CAPITAL REST President Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business AN B ACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits IT DRAFTS At POINTS and American and olJ Discounted promptly the Spirit r MEDICAL Dp Alfred of Oral if by fiHilli5lImirtilUjCiurlrllttU Main SI Now market p a in I and to iirt Church of Tin- House and In all the or or latest Wall Iupcra flw them North of the Primary cbKiI A Done neatly and In inn a Sign Writer be lull iliervMdtiicuorMrJ8 head of Weal Golden Text Not by might nor but bv my spirit aaith Lord of INTRO returned from Baby lonian captivity and began to prop in second year of tho reign of Darius He urged the people to con tinue building of second tem ple Ho is the moat obscure of the minor prophets but His propheoieB of the Messiah arc clear and He for told of Babylon by Darius and it is probable that tho Jews took advantage of bis warning notes PRACTICAL About preparation for Gods work About diffioultics in Gods work About success in Gods work yoicewibhdivino author ity strengthened the hands of builders The building rose to com pletion and the people shouted for joy The first vision of brilliant horses among fragrant myrtle trees symbolized greatness of God as manager of forces on the earth The second vision of horns master ed by supernational beings symbolic the control and overthrow of nations which had prosecuted the Jews The third vision of a man with a measured lineand symbol ized the immeasurable and power of the coming kingdom of God The fourth vision of the high priest clad in filthy garment and Joshuas vindication symbolized the renewal in form and spirit of the religion of the nation The fifth vision of the golden can dlestick we study today The other visions wore of the flying roll and the women and signifying that in the new nature wickedness was to be extirpated and righteousness to reign REY TtMAdiiJ8COUR8g WOMEN THPIB FOR GOOD or Venn of All Art of Churches am Chi of for This World Book to or Homo Washington Sap Rot Dr took for bis text this morning Solomon Songs 8 ooro Ho told So Solomon by sot forth Imperial of a true Christian woman Is cot not a not a bat a In former yon that and courtly attendants and Imper ial not to make i but that of heart iDd life will coronation to anj woman I showed you at womans portion was higher Id wurlo than and that although had tho right of she always aid vote always would vote by InQuenoe and that her desire ought to bo that sho should have rightly to rule In the which she bos already won I legan an of tome of hor rights and now I the Id first plaoo woman has and superlative right of blessing and comforting the sick What land what what has not felt the of of of teds fit a bat to that trio head Which of wfso would how to tie on that new pair or shoos Man hU in a rough and it falls fruit a In the east which comes down so heavily that the skull of who Is faying to gather It But glides so softly Into boat of destitution and finds out all tho sorrows Of tho puts so quietly tha dona on the table that all the family oat on front as she peeling that from her shawl sho will thrust out two Wings and go right up toward heaven from she to have come down Can you tell me a Christian Again I remark It Is womans right to to of heaven It Is cosier for a woman to bo a Christian than a man Von say she Is weaker No Her heart Is to pleadings of divine love Is In vast majority The fact that she can jnbf easily a Christian I prove by tbo statement that of the members of In al Christen dom are women So appoints them to bo chief agonoles for bringing world book to God I may stand hero and say soul Is immortal There Is a man woo will deny It may stand here and say wo are lout and undone without There Is a moo who will It I may stand here and say there WO No 7 Street 1 f jm proprietor takes tbia apporuiniiy of sincerely ma for their liberal me and by WW So tare Hones I i To merit trade in the In part of tin I did not rov vehicles booh ft I should hive with that household living In the faith and the oonslstonoy of can that greatest wrmoci are not Bolton Hlntur and ONLY CURE Mrs Simpson nrukKlsta Fancy to Loan At per aunt on arm and village property by Davidson for taking affidavit H C J Conveyancer nod Ileal Estate the following reliable Couipanlea Liverpool and London and Norwich Midland Mumal and Boo- for the Standard and Northern I Office Ho jk I OB Mount Albert 85 Money to Loan At tier on Farm by David tor taking Be Agent Conveyancer of Marriage Agent for ranee Com and LiverpoolEngland Citizens Montreal Sore District Mutual for the Coorederatlon To ronto Old Office Corner of Mala New marker AGENCY THE Red Bird Fop all of the Di gestive is Dp Von Stans Pineapple Tablets Most medical won know that the pineapple contains a quantity of vege table pepniu Thia product ie invalu able because it a wonderful power in the digestion of all kinds of food Science baa now consolidated this grand essence into tablets and thus within reach of everyone is a veritable panacea for all stomach ills Dr Von Stans Pineapple Tablets are the most important advance for the prevention and cure of sickness in the last thousand year A good di gestion is the basis of health and all may have it by faithful use of these marvellous tablets Box of Tablets cents Bold by Lehman Cull and Bee at Carnage Expository Also tew In stock THE AND JUST Also agent for the Manufacturers Life Co best Inducement to ROBERTSON Floor BEST Pa eot FIELD of all kind Timothy Clover Mangel Garros and Turnip Beads of the DEBT VARIETIES AND Portland and Ontario Scotland Sept The cotton and jute workers strike here has assumed serions proportions Ten mills were closed today and are now idle Blight dieturbance have occurred To the Deaf A rich lady cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr Artificial Ear Drums bag sent to his institute so that deaf people unable lo procure them may have tbem free Apply to Department The institute Eighth Ave New York USA An employe of the named Joseph was killed by a piece of machinery striking him on the bead at Companys works at Charles That Throbbing Would quickly leave if you used Dr Kings New Life Pills Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health Easy to take Try them Only 25 cents Money back if not cured Sold by E Lehman druggists WJ Cor Main and Huron Weaving Isaac Lundy wishes to Inform the he baa moved to House on Water and that he still haa that Celebrated Iowa Co Loom with ell the late Improvements data and that he la in do neat Work In Hag Carpet caving Call nee your rays In Early A boy named Close had arm broken in a binder on an East farm the other day J Anderson charged with the Bank robbery at Winni peg will remain in jail until the trial in November Fifteen thousand dol lars bail is forthcoming spot cash if necessary but it seems the judge is not desirous of releasing the accused Children Cry for What wo do with them Shall man whh his rough hand and clumsy foot go mumbling around filckiooni trying to wjothe the alleviate pains of th tressed patient The young man at col lege at the Idea of being under maternal Influences but at first blast of typhoid on his h an vs la mother Walter wrote I In woman In our hours of coy and hard to When pain and wring the brow Administering angel thou 1 think moat In all the the description of tho lad who went to the harvest field of and got muds on hi and orlug nut my And hey id Cany to hid mother And tha record la He on her 1 and then died It Is an awful thing to be IK away l win home In a atrange hotel owe In iwhile men In to look at- you hand over their for they will the contagion How ouebly they turn you In bed How How you long irtniurlf of home I know or auoh who from one of the of homea for several weeks In A teleruui he was on his i away home By train me daughters went went too late Ho feared not 1 v he In an to live until a got there tried to bribe to live a little while ongT He said urn willing to die not uttered ayes and heart stopped the express trains met In the midnight wife and daughters going life- remain husband and fathor Oh It was a sad pitiful overwhelming Whan are kit we to be slok at home When he time for to die we want to tile at home The room may no very hain- and the face thLt look Into oars hi very plain but who lor huiida to Noting voices to speak good cheer Lov ing if to read comforting promise In war men east the cannon men man to the bust men their the sharp the enemy bat scraped lint woman the cordial woman Watch ed by dying couch woman the to the homo circle woman wept as the solitary burial attended by and lour men with a spade We generals homo with brass bands and and not the story Is too good to be written anywhere cava In ohronloles of heaven of Brady who down among the In swamp of th of Annie Rosa in the cooper shop hospital of Margaret Break who to men who bad been for weeks with their wounds undressed tome of them frozen to the ground and when she turned them over those that an arm left waved it and filled the air with their hurrah of Mrs Hodge bo came from Chicago with blanket and pillows until the men shouted Three for Christian ionI God Mass the woman at than si down to the last rtge Tailmy to about roe hut to meet me In her to train up hoy whom we veil tell her wa meet again in the good land tell her to bear any loss Ilka wife of a sold Mr into face the convalescent aoldic looked and aald Your grapes and cologne cured roe And It was also through all of war on the fleJJ graving death and to watobipg by their fever cots In the West Indian hospitals or on troopship or In our noma camps Man did their work with shot and shell andiCarWpa tlim woynan did their work With Books alippera and drinks and woman going down among haunts bo a judgment day after awhile of iniquity on a Christum errand never Yonder la some one who will dispute it moot with I stood in But a in a Christian of Helen Chalmers the daughter of tha Dr Chalmers In most part of city of burgh and I to as looked around upon the fearful surrounding of that place Do you come here nights to a servicer Oh yea She said- Can It be that you never meet with an Insult while performing this errand Never she said That young woman who has her father by her side walking down the police at each corner is not wall defended as that Christian woman who goes forth on gospel work the haunts of carrying the and bread with the right arm of bis wrath omnipotent would to pieces any one who should lnuigoltyto her Ha would smite with lightnings and drown biro with flooda and swallow him with earth quakes and damn him with eternal In- Some said I dislike very to thai Christian teach ing those bad boys In am afraid to instruct fo aald another roan I am afraid too ald tbo flrnt I am afraid they will vile language before they leave the place Ah fold the other I am not afraid of that What I am afraid of that If any of khtuld ubo a bad word In her presence other boys would tear him to pieces Old Reliable Of whom have bad Co are of in veiling Hair tool only leading Hi the earner trade bey ymmnoad make but iix1 reliable work Christs lrft -h- Lublin Co standard for Canada in jn particular There are preached on celebrated pUttorms We can v wan a ti an unanswerable domontration of Gods I here IS Nothing to be A sailor came slipping down tbe rat- J promptly Hemp and cola to lines one night as though something Cn ra a1 ivi7ad a continuance of favors am Co arrive that ibis Their was Adhered to it The re- hiirle kind nHr by liiabilty iip idate every liiiv a- ad or trtr have been i or Compared with the lughlin Make vl OLD NEWSPAPERS per iota over io The bylaw t6 loan to the Kensington Furniture Company was carried in by a majority of Bicyclists young or old carry a bottle of PainKiller in their saddle bags It cures cuts and wounds with wonderful quickness Avoid then is but SolptGrt the that land where they any pain Men knelt down over and gielt slbwn over and aaldi Where anryotrbtrTttha nice tiling in there WtolntfmA and kill on the spot That woman who Is by Lord Alrnlghtr and need never fear going anywhere where you to go It seems If the Lord bad ordained woman for an In the solici tation of Uacked up by In Is no flour end by stoves In which there Is no lire by ward- rob In which there are no a woman Is Irresistible Parting on her errand God to go Into that bank or siore or shop and get the money goes In and gats It man is bordflred but she gets It could not help but gut It It la decreed from eternity she should get It So need of your turning your and pretend ing you dout hear you do hear There Is no need of your you are begged to death There Is no need of your wait ing your time and you might as well as last You had better right away take down yout hock book mark number of the check All np blank sign your name and band It to her There Is no of wasting time Those poor on the back street bars been hungry long enough That slok man must have some faring That consumptive must have something to ease cough I meet this delegate of a re lief society coming out of the store of a man and I say Did yon get the money Of she say got money that what I went In for Lord told me to go In and gat it and be never ma on a errand Again I have to tell you that it la a womans specltlo right to comfort under the stress of dire disaster She called weaker vessel but all profane as well sacred attests that when cornea aba Is better prepared than man to meet the How often have seen a woman who seemed to a disciple of frivolity and Indolence under one stroke of calamity changed to a heroine Oh what a great mistake those business man make who never toll their business troubles to There some great losa to their store or soma of their companions In business play them a and they carry tha burden all alone Ha la asked In the household again and again What la matter tint he believe It a sort of Christian duty to keep all that trouble within his own soul Oh sir your first duty was to tell your wife all about It She perhaps might not have disentangled your finances or extended your credit bat she would have helped you to bear misfortune Ton have no right to carry one shoulder that whloh la Intended for two Business men know what I mean There cams a In your affairs You struggled bravely and long but after awhile there came a day when yon said Hera I shall to and you called In your partners and yoo called In prominent men lu yoar employ and you said We have got to stop You loft store You could hardly mage up mind to pass through tha street and over on the ferryboat You felt everybody would be looking at yon and blaming you and denouncing too Yoo hastened ho ma You told your Wife all about the What did sho itayf Did she play but terfly Did the talKabout the silks and ribbons and the fashions No She came up to the emergency She quailed not under the stroke She offered to go out of the comfortable Into a smaller one and wear theold another win ter She one who understood yoor affairs without blaming you Ton looked what yon thought a woman arm holding wbUe you looked arm there came Into the feeble mnwlea of eternal God So telling you beautiful house of her father from brorjght her JO 80 or You M hEApttrt nay mMttii have got ray burden My Wife- dont you were exhausted n a host of will be groans down that dark alley there wU be dlarress In ibat cellar Hen will sleep and woman watch- baaspeoUi right to take care of the poor jhundreds of of them all the and the sailors cried Whats the matter Ha sold My mothers prayer haunt like a ghost Horns influences consecrated home Influences are tbe mightiest of all influences upon the soul There are men bave main tained their Integrity Dot because tbey were any naturally than some other people but because there were home Influences praying for all time They got a good start They were lauoohed on the world with the benedictions of a mother They may track Siberian scows they may plunge African may Hoc to the earths end ihoy cannot go so fur and so fast but tbe prayers will keep tbem I speak to women who have the eternal salvation of their In their right hand On rnrrag day you look an oath before men and angels that would be kind until death did you part and you are going to keep that oath but after that oartiog at the grate will it bo an separa tion Is there thing ait an Im mortal marriage making flower that grow on tbe top of the brighter than the garlands which at marriage banquet flooded the air with aroma Yes I stand here as an embassa dor of tbe most to proclaim the banns of an Immortal union for nil those join hands In the grace of Christ woman is your husband your father your son away from Gcdr The Lord de mand their redemption at your bands There are prayers for you to offer there are for you to give there are examples for you to act and I say now as Paul bald to the Corinthian woman What no west thou but thou save thy A was dying and he to Rebecca you wouldnt let me have family prayers you laughed about all that and you got me away Into and now Im going to die and my fate Is and you are the of my ruin woman what but thou canst destroy thy husband Are there not some of you have kindly at home Are there not some who have wandered far away from who can remember Christian lnflnencea In their early home Do not loose Influences my brother If die without Christ what will you do with your mothers prayers with your wifes Importunities wltb yoar sisters What will you do with tbe letters they used to write to yon with the memory of those days when thoy attended yon so kindly In of slok- Oh If there be one strand holding you from floating off from that dark sea I would like to take hold of that strand now and pall you to the beach For the sake of your wifes for the sake of your mother s for the sake of your daughters for the sake of your sisters come this day and be Lastly wish to ear that one of rights of woman la through grace of Christ Anally to reach heaven Oh what a multitude of women In hea ven Mary Christs mother In heaven Elizabeth Fry in heaven Charlotte Kllxa- in heaven the mother of Augustine la heaven Countess of Huntington wbo sold nor splendid jewels to build chapels in heaven while a grea many others who have never been heard of on earth or known but little have gone Into tha rest and peace of heaven What a rest What a change it was from the small room wVtb no fire and one window glass broken out the side and to bouse of many mansions No more stitching until at no more thrusting of the thumb by employer through the work to show It was not done quite right Plenty of bread at Heaven for Heaven for broken hearts Heaven for bitten frames No more sitting midnight for tbe coming of staggering No more rough blows tbe templet No more sharp aeon bitter corses Some of you will have no rest in this world It will be toll and struggle and all way up will have to stand at your door fighting back tha wolf with your own hand red with carn age But God has a drown for you I Want you to reallxe this morning that he Is now making it and whenever you weep a tear he seta another gam in that crown whenever you have a pang of body or soul he put another gem In that after awhile In all the tiara no room for another splen- Opt will to lis angel The crown Is done let her up that she may wear it And as the Lord of righteous- puts upon your brow angel will to Who is she and Christ will I will tall you who she is Is one that op oat of great tribulations bad her robe washed and made white la the blood of the in tilt who JJUX J FOR Increasing Our Trade riHv 5 I Ikv are I lv pries hat want ft Call and See The Leading House Sharon V ft ft ft ft A J Til SHU Just as Good Made in Styles Sizes and No Note No 4 Letter No Cap There is not as business man using the Shannon that would be without them after finding now convenient are Lawyers Ministers find them just as convenient The Ladies would not be without them if they kneA how handy they are to keep accounts and letters Every well regulated household should have them The Office Specialty Mfg Co Limited Factory Newmarket Out ami Bay St Toronto Notre Dame St Montreal and abetter 16 wo me who all and who wish that grand to their Christian grand things could do If had an My not wait tor any such time A crisis will In i Paris is a act colore and from shade considerable attention iP A new shade blue Is da la A Queen of the Meadow its shade exactly- flowar ft name By using a HighGrade Flour we stilf intend to turn out FIRSTCLASS BREAD Choice Cakes and Pastry always on hand Wedding Cakes a Specialty Fresh Groceries Always in Stock ALBERT BOGART Proprietor I Norn I take this opportunity the many customers for their patronage and ask a continuance of their favors Perry and SffcR I If are not a subscriber to the Era Send for a trial trip of a Wridof work vonot do fell w f