A NEWMARKET BRANCH General Banking Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed Deposits AT DIOHBRT COHRCN7 BATCH DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL POINTS American gold to Mil naif MEDICAL Dp Alfred JdilJului3iwiJlPn New or at at bis home at street and avenue thifl wore with him at the time of bis wife bis 4ftugbtoltflyfcan4B inald big youngest son Mr arrived at fifth avenue homo from Newport with Mrs at nine oolook last night He appeared in excellent health and spirit and retired afterwards About midnight he with a serious and the household was aroused Telegrams wore sent to Dr Walter James Dr and several physicians who arrived in a short time Everything possible was done for the patient but ho grow rapid ly worse and died at a quarter past five oclock Mi VaodorbiltH death was causod by a stroke of paralysis the second that he suffered The first attack was in July The patient was until death it in SUB price IhslldufW HUUlM Dp ml If A ray ID a mid it HI riiiuriMil Simpson B J mi A StouWer of Voice Oulturo and Violin Instruments Oliver Music Won- Women OK nod iHBOHV St Money to Loan Five Oil i arm by David taking Affidavits Kcl Es tate Agent Conveyancer Marriage Licensee Also Agent for Companies Queen or London Liverpool England Montreal flore District Mutual In also Tor toe Confederation Life Association To price Old Registry Corner Main and Lot fiGBNCY THE Brantford Red Bird Call ttxid flue at Also a accoudliaod atock TUB AND STOCK IB BIGHT beat Inducement Lilt In to young ROBERTSON Manitoba Flour BEST Patent FIELD of a Timotbv Clover Manuel Carrot and Feeds of the BEST VARIETIES AND Portland J Cor Main and Huron Indigestion and General Debility have Driven Away the Sunshine but South American Nervine Brings Back the Heart Gladness Mr A of number of I was it from and many time wan in to my household duties I wan treated by nearly all doctors in town and no rolief J read of a cure by American Nervine which exactly cast I pro cured one bottle am ureal relief and nix bottle cured me absolutely 1 1 certainly not an Hold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket William of with a accident at William on the of In removing a slab one end caught in the machine and he wan flung feat His shoulderblade was broken and be got many cuts Alvmkr Sept Si A fatal accident occurred yesterday morning at the home of Pounds nfar Moore of was taking out the brick frame of a well when suddenly it caved in on him killing him instantly It was about half a hour after the took place before the unfortunate man could be reached when life was found to be extinct Deceased leaves a wife but family Are grand but Eruptions rob life of joy Arnica Halve cures them also Old Running and Fever Bores Ulcers Felons Corns Warts Cuts Bruises Burn Scalds Chapped Hands Chilblains Best Pile cure on earth Drives out Pains and Aches Only eta a box Cure guaranteed Sold by Lehman Druggists 2 Ottawa Sept The important announcement is made by the Post- office that on and after October 1st the suburban letter rate of one cent per ounce will be abolish ed and the letter rate made uniform ly two cents per ounce for the whole of Canada J he World A Magazine written plainly for the home showing how to prevent aod cure diseases the human frame No id free has articles on how to be beauti ful how to cure rheumatism lumbago sciatica corpulence consumption gout diseases of men and women deafness and head noises the hair St London Mrs John Baker died suddenly of heart failure in a dentists office in Hamilton after having several teeth extracted Vtbeu you want HARNESS to wear 0 years go to you want a flu and iriK goto I J you will Lust Twenty you will vet ibeco from and you want factory work that will keep you buying and repairing also dont keep Bui Largest Stock of No 1 Harness and heavy Whips Curry and to be found in any In of Oil alwaya on A One hundred and fifty men in the PR freight sheds at Owen Sound was out for higher wages but he strike is over Commissioner of Immigration places the number of new set tlers in Manitoba for the year at be tween and The grain elevator occupied by Mr at East was destroyed by a fire believed to have been the work of an incendiary The building held 5000 bushels of at the time Loa Spains Greatest Need Mr R P Olivia of Barcelona Spain spends his winters at Aiken Weak erves had caused severe pains in the back of his head On us ing Electric Americas neat est Blood and Remedy all pain left hum He says this grand medicine is what his needs All that it cures liver and kidney trouble purifies the bipod tones up the stomach strengthens the nerves puts vim vigor and new if into every nerve and organ of the body If weak or ailing you need it Every bottle only Bold by uehman REVDP the subject EASYSfPARATi0N CONDEMNED On ftooorgai siatiTu Jon Baa 9t Bopt Key Dr mage took for his text morning hath joined together left no man put He That there are and thousand ot in no one will doubt If there only one ton in that might be up and abandoned in a homo there a skeleton In and a skeleton in oil the apartment Unhap pily married ore two of many a It needa no to prove to a badly mated pair that la a hell They are there now Sometimes a grand and woman will bo and nor life be a as was the with the great poet ess and the great soul Sometime a man will be united to a was John or united to a vixen was John Milton end jteneraliy both parties are to blame and la an intolerable grum bler and wife boa a retort always ready and Fronde the pledged to tell the plain truth has to pall the curtain from lueloua squabble at and row Borne say that for the alleviation of all dlsoidera of which we hear easy divorce a good prescription authorizes as lalnlv as he inarrlaao just as for one lawfully as have for one lawfully mar ried Bui you know and I know that wholesale divorce la one of our national scourges I am not surprised at when I think of the influenced have been abroad militating the marriage relation For many years of the rang with talk about a free love millennium were meet ings of this held in the Academy of Brooklyn Co per Now York and all over land of women who prominent In that movement bar nine lOtn for of for were the tyranny man the of the marriage relation women and ti speak- wore women with and short dresi and wry large at war with btcauae they were created women while on the platform meek men and cowed or for masculinity and hold ing the while the termagant went on the gospel of in love of about sat more into the than no exorcised In the next and women went home from permanently at to who tbolr wives and husbands that they got out of the perplexity and the criminal and the civil courts tried to the of woes and one got one got a limited divorce and this mother kept the children on condition that the father could sometlmea come and look at them and these went into poorhouses and went Into an Insane arryJum and thou went Into dissolute life and all went to notion The mightiest war ever made against tho marriage Institution wai that love sometimes under one name and sometimes under another Another that has warred upon the marriage relation has been polygamy Id Utah That la a caricature of the marriage relation and has poisoned the whole land You might wall think that yon can have arm in a and yet the Whole body not be sickened as to have any Territories or States and yet body of the nation not feel thee putrefaction Hear it good men and woman of America that long ago as a law was by Congress tor- bidding polygamy In the Territories and in w- place where had jurisdic tion Thirtyseven have passed along and nine ye not until the passage of the law In any active of polygamic adopted Armed with all the of government and having an army ftt their disposal the first brick had not till then been knocked from that fortress of libertinism new presi dent la his inaugural tickled that mon ster with the straw of and every Congress stultified itielf in propos ing some plan that would not work Polygamy stood In Utah and other of the Territories more mon more puissant more braggart and mor internal than at any time in its history James a much abused man of day did more for the extirpation of this villainy than all the administrations dared to do up to Mr sent out an army and although It was halted in work still he accomplished mare than the subsequent administration which did nothing but talk talk talk Even at this late day and with the Act in force the evil has not been wholly ex tirpated Polygamy lo Utah though out lawed Is In secret It has warred galn the relation the land It to have such an awful of sanding up miasma which is by the winds north south east and west without he whole land being by It Another Influence that has warred against the marriage relation in country has been a pustulous literature With Its million Of sheet every week choked with stories of wrongs and and rages until it a wonder to there are any any common sense left on of Onehalf of the Haws stands of our great reek with the tAT admit all theee the only way to correot divorce Well before we let us flu4 oat easy It now X hove looked over the laws of all the at that in the la there were dlrorow If to know easy it Is you hayo only the records of the In la year In Waffle in in Connecticut in one year In the divorces In one year in Now Eng land Jr one year divorces and In your In Sew that not easy enough ii same ratio con- ratio of divorce and multiplied of dvorpe wo are not far from the time when our will have to sot apart whole days for application and nil you have to a man will bo that be left bis slipper In the middle of tbo floor and nil yon will nave to prove against a woman will be that her husbands over coat was Causes of divorce doubled In and doubled In the United To stow how very easy It le to tell you that in Western Re- serve Ohio the af divorces to celebrated was la one year w In Rhode Island to In Ver mont I 10 Is not that easy enough want you to notice of with the lutuuess of society Home for years had not case divorce Thole were days of glory and virtue Then the reign vice began and divorce became epidemic if you want to know how rapidly the empire went down ask Gib Do you know bow the reign of terror was introduced France By erf of divorce In one year in Paris What wo country and in all land that divorce be made more and mora Then jnoplc before they relation vil be mat will bo no It through the door of the Then they will on the twice of that relation until they are fully that It Is best and that It la ana that It la happiest then we snail have no more marriages fun then men and will not enter tne with the I only a tntl trip and do nut It they can not out at the landing then this whole question will be taken out of the frivolous the there will be no more about tbe Roma In a brides than about the cypres on What we want Is that the of the United Status move for of constitution ho can be in all the counti and what a null a In one shell be rilt In nit and what is if rial will In ell the lfcMs how It now If a in It I to to from the and divorce Is easily the one party knows of it by sninir it the newspaper that Dr tody a dais or weeks in- Into new marriage relation a of who went on on a to Newport or a Chicago Married bride a house ao are States of the Union which practically lam upon he re In in while there are like tar of r York has the ininent of marriage lawful at and f age he of the States to move for change of the constitution and then to appoint a committee not up of but of men of and tbelr Id Washington who shall good honest righteous compre hensive uniform law that will iNintly Hook to lhat will put end to In marriage That Will send diver lawyers Into a decent business 1 hut will Set people agitated for many year on the question of how shall away from each other to planning how they can adjust themselves to toe or unfavorable cl roam stances riUUcuh- divorce will pot an estop- to great extent upon at fcpeculatico There ore men Who go Into the relation just as they go Well rttreeet to purchase shares The to be Invited into the partnership of Is utterly unattractive and In disposition a supplied Vesuvius Kvery- body knows it but this masculine can didate for matrimonial orders through agency or through the county records fled out how much estate to fee Inherited and be calculates it He thinks out how long It will be before the old man will die and whether stand the refraetory temper until does ale and then be the relation tot he says If I cannot stand It then through the divorce taw I will bock out That process Is going on all the time and men enter Into the relation any moral principle without any affection It as a matter or speculation as anything that transacted in Union Pacific Wabash and Delaware As wanna- Now suppose a man understood that If he goes Into that relation there no possibility of his getting out or no probability He would be more to put Ms neck in the yoke He should soy to himself Rather than a Caribbean whirlwind with a whole fleet of slipping In Its arms give ma a zephyr on of sunshine and gardens of Rigorous dltoroe law will also hinder women from fatal mUtakeof marry ing men to reform them If a young man by years of age or of age have the habit of strong drink flxd on him ha is as certainly bound for a drunkards grave as that a train starting oat from the Grand Central depot at tomorrow morning is bound for Albany The train may not Al bany for It may be thrown from the track The young man may not i each a drunkards grave for something may throw Mm off the Iron evil habit But the probability is that the train starts tomorrow rooming at oclock for Albany win get there and the that the young men who hat the habit of strong drink oh him before or years of age will arrive at a ha drinks although he tries to bide by chewing cloves Everybody Parents warn friends warn She wilt she reform If she the experiment Why then law will emancipate because habit ual a cause for divorce in Indiana Kentucky Connecticut arid nearly all the States the Sxperl hew saw the at divorce Maw andthat- woman Will lam to that man it is for life and if now In the ardor of bis young love and I to be he will not give up his when he has won the he will not give his And so that woman will say to the roan No sir yon axe riod to tho and yon are married to that evil habit and you are married twice and you are bigamist Go A rigorous divoroo law will also much to busty and marriages Under the impression that can be easily released people eater the relation without Inquiry and without reflection and Impulse role the day Perhaps the only ground for the marriage compact Is that she likes bis looks and he admires the graceful way she around the ice cream at the It Is all tbey know about each other It nil preparation for life A man not able to pay own board bill with not a dollar In hie will stand at the altar and take the hand and say With alt my worldly goods I thee endow A woman that could not make a loaf of bread to save her life will to Jove and keep Id sickness and in health A Christian Will marry an atheist and that always makes conjoined wretchedness for If a man does not believe there Is a he is neither to be trusted with a dollar nor with your lifelong happiness Having read much about love in a cottage peo ple up in ease will go and starve Id a hovel Runaway matches and elope ments nine hundred and ninetynine out of a tboasand of which mean death and bell multiplying on hands You see them in etery days newspapers Oar ministers in regions have defense such as have In other reglooa where roust be previ ously and officer of law mast give a certificate that Is right so clergymen are left and unite those who to be united Perhaps they are too young or perhaps they are standing already lo domentlo compact the wreck of tea thousand homes by the holocaust of ten thousand eacrlflcod men and women by the hearthstone of family wbleh Is the cornerstone of the state Id the name of that who hath sot up the family Institution and who hath made the breaking marital oatb the most of all perjuries I Implore the the United to home uniform law for all Atuten and from ocean to on this subject of mar riage and divorce me nay to all young people you give your and hand in holy alliance use all caution Inquire as to habits explore the the taste ancestry and find out the ambitions Do not take the heroes end the heroines or cheap novels for a model not put your life- time happiness in tbe keeping of a man who has a reputation for being a little loose in morale or in the keeping of a woman who dresses Immodestly Karaeia- that while good looks are a kindly gift Of Ood wrinkles or accident may despoil them that was more celebrated for beauty for his depravity Hem ember that Absa loms hair was not more splendid than his were despicable Hear It Hear It only foundation for mar riage that ever has been or ever will be Is good Ask the counsel of father and mother In most Important of your life They are good advisers They are the best friends ever hod They mode more for you than any one ever did and they will do more today for your happiness than any other people Ask them and above all ask I used to smile at John Brown of Hadding ton because when be was about to hie hand and heart In marriage to one who became his lifelong ho opened the conversation by saying Let pray But I nave seen bo many ship wrecks on the sea of matrimony I have made up my mind that John Brown of Haddington was right A union formed In prayer will be a happy union though pale the cheek and poverty empty the bread tray aod death open the small graces and all the path of life be strewn with thorns from the altar with its wedding march and orange blossoms clear on down to the last fare well at that gate Isaac and Abraham and Sarah Adam and Eve parted And let me say to you who are In this relation if you make one man or woman happy you have not lived in Christ says that what be it to church you ought to be to each other and If sometimes through dlnerence of opinion or difference of disposition you make up your mind that your mar riage was a mistake patiently bear and forbear remembering that there Is glory In the patient endurance of a sad yoke at longest Is short and for those who have been badly mated In bis world death will give quick and final bill or divorcement written la letters of green gross on quiet graves And perhaps my brother my sister perhaps may appreciate each other better In heaven than you appreciated each other on earth Fellowcitizens as well at let us have a divine rage against anything that wars on the marriage state Blessed institution Instead of two arms to tight the battle of life four in stead Of two eyes to scrutinize the path of Ufa four Instead of two shoulders to lift harden life four twloe the twice the courage the holy ambition twice the probability of world ly twice Che heaven- Into that matrimonial Dower God fetches two souls Outside the bower room for all controversies but Inside that bower there is room for only one guest angel of lava Let that angel stand at the floral doorway of this bower with drawn sword to hew down the worst foe of that bower easy divorce Ana for paradise lost may there be a paradise regained And after we quit our home here may we have a brighter homo in heaven at the windows of which moment are familiar faces our arrival and wondering why so long we tarry DONT YOU WANT A NEW SUIT Our Tailoring Department swing and no wonder we are very busy selling NOBBY ALLWOOL TWEED SUITS The in other Department is in full We are a at kenyonJ The Leading House Sharon H HOM BAKERY still turn FIRSTCLASS BREAD Choice Cakes and Pastry always on band Wedding Cakes a Specialty Fresh Groceries Always in Stock ALBERT Proprietor ihnjr past to ibank many and ask a continuant- i Mr of Township has made an in Iki ibis year purchased at and feeding for tbrte s them at 0 He kept strict account of the cost of feeding etc and found that on HO of the ani mals be made over profit Mr Webb grown of coarse prain expects bush- els of roots preparatory to next years feeding THE DUVAL FOB BEAUTY town FREE SAMPLES or for tt linper the- Sklu nd lJU9Url to Aruw3mi so A Every lid if to to BARKER CO Toronto FOR SALE We the undetsigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty- fiwe cent bottle cf Dr ills English fills if after using fourths GOOD CARTERS OUTFIT and Headache e to warrant that four and I find wtllo In Statu it than others Stats it bsStoor thing to altar brown Is now air tastes and thai prom- lies to Rain a great following when the If Is brown tone does not skin grow when in its a of ft sboos belts d well show b belr richly skin swot new color Is airway will per manently cure ihe obstinate case A or Wills Pills are Lehman Newmarket J Broughton Phm ricotts Main St Newmarket The field batteries and Quebec will in on for gun practice Little May Fergxison the yearold Mr Fergu son of Berlin narrowly escaped burned to death by her clothes catch- fire Winnipeg Man Sept John ace a labourer from Brace- bridge was accidenmlly killed it Alexander station last night being fatally crushed by the wheels of a heavy- iv laden wheat waggon Street TO PATENT THE RECORD sM A DIAMOND FOB A Whlcli Will GUXCTKE POMONA DIAMONDS have reputation It Is lodinltDvulob lryiD each are worn the beat popple We will forward amount in a or stud address upon receipt of price pair are made of of thick- helled and are warranted not to tarnish Special for too days only I Ring and stud sent to any upon re ceipt of for In order ring give finder by using a also rU particulars rtes plainly POMONA CO New roast English Spavin Liniment re moves nil hard soft calloused Lumps and Blemishes from Blood Spavin Curbs Splints Ring Bone Sweeney Stifles Sprains Sure and Swollen Throat Coughs etc Save by use of one bottle Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Sold by Lehman Druggist FirstClass STABLING AT THE J Old Hay and Oats furnished