia dysposia nervous and those with diseases aid kidney and fiver troubles Th testimony of in the shows that makes people and enables to them stay so This caption bo written on many a burial in numbers that would appall Bights disease diabetes gravel and stone in the bladder inflammation of the bloflder dropsy Any or all may be induced causes suspscted jKrhaps the thought of and yet dangerous is the back ache torn Dont dally with kidney pains American Cure is a quick reliever and a poweiful healer and cures Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket R Call to Duty AURORA The Hon J- Ward of Montreal a sends to the Wit ness his copy of tin leading Isle of The Aurora High School Football Club has organized for term If some of the parents who allow children on the streets in the Man the following j see how children I see from this weeks Christian we they would be mar World that there is a paper carried jcereful in the future Last week seven on on the WV same lines as the im aginary new world and as a result of it we are today blessed with the products of vast Empire Mr Foster declared that tbe temp erance people did not ask for a plehi- soite the people did not get due In answer to question from the gallery he said he was not only a temperance man but a prohibitionist After pay ing a glowing tribute to the destiny Canada he retired amid loud and pro NOTES Mr Osier M moved a vote of thanks to the two honest men they had During the evening a telegram was received from Charles Montreal where he had just arrived from England regretting his inability to be present A large number of Conservative were on the platform many city Aldermen Tickets given out to the friends of the Conservative party in order to keep the Liberals away but several gained admittance and did not inter rupt the speaker as done by them at the last meeting men were in the best of trim for speaking and they had a very delivery The meeting closed about oclock- Mr Poster speaking nearly two hours the band playing the Maple Leaf and singing the National Anthem Over the had gone be fore Mr Poster had fi The proposed overflow meeting in the Association hall did not material ize The Hal was to be capable of accommodating the peo ple Mrs Poster accompanied Mr Foster from Montreal by the Leagues in the District for the maintenance of Rev Daniel Norman as missionary in Japan which sum had keen sent to the General Treasur er Rev Matthews The Sec retarys report showed that there were Leagues in the District an of over last year Reports had been received from out of the The total membership of the Leagues was During the afternoon papers were read by Mrs Stephenson of j Toronto Mrs Elmer Davis of King City Mrs George of New market and Rev A Crews Gen eral Secretary of Leagues Toronto The principal feature of the even ing session was the address of the General Secretary Rev A Crews which was a masterpiece The attendance at the various sea stons of the Convention was good especially the last on Wednesday evening when the church was crowd ed The following are the officers for the ensuing year President Mr 1st Miss Williams Tot- ten ham 2nd Brown Brad ford 3rd Mr J Aurora Miss Henry Thorn ton Mrs market Secretary Miss Millard Newmarket Treasurer Mr- Strong Brad ford one described His Steps It is the Montreal Witness and is said to be the only of the kind in the world can hardly be said to bo a very creditable thing for the Christian fihurch Can any one doubt that such a must he an were summoned to appear before Magistrate Love disor derly conduce on Wells The case was to nave come up on Tuesday evening but the boys wisely settled the matter by paying costs On Wednesday morning Mrs Mary Jane Uherwood relict of the late V enormous on the side of purity Liiwvod of Whitchurch died righteousness and every and no cause I can imagine few greater blessings that could come to any com munity than the presence of such a paper in its midst Just imagine what it would be to have this is land of a newspaper ab solutely free from personalities of petty scandal betting news and advertisements of anything that could bo to the moral detriment of the peo ple I am award for such a task ft man of enormous courage and faith would be needed But if such a man did in our midst it would be such a call to duty to all Christian people as has hardly ever come to us yet He would have great difficulties to fight with but I wonder what right any of us would have call followers of Jesus if we did not stand by him and see him through Surely this is no mere Utopian dream It ought to be perfectlyfeasible If our Christian profession is a reality and not a sham if all or even a large portion of the Church members were to be governed by the rule What would Jesus do they would make it possible for such a paper as the described as existing in Montreal to live and flourish among at Grace Hospital Toronto aged 68 veais Deceased had ailing for the two years but up able to be around Last went to the Hospital and after a of a few recovered to return Some weeks ago she had a relapse and went back to the Hospital woe sue died as slur above remain brought for inter ment on Thursday Btxuiter Toronto Testimony Catarrhs Victim for Years An Unso licited of a Wonderful Cure by Catarrhal Powder I am so well pleased with Dr Catarrhal and the good results derived from it that I hardly know how to express For year I have been troubled with Catarrh in the head and throat I tried different but found no relief until I to use Dr cannot express my gratitude for tne good it has done me I recommend it Mrs M Greenwood Adelaide Street West Toronto Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket us A Certain Method for curing pa and dysentery is by using This has sustained the highest reputation frr over GO years Avoid substitutes there is but Perry Davis and Red Hot the Gun Was the ball that hit Stead- man of Newark Mich in the Civil War It caused horrible Ulcers that no treatment helped for years Then Arnica cured him Cures Cuts Burn Felons Corns Skin Eruption- Best Pile cure on earth a box Cure guaranteed Sold by W Lehman Druggist 8 Christ begins his work with the in dividual- making a new man and out of that new creation all good things are to come for others and fqr society at large Reformation must begin with ourselves Rev D Inglis in Herald Isle of Man Herbert a lumberman from Trout Creek was brought to the Boyal Viritoria hospital here yesterday suffer- me froui very severe acoldent While prwg his work in the bush of the axe earns off arid foot below the ankle com- severed that member from the let At a threshing of James at Browns Corners on Tuesday a horse tramping the straw became un manageable and threw Mr Inson off his It also knocked Thomas Long unconscious and jumped out of the mow narrowly escaping the cylin der of the machine Alaska Sept The property of the Northern Pacific Trading and Packing Company at KUv on Prince of Wales Island about miles from Wrangal was destroyed by fire last Monday The property included a salmon anJ cannery about half seasons pack of salmon amounting to oases merchandise store and saw mill Loss about no insurance

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