Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 22 Sep 1899, p. 7

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I 5- HALL SEPT 1899 A of Crates of bought at a Snap Our custom ers can have the benefit Bold printed colors your choice regular seta A Snap in Toilet Sets printed 10 pieces several colore your reg ular 2 SHOES The Beat Value we have had Very neat and latest Btylee Want of room prevents us carrying a large Btook but it is and our prices are right GROCERIES Bartons Baking Powder quart jars regular for Half to clear Prunes finest quality now lbs for Fine Quality of lb Excelsior Coffee is the Best Try it A SMITH The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts The Laws Of the Land Do not protect yon from Quads Vendors yourself by consulting only resident and qualified Opticians optical department le At Your Service We make for testing Your Eyes tag fa wt Post Office ar 4 iwJSHEs a V vVr Parade Sec The Trolley Brought over People in Days Better Than Ever Are the advantages offered by the Toronto Nine regular teachers j President or figure typewriting Enlarged for Enter any time i for fc I Principal ffaa a to North York crowd here from Bill and Mr Barman bad a fine display of Day is now the moat of the Lou of in Floral Hall four pianos and three Lively opposition in Mr Keith bad a good display re was competition in sawing or if ashing machines won of oat of the throwing fakes The Works of showed a of plows was a Urge exhibit of Fine Arts and some lovely paintings The trolley brought over people to Newmarket on Wednesday The oat flowers were and three times as as ever before Borne good of the were by private Mr Lehmans display of druggists was creditable Two with now attraoted the attention of farmers The ladies brought forward many new varieties and designs in needle work The steam was one of the chief attraotiona for the children Mrs Josh Wilson of lost her parse on the containing The adaption of new Ideas is bringing iba oldtime to North York Fair exhibit of furniture from was simply handsome The Treasurer was notified on Tuesday the Government Grant this year would Mr A bad a fine show of 18 rigs in the carriage building bat no op position Smith Bros photographers madelarge and creditable showing that was greatly admired For amateur work the three designs formed with in the straw were a beginning The donation of prises for the pa rade baa proved a most effective stimolas to the Fair The Queens Own Band well bat we have no reason to be ashamed of the Citizens Band The ladles bad great competition in homemade no less than lots to choose from Messrs Roche A Co exhibited handsome materials both made up and in she A lady dropped her puree la Floral Ball on Wednesday afternoon but she got it again about an hour alter After each dry season the roots and vegetables were s surprise to everybody both in and size Newmarket Ginger Aie manufactured by Borke Bros was a favorite beverage at the refreshment booths Mr J foreman the Era office made twelve new pictures the past year and won twelve prises The dampness on morning prevented many schools from attending and lessened the crowd one half The failed to pat in an and lots of people tamed away from the grounds on the first School Childrens Day was a great What was here was good bat on the whole the parade was not op to last year A raoe that amusement was a boys do trot rid woo firs money and Herbert second It was easy to see by the exhibit that apples pears etc are In North York this Fall though samples were very good The display and arrangement of the Ladles Work we the best ever seen here equal to the Industrial this yesr and for better than London Many eyes were lifted heaven ward on Wednesday morning to see if there was any of the sunshine breaking through the heavy The Directors deserve great praise the changes made both thebaildlogs and oh the grounds They are a wideawake Board and are not afraid to work At the urgent request of the Directors Mr show bis collection of ships and other pictures which were greatly admired The Co not only had very attractive display Cabinets Desks etc bat went to a lot of trouble to fix op their in city style and the sur- helped to show their excellent goods to the best advsnUos The big loaf from the Bakery of Mr A was a great attraction in the pastry deptVnd many guesses to Its weight were exact weight was lbs Geo Thompson was the first to guess the exact weight end won the the prise y- Just to give no ideaVf Ladies Work we might mention thai there were shown sets of table mate 16 five- table sofa pin cushions pairs of slippers 16 centre pieces fancy handkerchiefs hand kerchief cases 11 head rests and basket Lots of fan over the green race Wednesday afternoon The fountain by beautiful plants and powers was very attractive A machine In operation was one of the attractions the Mala Build ing The Wm Cane Sons Co bad a tine exhibit of woodenware grille etc There were only four in the raoe Result 1 Cane 8 Time Floral ball was very prettily dressed The motto Our Harvest Thanksgiving was well painted Newmarket schools looked pretty with their banners Onion Jacks and sashes on the little girls The flooring of the Main Building is ap preciated by exhibitors as maoh as visitors as articles are not covered by duet to be One of the amusing incidents on the Ural day was the spin by a number of Directors and prominent gentlemen oo MerryGo Round Over adult tickets were for ad mission to the grounds on Wednesday Over children went in free people on the grounds The many Improvements on the grounds were the talk of everybody The entrance is designed to meet the convenience of both and the pobllo Notwithstanding tbat the show of poultry was nearly doubled there were stitl vacant coopes In the new Poultry Building There were entries The grocers Messrs Davi son Co had an attractive exhibit and the sampled their hot tea and as fas mi ladies could ibem display of stoves harness for coats etc by Messrs J A Co was the largest and most attractive in theuilding reheating much credit the ability of Mr who had charge of It The entries for competition on tbe first day show an advance over last year were as follows lays Grain and Seeds in Roots Vegetables 7 Fruits 170 Wines and Pastry Dairy Carriages Implements etc 40 Ladles Work Childrens It was pretty hard to tell which was the best School Turnout or St was headed by a clown on horse back followed by a mounted gaard of four sen men in regimentals on horse back and School Float was gaily by and evergreens drawn by 20 horses abreast and prettily deoorsted There were also three pretty banners and the Float carried 86 people The children sang Red White and Blue as the pro- cession moved along Main St St School comprised the following A man and woman dressed in the garb of years ago and riding in an ancient looking buck- board horses with riaerfl in red wnite and blue horses drawing a boat covered with in which Grace Darling was rowing her oars Then game a Float drawn by dec- orated and the Maple Leaf for Ever On toe top of the was the tbe of the Empire The roof was formed with the sides with and vege table The children wore decorated cap and the whole had a very pretty effect given the lai prize School and St 1st prize for the Best Decorated Big Lots of people here from Toronto said they never saw anything as good in the School won tho prize for coming the longest They bad ft gaily rig but arrived too late to join the Prooession The School left on time Competitors should make note of that for another year People were not tired wait for is to corns There Wat a big jam at the ticket office after the procession arrived on the grounds Pine Orchard won the prize for the Larg est Load of Children There were on a hay rack The procession moved into the In the following order Col Lloyd and Lieut Howard Marshals Own Band Toronto St No Pine Orchard No King School Newmarket Band Newmarket Separate School Newmarket School Newmarket Model School No Newmarket had gone to considerable trouble to make a nice show log but tfwingto mUIcforraed of the -procession- starting were not In Hope it will not occur Mayor Cans iron at the Oigfthieni In yiluc k tie stoned toyHs the Directors feature in patriotic sect i end jgatberi wore fnipiiiii4yhjfiU yvi res sou to be proud of conn be said the hope of is the child our public school I teachers New a time when- wese so and for tbahoye as ion mads in New Ontario with its untold is developed and diligence in the formation of urged that noble principles may prevail Ho iraohers trustees and the North York Fair auocsss in the future hoped feature would Fol lowing are the winners in the Foot Race boys 15 sod under Adsms Holmes flrd Foot and under Joseph 2nd Harry Doyle Girls 15 and under Violet Mills 2nd Girls Race and under Gil moor 2nd Lash Childrens Rice JMai- roy 2nd Three Legged Race Peters and 2nd Doyle and Tag Pine Sobool 2nd Newmarket Separate Judges A and C Wright of to a The Military Concert a great Over people admission The over are nut as attractive a HJuhUuderB nor did ihti uiuc well The solo with Band accompaniment were encored Poet end the by the Band well Jimmy was never in better trim anU hie comic were He recalled again and attain and save no les than eleven songs think of every Tbe Riddles took the As an accompanist is hard There were nearly ressrved every one Tbe in the Rink ware Messrs Geo Triveti deserve credit for they went to wnthtr Between two aid three people he ground by Queens Own Baud The people here yesterday tbo the day before The tailed to pat in an appearance or send any word man was under agreement for som of to be at Fair and the Directors intend to for the diiBappoiutmeut by way making an ex ample A horse tied to tbe Sooth fence got frigbteutd at broke sway from the and tore down a big piece of fencing The show stock was horses cattle sheep and ptge Following la the Prise Winners we have room for this week CLASS Judges John Salter Webb Sweet Appleby- Francis 2nd Bros Sweet Applfia any other variety Stewart Newmarket 2nd Gilbert Johnson Winter Apples Rhode Island Greenings Job New ton New market 2nd Thompson White Rose Winter Apples Northern Spy Jos Newton 2nd Redmond Simp son King of Co Francis 2nd Jos Newton Winter Apples any other varie ty Gilbert Johnson Fall Apples snow Redmond Simpson 2nd Jonathan Folllott Fall Apples St Lawrence Wilson Aurora 2nd Jos New- tori Fall Apples any other kind A Rogers Sharon 2nd Oliver Newmarket Maidens Blush H Mil lard 2nd Gilbert Johnson Wealthy Millard 2nd Francis Alexander Geo 2nd Geo Stevenson Mann Apples Francis 2nd Geo Golden Apples Thomas Stewart Newmarket 2nd Fran- Rozbury Russet Apples Geo B 2nd A Lewis Son Collection of Winter Apples Thompson White Rose 2nd Jos Newton Crab Apples J 2nd Bentley Winter Simp son 2nd Geo Fall Simpson 2nd Francis Collection of Pears Redmond Simpson Plums A Thompson New market 2nd S White Grapes ilrs Fanny Dark Grapes Stephens 2nd Mrs Fanny CLASS 28 ROOTS Judges Bradford I Johnson John Fuller Early Ohio Potatoes Stephens 2nd John Currey Beauty of Hebron Potatoes Albert 2nd White Elephant Potatoes 2nd Con well Queen- of the Potatoes Stephens- 1 2nd Stephens Potatoes- any Rothes Early Horn Carrots Stephens 2nd Kavanagb or Orange Geo WiilteBclgWn Improved 2nd Stephens Winter Radiance Nelson Black Radishes Lloyd 2nd 2nd Turnip Beets Bur ton 2nd Lloyd Blood Beets Ste phens 2nd C W Cole Selected Swede Turnips Hartleys Bronze Top Turnips Rynard Turnips any other kind Wm 2nd T W Stephens Long Red Bentley Collection of Roots turnips wurUels carrots Wm Rynard Largest Potatoes J 2nd Stephens Class utres Best Collection of Harness 1st Wm Keith Newmarket 2nd J A- W Allan Co New market Collection of FretWork 1st Cane Sons New market Collection of ScrollWork 1st Cane Sons Door and Window outside Finish 1st Wm Cane Sons Assortment of Furniture J Newmarket Collection of Carriages Buggies and Road Carts 1st A Widdifield Collection of Agricultural Imple ments 1st J Sous Aurora Judges John Tate J Woodcock Mount Albert J J Terry Geo Class Dairy Products Judges Mrs A Newmarket J Chan tier Newtown Robinson Crock or Firkin Butter low It Simpson Co prize Willis Whitchurch Cock Butter pounds Domin ion Hotel prize Stokes Bros Mount Albert lbs Roll Butter J W Huntley E Butter two lb Rolls Thompson lbs Butter in in rolls Huntley lbs Roll Butter J Whitchurch lbs Roll Butter J Hill prize Willis 10 lbs Butler in crock Lee Aurora Factory Cheese not less than James Wells King CLASS FINE ARTS Judges J Breen J tens Oil Painting on Canvas land scape Miss L Richardson New market 2nd J Oil Painting on Canvas any subject J G 2nd Miss Kavanagh on Velvet or Plush Miss L Thomas 2nd Mrs Cole Painting on Satin or Silk Miss 2nd Miss Lilian Taylor Toronto Hand Painting on China Mrs Humberstone Newton Brook Painted Panel oil or water Cole 2nd J G Mulr Painted Plaque oil Mrs W Cole 2nd Miss Clara Bell Esque- Water Color landscape J Mulr 2nd Miss Clara Bell Water Color any subject 1st and 2nd J Mulr Pencil Drawing freehand 1st and 2nd J Plain Crayon Drawing free hand J 2nd Mrs Colored Crayon Drawing 1st and 2nd J G India Ink Sketch J 2nd Forster Collection of Photographs Smith Bros Collection of Photos amateur Cut Flowers Mrs Geo 2nd Martin General Collection Mar tin 2nd Collection Boat Models Chas CLASS LADIES Machine Sewing family Mrs 2nd Mrs C Butcher Hand Sewing Mrs Kersey Coloraine Mrs Butcher Mens Shirts white dress Mrs Kersey Mens Shirt flannel Mrs T Kersey 2nd Miss McPbereon Toronto Counterpane knitted Stokes Bros Albert 2nd Knitted Bedspread Mrs Kersey Piece Work Quilt cotton Mrs R Mann 2nd Mrs I Piece Work Quilt silkJ 2nd Mrs M Cain Newmarket quilted J 2nd Mrs T Butcher Counterpane crochet Mrs C Cole 2nd Mrs Kersey yds Rag Carpet Mrs C Cole 2nd Miss Clara Bell Re commended Mrs W R Mann Babys Long Dress Mrs A Roe 2nd Mrs Cole Babys Short Drees Mies 2nd Mrs A Collection Wool Knitting ind box Miss I 2nd Mrs Butcher Knitted Shirt Cape or Shawl Miss Lilian Taylor Mrs Cole Wool Hearth Ker sey 2nd Mrs Rag Hearth But cher 2nd Miss Lilian Taylor 2nd Ml as Clara Bell J Little nA Clara Bell j -i- Collection Wool Crochet In- Cole- 2nd r Set of Table I TV THE LEADING mm mm Cold Weather Talk Is In Season We have just added to our large stock 2 GAR LOADS OF STOVES every size and variety of the beat makes in Canada for both coal anrj wood goods were bought before the rise in iron and intending purchasers should examine them before selecting elsewhere WINTER STOCK OF SHELF HARDWARE Unliable j everything voi barn Good A ALLAN 0 hi t4 J want for or If you are not a subscriber to the Era Send 25c for a trial trip of 3 Gray Cloth in White Linen Thomas Miss Wool len Set Linen embroidery Miss Miss Thom as Recommended Mrs Tea Cosy J Stewart Aurora 2nd Miss Oclock Table Cloth Miss Fisher 2nd Miss Clara Hall with Miss I Sofa Pillow Mrs Butcher 2nd Mrs Ladles Underwear Mrs C Cole 2nd Miss Clara Bell Ladys Apron hand made Miss Wootten 2nd Mrs T Kersey Bedroom Slippers Miss Clara Bell 2nd Mrs Butcher Worked Buttonholes Miss 2nd Miss Thomas Pin Cushion Mrs Cole 2nd Mrs J E Palmer Davenport Slippers knitted or crochet Miss Fisher 2nd Mrs Slipper Holder Miss Clara Bell 2nd Mrs C Butcher Teapot Holder Cane 2nd flss Wootten CLASS Asters best Epworth Newmarket 2nd Newmarket Verbenas best collection J Willis 2nd E Martin Pansies best collection 2nd Willie Sweet Peas E Martin 2nd J Woodcock Phlox best collection Martin Annuals best collection Mrs Mann 2nd Willis Bouquet hand Martin 2nd Floral Design for Table Wm Willis 2nd Mrs Geo Tonillnson Collection of House Plants J Newton 2nd Martin CLASS CHIL DRENS Penmanship under years Gertie Mulr Newmarket 2nd Laura Tate Sharon Map Drawing colored under years 1st and 2nd Gertie Mulr Collection of Moths and Butter flies W Martin Newmarket 2nd McDonald Newmarket Beat Descriptive Advertisement Roches Laura Tate 2nd Eves Newmarket On Arrived AT THE CENTRAL TAILOR SHOP Our or Woolens art the fabrics ever sod Over Call mid we carry Largest and Beat Stock lu Town We we or money refunded Tall Shun or we will give you a neat It is A TRI4L SOLICITED Jas R McLaughlin Sight Restored YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Mara SO on i charts to Largest Yarns ft NbwM or any a i by Science points out tiie to the restoration of sight If your vision is defective we can by scientific methods measure the defect and supply the necessary glasses to restore it GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co NEWMARKET GRAHAMS WILL REOPEN Friday Sept the grounds Geo Tomlln8on them a warm welcome a Bon Oie v lU- WRS PRIVATE SCHOOL English French and Music Pupils primary Instruction t Renovated Premises Scenery Latesi Effects

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