Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 8 Sep 1899, p. 3

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Weeks Itdeal JJeais WHAT IS WM ABOUT tbo rata storm on Friday a water i found Qpoo Mala St job from tip to tip and from lip of clew to end of tall Where did it bail from I The op at toe Cemetery secured as a curiosity West Ontario All supporters of lbs moot are to a meeting in the Tomporaooo Tuesday even to select delegates to at tend the Convection follow in day It is hoped that there will be a good attendance music Mr Oliver that he net appointed on of at the of clonic of To ronto and will be prepared to receive pa on Friday and dy of week tion in should arrange for tuition at an early with Mr Oliver at bis residence on Queen Industrial was taken out of on Tuesday liver trie line to the Home wan put in operation it Iim- telephone causing a sound The matter was reported to the Co and also to the Town Council rather than any trouble or ex- over it Co has re moved their instrument The Cheese Only boxen of cheese were offered by flv factories at the Cheese op Slat buyers were present Liverpool cable showed en advance live shillings the previous The highest price offered lie but none of would at that figure market fac tories were permitted to sell off Mr closed a sale for CO from Newmarket faotory for Death of Miss Clarke We are requested to publish the follow ing from Paris After a loDg and paiuful illness of fourteen mouths borne with christian fortitude death came as rcleass to Miss Ada Maud Clark on afternoon at the early age of years The deceased was a daughter of Mr Latham Clarke Paris and during her residence in had made wroi friends The fun eral which ik on Tuesday Wtau largely attended the Her ices be- ing conducted by lit v Cook burn I ho tributes ifii- high esteem in which ac cessed was held Stylish dockets he ladies can get suited from a Urge assortment of latest styles in tbe mar ket and at prices much lower than prices at Hughes R Bad Foil Mr bliobael Cain baggagemaster at the T It- depot narrowly escaped be- killed in freight yard last Friday He was assisting to load a box of galvanized iron weighing about 600 lbs in Mr Allans wagon While standing at back end of the wagon and stooping down to remove the rollers used In moving case the gave a sudden start and he was thrown oat of wagon backwards upon ground He was picked op at once and conveyed to bis home for though no bones were broken it was feared that the shock would be more than be stand after such severe sickness a weeks ago However be was able to be around and at tend to his duties as usual on Monday though feeling very sore Over milk day from Factory to daring the Exhibition It price is to patrons cheese Depot On be rollers com pleted tbe talk of unloading cars of for The Win Cane Sons Co the cars coming Id at the of about too a day latter part of June Daring same time there were also received by the same firm about oars of quarry stone and oars of for new buildings to say nothing of lumber which would probably average a oar a day No wonder ibis has been an exception ally lively summer at depot when Specialty and the regular business Is added onto York The Mammoth Colored Posters en- ino fttlraoiioue at tbe Northern York County Fair in Newmarket on the 19th 20ib and Slat lost the talk of countryside Everything points to bitfgest crowd Newmarket ever saw one admission to tie grounds entitles visitors to see everything there Is ex tra charge for specialties like the grand aland at Industrial Professor Sutherland has been en gaged fur the three days of Fair with his celebrated Hippodrome Exhibit com prising Roman Standing Races Flat Races Races Hurdle Races Etc the Mexican Trick and Backing Don key together with Mr La Mart the Clown Farmer Tbe Celebrated of the Queens Toronto is engaged to famish during exhibition will give a Military Concert In the Skating Rink the evening assisted by Mr Fax vocal talent The exhibit will be largest ever made in North York and will surpass nearly every County Show in the Province The entries for two weeks before the are more numerous than at any time during past forty years of its history one man from a distance making entries The Committee will be on grounds next Monday at oclock to allot space to exhibitors School About flfiy pupils presented themselves at nine oclock at opening of High School new principal Mr Coombs very lucidly explained the changes in the curriculum by Education De partment after Trustees J Pear- sou addressed the They were then classified and lee- sous assigned The prospects lor a satis factory term were Rev Father Morris Chairman of the Board made similar vieit on recent examinations at Newmarket show following vary creditable results- Form and III twentyseven were successful and there were only seven failures of those who failed lacked bat a few marks and their misfortune may be justly attributed to the exceptionally difficult papers in Latin Composition and Chemistry The results iu Form I were not quite as good as in former years This was doubtless due to the fact that Geography paper required a more mature reasoning power than the ordinary youth of Form I has all however who failed in Form I can continue their coarse in Form as by the new regulations the examination for Form I is abolished It hoped that any have failed will not stop sohool until they have consulted Principal as to how their case will be affected by the change in the regulations Every possible effort being put forth by the Board and staff to maintain and extend the of School v A of Newmarket Union Is to take at oclock next day af at boms Cane it is hoped the each will present her report has been up north for the benefit of his expected homo tomorrow and bo busily aogaged out week refitting bfsgaitery In Jones Old Stand for opening on the lost Dcttes Toronto Newmarket Bolton Oct and and IB Bradford 19 I IT Keep Out of Trouble If want to make a fool of yourself arid are taken before a J P dont round and ask us to say nothing about it It wont work It is not our intention to go round prying into peoples private affairs bat as soon as your case becomes that the authorities have to be con united must serve ss a warn ing to others who are similarly It Is not pleasant dutv for an editor to have to give the particulars of street tight and brawls It is a poor fur a town when local paper is continually dishing up the shortcom ings of its citizens print and yet the editor would be remiss in his duty if he did not call down Jaw breaker when bis case reaches the courts If you dont want to figure in print keep out of trouble Trie Trolley The Metropolitan Electric Railway has been doing a heavy business this week JJfae and cars for Toronto been filled here nearly every morning as well quite a number going On every car during the day Some of the cars have made ex cellent time going from Newmarket to North Toronto in an hour and a quarter while others of course have been delayed Lack of waitingroom accommodation at North Toronto and care not leaving on ad- time have caused adverse criticism but no doubt thsse things will be remedied soon as the Co time to get the road equipped A telephone system is now being con structed over the line for the use of the Company which will be a great conven ience to passengers If a oar is late they will then know when to expect it The telephone would also save the cars rom doubling the line when they meet other between switches On Monday a oar ran into a cow down near Toronto and killed it almost instantly People wanting to get off between Hilt and Newmarket must take a Newmarket car at North Toronto Tickets for Newmarket on other oars axe not reoognifted and have either to get off or pay extra faro Next Monday tbe electric road will resume the regular ear vice five way per day of the North Fair are trying to arrange with the Metro politan to a number of extra cars here on Fair to leave for Toronto as they are filled any time between five seven oolook at the Safe We clip tbe following from an Ottawa paper Early yesterday morning bur glars aecured an entrance Into dry goods store of Roche on Sparks street They managed to unlock the safe and off tbe cash box containing about 9100 Entrance was secured by way of a rear window A ladder had been against an adjoining shad beneath the window and the latter was forced open Once inside the burglars evidently made straight for safe which is an old- fashioned one standing in the office A safe key bad been left in adjoining drawer but as this was not disturbed it is thought the thieves probably used one of their own When the manager Mr Allen returned in morning tbe safe was looked as usual but investigation dfsolosed the fact that the cash box had been taken As tar as can be learned no goods were taken by the visitors The burglars made their departure by the rear door the bar of which was re moved and left standing inside Mr Roche had left for Montreal the afternoon and as he had taken considerable cash with and A deposit had been made in the back previously amount on hand was much smaller than usual The police were at once notified of the robbery and Mr telegraphed Cor Detective went to work on the case immediately but a he believed the thieves were local ones the matter wits kept quiet to give him a bettor to locate them The burglars detective believes were acquainted with Methodist Last Sunday large congregations enjoy ed a feast of rhetorical eloquence and mosical excellence the morning pastor discoursed with ability and profit on the text Up on this rock will I build my church fol lowing a delightful fellowship meeting was fairly well attended In the oven ing the Royal Templars at tended in a body the order was well represented a has load being also present from Aurora The pastor spoke with great against evils of the liquor traffic When Armenia was suffering by reason of cruel atrocities and India by reason of famine the response of the Cana dian people so generous that it the admiration of tbe civilized world and yet it permits of its population an nually many from its brightest and best homes to down to death through the cup and pays a tax of per head because of the of the traffic Who i responsible legislators and people Though the electorate has already that Prohibition for Canada is desired the politicians have refused to it and when they ere in earnest party will have a secondary consideration He en couraged temperance workers to labor on the goal was near as today Prof Byron Oliver from Ohio presided at pipe organ and delighted everybody with his remarkable execution Newmarket should feel proud of one of her attaining to each proficiency In the morning his brother Dr Ed Oliver of Al monte who a beautiful baritone voice contributed a solo Miss Dale of To ronto soprano soloist Berkeley street Methodist Church sang a lovely selection in the evening Next Sunday morning the paetor will preach Object Sermon specially for the Parents will please bring out their children they will be delighted and profited tug 4 w going down cellar on Wednesday afternoon Mrs Williams slipped stops and fell to the torn breaking her It toputhsrun chloroform to fracture doing well be expected Newmarket Cemetery A meeting of Directors will be held at office on Monday at oolook for Imported business It is hoped every member Board will be present Any person desiring to with ibe Board regarding any mat ter touching the Cemetery Is invited to be present Gospel took charge meet- log last Sunday Mrs C Hughes in chair Mrs Lush at the gen program was a very good one comprised recitations by Miss and Lush and readings by Miss Mrs Low Mr J might have been A carpenter named George flowlst of working on the new Office Special ty factory from roof to ground on Wednesday afternoon a distance of feet and the wonder is be was not more seriously injured Be was walking from one bsnt to another a iwoinob feet long when the plank broke and he fall through tbe joist placed for second and first floors He was by the fall an medical assistance at once sent tor It was remarkable that no bones were broken Though badly he was able to taken home iu the evening Honored Wednesday Farmers Day at the Industrial the guests who dined with the member for North York The for day was The Agri- Interests of the Country Hon Mr Davis was the first to respond He said never were farmers prospects brighter than today Prices were of recent As an instance be cheese was remunerative at a pound Compared with last year Canada had exported more boxes of and batter at prices per higher Then Mr Davis expatiated on the many benefits of the Fair Ideas were inter changed and improvements noted There were great educational advantages Can was a splendid country for furnishing eWorld Pair Its resources were grade ally being developed He referred to the vast region as New Ontario full of minerals with abundance of rich agricul tural land We are sau just beginning to touch the fringe of Ontarios vast ex tent Taking a wider outlook Hon Mr Davis said We have arrived at a time when we will not give the Americans any thing for nothing We will up for oar rights under any circumstances Ap- rf tViM Clearing Mid Summer Sale Blouses regular to clearing at I 8C 8c Organdie Muslin per yard 15c Colored Pique for- Mens Heavy Knitted Cotton Socks Ladies Past Black Cotton Hose inch Factory Cotton while it lasts Good White Cotton Towels SPECIAL A full line of Fall Tweed Dress Goods reg ular value while they last BLACK DRESS GOODS Everyone admits that we carry a better and cheaper stock of Black Dress Goods than any house in the trade These goods have advanced fully one half but we give them to you at the same old prices and in some cases less Dont delay but make your purchases now W A BRUNTON corner store never fail when using Baking Powder 1 MONTGOMERYS THE FEET FITTERS I Our ads are an index to our business Contain no misrepresentations and like OUR GOODS BEAR THE STAMP OF RELIABILITY We are clearing out the balance of our Summer Stock at VERY LOW PRICES To make room for the large stock of Fall Goods which will arrive very shortly NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Good Goods for Little Money Groceries Boots and Shoes Clothing Hats and Caps Mens Furnishings Felt Walking fiat For early Fall have lot of line t Sept Milliner day Brief lets that rain last Fri day Look oat for impure well may generate typhoid The supply of water low and the disease germs reduced to Boil water well be fore Labor was observed in New market holiday All factories stores etc were and the Town very quiet Dr Low has removed to the residence on formerly by Dr three flower gardens on the way to the depot at the end Urqahar and Trivet ere the of alt Mr the North end provision merchant bat en Attractive new A driree a dandy new rig An adjourned meeting of Town takes place next Monday evening to end crossings all over Town are towards com pletion The Chief had two looked in the Police Station on Wednesday night one ft tramp end the other a drank A the vacant Jot north of Mr A J The tenant are and they may a couple of concerts next week The Aid of Methodist Is to ft I the pair Regulations Mr Davidson Public Boboot Inspector very kindly ornished following of the important amendments to School Regulations for The course of study so as to include Agriculture among obligatory subjects in all rural for Forms and V For latter the text books are to be by the pupllB but for tbe former the instruction to be by conversation only Agriculture wilt remain optional for all public schools in town aud villages Do mestio Economy Manual Training may be taken in towns and village schools with the approval of trueteee In Poetical Literature the for Form will embrace such selections from the School as are recommend ed by teacher No special selBOtions are prescribed by the Department At the High School Entrance Exam- nation be paper in will in clude such questions as will test of the candidates in the elm- pie roles well as their knowledge of the paper in Dictation will call for the study of the authorized spelling book namely The Practical Speller pub lished Co Toronto The Public Leaving Examin ation will hereafter be with the examination prescribed for Part I of Jun ior Leaving standing The present holders of Leaving Certificates will be entitled to certificates of having passed the examin ation of Part I Junior Leaving standing by passing the examination in Aritbmetio and Mensuration Grammar and History the prescribed percentage on the total of these subjects being also exacted proscribed for Part I of Junior Leaving steading are the following Reading Drawing Geography Botany or Agriculture Writing with Book Keeping and Commercial Transactions Grammar English Literature ArithmeKc and Mensuration English Composition and History For no examination will be held in Beading English Literature Drawing Book Keeping Botany or Agriculture ft is expected that throughout the course pupils completed what for Pert of Junior Leaving standing at least two halt hours per week shall be given regularly to Reading Drawing Book Keeping Botany or by the teacher to pupils enroll- Form of the High or Form the School- The course THE CHEAP STORE More Help Better Service We expect to have or more Salespeople in our Grocery every Saturday in j future so that customers will now be served quickly without any or very littla waiyng Our- claim is that we sell Groceries c on the whole cheaper than any other retail store in Can- and we think the tremendous increase of business in this Dept fully substantiates the claim Coupled with this you have our guarantee of Pure Fresh Groceries and money refund- if you are not entirely satisfied If you are not a customer we ask you to compare the following prices with what you have been paying Trie same proportionate reduction from what you have been used to paying applies all through the Department Chalmers Gelatine per package Cross Biackwell Orange Marmalade Currants and Raisins per lb 5 Lemon Peel per lb Finnan per tin Rice Royal Yeast per box Baking Soda per lb Kitchen Queen Baking Powder in lb tins per tin Bright Yellow Sugar lbs for 1 Best Granulated Sugar lbs lor Epps Cocoa lb tins 25c Package or Bulk Teas per lb do do do do 50c do do English Breakfast Coffee Extracts guaranteed the best Rolled Oats lbs for Pickling Spice per lb Cloves and Cinnamon per lb Black Pepper do Ground Mustard do Nutmegs per 9 Allspice pure and the best Pure Jelly Powder 00 10 40 Kippered Herring per tin v Corned Beef per tin Boneless Turkey per tin 20 Cross Biackwell Pickles i Vinegar per gallon Borax per lb Washing Soda per lb Laundry Starch per lb Surprise Soap and Comfort Soap o I grounds again year 1 what taken up In tie Oatmeal Bar Toilet Soap James Dome Leap per bo Matches per box Z Lard per lb Salt to lbs for

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