Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 22 Sep 1899, p. 8

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fivr J Tells the 1017 When bead you bilious const- plied and out or tone with stomach and no appetite bo a package of Hoods Piiis am lake a from to pill be surprised at bow easily ibex will do their cart your headache and biliousness the liver and make you feel again cents Bold by all medicine dealers Standard hi Canada HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Paid op Capital Fund Total Aeaots nearly A till Hunk BRADFORD Where are riWvlVifl of and up- and Our rout rate Wo HiIalt of Discounting Farmers Notes And Hull hi LOWEST RATES For further Jlraifford ARE YOU INSURED S ire ASSURANCE GO ESTABLISHED 1826- Total Assurance in force over WIDEAWAKE TO A and lecture will ho bold in the flhurob on Friday Pat tor rod pastor of Cooke Tor- onto lectures on Ireland and the in ah From hie well known ability we are sure it will be a raro treat The musical part of the program will bo by Stouffvillo Methodist choir which means some fine selec tion Children Cry for castor A ffho a Homo oil the pastor and following Mod evening Bey Mr a on Building at Wilcox Lake on Saturday Ian from this place was decided there being about two hundred present Games were played both and old boating which enjoyed and all came home well pleased I OK juLOYDltWK into over Annual over Claims paid by death and Matured Endowments over Investments in Deposit at for security of Canadian Policyholders over Profits paid policyholders The lives of Females Insured without extra premium Children over years of age written at Special Kates Ramsay Manager J Balfour Secretary Hunter Chief Agent Ontario GEO MHUNT Inspector J A Agent Mr Wear and family moved their new last night Mr Lindsay of Stratford is visit ing at her parents here Air Harry of at his fathers home here for a few days last week Rev Mr and bride arrived at their home here on Wednesday even ing after their honeymoon trip A reception was held and was by a large number of parishioners Refreshments wore served and the reverend gentlemen and his wife were presented with a ad dress of welcome A change has been made in our hero which proved a great many of our citizens Mr Doyle is our new postmaster the Inspector making the transfer a few days Children Cry for CASTOR I A A valuable belonging to Rich ard a farmer living on the ninth concession of a few miles from Ibis place was stolen from a stable last Thursday night The par ties by whom it was stolen were track ed for some distance The loss was not discovered until about oclock next morning Stephen farmer living on the third concession of Town ship aged years while driving home last Thursday from met with a shocking death In some inexplicable way he fell over the dash board of the buggy his head and shoulders becoming fastened between shafts and the hub of wheel In this condition it is Buppted he was dragged for miles When dis covered by Thos Brown the horse was near home and the spectacle that presented itself was a horrible one Mr Brown procured assistance and after taking the remains home the coroner Eastwood was notified The deceased leaves a wife and family Children Cry for- CASTOR I A AURORA It is a world A man gets no credit when he pays cash Harris of Paisley was son- ton cod by Judge Chad wick lo mo in the Central Prison for a he had hired Bylaws to provide a sum of for street improvements and for building a new fiie bull and to pay for the new steel bridge defeated at Lindsay Bylaws granting of Montreal exemption and free site for his big new mill and Fort William were earriwi without opposition The vote stood to A strong south wind as times most hurricane velocity prevailed around Now York for several bouts Monday afternoon and did con- damage to shipping in the harbor and properly on Island and several of the towns along the Jer sey coast A w it barf currant IsnaWrilJ a and though can in bur the bait whore there but boa in To aooooi It Hay or long arc good to for be around he roots are and the A light of would well- In fact on this method for the betterment or Perbap tbe drawback to the of la liability to leaf blight A It if cefollatei the True fruit will hare been gathered before bat the of railage weaken and they do freely do with Bordeaux mixture win kill but It aw le not to be thought of when fruit la Should the foliage be on gathered be done and tbe leaf si will be There eoemy to foliage In the worm loon after formed be for at It will eat all at from about two Powdered will qulokly fix Dust over flrtt thorn with Water that almost worm eat It down It fall a to of for good- The beat grew were planted In a ratbor damp of ground and i pm It wat free from buehns grow and were with fruit surprisingly large I am Bare to bo for the kind to grow for home or for locomo tive off the track it looks first If could ever put it on again So or dinary tools will move an iuch and yet there is apparatus powerful enough to lift up that enormous en- and it running the human constitution is thrown off the track by some frightfully com plicated disease it as if only a miracle could restore it and yet it can be done it my writes Mrs of Coocord Co Id lo Dr Pierce of V you my icficure for It the to a miracle dial I had Dance so badly could not bold her hendi bead moment only when Moral up could not would reel and often Her and head coo- MioUyjerklowUh great difficulty often thrown out her face different Do you If you dp write V A i cv J v am ass alwV THIS SUMMER he NEWMARKET ONT 1 And get prices of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring could not take a dipper of water her Sept About Is muoh Oclock a large barn Occupied Cherry but The by Mr Geo Scott and held a to trust and loan company was la with nearly all this scasotla crops also good on a long and a number of farm implements and It loss on contents will be about lb l i rt it The old Hod Dutch and Us Tar sty is covured by id- a uta The fire was caused by tbe upsetting of a Montreal Sept Fifty five thousand dollars lose was sustained to night by collapse of the portion of next bo k out whew are cutting down to make ihoiu Ubvhuu la Practical Dropagate mate in from Cat a foot In plant at once be rooud by fall The She mouth If tried to put food to her would it her ftct sever week could not chew her food all food I had op fior We could hardly he try to y bottle of Dr Pierced Colder Ucavery bottle of Ircscriptbn add one of lelV I to Dr Fierce and he advice how to five medt- alio now lo keep her perfect J could After the three I noticed the I continued until the of the two boil tea me of Medics the ether of Prescription given- then no more two a vial Prllcta- made her wit- I vr5h knew virtue Pierce If per- will write I will gladly ro not to to Or Pierce you by mail free of charge Owl not art tor It If as jnaVSflUcL dual baadavutlj rraral fcul Item aet Lid la food Him Id Screen Doors and Windows ALL Artistic in Inside Woodwork in for maooiactore of f PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc BICYCLES The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co coneiraci Repair all short col ice NEWMARKET la IL Sot jtfaremmlGAiknr r airf I the Queens theatre Block at the cor nor of St and which wan occupied by Messrs Bros dry Roods and novel ties Alterations were bring made and it is behoved the accident is due to iiuiWimmoK of the foundation walls The death occurred in on 18th inst of Mrs Theresa was made pri soner by Big Bear previous to the Northwest held for two months She never recovered from the cruelties to which she was subject natural of tin or of anoataraJ 9a not obliterated by Qod The world In Is nlanned an of of and and danger of of tbe of fire ooaeqataees of Imparity moment and breed brood bow loaf Who J But for- W ftLtenotr A rautlou to during her with the In to Specialists of America Years Demit Cured BiooMods of and eftatroibliwH troubled 1Mb bare a 1 ilia bare a alrenm ilpaa end all let Dont eutUna Blretcbicg or tearing ub anil ft wilt rp stricture ioeeremoreatheBtrirtoiMrmaatJy itpao oarer return a v AAi return SLEET and roiddl vigor and TOey are i ifiacbarteB fall- ing Irritability with dark Woe family doctor they hat no experience In Jheae special dont allow Man and Women will core yon doTUn wo treatment CURES GUARANTEED Wo and Car Mleblcaa St MIOH i BtJRKE BROS OF JIZITHEAL and all of Summer Drinks of for and eoiooBtraiiona promptly attended i- Main and Huron Street Tuesday of last week Mr Oscar Stevens who has secured the situation of store keeper for Messrs A Mann of Fort Francis north of Fort William left here for that place The ladies of the Methodist church intend holding their annual harvest home services in the church on Sun day October and the annual har vest home supper on the Monday even ing following On Tuesday of last week Kitty Glen was arrested on the charge of stealing a gold watch and from Mr Geo Harris and an umbrella from Mr Ales Graham He was arrested in Toronto by Chief fetch and brought here for trial before Mr A- Love who after hearing the evidence committed Glen to jail to stand bis trial at the next assizes His Hon Judge Morgan held vision Court in the Town Hall here on Tuesday of last week The most im portant case on the docket was that of Mr John Mably who sued the Town ship of King for damages sustained in the early part of season It ap pears the were repairing the bridge just west on sideline After the comple of the job a few plank were left by the workmen Mr came along shortly afterwards with bis horse and rig The horse became frighten ed at the plank and ran away doing considerable damage to the rig Sev eral witnesses were beard on both aides after His Honor reserved judgement We understand Mrs Mabry who was along with her hus band when the accident occurred and who sustained considerably injury has entered suit in Toronto against the Township for damages CASTQRIA Infant and Children Her husband John A lock was killed in the Frog Lake mas sacre EiisoALK Sept A fatal acci dent happened at home of Mr and Cooper when their only about five years of age was shot by the discharge of a rifle in the hands of her brother about two years her senior The deceased noticed her brother handling rifle and at once ran to tell her mother and on return ing to the house stopped opposite the window when the discbarge took place the ball entering a little above the right eye and literally tearing off a large part of the The Packet learns on good authority that if Mann take hold the Beach Park hotel project they purpose spending to in remodeling and furnishing building The hotel will be made the most complete and luxurious in Northern Canada and will cater only to tbe wealthiest class of tourists people who are able and willing to pay from to a day for whom there is at present no ac commodation sufficiently grand or ex in all this district The Grand has always been consulted and has promised hearty assistance atari afresh with Him regarded though nothing had happen ed and a ftaff of begin new Ufa which the of old are pulled up and old debte paid and wrongs righted Moral defeneration orratted dem onstration Of Gods law la made on Ida of through good bad life with God begins tends to abolish of Christ to works consonance the davit from past of old Will feed bat we to God of hope and fight with Rim for the of the new and true waiting for the I will restore to you years locust bath eaten Sunday Times i SAVE MONEY By buying your Suits Early at Tailor Shop J The Buffalo AllSteel Disc Harrow Harrow roiidfc or sold Independent adjustable ibe inner of uy or be the of liy the operator liy r wtirjjj Ik secured can a perfect fully nd compare with Machine The No i They do not complain of anything fa particular They eat enough out keep thin and rale They appear fairly well have no strength You cannot say they are really sick and so you call them delicate What can Our answer is the same that the best physicians nave been giving for a quarter of a cen tury Give them sears Oil with Jt has most nourishing power It pivei color to the blood It brings strength to the mus cles I adds power to nerves Jt means robust health and vigor Even deli- cjttp infants rapidly gain in flesh if given small three or day SCOTT SOWKB Oat Meey A ansploloualooklng entered a barbershop In Manchester and while being shared oaaoally remarked I sap- poet a good many forget to the harber replied There was a time When I to but do now la nobody asks for It an more WelJ yon eee said the pr int the of his razor on thumb- nail whenever I shaved a gentleman who naked me to mark It up I put a little la bis nose with my rmtor and Jcopt tally that way They soon didnt want to bills There waft a tremor In the as be answered from beneath the lather Do you object to paid lb ad- A fyll stock of Black and Blue Serges Also a Choice J Lot of Fine Tweeds for OVERCOATS and PANTS C J Better Thee Tea An original form of advertisement from Russia where a shopkeeper posted following announcement The reason why I hare hitherto beam able to sell my goods so cheaper than anybody else is that I am a ana do not need to make profit for fee of a wife and to Inform the this adrantagt will shortly be with drawn from them I am to be married They will therefore do well to make their purchases at once at the old Molt was there was suck a run on the abop that In tha arte a few Says Ibis shopkeeper bad made to pay the expense hie wedding on latlsh aoalt- PROVISION STORE Two North Furniture Store Main A Fresh Supply a Week of Park Blaokwell Bacon Heme Lard beet Mildest Gored Meats Market today A trial will con vince Alto Flour Boiled Oate Com Meal Batter Cheeae Potatoes Pickles Sail Canoed Corn Peas Tomatoes Feel Bologca Ham and Tongue Honey Soap Orders filltd on is A OK made thai both or win cut aa even the you will why The only a move able the of can be io suit any condition of soil can be rtjrulated to act on every It The are carried between loatead of trailing behind other tbua draft cbloe urn I ah with grajn and seed box when It baa reversible diamond polnta teeth also extra wide PSJIotacanberurnlshed aod you will buy no other THE BEST DRILL MADE The Needs No Introduction Orcr WCO0 prills and Seeders or our manufac ture in uee Id Canada The only Drill made with lever for and perfect regulation or depth of In ail kinds of toll while team la in motion Sows absolutely correct seed every kernel la deposited at a proper depth only the beet and you will to be Oct t with rf ftidai ztn aj mtTlU aaW- Tog Air air It to bo used In and of beat In tb rurnaba Pond Long Island to the funeral of tie modern formed by Xenon Burial Company The wmnany and It ene bought Rural Cemetery It Is a mile a half west of tors A cat too land lata ueed linW- air be an lastanlaneona let dassJtng ta bo Not even aahee will tattUfuraaae FOR SALE SsYeral BabnJIt Beoondhand a J ft good aa new for work Four of can be seen at my on St Newmarket Call and Bed Them or leave your order for a NEW OUTFIT to be shipped other machinery and save freight will make it pay for you If above Engines are not sold they will be let to ran on shares St aJid laam Came upon lot JO of or A EWE AND LAMB Owner requested to prove property and pay M Newmarket PO Wir T We also Binders Reaper Mowers Cultivators and good as tbe beat send for Illustrated catalogue Limited Canada ELMER TOOLE Agents NEWMARKET ONT mm FEU NOT ANOTHER Just as Good Made in Styles Sizes and Prices No Note Np 4 Letter No Cap There is not a business man using the Shannon File that would be without after finding now convenient they are Lawyers and Ministers find just as convenient The Ladies would not be without them if they knew how handy are to keep account and letters Even well regulated household should have them The Office Specialty Co limited Newmarket Ont and Bay Notre Dame Montreal p t a waa Solid Boat Gold Beat GLOBE OPTICAL Toronto A The Jan for

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