Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 1 Sep 1899, p. 8

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v I Is out of order HdiH himxi or Constipation of Hoods Pills On retiring and tomorrow your festive organs wilt be regulated and yon will be bright active and ready for any kind of work has been too experience of other It will be yours PILLS are told fay all medicine Standard Canada HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Paid dp Reserved Fund Total A BRADFORD re ward rates r and up- therein the- make a specialty of Discounting Farmers Holes And LOWEST RATES For further I to JOHN A mill Bradford ARE YOU INSURED S ife CO ESTABLISHED Total Assurance in force over over Annual Revenue over 500000 Clairna paid by and Matured over WHAT AND TO A now front is put in the store vacated by Brown Mills Mr and Mrs Agnew and daughter of are spending several days among friends and ac quaintances in -fetiqiidre- received that ft apark from a pacing train had apt- flWtO north of here got mob ier and ataried for the of the fire- with the hand car While on their way up they were met by an engine at a high rate of speed and had time to stop and got off the car before car was upon thorn hand ear was knock- off the track and HILL expectant Mrs Elder and eon of Toronto husband is at present employed by some Company in South i Mr and Mrs Coombs expect to bo Africa is spending a week settled in their now home by the end of Mr and Mrs Harris prop of this week Both will be very much missed here as their ability and willingness to assist in all good work the Georges Hotel will not soon bo forgotten leave hero with esteem and good Perhaps saddest death among j lj wishes of all our citizens and wo are the many deaths of this summer was nt I that of of the Hill loss will bo King Last April a more healthy gain and robust young man of with greater possibilities of a noble and useful life could not he round In May ho became an unhappy victim of the dreaded disease Diabetia From that he gradually weaker with neither pain or until last week That strong physical frame of ICO lbs was reduced to a mere skele ton yet for him whose hopes centered far boyond Iho transitory af faire of and sense the swift tho king of terrors brought no appalling fears On Sunday inst he becamo worse and fond hearts about his bed aide saw that the end viae fast approaching and about noon on the following Monday Ho was not for God took him Children Cry for CASTOR I A KESWICK Quite a severe windstorm passed here on Monday afternoon On of Vanderburgh Bros and Mr Marshs that were lying in bunches were thrown up ft in air and piled in heaps along the fence On Mr Moses Vanderburghs a wagon loaded with pease upset loador Mr son buried in pease but for was not injured MOUNT ALBERT Miss Annie Terry entertained a very pleasant gathering of bur young friends at a birthday party Mr A Porter was thrown out of bis rig on Friday and badly injured Inflammation ha now set in and bis condition is Mr Fred of Zephyr while cutting shingles at Mr Cookes new mill on the Thursday had the misfortune to out his hand badly nearly severing the thumb Mr Hogg of the Centre Investments in Canada Deposit at for security of Canadian Policyholders over festival announced to lake place at the beautiful farm resi dence David Esq near t road running his binder after dark on the of August was and drove over a cradle A hie itiirthc Men iconic pict ure png yon a of lie write m mi hitrcMlnc letter to Dr It V Pierce of your wonderful medicine ana what it faa me I in October look two and on the first of follow fug I cave birth to a nine- pound boy and only In labor an hour There no one with me at the time of eon- but toy husband I would ad vise expectant to Lake Dr Fa vorite Prescription for it will labor and give greater relief than the doc torn can I would not say anything about the medi cine If I had not used It for myself There no need of suffering if Dr Fa vorite Prescription Is during pregnan cy May God blew you for a medicine that will preserve life I am getting to I can do some of my own work without getting Sensitive ailing women deserve the true sympathy and helpfulness thai can only be extended them by a physician whose wide experience deeply appre ciative of sufferings familiar with the means of prompt allevia tion and cure You may write Pierce in perfect confidence He will send you fatherly advice free by mail A mother will be greatly assisted in ibe care of own and her childrens health by the instructions given in Dr Pierces great illustrated Common Sense Medical This book form- for but a paperbound copy will be sent free on receipt of onecent to pay the of custom and mailing or stamps hipitictii tipples ami in cold Manchester in v going forward by Manchester En a vessel equipped this year to develop trade between the city and Montreal f iiii suburban GOING- s t I to la connection Duma When poem Vnnitr of a weather fine and the busy part of was over the of which lying mar a severe cut in the leg of one of horses was the result the country aide of Mr Frank house had this to enjoy a from being burned evening were served j down last week A child playing with from lo p Tables wore some tnatobes in a bedroom set fire to A t Profits paid polioyholdere The lives of Females Insured without extra premium Children over years of age written at Special Rates Ramsay Manager J Balfour Secretary Hunter Agent Ontario GEO HUNT District Inspector J A BASTEDO Agent on the beautiful in t front of Mr residence and as with the ladies of tins part of the Township they provided lavishly of the things that to make the lace curtains Fortunately the fire was discovered before much damage was done Dr Forrest and Mr Arnold Dunn met at Mr OBriens on Friday The Leading Specialists of America 20 Years In Detroit 250000 Cured of and troubled with r They have a email twtstiog wUipg alight coarEe Jo me Being of yea or you I NEW tb DcsramtTrejUioptrictarapanaaneDtly- I It never return o ixota by our The serves invigorated the Of manhood and men their vigor and ntailty Watisoally tapped by this They rre thewtymptrtm- Kail- tDg fttrvoumes Poor dark circle Weak Luck it Varicoeele Presbyterian Children Cry for CASTOR I A and Dont family as they have so in IhwO dont OuaVito on you cure you wo accept for treatment and of AP and CURES GUARANTEED are feMJSSlONS IKENNEDYrkEriGAN flor MlcBlgag Ava aad SbeEbr St DETROIT BURKE BROS fr ft OF w v7AT5B arid all kinds of Summer of the highest grades- Orders for and promptly attended to and Huron Street a leaparly last and purchased three and however Mere not sufficiently ripe to acres of land to enlarge the cem- palatable which was very It is proposed to bold a meet- pointing to those who anticipated the of the shareholders and others in- luxury of and cream but as on Friday Sept in the this was no fault of Ladies Aid who fell much disappointed as the general crowd everybody made the befit of the situation and offered no complaint especially as the other good things were both abundant and appetizing Tea over E Jackson Esq of New market who is summering at Echo Hollow called to the chair when the intellectual and musical part of the evenings program was rendered The talent was exceptionally good and although some who were expect ed to take part did not put in an ap pearance the lack was made up by others who kindly volunteered for the occasion It would be invidious to make special reference to those taking part where all did so well suffice it to say each was received with applause and most of the singers en cored The following is the program rendered Address Chairmans opening re marks Song Mr McKay Newmarket Solo Miss Essay Mr Song Mr Newmarket Solo Miss Alva York Newmarket Mr Newmarket Solo Mr McKay Newmarket Solo Miss Agnew Address Esq Quartette The Village Bells Names not riven The whole concluding with God Save the Queen in which the au dience joined Before concluding the program however a vote of thanks was tendered Mr and Mrs for the use of their home for the oc casion which was received by a gen eral clapping of hands and while putting the motion the chairman an nounced that he had been informed that financial proceeds of the even ing amounted to about The gathering was held under the auspices of the ladies Aid of the Keswick Christian Church and the proceeds are to be applied towards the parson age fund The ladies are to be co on the success attending their efforts and also on the agreeable way in which everything passed off To Messrs Jesse and Friend Morton the lake shore campers are specially indebted for providing conveyances for large numbers to join with the residents of the locality in making the above occasion such a decided success The of Patents Many inventors who have not met with success in selling their patents are inclined to that their is no longer a demand for them and in this view the general public appears to con our It is therefore worth mentioning that within a month there have been many patents sold some of which have brought their fortunate owners much wealth At the end of the list is a patent which sold for the princely sum and another brought A patent beverage brought inventor the snug sum of while patents for pneumatic tools sold for and a chum for 5000 John Stone sold his patent for door bell burglar alarms for 75000 and will henceforth probably use his own inyention to protect his money Marion Marion Patent Solicitors of Montreal have a number clients who have realized large Bums of money from patents procured by them but who do not desire their names to be published Three girls aged respectively 13 and three years daughters of Mr Thomas Willis of Calvin near Ottawa slipped off a boom and were killed Thomas Smith of St Thomas aged tried to board a moving train at Windsor Wednesday night fell under the wheels and was killed On the same evening Joseph Yates aged while riding home to Windsor from hie work in on a freight fell under the wheels and his right leg was out off knee GloniousflerjuB Comes from Dr of Washita I He writes Four bottles of Electric Bitters has Mrs Brewer of scrofula which bad caused her great sufferings years Terrible sores would break out on head and face and the best doctors could not help her but her cure is complete and her health excellent This shows what thousands have prov ed that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known Its the sup remo remedy for eczema tetter salt rheum ulcers boils and running sores It stimulates liver kidney and bowels expels poison helps digestion builds up the strength Only cents Sold by Lehman Druggist Guaranteed Hon Ross addressed the South York Divisional District Sons of Temperance in the St Hall Toronto a few even ings ago and expressed the hope that all would live to see prohibition in force in Canada as he believed it would be an effective remedy for the evils of intemperance Children Cry for CASTOR I A Joseph Herman Hall farmer of King Township died last July and died intestate His mother Hall seeks administration of the estat This consists of a equity in west half of lot con cession 12 and personalty CUKE All PfililS WITH PainKlllerl A ttodlclno llitolf Quick Cure for CRAMPS DIARRHOEA COUGHS NEURALGIA and Bottles OP IMITATIONS BUY ONLY THE GENUINE PERRY DAVIS Boat I JTghnlOQ ft Country florthora suburb of well known the world for ana many which nor at of men whoa been handed down lo Wry tot the that coupled Dr In wrote hit the Vanity of la Imitation of the Satire of Juvenal ThU with many land marks It must be polled down male way for modern and are both In literary of great of whlah were one outlying reached by lanes and wai While staying In during rammer of John eon hie famous poem and It has neon said that that rauat have been happiest of hit none too happy the grim philosophers will find it bard t separate this man from his well known faannts In Float Bis whole life with of hit favorlM coffaa house that 1 requires a severe scratch of the Imagina tion to himself among the trees and flowers of the coun try and it Is doubtful if nature did glva him muoh enjoyment- Ik Is recorded whenever the opportunity he hastened to the city to with the boon companions who have come down Ms poem rtan Wishes appeared in fata name according to one of biograph ers broke out upon mankind with a degree of luster promised a tit- over all The reading had been familiar for ten years with and other imi tations of Juvenal suggested by Third Satire These two poems were thought to rival the work of Pope him- self and the fame of tbe doctor spread far and wide He szed the moment for the production of his tragedy of Irene and It was brought out at Dane j on February 174 It ran for la nights and has been teen on the stage since doctor attended the theatre every night behind scenes wearing for tbe occasion a a gold hat said be afterward with great gravity 1 soon laid aside my gold laced bat lest It should make me proud and he further observed that when In areas he could not treat people with name ease as when In bis us J plainclothes But the doctors vanity suf fered severely for toe tragedy uninter esting and the would not attend Irene wad relegated to the shelf for home reading and as one of the com mentators of day said In close the propriety of its the rich ness of the language and general harmony of the whole composition were universally admired When Johnson writes tragedy said declamation roars and passion when wrote he dipped his pen In his own heart But the failure of bis play did no appear to disconcert the philosophic doc tor He received about for bis rights noted and he was well assured of the popularity ef the poem which was the precursor of the play and summer daring whlob be wrote It in house at was memorable to htm in later year as one of the last of the peaceful periods of life wbloh he enjoyed in tha company of hi wife The house In which be Vanity of Human olose to the entrance to the Priory and tells us the Town 3 well as that poem was written there re marks that neither of those works bears trace of the Inspiration of muses for the fact that burly doctor preferred society to and with winter returned to Fleet street and presented himself onoe mora among his friends in wboe company he felt more at home than amid breezes of and whose conversations gave him more gratification than the songs of nightingales It was not long after his residence in this house that Dr Johnson lost his Wife Many yeara later when one of asked him if ha bad ever known what It was to have a the doctor re plied with a faltering voice Sir I hat known what it was to have a wife and have known what It was to lose a wife It had almost broke my fapart for Infants and Ciiildrem a harmless for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups It contains neither Morphine nor other Narcotic It Is Pleasant- Its guarantee Is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers destroys Worms and allays cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency assimilates the Pood regulates the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children giving healthy and natural sleep is the Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend an czodteot medicine for Castoria Is 10 well children Mother have repeatedly me thai 1 it as superior lo pre- of good effect upon their children cnption known tome Da C Mais A fioktyn X THE FACS1MILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER courier new The Buffalo AllStee Disc Harrow la only if having upon the loner end of any ox turowo upon the of by root or operator By a action Id and cab Im- to a depth Examine Miicirr fully cOaJpare with cart- J a rav The IS A MARVEL OF Ciilli- valor luade both lines oftectu will even depth the ground it and you will see why only Cultivator with a move able tooth set so the angle of tbetetrib can he regulated to suit any condition of soil can be to act differently ilon requiring it The teeth carried the wheels Instead of trailing behind in other machlnee thus securing lighter draft This Is furnished with frain and grata seed box when required It reversible diamond points for the teeth extra wide points can be furnished famine Hand you will no other THE BEST DRILL MADE The Booster Needs No Introduction Over Drills and Seeders of our manufac ture In use In Canada The only Drill made lever for Instant and perfect regulation of depth of hoe In alt kinds of soil while team motion absolutely correct to eaves aeed as every kernel is deposited at a proper depth to grow Purchase only the beet and you will be satisfied We also manufacture Binders Reap era Cultivators and Pol per as good beet Send Bros- Co Lited Ont Canada ELMER TOOLE Agents NEWMARKET ONT Do you think of If you do write BUILDING THIS SUMMER The Game MS NEWMARKET ONT A mica mine was discovered on the property of Robert Schneider concession west half of lot Syden ham The property been secured by Mr of this oity who will commence mining right away To Good Idut bo Mctued by AjUnflaV THE BamaofWall Dont Stop v I r widow years smothered at paisley by a lamp exploding in her bedroom Scotts Emulsion be- cause warm weather talcing it until you arc cured your lungs and give you rich blood in flier winter It cod Liver oil Iate Friday night fira destroyed the freight sheds of the Grand Trunk Railway at Woodstock with nearly all the contents The loss is to On Sunday night an was made to fire the structure blaze was before it had made any headway and it is believed Fridays fire is also due to incendiar ism St Thomas Aug Mr J B No Balaclava street a machinist employed on the Wabash is laid with blood poisoning Last while cleaning black bass one of the sharp fins ran in the end of hie right thumb and broke off On Monday it sWted pain and Dr was called Blood poisoning had set inland be several days before the will be better EASTERN WASHERWOMEN fltoas washerwomen are the They wash about a dozen for their and as every man wear pantaloons or drawers so that tbey com an to his sieok Ilk a down plenty to do washing Is hi cold water and In strearas The clothe ar pounded paddles shin like front fresh from a The Japanese rip their apart for very washing and they Iron hir clothes by spreading them on a float board and leaning this up against aonwtodry The takes wrinkle out of lb clothes and them quit a lnstr Japan woman does her washing ont of door wash- tub not raor than six high and is about as big around as uses Japanese wbloh Is roll grease and work away with her bar feet Chinas do washing In way washing In Egypt Is usually by washerman stands on of KM and slap olbtbas with a Ilk on Mi edge of running water such fellah wash the out way- Wmenrun4 dirt with often slamming Washington get of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ALL THE Artistic Effects Inside Woodwork Largest in Canada for the of in PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc We and Repair all on short r 1 1 Sons MfoGo NEWMARKET v- The Era Jan for 306

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