Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 8 Sep 1899, p. 2

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Roche Co ID Jan McLaughlin Cunt ftCardof John Greenwood Rent- A Lloyd Stabling J Mm Scott So Column POINTS Metropolitan Electric Co fry OpCDW CAR per day TIME TABLE North Toronto fit V am pm pm ft Hi- am 16 pm Return Fare either way it- he LETS UP I BUT MID Printed FRIDAY via Growing Time in Canada ifl the of a book just by It is only arttstio information regarding grow- trade of Canada under Liberal rule surprising to own people add a at telling advertisement for the country Mr Wilson If spending in Town boyi spent Labor Day iho city illaa Mary lJoyd for vacation Mr It of was visiting here week Mr Walt is rccoverioR from a serious of Illness lira Ambrose Cane was a few days in Mrs and daughtore in Toronto vlalling relatives Mrs Elder tbo guest of to steistics in paper High School had 16 term la it worth while the situation under the cirennv aiaDoaa the maintenance of it I County should ita Education Com to look into the Question Unless more successful for the iiVlaim rrauhe are rate with the cost to the county I have appeared In a Dominion iVv election year Mr James Sutherland the Liberal Whip in the interviewed re KvOently on the matter when he made the statement that there will be no general Hie opinion may be taken more aa it la in aooord with from We add that In caae the intended to make an early appeal to the country they would not now bo arranging for I i il i Km Tut appointed to range a treaty with the Indiana of the Peace are to return to Ottawa in a day or two with their mis sion The In diana covered by thiB new treaty Include three different tribes Wood Crees Bear and the who are engaged chiefly in hunting and trapping For the rights surrender the Government we understood Canada to pay a of per head and an annuity of The first years payment and bonus was paid by the Commissioners and the bargain sealed way dealing with the aborigines is Arthur Cookerlll spent a few day a her mother the past week Miss leaves on Monday lor another year at Whitby College Arthurs and of Winni peg aro visiting at Mr r Lyman of Toronto in town last Saturday calling on friends Miss Dudley from is the of her Bister C- Mrs baa from where she has been visiting her brother Maggie and May spent over Sunday in oily with their Cane and Cane have returned from a visit with Mr and Speight spent over Sunday with her mother Mra Miss has just returned from Toronto where she baa been staying for some time Mr or Philadelphia is here visiting with hie cousin Mr Keg Etta baa gone to Brace- bridge where she to spend time leaching Master Irvine Boss has returned from after a very pleasant visit Mr Mr Edgar left on Monday to lake course at the Central Business College Toronto Mr and family of Bradford spent over Sunday with bis brother Mr- Millard Ave Mrs left of Monday for to spend a month with her daughter Mrs John Ball Adams of Watford cooaln of here on a yislt a couple of days ibis week Mr Height of Chicago spending a couple of weeks with mother very poorly Miss Eva and May Cookerlll are spending a few days in Toronto this week visiting with Miss Canner Mrs Smith of St Catharines is friends in town this week the guest of Hughes Rev Mr MoGlflivray Presbyterian Pastor returned to To wn last week and resumed his work on Sunday Mr James Barry jr of Robert Co bakera Toronto spent Labor Day with bis aunt Mrs Park Mr J A Collins entertained Bun- day Class at tea on Monday evening and a very pleSsant time was spent Mrs J of Ottawa and Mrs of Pine Orchard were of Mrs Murray Niagara at this week Cornell of Owen Bound of Mr- Jackson was visiting at The Bowery two or three this week Mrs Darius Morton of North bury left on Wednesday for Lexington Huron week Cooker til and wife are ylsltlng at his fathers on QccPriri for a Mr and Mrs were Homo with friends Miss Fanny of sister Mrs Selby Driver a visit for Father LaborfaootPeaotstwas the of a day or two this week Hill and Utile Pearson have returned from their months Vials to Miss Ella Cody Kindergarten teacher at Toronto returned to duties this Mr Montgomery of the Ontario Bank at Port Arthur here on a visit week Mr Lundy editor of the Aurora Ban- Jo Town Wednesday and gavo the ffcptlurOonwlip a yacht to Halifax Monday having a picnic two yoro caught in a gale mid aovon mori saving a wall as BM John of j the Iobs of his barns 1 bushels of grain and hay His was A was and the fire is suppos ed to have been started from the fire There waB some Mr Aqullla the ton- aorlal artist has recovered from recent illness and la back to business again Mr J and family returned from on Wednesday where they spent the summer on their Mr Fred is able to be aroond again He sprained his leg la the dark one evening and he was obliged to have It ban- In splints Mr and Mrs W Caldwell of Chicago brother of the Caldwell are spending a few daye with their Mrs M W Mrs Hill of Hillside of the Rev BU1 and Hugh Taylor of are a week at Mr Codys Church Street Miss Wright of who has been the guest of Mrs for the past five weeks leaves tor Toronto tomor row where she will visit a week before re- turning borne In speaking of rendered by Rev P A In Orltlla during his Rev Burns saya The Rev P A discharged the duties of preacher and paator to the entire satis faction of and minister ser mons were able earnest helpful Mr is a soninlaw of Mr Wm Low of thia town Warden and a number of the Newmarket boys went to Markham Labor Day to Bee the boys lay out the Kirns in a score of to old Talagoo trio Kelly and the two were the life of the game and their grand combination play Is what told on the score There was a big crowd ot spectators By the of the arbitrators Mark- bam wine the Championship of the Province A new legal firm under the name of Denton Dunn A has been form ed In Toronto Mr Frank Denton the new member of the firm waa formerly a mem- of the firm of Denton MoDonald Tub other two members are Herbert Dunn who have in partnership for the past year and have carried on their business in the Man ning Arcade The new firm will have Us offices in Temple building A despatch from savd The Lake of the Woods elevator has taken iu over bushels of wheat on Saturday and during the five days previous A number of have finished all their threshing and wheat is turning ont from to bushels per aore All other crops are also good St Marys Ont Sept A sad accident occurred this evening in the J Moore Cos planing mill by which the 13yearold son of Robert Moore of lost his riht arm In ascending the stairway ing to the flat he in some way Caught in the belting nearby and into the of a dovetailing machine which cut the arm off close to the shoulder before ho could bo res cued CLOTH w This ia generally the slackest month in the year but we have had no quiet times When you run over the prices below you will readily see why the people come to us when they want uptodate clothing at the lowest prices Boys Short Pants just the thing for School at 50 Boys 2 piece strong Tweed Suits at 150 250 Boys piece Suits regular line snaps at Boys piece DoubleBreasted Suits new fall goods i 4 Mens Suits a few of our 500 lines left they go for Mens Neat Fitting Dark Tweed Suits regular 690 line at 5 25 Mens Grey Tweed Suits all sizes regular 725 line at 5 New Lines in Mens Odd Pants the best value we have ever had at J Pasture Fields TO LET FOR THE SEASON A Few Blanehfopd Churns Our own make the best used around here on Bale DRESS GOODS Our new fall Dress Goods are arriving We have just placed several extra fine pieces of Black Goods on our shelves at these prices Black Figured Dress Goods special value at o Black Fancy Figured Cord regular price at o 45 Black Ottoman Cord cannot be beat at o Several pieces of the Famous Gold Medal Goods which we hadsuch a success with last season at 45c and better than arbitrarily driving them back into the interior by force and Indian Mich impend with ware and not nearly expensive Lord residence at St Petersburg as British Ambassador there were four attempts upon the life of the Tsar Alexander the last being suc cessful- In an to appear in the September Issue of Tkt Youths Com ponton Lord recall that period of Nihilist activity in the Russian Agricultural Society will hold its annual plowing match Nov Letters of administration were being sought for in estates of the late J ohn of King Township valued at The Alton Tsoabt Married at the of the brides father Mr Manning Toronto Dr A F Tegart of Bchomberg to Mies Manning Thursday Flood At St churoh Toronto on Tuesday the of by bis the Niagara by the Rev Sidney Goodman Joseph Walker to Flora Evangeline eldest daughter of lato Richard Flood Newmarket Tomb In Aurora on Mary Ann Morris years On Prospect Ave Newmarket of Mr Herbert MoCarten aged months and daya Hall In Aurora on August after a long illness Mrs Mary Churoh Hall died at the residence of Dr Hillary here aged years Deceased had been a resident of Aurora over thirty years boots BOOTS SHO School opens on Tuesday and your children must We have prepared for them have Boys Neat Lace Boots good value at Saturday Girls Pebbled Lace Boots all right for school purposes at o 95 Mens Fine Buff Lace Boots good value at 150 for Womens India Kid Button patent tip at 1 Womens India Kid Oxfords special value at CROCKERY Greatest variety in North York dozen Cups and Saucers printed ware wheat sheaf pattern or plain white the best of Ironstone China Imported all at 65c dozen this month H E The Hamilton makes this allusion to the Toronto World sensation artiole about the retirement of Premier Hardy from the Ontario Mr Hardy Is doubtless very grateful to Mr Maclean of the Toronto World for unselfish and totally disinterested efforts to provide for the of himself and hie Mr Hardy has in the past been so and opinionated that he de clined to Mr Maclean as a guide and friend and be never so far as we have heard intimated that his fa the Macleaue good judgment or honesty has creased Perhaps it may be that Mr Hardy will choose to ignore tbe gratuitous advioe of Mr Maclean and range his own A determination would not surprise us V- A lati issue of London Tim i makes the following announcement respect tog a Welsh delegation to this Dominion the Interior of Canada Through the High for the Dominion and the Canadian Government agent In Wales has extended an Invitation to Mr LloydGeorge Mr J land agent of Mr Llewellyn Canada The bus accepted and they will sml from Liverpool on board the Allan Bo on Aug The form- in a the deputation who are well known in Wales will have an opportunity of wit- the progress that baa made in Canada in rcent years and of becoming aoqnted with the advantages to settlers of the right and they will be able to for the success at tended settlement of families in Afferent pans Dominion The re- tbtir experience wit be awaited ft Master Boy is back home four weeks at King City and a week with is Arthur Web Katie Smith of St Catherines daughter Rev Smith was the of Pretty a couple of days this Mr OBrien of the Timet staff Kings- a call last on bis way to visit his Mr Vanluven at Pine Orchard Mr and wife St Thomas are visiting in town also spend log a few days with hit lister In King Mrs Webster Mr Ed of New York was here on to see hit brother Mr Andrew Stouffer was laid tip a few with summer complaint Dr Ed Olivet and wife ot Almonte who have been visiting his parents Mr and Oliver both here and at Orchard Beach left for home this week Mra Geo Wright of sister of Is bare on a visit Mr Hy and wife parents of Mrs were also here over Sun day A couple of the Rochester capitalists and Mr Manager in Toronto of the Office Specialty Co were hereon Wed looking after the new building operations and new machinery Mr Ed of the Brooklyn formerly of Ess was In town on Tuesday calling on boys He fa looking well and appears to be doing well in Sams territory Wilson arrived here from Sheridan Tuesday and in tends to remain till after the Newmarket Fair He resides miles away and says ha litre without the Heavy rains have benefited the in Central India though other portions of the country are still suffer ing from drouth A convention of North Ontario Conservatives to nominate a candidate for the House of Commons will be held at on Sept 18 Admiral Dewey is slightly indis posed at present and intends to live ashore daring stay at where he is being warmly welcomed John of will be laid up for a or two with a crushed foot He let a heavy flag stone fall on it when at Jonathan Kerseys farm planing mill of John at was completely destroyed by fire at 12 together with a quantity of lumber The storehouse adjacent was saved by the vigorous efforts of the firemen The loss Insured for Hear Jacksons Point on Wed nesday Aug SO John infant eon of Rev Wallace aged months At his fathers residence Brad ford Monday September in the year of his age Allan Martin son of Allan and Rachel McLean In East on the of Aug beloved wife of John Greenwood Br aged years and 11 months was interred at Cemetery Mr and Mrs married at St Pauls Newmarket by Canon Street yearn ago Only three children out of a family of sight sur vive her Moving I Mr Walter Rogers was Town on WW celling on He is over SjJiW from Chicago on a visit for a few weeks Ninetyfive per cent of the wheat crop is Raved in good con- His mothe who resides in Toronto has just returned from New- York where she was visiting her sister lor They expeot to attend Newmarket Fair The Colt In on Aug to Mr and Mrs a son At Albert on Aug to Mr and Mrs Geo a eon the of East Sept the wife of Mr New ton of a daughter Leading Furniture ami a Undertaking House Furnitures Main St North AH Orders will rrvclvo Prompt With the summer half over are looking around for room to put the new arrivals of Fall Goods The way to make room is to push out the Warm Weather Goods The Uarohiag ia ftloea and the way for you to judge of values is to come and examine the goods We cannot say how goods wMl be here as the price we have put upon them should make then go in double quick time In Every Department the Prices Have Been Mercilessly Clipped Jost opened oat Puces New Patterns at yard Spring Roller Blinds complete with pulls for Figured Skirts just opened out at Mens Cotton Underwear at regular price Underwear at price pair Cotton at a pair at CLOTHING Summer Weight Goods must be sold Black and Grey Luster Coats for Mens Suite for regular Mens Rood strong Tweed Suits price 6 Mens Weight allwool Suits price 750 Mens Black Suits for price 10 Mens Worsted well made nice patterns a pair regular price 20 pair Mens Good Strong Tweed at pair Boys Suits sizes to for 126 prioe 2 pott the Dining One wants aa outfit Of course you want rioh and heavy Carol- for this apartment can suit yon majority able is not the case- Therefore we are now selling the offering of dlnlbg room sets ever shown- Xhe values are unparalleled Styles in 1 Opposite Royal Hotel lOpieoea of Check Ginghams and Shirtings at a yd fast colors Colored Sateens at yd price 12c Wool Finish Cloth double fold at per yard 1000 yards of Colored and White Muslins all one price at per yard yards of Prints good patterns at per yard of Print wide at a yard reg price 1ijc Apron inohea wide fancy borders at Extra Heavy Sheeting two wide at 15o a yards good Heavy Moleskin at a yard Figured Lustres inches wide at per yard 10 pieces Colored Dress Goods at a yard regular price per yard Fancy stripe Skirting a yard regular price Cream Nuns Veiling at per yard pairs Ladies Corsets odd lines regular price and all at one price a pair Ladies at price and dor Ladies Vests at a piece doz Ladies Vests half sleeves at 10c Ladies Misses and Childrens Cotton Hose at a pair yards Silk Ribbons at yard regular price 10 and I I I Bargains in Ladies Parasols Bleached Table Linen at per yard regular V price per yard inch Bleached Table Linen 40o regular price Curtains yards long at a pair Curtains at a pair Large size Colored Damask Table at ular price A Bargains iu Shoes 100 pair of Ladies Blaok and Oxfords at a pair regular price 1 and a pair Ladies pat Buttoned and 1 Mioses Buff Oxfords at a pair price Mens Kid Boots or for Mens Buff Laced Boots per pair Mens Canvas Shoes at 50c per pair with theextreme low price wo sell get Extra Quality Money back if not satisfied

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