Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 22 Sep 1899, p. 1

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more home every week than any two York wwblf fading Paper V v5h J 1 fv NORTH YORK INTELI AND ADVERTISER Givo mo Ibo liberty to know to utter and to argue freely to above all No paper sent outside of North York imkt paid in advance XLVIILNo Copies Newmarket Ont Friday Sept 22 THEM ALL A Trip British Colombia By V tptciaUy for hi Bra by a boy In last lottor I to in the Provincial homo you a faint idea of my trip through among those who struck it rich in Rockies During year I have I Golden Cariboo Made to use Coal if desired 4 Sizes 12000 IN ACTUAL USE Acknowledged to he the Best and Most Economical Stove Manufacturer Our Record Book shows Jewels- sold in this town and vicinity It Yoiiy 9 PAINTS OILS GLASS General A BLNfSU Are what we are receiving continually from those who like to have The Newest Things in Dry Goods The Best Values in Boots and Shoes The Freshest Things iri Groceries At the Very Closest Prices A Every wise housekeeper knows Dollars received for her Farm Produce as well as her Dollars in Gash are made bigger by investing them in the class of Goods we sell A I Post Office Block opposite Vitalised Air for Palnlecs p Poster Orlllla will office of Dr Porter ford every Monday INSURANCE J Agent for Pi Money to Loan interest at Current Bates Or the Post Office Newmarket MARRIAGE Jackson of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Kit a Office Papers Issued at private residence If A Ramsay Insurance Agent Low Bates on Farm and Town Property Ofko Over Hodges Tin Shop AGENTS xuo Wfo and of Admiral Dewey the worlds naval hero by Hal Mead friend antf admirer of nations over P5 Only gnormou demand Big Outfit free Chance of a The Dominion Com pany 3rd Floor Caston tlio beauties of mountain at Clinton foot of ftca My now homo is at and you wish to visit that town I will some of tho journey Travelling Westward along lino of about in in morn- ring you reach tho rising town of Ash- croft of sensible in way for while it has passed size at which most places ill Columbia become citios it has not yet sought incorporation It has a population of anywhero between aud inhabitants part of whom arc Chinamen from which class of citizens you rimy pray to be delivered They a curse to Brit ish Columbia has electric lights and waterworks for the latter luxury each householder who wishes to onotapin his house has to pay per year and each hotel is taxed per year for one tap There is an abundant supply of water as the town is situated on banks of the Thomp son arid a cataract on the parto a miles away supplies all power necessary for light ing and for pumping has these advantages but no more Never was a more desolate looking place I saw it first on August dav There no shade to be found and dust rivers of dust was The thermometer had been registering degrees in shade I did not know where to find it for several days I paraded the in white duck and thought I was in the south land again Ash croft is the present starting point for Golden Cariboo which in some places is now panning out richer than in the balmy days of sixties Tho mails for all country north aro carried by Express Company for which it receives the handsome sum of It is probably one of the best managed stage companies in America The main line runs miles north to tho Mecca of early days and branch lines are numerous The stages are comfortable and speed is good sometimes a little too fast for ones Vfhon rounding a mighty chasm which yawns hundreds if not thousands of feet below Last year this road was used by hundreds starting for the Klondike wil derness of tho scheme has become ap parent after many hae died on the trail and hundreds who havo started have never reached their Eldorado The vast wilderness of the north of turned back many and even this spring many more were reported as being still on the trail but starving or dragging out a most mis erable existence One cannot how any hut idiots would attempt the trip but last year saw great throngs of men and pack horses start for the north along this route The ignorance of many who come to this country to make their fortune is something marvellous Especially is true of Englishmen Some ex a land of large cities as one fellow did Walking up streets of New Westminster our 3rd largest He remarked to himself My this is a small place I hope I do not have to stay long in such a small place as this He was coming out to enter the Methodist ministry and the next week he was sent to a little place of 30 or houses miles back from the railway- Others expect to find nothing but savages A company of Englishmen came out this spring They brought their entire outfit them at big cost for example they oven brought beans paying per lb freight They could have bought per lb old Cariboo road has been the scene of many bright and golden hopes hopes that in most were never fulfilled In the early days thousands made fortunes in a short time on the streams around but many more lost character and all in the gambling holla and loons of that flourishing mining town And it is but still true that nearly all the old men who are leing supported by the Govern But I have got a long way from my subject About am after all the mail is loaded and all things ready our stage driver calls out all aboard and away wo go as the first streaks of dawn brighten the cast w you evor travollcd before breakfast If so you will riot enjoy trip of 14 miles breakfast on a leather springedcoach Tho motion is not conducive of equilibrium with in and you feel a ship at sea Away we go waking echoes and inhabitant The fust streaks of dawn aro just showing in east and brightening the hill tops with their glory as wo cross the Thompsons rushing flood For two or three miles it is a steady pull up hill until wo react the summit of the ridge fully feot village and for tho first hour we exper ience some of the dangers of travelling in this country road is and woJl graded No railings are used No matter how narrow the road or how deep gully is on ono side no sate guard is put up They leave it to the skill and the common sense of the driver As we reached the top crack went whip and the team started off on the gallop The road was narrow so nar row that in many places there was not room to pass another rig A high wall was on oho side and to go too far on the other was to jump off into space Tho side of the precipico wont shear down hundreds and hundreds of At first feeling of gazing down hundreds of- feet at tho raging Bonaparte in tho valley below was not conducive of comfort and as wo went tearing around tho curves in the road one involuntarily said a prayer or two and longed for a wider road But it is said you will got used to anything even Measles and certainly in this country you get used to such scenes and now I can gaze into such gulfs without a tremor Away we go and it is with hearts that wo draw up and are greet ed by muio host of Hat Crock Hotel Here a good hot breakfast awaits us and wo do ample justice Mine boat is up to his business for as you enter feeling rather thin you are greeted with a kindly smile and asked if you will J have a drink returned thanks but did not indulge Brink is thought to be the great curse of east but not so much as it is here It along with gambling is the curse of country Thousands of bright young men who know nothing of drink and of bar room come out here and forced into the hotels before long aroruidM There is no other place for them to go to Private boarding places are out of question in of this upper country In my short experience here I have seen young men who have been brought up to loathe the bar room not be out here very long before they would loaf around and seem to delight in places- No law poems to reg ulate the traffic except tho sweet will of the proprietor Card playing and gambling are quite common They do not even try to hide it We do not linger long at Hot Creek We now turn to the West and head our horses towards the This part of the road is miles long The only place worthy of note is Marble Canyon The road skirts along the base of a perpendicu lar wall of White Marble folly feet high It is moat beautiful in ap pearance but rather trying to ones nerves as all around are great atones and telling of former slides After dinner at Pavilion at base of Pavilion mountain we start on the laafc stage of our journey We soon reach the banks of tho Fraser but as it flows between banks it is a long while before we get a glimpse of it Tho road follows bench to feet the river Per over the bench lands can be ranches here and with no means of with world except by a foot path or trail running along the mountain aide sometimes nearly to level of tho river and at other times rising half way up the mountain or going right over the mountain to avoid the deep chasms and precipitous places What beauty or advantage the dwellers on these ranches can see in their location alono know as I cannot understand anyone but a recluse choosing such a spot But it was along these trails that tho first seekers for gold in Cari boo travelled The passion for gold must bo insatiable when men will in cur dangers and hardships men must experienced Neither is this enduring hardship a mat ter of history as today the same pas sion is driving men through difficulties just as great As our road proceeds tho mountains got precipitous Up and down we go as road follows tho bench land We round bluff with a flourish and gaze down to see hund reds of below us mighty rushing torrents of Talk about Niagara and its whirlpool It docs not great in its comparison with some of these places on where with a roar the river whirls its way between mighty banks now dashing against one wall and then sweeping around a sudden curve dashing against tho other How many long centuries have passed since first this mighty river began to cut its into granite rocks and how many ages more since this great of the now hot and scorching was the homo of some mighty glacier It is impossible to fully picture tho scenes passed along this road In Ontario they build railings along the edge of dangerous places I suppose to protect tipsy men Hero tipsy men have to look out for themselves as no railing is bothered with and it is along such places that your driver de lights to flourish his whip and drive at a breakneck speed But do not be alarmed as the stage men are perfect drivers and with their foot on the brake complete control over the rig Towards evening we reach Fillooot nestled down in midst of mighty mountains It is situated on a bench feet above the and sur rounded on all sides by precipitous mountains clothed sparsely with pine fir and cotton wood It is purely a mining centre and last year had a big boom for a short time and seemed likely to be the of this part of the country But the bottom fell out of the mine and Golden Cache shares form being worth are now worth nothing Such is mining life It was a gigantic fraud and will hurt the place for years There are how ever some excellent properties being developed and if a little capital can be induced to come Here big times are ahead of the place Near by are two Indian villages The and his are much in evidence It does not seem natural for a Li wash to work It is a good thing that he is satisfied with a poor living It took two of them one day to a cord of wood for me and the next day to split it They were working by the job The Indian seems to be naturally I cannot tell whether ho is christian or not Each little village has its church and judging from the ringing of the bell they are often at worshipsmorning noon and night it peals forth Chief who conducted the servi ces at Clinton was very anxious to get an old frock coat from roe How he was going to get it I do not know as he was nearly twice as big around as I am but ho wanted to be clerical There is quite a lot of placier min ing going on all time There is a steam dredge at work on the river by and Indians and Chinamen can be seen all along the river with their pans and their rockere at work separating the precious metal from the Borne few hydraulic claims are also being worked Living in these mining centres is Very expensive Goods to be a long way and freight is very high The storekeepers have got so into libit of blaming the freight for the high prices that sometimes they make some very curious blunders A man was buying a common white handkerchief and being asked about three times its value he complained Oh said the storekeeper but you must remember the freight so high A similar case happened in another village J A person at paying each for pens and was told That the freight was very high When I buy handkerchiefs I think I will try tho post Oar Toronto tetter Terms per annum 1 if in advance Conservatives Quito a scene was presented at the Industrial ground on the cloa- night when a number of per formers who were employed to enter tain the crowds applied for their pay It turned out that in thier peregrina tions from place to place bad on some occasions forgotten to settle their little bills Creditors bad follow- them to this city and their wages in some instances no money was forthcoming and as sev eral of the delinquents were engaged to bo at the Ottawa Fair week they bad a busy time hunting up tho needful to get there Perhaps result will teach the delinquents to be more in future Premier of Manitoba and hi Hugh John McDonald lead er ft Opposition up there were in Toronto tbis week Mr Prairie Province is all right People are leaving their summer homes on The Point last week stands put up their shutters Hon Ed Blake reached the city from England on the inst Ar rangements are being made for tender ing him a reception A man named Samuel Simpson de liberately hanged himself in a shed on Chestnut street To the use of strong drink many attribute his unfortunate hallucination Collector Small at the Customs House here on Thursday of last week received 15 from one who signed himself On Who in Anxious to be Honest in all Things The money was for goods brought into Canada without paying the duty On Friday last the two senior County Judge the two sheriffs Mavor Shaw County and Clerk of the Pence hold their first meeting as selectors of jurors for next year and determined the num ber to bo chosen to serve at the courts during John Walsh an old man was thrown out of his wagon at the Queen street subway Thursday of last week through a collision with a troll ey and so seriously injured that he died at the Hospital next day The Highlanders have been by an invitation from the Dewey Reception Committee to take part in the land parado on Sept in honor of the return of Americas great naval commander The invitation has been accepted The six weeksold baby boy of Ethol White whose present whereabouts are unknown was clawed to death on Fri day night by a cat The infants face was literally to shreds and the nose eaten by the monster There was a fair attendance of dele- gates at the Conservative Convention held in last Saturday but tho Convention decided to leave tho matter of bringing out a candidate to- the Executive Committee of Two or three men wero J sight and there was a splendid figmV feeling notwithstanding the big adverse majority in riding but it was felt that it would only be playing the game of Liberals to name a man today One thing that mined meeting was that therejwa no byeelection in sight Speeches were made by Mr Lennox- of Maclean Col Mayor and others The elected were Wi A of Vivian Presi dent Miller of t VicePresident Jos A Todd of Secretary of Treasurer Executive Committee T J Woodcock New- market J Todd Uxbridge Town- ship Thos Pickering j Kelly Township Hastings Whitchurch An There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than E Lehman who spare no pains secure the beat of everything in their line for their many customers They now haVe the Agency for Dr Kings New Discovery which surely cures Con sumption Coughs and Colds This is wonderful remedy that is now pro ducing much excitement all over country by its many startling cures It absolutely cures Asthma Bronchitis Nausea and all affections of thoThroat and Lungs You can test it before buying by calling at the above Drug Store and get a trial Free or regular size for and 100 Guaranteed to cure or price refunded Signals Quick as a Plash They Appear but Just as Quickly will They Vanish Under the Healing Spell of Cure for Heart When breath is short when you tire easily when there is palpi tation when there is a smothering sensation and dropsical tendency all these indicate signals if you pro crastinate Dr AgnewsCure for the Heart is saving lives which in many cases have been proclaimed by eminent physicians as beyond hope It will relieve most acute cases in thirty minutes and patience and remedy will cure any case of heart trouble in existence Sold by W E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket The general tendency is toward advanced prices In the building trad lumber and hardware is considerably higher All metals advanced very much Sept 15 Snow fell at in town of Franklin County near Paul Smiths this morning The fall was quite heavy and completely covered the ground This is the first snow storm of the season in the Adirondacks Bowmanvtluz Oht Sept Yes terday morning William Allan a farmer who lives east of the town went out to milk while his was preparing the breakfast Not coming in Mrs Allan went out to call him and found him lying on his face smothered to death He had been subject to fits and must have oho and fallen just outside the stablo door and died in that position fire at Montreal early Friday morning Henry Dooley was drawn into the splitter of Booths sawmill at Chau- and horribly crashed and cut in two by the saw A late car on Thursday night kill ed a cow belonging to Mr John Dun can and a Spitz dog the property of Mr George Pearson both in the neigh borhood of Thornhill What is this life but a circulation of little actions We lie down and rise again dress and undress feed grow hungry work or play and are weary and then we He down again and the circle returns is the boat safest and surest remedy for cramps and diarrhoea As a liniment for wounds and sprains it is unequalledYAvoid substitutes theres but one er Perry Davis and E the drover who left Pickering three weeks ago caus ing Western Bank a number of farmers there considerable anxiety over largeamounts ho had left unpaid returned to Pickering on Man 8ept 14rAt St Pierre yesterday aged said to another lad named- aged I will shoot and fired killing lad instant was takingHhegun to his father and meant no harm- We were surprised a few days ago to find on toad be side hedge at the of a promi nent farmers borne and the so to find it had lain there for some time unmolested and beginning to look much the worse for exposure The money was in the shape of a mowing machine that will have to be replaced with a now one before many years leas oared for better than that Farmers should shelter farm imple ments Exchange Sept The Danube is still rising and Is now centimeters Its normal level As yet no danger threatens Vienna but the railway statin and along- the banks of the river are submerged A despatch from on River Upper Austria says that an iron over collapsed while men were en endeavoring to strengthen Nineteen were drowned AktA

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