Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 8 Sep 1899, p. 7

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SEPT 1899 A of Crates of Dinner Sots bought at a Soup Price Our can have the benefit Dinner printed colors your choice regular acta A Snap in Toilet Beta printed pieces several colore your choice reg ular GO BOOTS SHOES The Beat Value wo have had Very neat and the latest styles Want of room prevents us carrying a large stock but it in complete and our are right GROCERIES Bartons Baking Powder in quart regular for Half Price to clear Prunes finest quality 18c lb now lbs for Fine Quality of Figs lb Excelsior Coffee Try it is the Beat WHAT IK A Heavy Pall The spoil of hot water down in Upper to root from bottom A a imago of over gats of water day was used Monday evening it to be a musical ad at the League coupled with a reception to High and Model who have just to Town A good program la being prepared Rev Is to give the address of wel come and replies are expected from Mr Coombs principal of High Mr principal of the Model will be eerved during evening and It hoped that will be a large attendance Division Court A regular sitting of Division Court County of York at the Court House Newmarket on Hut Honor Judge Morgan presidium The at tendance email aod Court was over about the middle of the afternoon The only case that was at all lengthy was over injuries to a young by a barbed wire erected by a mac named Catting to protect hit grain Toe belonged to a man named Graham jo the Survey of King Judgment was reserved on a ques tion of law The in new building at Canes factory has been running and now ready duty Several ace being pieced on the ground door and will pro bably bo running loday Work on now dry kiln is being pushed rapidly and pari of the building id nearly ready for the roof It will be boated by an ooll of through which air will be driven by a powerful fan The pail department is now getting out some beautiful work for the Paris Exposi tion exhibit hae to be shipped to Montreal by the middle of next Very bate Here we ere iwotfiirds of more than passed no Voterp issued this year lor the Town of Newmarket If a general election should be ordered in the Province of Ontario before the first of November hinted in the World several times lately the electors of Newmarket would have to vote- on the lists and then there would be some tall kicking be sides somebody is open io a fine for the present delay After the list is poated a months notice must be given for appeals and then an other month will be consumed before the lilt would bo firmed by the Judge The Council see that the Lists are out at boras Jackson on Wednesday of next week- from to Games and Instrumental provided for the overling Every body Invited Proceeds for the next pay ment Organ Focal Mr entered six of his Buff at Indue- trial and won five prizes 2nd cock 2nd and Brd on hens and 1st and 2nd on poUots- baa very fine and birds This Is but first experience at Industrial and it confirms tho estimate placed on his fowl He to exhibit at Newmarket Fair whore the In will bo immense Dentist THE PINEAPPLE CURE Is not only the but the Surest Weans of Cure In all Stomach Troubles Dr Von Stans Pineapple Tablet aro an unfailing delicious remedy for dyspepsia and all the distressing consequence of impaired digestion The juice of the pineapple abounds io vegetable pepsin and invaluable pro duct in that it is Natures chief aid in nil kinds of food Von Pineapple Tablets this grand essence of this luscious fruit in a consolidated form Eat them like candy or Jot thorn in the mouth They are and pleasant will at once relieve all the afflicting symptoms of faulty digestion and will cure the most inveterate cast of dyspepsia Box of Tablets cents Sold Lehman to Era p The Exposition continues increase in popularity ovcry to such an that people wondering what thoy are going to have new next time but their most wild expectation are mot every year by the special attractions that are sc oured at a very great cost to tho management Usually the Brat week of Fair is comparatively quiet but this year it was a No doubt duo with regard to the visitors from the rural district to the early season and continued fine weath er A The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts The Track of Time Model School The several divisions o the Public opened on Tuesday morning wet and all as it was with pupils Mr who was appointed as teacher of the Mod- elites met with a bicycle accident during the holidays was unable to keep his Consequently the Board en gaged Mies to take the highest room and the Principal Mr had the Model work assigned to him Following was in attendance in the several rooms teacher II Mies Cody 111- Mies Rosa i SO Miss NKelly V- Miss McCauley Primary Mies Mr H Chairman of Board and Dr Scott one of trustees the end teachers in pic- the scholars in accordance with the examinations Next day Trustee visited the sever department the attendance pupils The model stodeuts arrived on Wednes day and were received by Mr and addressed by Mr A B Davidson P I after they entered upon their studies There are in the class The appears to be a young man of considerable energy and hue been favor ably received changing years in chttUKlnaoraiylte modes are the or Graceful and comfortable they a ud appearand The la price Is a low one Made to wear and to give my Tailor A SCHOOL Wblcb reoelvea lor Young ten and for office J bouillons Twenty enjoys Toronto was thus favored since July and certainly enjoys that Vonsr Ppte the a reputable school cannot do better than to attend this College Terms good Fall Term opens Proper equip ment Write for particulars Principal WiamePa Store We clip the following from the GaMttU whloh shews the enterprise of a Newmarket young The alterations made to Wlsmers drog store and the addition of handsome new fixtures made that store the finest of kind north of Toronto Upon entering store ones attention at coot directed towards the cosy corner at tbe soda fountain is rjobly upholstered and at the disposal of the ladies in making appointments to meet their other lady friends At the rear is a large plate glass mirror in centre of a pretty case the rear of which is used aa the dispensing department The fix tures rest against the east are with glass slides The show case ailed with tbe daintiest perfumes and toilet articles Is of plate glass Five hand some mirrors decorate the walls and the fittings are all finished in polished cherry The telephone equipment has very thought fully been provided In short Mr Wis says that entire is completely at the disposal his patrons and that may to their comfort or convenience is accorded Altogether of hive need to be proud of School Reports SOUTH Pearl III Jennie John Geo Jr Ill Theo Crit tenden Flossie Crittenden Dorothy Pollock Geo 2nd Charlie Eli Ed- wards Thompson Maude Willie Mabel Stiles Arthur Edwards Draper Willie Terry John Smith Average attendance for August SCHOOL Class Etta Stephenson Joe Peterman Sr 111 Laura Tate Violet Curtis Morrison Jr IIIEdna Trent Edgar shaw Frank Tate Walker Annie Curtis Roy Vernon Arthur Evelyn Lillian Maud Sherman Rut- ledge Jr II Nellie Wesley Eugene Kitely George Peterman Vera Mornaon Emma Smith Lulu Rose Jr II Bert Peter- man Leonard Curtis I feawdon Edna Saun ders Frank Ruth Haines Edith Edith Jr Vei- John AUeyne Ezra Morrison Gordon Doan Trent Willie Mrs an old lady of years lose her life in a fire that de stroyed live cottages at Hamilton Beach Kansas City Mo Sept Very high temperature prevailed yesterday throughout Kansas and Missouri In 102 degrees were registered with hot winds blowing Mexico Mo reports degrees One day last week altercation took place at Edenvale in a boarding house between two men by the name of Brown Words led to blows and one of the Browns had a few of hie front teeth out The man made haste to and after taking legal advice a complaint made before the Police Magistrate who Dan tbe papers to serve The parties met in town on Saturday and agreed to pay all costs the plaintiff to withdraw charge The bill amounted to teeth legal fees Sweeneys fees 7 feept Two hours at the opening of the third day of the fifth week of the sitting of the courtmartial for the trial of Captaiq Dreyfus of the artillery on the treason io fujrnishing information to a for eign Government were spent behind doors The length of time oc cupied in examination of Eugene the and witness or the the subject of remark being indicative of the that the court found this witness to he than has been veil t j American visitors are in great in fact have visited tho city in vest numbers daring the whole summer They are rapidly becoming acquainted with Toronto and much with our northern metropolis Monday being citizens day at the Fair and a holiday also the crowds were immense it being estimated that people were on the grounds Every feature of the Fair was in full swing and the general hum and bustle coupled with strains of music from the bands and other musical collections almost made a persons mind con fused The tall man advertising cent attracted much attention Ha stood on about twelve feet high and proclaimed the bcuuty of inside through a large fun nel which served purpose of a trumpet Tho attraction in front of the Stand was varied and of considerable length but the mounted dragoons were specially worthy of mention The usual sideshows do a rushing business are there in great num bers the Midway consisting of shows of this kind with the exception of the Indian village which does not come up to very much The exhibits in every are good touch better than last year besides several new urn interesting features in the several The wireless telegraph and telephone which no doubt is one of the moat im portant and latest inventions of the age is exhibited in a very insignifi- which does not do justice to the grandest work of mechanism yet produced Several new features arc introduced in bicycles one being a double spring in the forks of hind which will certainly be a improvement as it takes off all the jar in going over rough places Another improvement is automatic brake which is easily adjusted by the pedal Twelve prize cows died on Friday supposed to be poisoned One had just come in from the ring where she had been given 1st prize The Hood Co live stock exhibit attracts much attention from farmers and breeders Mr John Henry of Sutton is attracting great crowds in his tent where he gives lectures on phrenology The tent Is situated on street just before entering the grounds A newsboy named Williamson was killed near the Exhibition grounds on Monday while trying to board a street car The amount of fruit being brought over to the city from across the lake this week is very large The Niagara steamers carry several hundred bas kets of fruit on every trip The York County Commissioners met Tuesday afternoon in Clerk Rams- dens office Engineer re ported that the cost of building new bridge at Rowntrees Mills near Thistleton had been 6800 The outstanding accounts were ordered to be paid A man from the county reported to the police that he was robbed of on st West on Tuesday night Aid Lamb chairman of the Alloca tion Committee visited County Clerk and Sheriff Wed nesday In connection with the countys premises in the new City Hall He urged urxo them to move in soon as possible The question of the countys share in the cost of the build ing is still unsettled and the change of offices will be postponed until the mat ter is arbitrated It is now stated that Rev Dr Workman is not going to take the of Hebrew and Old Testament interpretation at Vandeibilt Univer sity Nashville Dr Workman is re ported to have said some of the members of the local board of regents of the university would not yoto for me This I very much regret The Temple Building is scene of another convention This time is the fourth annual meeting of the High the IOF The on Tuesday morning with all the- High Court Officers present and about delegates Sound is the next place of meeting One robbery was rcr to Inspector Stark Wednes day House bis containing his pillow and when to leave morning missed the parse and money Council Council met at on Monday Aug Members all present accounts were received al so requisition for school moneys from tho Trustees of the different seotions The Clerk was instructed to in Celleotors Boll the sum of against lot con the same being fees re Fence- Viewers award wore paid by the Cor poration The sum of was granted for graveling on the con opposite lots 11 A 12 The sum of was paid to Mr Gordon being a refund of the Municipalitys share of his unearned license ft- on account of hotel being destroyed by fire The Reeve and Treasurer were em powered borrow to meet cur rent until the taxes are col lected Counoilor Moore instructed to have a culvert put in the roadway op posite La in Division No Tbe following payments were order- ed W Johnston cedar for cuJ- vertB y Armstrong repairs to weigh bridge Andrew Ego building culvert at gravel pit KJ McKoigbt culvert on side line between Taylor material for bridge 2nd coo Phillip Snooks labor building bridge on 2nd con repairs to lake- shore bridge Nolan culvert in division 00 Donald Chapman railing at Bald win Jesse Cook timber for bridge at Baldwin D Chapman sheep claim Hj Sarah Thornber sheep claim Hi Joseph to hill Scott Geo Peers gravel A bylaw was introduced and pass empowering the Reeve and Treas urcr to enter into an agreement with the owners of the A lot con re purchase of gravel for improvement ot the Highways also bylaw to levy taxes for as follows County mills Township 1 mills In da8trial Home 26 mills Township grant to schools mills The special school rates are No 1 Union with Sutton mills No 2 No No No J No No Union Brownhill No Council adjourned to meet at Bald win on Dec 15 Mr MoNicoli says the new Cana dian Pacific Railway hotel to be erect ed in Winnipeg will be one of fin est in Canada and work will probably be commenced on it this fail Mr Brown of Mills Brown accidentally pulled the wrong line in making a turn on the gravel road The rig upset and Mr Brown had his leg broken near the The Grand Trunk Railway has ineivajed freight rates on lumber from Georgian Bay points to Suspen sion Bridge Buffalo and Black Rock The increase is from eight and a half cents to ten cents The flour mill and shingle fac tory of Mills Bros and the flour and oatmeal mill of Hiram Easton at rickville were destroyed by fire The faotory of Co was con siderably damaged by fire and water The county model schools in and Bradford re opened with only twenty students in attendance This will allow no more than seven to a class hence financial ly the model schools will be a loss this term Uxbbidgb Opt Aug Roy Stevenson the eon of Geo Stevenson carpenter of was bitten on the calf of the leg by a kiss ing bug on Thursday last Dr was called and despite his best efforts blood poisoning set in and child died last night A growing tree not long ago was transformed into printed books in the space of twelve hours and now English farmer has converted growing wheat into bread in eight hours This observes a looks as if the time wete approaching when one might shear a sheep in the even ing and don a new suit of tweed in the morning Well that would not be so very surprising At the Atlan ta Da exhibition some years ago certain bolls of cotton were picked in fronting worn before nightfall 9 THE LEADING We Screen BICYCLES BICYCLE have a Complete Stock of Doors arrd- Windows in all sizes Oil Stoves Ice Cream Freezers Sprayers Rubber Hose Lawn Mowers and all kinds of GARDEN TOOLS Also PARIS BARREL DASH CHURNS CREAMERS MILK CANS J A ALLAN CO in Shelf and Hardware Stoves and Tinware We are bound to clear Every s worth of Summer Goods in tbe Our first shipment of New Fall Dress Goods to hand TORONTO THE Electric Cars The Laws the j Of the Land Exhibition of at Salthe Bros Gallery are the attractions tbe Town at their Gall- try and Samples Youre always welcome SOUTH BROS Gallery Two doors South of House Newmarket ft Do not protect Specucle Vendors Protect by only and Opticians Oar optical department ie At Your Service We make Charge for Your Eys Noart Port Office you want HARNESS to wear years go to When you want a neat fil ling and goto It la team farm you need that will Last Twenty Years you will get them from and If want factory work that wilt keep you buying and repairing go somewhere fciae dont keep But keeps the Largest or No Harness MON By buying your Suite Early at Tailor Shop A full of and Blue Serges and heavy Trunk Va lises Whips Curry CombP Col lars and Harvest Mitts to be found In any shop Neats Foot Harm OH always on yv Mr of OVERCOATS Also a Choice Lot of Fine Tweeds and

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