Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 15 Sep 1899, p. 8

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WHSo prepared from mild laxatives and while are reliable efficient They Rous Liver Cure Sick Headache Bil- Sour Stomach and Constipation Sold everywhere per box it Stand Bank of Canada TORONTO Capital Reserved Fond iWO00u0 Assets A Branch I Mil lltmk I BRADFORD Whore deposit rtAulvnl end up wards end ntvnwi paid at of Discounting Farmers Holes AM Hull- in LOWEST RATES InlirmuHtiii John ARE YOU INSURED ASSURANCE CO ESTABLISHED 1825- around tfte WIDEAWAKE AND BLOOM The Quarterly Meeting of the was held with the on Saturday and Sunday and Mr David Kennedy had almost finiehed shingling hie new barn on Thursday when it fell to the ground with or men on top Nothing more serious than a few it Vim of iwOrWat Total Assurance force ovir over Annual hue paid by death and Matured over Investment in Canada Deposit at Ottawa for security of Canadian holders over Profits paid policyholder The lives of Female without extra premium Children over years of age written at Manager 1 Hutton Balfour Secretary Charles Hunter Chief Agent Ontario GEO HUNT District Inspector J A NERVOUS WEAK DISEASED MEN NO CURE- NO PAY TREATMENT origin with K4 mA- lively any of Blood or It it lie of Stars exponent the treatment of WE CURE SYPHILIS etc They mix roar tern I a tonne the throat hair or I W bead- have of ltiood We solicit thai world we accept for treatment and cure Br Our hair disappear and and have vigor and tapped by early later etc No the Now all parts to a condi- 1 Hon and and one feels a man Every case if treated Indi viduallyno cureall hence oar wonder ful No matter alls consult ut We can for- to we CURED We treat and PHI LIS It is that Mr Clolaod of the hotel takes paeaagb tor Iceland with and family during the latter part of September I am sure his many ia and around wish him io tell ua that wo are again to a choir the minister and are m reorganiaation It is to be that in future tho efforts of the young people will be better ap preciated by our church and not expect to furnish the new music as well as and discourse has been anzneof their past experience Killed by a Falls 17Tlie saw mills of the Gillie Bros Co at were the seene of a frightful yesterday afternoon in which Frank lost bis life The fortunate man had been engaged dur ing the three or more in an in front of While a piece of inch deal sent to Mr by the culler was being edged it go stuck in the saw when sawn through Mr tried the difficulty by moving the adjustable saw Just this was j done tt piece of edging three inches thick and about three feet long flow hack and struck him in the right in cutting the main artery He pulled it out and walked a few steps fur a cup of water and then dropped to Ho bled to death in few minutes What la a dollar anyhow asked one of our the other day A dollar is men promise to pay for their paper It is something a newspaper man enjoys more in an than reality It the a days work for sprue men a nights drunk for others what a wife frequently needs but seldom has It is power thai makes or unmakes men It is hardest thing to get and the earnest to get rid of known to mankind It ia a blessing in a small measure a curse in many instances It is a delusion and a snare and we are a chasing the de lusion First or Third Person What were to ftnolont Rlrtofldfod to the Weinman an event wbjoh the tOKOthor Ignoring nil of opinion to nolltlci all and tho bond bind together In a Mother hood tnitttntlon pooullar to Wale Is of very anoleot origin The name however meant or not be fore the twelfth In the fourth upon departure of palpitation of spots or else shining lights j before tny eyes terrible headache In my arms and tongue my would get nofobicoratlpMion Do vqu think of Jim Webster was being tried for bribing a colored witness Ham John- sing to testify falsely You say the defendant offered you to testify in his behalf asked the lawyer of Bam Yea ash Now repeat what he said using hie exact words He said he would gib me if He didnt apeak in the third person he No he took good care dat were no third round dar was only two two I know that but he spoke to you the person didnt he was the first person myself You dont me When he was talk ing to you did he say I will pay you No he didnt say bout payin me Your name wtfsot mentioned ceptirj he told me I got into a scrape drains in fact was from head to v foot write Mm of Cum- Co When I fit wrote to Dr con- my health was so could write a few word when I would have to real I could hardly walk Word cannot el press my suffer Now I can my own wash ing and cooking I can lake a ten quart pail In one and a six quart in the other full of water and carry both one fourth of a mile and never stop to I am as heavy at rears lbs I also had dimness of sight and impaired memory I had spells that when I would to speak I couldnt think of the word wanted to say hut would something else I have proved oh so much and Dr Pierces med icine have done the good work It has been about a year since commenced to the medicines My health Hern I improving slowly but surely We cannot a disease that has been coming on to be cured in few day If any suffering have will write to I it I Pierce at and his In the way of advice and his medicine to native thv directions cure will surely result gonlui of their country ami the dealer- in medicine In Hi of bring- There is m 1 public all liter- en and pouts of little l Roman Mfcxon was to aovsreigntr among the and It was this time that motto The troth agalan world wa adopted and the laws of the The first ens held of any note took In sixth The Prince of North Wales to that was snperlnr to Instruinoiiul and ha offered a to bards and who should over the Conway- The harpers found unable to play as their Instrument were wet but the minstrels ha I no trouble with their Upon Annexation of to land Edward it wise to by the famous slat- uto of During the tiroes of VII and the festival was held with royal permission Taffy was a Welshman Taffy was a thief couplet of the unoo upon time but ho knows now the Welsh done a great THIS SUMMER If you do write Til ME GC NEWMARKET ONT And get of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows IND Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork id or o PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc j Welsh iMn slncv the or Druid iind eek of the us thv hut have the history of It very It bat been held annually only twlou out of Wales at and la London part of the is the by the dunov of the chief Druid word you was do beat lawyer in 1 us hem ami ho a loose construe- to fool do judge an tie jury in fa means minister of you was do best in town to carry W1 to the iord mini 1 rr ii I a thin nonconformists rtekolity For a brief breathe Mm ft of the GOLD PLATED wi ud II BICYCLES We construct and Repair ell kinds on notice lo V too u4 ami ihu M IMA bftTil Like M6 UA- Wtb ft itl Kit nod uA I ifci to I a The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co LI HIT CD NEWMARKET you Q The Era till Jan for 25c moment the trial was suspended although I of England Ulan on the Tormentors 12 Tears of Irritation Torment and Fain Relieved and Cured with one Box of Dr Ointment for Skin and Piles A Darnell of For yea I wan torment ed witli itching pile liineii was almost bearing I tried a or eallud pile without any lasting One- box of Dr Ointment cured me This remedy euro eczema when all fails Sold by E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket on Sunday IfiTHiarORR JON Ah ADDER Disease CONSULTATION lAlKSUNNATU KIDNEY and If to cal Cor MIcMgaa AVI and Shelby St DETROIT MICH BURKE BROS or iinivfliir While out gathering water lilies in Gratis Lake North Orillia on Sunday afternoon Frederick a College Student was drowned De ceased had been spending his vacation with near Grass Lake On Sunday he went out a rrwboat ac companied by Gordon who lives at Toronto When out some distance from shove one of the oar locks became detached and dropped into the water theu attempt ed to paddle the boat along when Ins oar became tanked in some weeds In trying to free it he lost his balance and fell overboard Fosdick and the boat were carried away by the wind and it was some time before he could I get assistance About- three hours afterwards the 1 was recovered It was standing upright in the water the head being only a tew inches from the surface There was no indication of a struggle and death apparently took place im mediately after he had fallen iu Deceased was years of age and well known in college circles in Toron to He was born in Canada and had lived in the city for several year He attended Varsitystreet Collegiate He had been attending College for a year and finished his first term at the close in the spring His father is now in England and is a retired Anglican Church missionary Stoty of a Slave To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery George Williams of Manchester Mich tells how auoh a slave was made free He says My wife has been so helpless for years that she could not turn over in bed alone After using two bottles of Electric she is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness sleeplessness melancholy headache backache fainting and spells This miracle medicine la a godsend to weak sickly run down people Every laborer on Lock Trent Valley Canal went on strike on Friday on an demand for fifteen an Sept During a heavy thunder storm last evening Bob living about ten miles from here while driving a team of horses to water was struck and instant ly killed by lightning also the borate An exchange printed an item to the effect that a certain resident whoso name it did not give had bet ter stop kissing bis hired girl or he might be found out Twentyseven men called on the editor and immed iately stopped their paper and accused him of interfering in their domestic affairs While engaged making cider Mrs David Anderson of got her hand caught in the knives of pulper and before it could be re moved the two smalest fingers as well as part of the hand were badly out and bruised Dr Alway of Ever ett found it necessary to amputate the fingers The following marriage ceremony was performed by a Tennessee squire a few days according to the Nash ville Banner Wilt thou take her for thy foe better or for worse to have to bold to fondly guard till hauled off in the hearse Wilt thou let have her away consult her many wishes make the fire every day and help her wash the dishes Wilt thou comfort and support her father and mother Aunt Jemima and Uncle John three sisters and a brother bis face grew pale and blank it was too late to jilt as through the floor he sank he said I wilt A Fleshy Consumptive cents Did you ever see one Did you ever hear of one Most certainly not Con sumption is a disease that invariably causes loss of flesh If you are light In weight even if your cough Is only a slight one you should certainly take Scotts Emulsion of cod oil No remedy is such a perfect prevent ive to consumption Just the moment your throat begins to weaken and you find you are losing flesh you should begin take It And no remedy has cured bo many cases of consumption Unless you are far advanced this disease Scotts will hold every in ducement to you for perfect All A bishop baa boon known to The held within a o atones In light of day In the open air No can be held at night or under a roof In modern Welsh the word Judgment bin In mediaeval Welsh It a or hill- It that the judgments of Druids wnrunivun from J a hill may aooount for the signification was the and i the sluing which had determined year and a day previ ously The ceremonies are very poking Three times the presiding I asks Is there peace while and some asilstanbi hold an AWord As as be baa au answer three times he Avonl and the Is open A offered to the Deity In the vernacular God Impart Thy And In that strength reason And Id reason knowledge And Id knowledge justice And In the love of It And In that love the love of everything And In love of everything the love of God repress Injustice The festival lasts for four days and from all the colliers and laborers with their sweethearts decked In gayest attire betake to the The are held alternately In the North and South of Wales and this year it was held In Cathays Park at Cardiff There was an Innovation this year delegate4 from Brittany wearing the picturesque Breton and other Celtic representatives In the delegates from Scotland wearing the Highland dress Thousand of persons Witnessed the of the on the nst morning There was the of red Radyr stones 1 In number In honor of the Apostles as aoruo think each draped In the colors White blue and green In the centre Was placed the stone symbolizing the whole earth and the top of the cromlech Here robed In his garments of white stood the venerable figure of the wearing the breastplate of gold and the wreath of oak leaves surrounding him Were bis fellow- Druids bards and in their respective robes of white bine and green and In the background was the grove sacred to the Druids of old There were lung as there have been since the days of the fourth century and the presentation of Horn was made and another quaint feature was offering to Hwfa of the horn fill ed with mead by oaa of the lady orates The presence the Breton delegates suggested a pretty ceremony The halve of two swords a and a Breton sword were held aloft by tba Arohdrnld the together and tied at the bandies with white blue and green rib- bone one of the ladles This was call ed the ceremony of the united sword and Was suggestive of the tune when the various peoples wart one The of the Asohdruld Is the Rev J Williams and he minister at In these tourneys of song ana poetry the is never lost sight of that each It for purport of keeping alive the Interest In the perpetuating the memory Welsh The Catholic priest and the AhgUoan pastor are for the time being eager learners In the school of the Celt The Welsh is not a simple abandoned to the inferior classes The same right is for for the perhaps the It Is maintained well of the masses Is due to the The ancient rites of the Druids are by the the of but lore W and and to unite Welshmen SarsaparUla BEST SARSAPARULA Best is an easy boast But theres no best without a test You expect something extra of best something extra in bread from best flour something extra in wear from best cloth something extra in cures from best medicines Ifs that something extra in Saisa- that makes Ayes the best That something extra is quality Remember quality that cures not quantity Geo Smith of the Peoples Drug Store Seymour Conn says I have sold your goods for twentyfive years and when a customer asks me for Preparation of the W I say If you will take my opinion use Sarsaparilla I will guar that you will receive more benefit by using one or two bottles of than you would by using half a dozen bottles of some other kincL When they take it I never hear any complaint Ayers Sarsaparilla cures all diseases that have their origin in impure blood soresj ulcers boils eruptions pimples eczema tetter scrofula It cures cheaply it cures quickly and it cures to stay why its beat After twenty years experience as a I consider Ayert superior to preparation or the market and give It the preference all others A WOODWARD Worcester Mass In as regards the sUodsroU We hare heard It spoken of In other than the very highest terms CO- State Street C consider Avert the best blood purifier on the market I CO West Gsro fifteen years experience with Ayers I have yet to of singla case whartin It sited to dare to curecti a belUve more than my rimflb WiTritmf 1

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