Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 22 Sep 1899, p. 2

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J Co Bargain A Jobbing Better Shaw Now Murray HsSfer Astray Waller York Farm to Lot A but of totWiU lia roan and when the of the if Toronto to ebijumiJrlng Metropolitan tlectiic Ry Co Toronto to market Six Cars Each Way Leave J tt am am pm Pi pm Return Fare way XJ am Ml III im 11111 grit UP I HUT AND WITH Pointed 11 at Home FRIDAY Oar Toronto tetter A Macdonald announced on Saturday that lie was in the field for the Mayoralty at the next election no matter what other men come on At a meeting of County Commis sioner last Friday for new bridge at and also for repaint the Court House wore examined and paaaed A rope and tackle which was rais ing a cutting machine into the Methodist printing in Building Friday suddenly gave way and the machine dropped to the ground a wreck Mr Geo Bertram ha gone to New York commit a specialist for a aevam form of neuralgia in his shoulder and left arm The new City Hall and Court wan formally opened on Mon day Leaving out the County Coun cil wm shabby on the part of Toronto even if they had no love for the men Hon Geo Foster and J P Whitney MPP held forth in Massoy Hall last Monday night to a large crowd of admirers Lieut Dan Godfrey the bandmas ter was in the city this week of the sun when the birds gasviogwidonlduthod in parched are and nut- brown furnishes a poor living for the loud complaining well then even a Minister packs his valise and himself for a few quiet weeks in the country whore the from troubling and all nature is at rest But while Government has been resting quietly the editors of newspapers have been working over time reconstructing Cabinets deposing Premiers and running affairs of the as only an able- bodied editor can them on paper A of the press displays a very evident tendency to replace Mr Hardy Mr Ross Whether Mr Ross care to BuppUnt Mr Hardy or not is neither bore nor there An edi tor or two says Mr Hardy must go and that settles it The only feature of this is the tact that coming from Itoforai papers it gives the Tory papers of the country an opportunity they have looked for In striking contrast with Una attitude is a recent article in the Toronto a paper which hates the Liberals none the less but bates unfairness more It revolts at the ingratitude suggested by this mid summernights dream of its contem poraries to the battles of the party Mr Hardy has fought ID the past and to his good record as of Crown Lands It draws at tention also to the difficulties under which Mr Hardy assumed command of the party he now leads bat at the same time him to purge the party of the shady workers who have brought odium upon it dur ing the recent byeelections That the Liberal Party must be rid of these barnacles nobody denies The name has always been as sociated with purity in politics just as the name Tory has since the late Conservative administration at Ottawa been synonymous with cor ruption and fraud It is the sincere wish of the Liberals of Ontario to pre serve the fair name of the party and for this reason they would prefer to fight their battles unaided by the past masters of Tory trickery who have figured prominently in the re cent byeelections and who were they in the pay of the Conservative party could take no surer method of destroy ing any government In the meantime Hon John Dry- den Minister of Agriculture has been re nominated in South Ontario and Mr West Elgin la the latter constituency a resolution was adopted repudiating interfer ence in the local conflict and no mat ter what the outcome is the coming election in all probability will be fought with a purely local organization so far as the Liberals axe concerned But of course the Conservatives do just what they shout so loudly Edward of the firm the part of the Liberals In the case of North Waterloo Co Front St died at his residence in the city on Sunday morning He waa well known not only in Toronto but to the farming community of York County The season at Park closed on Saturday night with a concert by the band of the Highlanders under Mr Slater At the camp meeting on street Sunday morning the celebration of the Lords Supper took place and with it the conjunctive ordinance of feetwashing There was a much larger attendance than the assembly tent would accommodate but it evident that among the outsiders these were as many sight seers worshipper City Clerk is now very ill Not much hopes of recovery There is a that Thomas Pins the Italian whose recent death at was pronounced by a coroners jury accidental was mur dered The financial results of the Indus trial Fair this year did not reach the total of last year by over but were in excess of This city was not represented at the late municipal conference at Ham ilton Toronto has grown too big to associate with small corporations Rev Mr Rankin has been invited by the Q B of Broadway to succeed Rev Jos Oder at the close of his term During the ministry of the latter divine Broadway Tabernacle has made substantial progress both in membership and financially The Conservative gathering in Hall Monday night to hear Hon Mr Foster and Hon J P Whit ney was a great success The opening of the Technical School Monday rant was nearly students presented themselves The annual Regimental match of the York Rangers is to take place at the ranges on the inst at the present time they had their organizers and workers in the fiela at least a month before the lib erals They had also just as many or more in the riding work ing day and night particularly night And yet should this be de clared void these Pharisaical Tory editors will swell their a la Whitney and in effect thank the Lord that he is not as his neighbor is Oar Soeiety Column PERSONAL POINTS PLEASANTLY p By a Special Autumn has brought renewed activity into the political happy is the Minister who is able w Council Board of the vigor an of from the weightier avails prosperity At- Mr of oyer Sunday in Town Mr of ibe Kve the a call last Friday Mrs of Norwood is mak ing a bar ton Mr Stanley Boon at Mr Geo Montgomery of North Bay is amending four or five days In Town His wife remain another week or so Ret Belfry who has been enp- at Clinton all somener is spending a few days In Town previous to the open ing of College in Toronto next month Mr Geo who had to give Op hie near of trouble is about all right again and leaves next week to take of a school at Mm Miller to leave next week for to keep house for her sod Earnest N will to supply her customer with homemade bread and pastry Miller will a sale of effects Further next week Mr John Lewis of New York ac companied by friend Mr Warner ware and friends In Town last Saturday Mr Lewie learned the printing trade at the Era and after wards took a coarse at the Central Baal College Toronto He la now and private to the Presi dent of the National Bank In New York City- The position was not Rot by favor- itism by merit and it shows eocompih when they to excel Mr Lewie came oyer for a Canadian to share his wish the happy couple long life end of Wodpeediy of tliflbmoDdHillwaa the of pi Cans on Wednesday of the Ontario home over Mrs of was guest on Miller of New week with hit motherinlaw Mia Mr Downs fe book from af ter abaenoe of three months He is looking well Mr and wlfeof were among old lends bore Mr of Brooklyn New York Is with grand mother Mrs Thomas of In Town last Saturday and visited witi her mother oyer fair J of Ban John and J a mo a of Bradford last week Mr Ed and wife of Cat- ion of Mr A bore on a visit the week The Misses Hendry of Erie are apending two or three days town the of Mrs Mr Fred paid a to hie slater at Hamilton last Friday and spent Saturday with In the oily Vernon and children of are apending a few at their grand fathers Mr John Rogers Miss Olive Niles who is a nurse In a New Jersey Hospital la her va cation whb aunt Mrs Cane Bradford Mrs Garrett and her Mrs J McDonald of Meatord Saturday in Newmar ket Dr of OraogevlUe visited bis daughter here on Wednesday and delighted with the Pro- Word been received that Mr Bee Manning of Portage son of Mr John Manning of this Town la down with some kind of fever Mr Graham organizer for the a few days In Town lulu demonstrating the benefits of the Order to prospective candidates Mr A J Belfry formerly of Newmar ket la now of The Correspon dence of Shorthand at Ont in other words teaching shorthand by mail Among those who gave the a On Wednesday were the Hon Pro vincial Secretary Mr Gould of bridge Reform Candidate In West On- and Mr Graham of Oxbridge Among the Toronto people at the fair we noticed Hon Mr and Mrs Revere Messrs P T Lee J P Hunter A Stevenson John Wilson Frank Millard Miss Sadie Watson left tor on Monday to teach Miss Watson has accepted ft situation in the and the other two girls have decided to give up and board for the winter The following have visited at Glen- view as of Mr and Mrs Ernest this week On Saturday the Misses and Mr Johnston of Hill J Rogers and Mr Geo Coombs of Brad- lord On Monday Miss Rogers of London Miss Elliot of and Mrs J Elliot of Hill Miss Rogers will spend a tew days with friends In town Toronto Saturday Night of says Although it supposed that the staff of teachers under Mr W For syths direction at the Metropolitan of Music as published in its Calendar for 18991900 would suffice for the current season ft further addition Just been made in the person of Mr Arthur Oil one of the younger generation of who by the excellence of his work In Newmarket and elsewhere has been brought into notice Mr Oliver is a graduate in piano and theory of the Woes Ohio Conservatory of where fa with the director ha became familiar with the Krftose method of piano now so highly regarded In this country It Is not a little significant that the Metropolitan of Music should this early la the season find it ne cessary increase its staff of teachers Ml ff Newmarkets Leading Store We are enthusiastic over our Fall Stock Never before have we shown as Profits big a range of New Goods and never before have the values been as good are certainly small but by selling so exceedingly close we are bound to double our trade and at the same time make our customers dollars go farther than ever before Test this store for anything you want and if our values are not the Best in Town then pass us by Thats your privilege been to punish the West Elgin frauds but It would have been more satisfactory had stops been taken to this end immediately after disoovery The same may be said of South Ontario On both sides officers and men entitled to medals and olaeps for either the raid or the Red River expedition In the Imperial army are said to number Their whloh have been approved are being for warded to the War Office by the distribution will be arranged the windy f West Is making arrangements tor grind demon on the occasion of itylhg the cor ner stone of new Government Building there to be used for Post Office and other Federal Departments The demonstra tion is taking the form of an international Besides President and some of bis Cabinet we the Gov General of Canada also his first Minster 3lr Wilfrid Lender and ft num of Mayoraot both United State and Canada are among notables to be pres ent the The data fixed for Oct Bib Dress Goods We are now the best range of New Dress Mater ials that we have ever shown and prices are Below Par every time The very latest in Black rough finish figured Goods sold in Toronto at here The very best line of Suitings in the newest shades inches wide at Heavy Tweed Effects very stylish goods at 25c Poplin Cords in new shades at Fancy figured Black Goods at The newest and best in Dress Linings and trimmings Boots and Shoes Mens Boys Clothing We are doing a bigger shoe won- trade than has been ana no Think of the values Ladies fine Kid button Boots special at Ladies strong Pebble Lace Boots at 100 J D Kings extra fine Don- Button 225 at 95 Mens strong Lace Boots at 1 Mens fine very neat Lace Boots at Mens fine box calf Lace Boots a reg Boot for 95 Mens extra fine goods in Kings make Boys strong neat Lace Boots 00 Girls strong pebble Lace Boots sizes 8 to 2 special at We are justly proud of our New Clothing Stock Every suit and every Overcoat is a Genu ine Bargain Mens fine black Beaver overcoats best fanners satin lining made in newest style all sizes Mens heavy Ulsters ext value at 500 Mens fall weight whip cord Over coats very stylish special at The best range of 1000 Overcoats in the country Every one equal to a tailor made at 16 Mens very serviceable Tweed well made and lined at Mens very swell double breasted Suits made of fine all wool Tweed best linings at Boys strong Tweed Suits 150 Boys Very Stylish Suits at 250 Boys three value at Suits extra Wall Papers We have just opened a magnifi cent range of New Wall Pa pers Nothing like them has ever been shown in Newmar ket They come at every price from centB per roll up to 25c Be sure you see our stock if you have any paper hanging to do this fall H MADDOGK Toronto nukes ft lot of quit sarcasm at the gallant Col of the York Rangers for offering the regiment to the Minister of Militia as a contingent to the Boers of Transvaal Mr Sam of Lindsay the con completely distanced In his offer to recruit ft regiment tor ft like A cable despatch ftnnoncoed that the French Cabinet bad decided to pardon In principle The pardon will tajie effect in ft few days Drey be has re appeal for ft of the judgment of court martial The state mens ftlso made that will be sent abroad before ths promulgation of hie pardon in order to avoid demon is Tomb In Bradford on Tuesday Sept infant daughter of Mr Beverly aged months and 5 days At ill after ft linger ing Illness with Bright disease on ha evening at Thursday formerly proprietor of the Royal Hotel New- marketin hie year i Main 111 receive era ftnd Prompt Attention All Sept 18 Mr and Mrs J vie and their little instantly killed while at tempting to cross the Canadian Pacific tracks at tonight They were in a buggy and when the engine struck they were hurled feet September While threshers were working at Isaiah near the other day his nineyearold son looked through a crack in the barn One of the men made a jab at the boards to him of the fork went the crack striking him in the eye He taken to Montr ttpeoifdUV fa hopes- that the eye might be saved- Toronto Sept Bed per bushel a SO Mill White Wheat per bush el Wheat per bushel bushel per bushel Peas per bushel Bye pec bushel per Batter per lb Potatoes per Wool per lb Hay per ton Beef fore par pair- per pair Turkeys per lb ii a i a a OTt a OH a a a a OC0 a a ICO a a a BOO a a a a a POT

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